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FACT: “The beauty is our weapon against nature, but it we make objects, giving them limit,
symmetry, proportion. Beauty halts and freezes the melting flux of nature”

By : Camille Paglia

OUTLINE: On the completion of this chapter the students will be able to understand the following
concepts on good level.
 What is the (OOP) Object Oriented Programming
 The basic principles of (OOP) Object Oriented Programming
 Difference Between the Procedural and (OOP) Object Oriented Programming


The (OOP) Object oriented programming is a very interesting and usable innovation in
software development field, in other words we can interpret that “Object Orientation is a software
programming paradigm that helps the programmers to develop an efficient, error-free and
reusable components at the same time, it also addresses the problems commonly known as the
software crisis in some respect of software analysis (for both pre and post).
The software has become inherently complex and this has led many problems, with large
software projects. Thus the Term “Software Crisis” describes software failure in terms of the
following remarkable points of consideration.

 Exceeding the Software Development Budget

 The Software not meeting of full-filling the needs of Clients & Customers.
 Unexpected Bugs in the Software.

The (OOP) Object Oriented Programming is really a Paradigm that deals with the “Concept Of
Objects” in order to develop the programs and software applications. It is modeled around the
Real-World (the world we live in is full of Objects) here, every object has a well-defined Identity,
attributes and the behavior, so the objects exhibit the same behavior in the process of
Programming. Therefore, the features of (OOP) Object Oriented Programming does also map
closely to the real-world features such as the Inheritance, Abstraction, Encapsulation and
Polymorphism. These four underlined words are to be known as the Primary Characteristics or
the Principles of OOP.


As we have already studied that there were certain limitations in the earlier programming
approaches and to resolute these limitations, a new programming approach was to be
formulated. Therefore, first of all, we need to know and comprehend that what those were the
limitations existed.


The C, PASCAL, FORTRAN, were all the Procedural Languages, and there is a practical
consideration that in Procedural Languages a program is List of Instructions, so to script a very
small program, the programmers have to create a tedious list of instructions, and as the Length of
programs get increased, its complexity also increased therefore, it became difficult to manage
and maintain the large-scaled programs.

In structural programming we could be able to overcome such kinds of problems by just

dividing a large-scaled program into different functions or modules, but it leads to other problems.
Thus the large-scaled program became increasingly complex and in some respect
unmanageable, whereas in the procedural language two main problems are there.

 The functions have unrestricted access to the Global Data and

 They provide poor mapping to the real-world

In addition to this, there are some other problems we have in procedural languages.
Computer Languages generally have built in Data Types, like Integers, Character, Float, Double
and so on and so forth. Here when a programmer try to invent a new Data Type or a User-
defined Data Type then it becomes too much difficult to create it.

For Example: If a programmer wants to work with Dates or Complex Numbers, then it
becomes very difficult to work with built-in types. Creating your own Data Type is feature called
Extensibility, programmer can extend the capability of a programming language, while the
Procedural Language is not extensible.

In physical world we usually deal with the different kinds of Objects like Person, Plane or
a Car, such Objects are not like Data and Functions. In this complex-real-world situations we
have Objects which have some attributes and behaviors. In (OOP) Object Oriented Programming
we deal with similar objects, here points to be remembered that “Objects are defined by their un-
identical or Unique identity, state and behavior”.

ATTRIBUTES: Every single object has some attributes, so different types of objects
would contain different attributes or the characteristics.

For Example: The attributes of a Student would have their Names, Roll Numbers, and
their Subjects; and the attributes for a Car would have its Color, Model, Engine Power, Number of
Seats etc. Thus the attributes in real-world are the Data; they would have some specific values,
such as Aman for a (Name) and 30 for (Roll Number).

BEHAVIOR: When an Object gets stimulation, it shows-out some response to this and
here the same response is to be called as its Behavior.

For Example: The manager orders to the employees to do some works then the
responds either by doing the works or not doing it at all. If someone switch on the FAN its wings
start moving, behavior actually, determines the way an object interacts with other, therefore, we
can say “Behavior is the synonym to Function”, because we call a Function to do some work in
the process of programming.


The Object Oriented Languages (OOP) follow the certain principles or the primary
characteristics as we have already studied earlier in the same chapter.

01.3 – a) : CLASS

This is (the Blue-print for an Object) : It serves as a Plan, or Template, the description of a
number of similar Objects is also called as Class in (OOP) Object Oriented Programming
Language .

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