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How I Have Come To Be  

My name is Jalyn Olivas, I am a senior in High School going to attend 

DePaul University. Some of my strengths include: intelligent, studious (school and 

home), motivated, creativity, communication, speaking, listening, reliable, fearless. 

As told by people that I know these are my strengths. I think that These strengths 

considered to others similar to me are my age. I've been told by many people that 

I am extremely mature for my age. Compared to others that we know or see 

around us. 

Mainly to help and teach others by showing them as well as helping them 

in their health and endeavors so that they can live happy, healthy lives. I value 

well being because if you can't take care of yourself how do you expect to be able 

to take care of others. To use my skills to inspire and lead numerous people so 

that in the future I am able to treat and diagnose people to create a larger 

impact on their lives and the world. Five words that describe me and my purpose: 

caring, ambiosus, determined, emphatic, committed  

The challenge I need to overcome personally, is to get rid of the feeling of 

disappointing my family and friends. It's a constant pressure of not doing wrong 

and making mistakes. I am the type of person to always want to make others 

happy before myself. I've always wanted to help others and never share anything 

about myself because I didn't know how to do so. What I do know is that I strive to 

constantly better myself by never forgetting the importance of having high 

standards, and morals. It is a personal goal of mine to make my parents proud of 

me by staying focused. By staying focused...there is little room to not succeed. 

What I’m learning from this pressure is that there can be a positive balance 
between studying and having a social life. I’m completely capable of excelling in 

school and having a personal life filled with hard decisions that test my will. 

Decisions that a young adult such as myself can possibly make incorrectly, but 

this should not stop me from being me. After my personal experiences, I have 

learned a new understanding of the pressures and obstacles that I will face on a 

daily basis. I want to be the person that others can turn to for support and help. 

Because of my so far success with having to make, or not make the right choices 

in life, I want to be able to influence, support and guide those who are or have 

experienced the same troubles. Life is hard but with dedication and a wonderful 

support team, anything is possible 

My life goals are to succeed in my career and to hopefully create a wing of 

a hospital in the future. I want to create or do something exrotidary to help those 

for years to come. Some other goals I have is to live in a beautiful home and have 

nice cars with a great lifestyle. Based upon my known skills I think this can help 

me achieve my mark upon the world in being able to apply all these skill sets. 

Being able to think and execute these capabilities in my own way will be extremely 

beneficial and a fresh outlook.  

What is most important to me is being able to help and teach others. Also 

with, not only taking care of myself, by doing so I'll be able to then assist others 

in many ways. Either with advice or help in any type of way.My main passion is to 

assist others either emotionally or physically. By wanting to become a doctor I 

think that this will then best help me to achieve this.  

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