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As a disclaimer, there must be many a times when all of you would have

handled a crisis. It might have been at home or at work. The purpose of this
session is to take a stock of crisis management dynamics in light of COVID 19
restrictions in the cinemas.
We will dive right in with the basic definition of crisis management. Crisis
management is the process of preparing for and managing any unexpected
emergency situation(s). It may affect the company’s business, stakeholders,
employees, customers and reveue as well. It is also an important component of
public relations as well as operations.
Now the way a crisis is handled may result in loss of sales, customer
dissatisfaction, loss of reputation, increased expenses and a decrease in
customer loyalty. Quite often more than one of these impacts the company in
the ventuality of a crisis.

Typically, a crisis cycle begins with establishing a crisis management plan.

Japanese are famous in this regard as they quite often revise their plans and
create plans not only for PR related crsis, but also Tsunami or earthquakes.
Untill 15 years ago, mariott never used to have a crisis plan. However, after the
bombings in south west asia and Karachi, they have evolved a lot and created
thorough plans to deal with quiate of a lot eventualities.
A good and a well thought out crsisi plan helps all stakeholders in dealing with
the crisis in a methodical manner. While it can not spell out all the possible
outcomes or permutations in detail, it does lay the broad structure in place
within which one has to operate.
We now look at some notables exmaples in corporate history and there are
astute learning from each of these.
The first one is perhaps the most famous exmplae and is osften used as a case
study in crisis management sessions. This exmaples pertains to Johnson and
Johnson. Now, many of us think of J&J as a baby products maker but they also
used to manufacture and sell painkiller.s Tyelnol which is a pain killer like
Crocin pain relief was one of their star products and was very heabviuly
consumed all across USA>. Now on 29 Sept one fine morning, 3 people dies
after consuming the tablets. Over the course of new few days, meny more
people dies acroiss USa and that created a panic and a blief that there were
cyanide laced capsules in the stores….. blah blah blah

2) the second one is more recent. It is the infamous crisis where Maggi was
banned all over india.

3) the third example if os Cadbury’s where its milk chocolate bars were found
with worms inside. Blah b lah bklah…

4) the fourth exmaples is of Toyota where….

Now, in all of these examples, one common thing stands out…. The importance
of taking important decisions in a short amount of time. And when you are on
the shop floor especiall in todays’ age of social media and internet, the time
available to you has reduced considerably.
And to make this evident,. We are going to attempt a situational question

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