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Match the gaps with the correct adjectives.


1. He's watching a(n) ____ film. 2. He's watching a(n) ____ film. 3. He's watching a(n) ____ film.

4. He's watching a(n) ____ film. 5. He's watching a(n) ____ film. 6. He's watching a(n) ____ film.

sad exciting frightening boring interesting funny

Complete the sentences with adjectives from Ex. 1.

2. frightening, sad, boring, funny, exciting, interesting

A: What kind of films do you watch?

B: Well, I usually watch comedies because they make me laugh. Sometimes they're so ____!

3. A: Do you like watching horror films?

B: Not really. They are too ____!

4. A: There was a(n) ____ historical film about the life of C.S. Lewis on Channel 6 last night. Did you see it?

B: Yes, I did. I really learnt a lot!

5. A: Was the fantasy film good?

B: No, it was very ____. It had no action at all!

6. A: Were you at the cinema last night?

B: Yes, I was. I saw The Search. It was a really ____ action film with amazing special effects.

7. A: Was the film good?

B: Yes, it was, but it was also very ____! I couldn't stop crying!

Match the words.

8. 1. an interesting ____
2. an interesting ____
3. a funny ____
4. a boring ____
5. an exciting ____

romance action film comedy horror film historical film

Complete the sentences about yourself.

9. 1. I like ____. They are really exciting!
2. ____ is the most boring film I've ever seen.
3. Action films are ____.
4. The most interesting film I've ever seen is ____.
5. Horror films are ____.
6. My best friend likes ____ films more than ____ films.

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