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Cebastian Arriaga


ERWC Per:5


Animal rights

The past two decades many writers raised some controversial questions questioning our

relationships to other species on earth.What's the difference between us and other creatures on

earth? What’s our relationship with these animal? On one end of the debate is that who believes

that animals should have a bill of rights.On the other side many people believe that because they

are animals the shouldnt have any rights.Humans have lots of similarities to animals we both

have emotions and feel pain when we are injured.Animals should have constitutional rights and

should be treated fairly.

What makes them different than human organism on earth.In the article “Do fish feel

pain” By Alexander Schwab “Fish do not feel pain the way humans do”.Scientist are

experimenting on fish really seeing if they feel pain.Anyone in germany will be facing

consequences even prison sentence if they kill or inflict any pain onto a fish.When a human gets

injured it stimulates something in our body called nociceptors.The receptors send signals through

nerves and the spinal cord to the neocortex.When that is stimulated it results in pain for that

human.“Unlike humans Fish do not possess a neocortex”(Schwab).If fish do not have part in

their spine they cannot feel pain when it is inflicted on them.As a result fish do not feel anything

and do not have emotions.


The relationship between human and animals may differ it depends on the person.Some

people loves animals and think of animals as other people in their lives.On the other side some

people believe animals should be only be considered food such as pigs,cows and chickens.

“McDonalds,Burger King and KFC are pressured by animal rights activist and by growing public

support for the humane treatment of animals” (Jeremy Rifkin).Animals are being treated very

poorly by major corporations most animals never see life outside a cage they are kept their whole

lives in tiny confined places and just slaughtered it is very inhumane the treatments of these poor

animals. Major corporations do this to save money and make their profit they do not care about

these animals all they pay are the people to kill these and animals and the chemicals they inject

these animals with and the cheapest food possible.In Germany “The German government is

encouraging farmers to give each pig at least 20 second of human contact everyday and to

provide the pigs with toys to prevent them from fighting”(Rifkin).The German government is

encouraging the farmers who give their pigs attention because most farmers do not give pigs any

affection their whole live which is very sad.Most animals in captivity will never see human

contact their whole lives only the only animals around them animals do have emotions also so

when they are being tortured by people just to make meat for consumption.Therefore the process

of producing meat is very cruel.

Many people say that animals hunt in the wild why should humans be judge and

excluded from killing and eating animals. In the article ​Lions Eat Meat,Why Shouldn't Humans?

by Martin Hunter he explains that lions hunt prey in the wild so why shouldn't humans be

allowed to kill animals and consume them.“​It is nearly impossible for a person to live on this

planet without causing some suffering and death to animals”(Hunter).It is very true that no

person on planet earth will not experience hurting a animal in some sort of way.If a person would

kill a fly would you considered that hurting an animal.There is a Gorilla named Koko “The 300

pound Gorilla at the Gorilla foundation in northern california who was taught sign language and

has mastered more than a 1,000 signs and understand several thousand english words”(Rifkin).

Koko the Gorilla should almost be considered a human since she does understand english so she

should have animal rights.If other animal understand human commands they should have

rights.​This is a twisted argument. “All animals absolutely have a purpose in life”(Hunter).​All

animals do service a purpose on earth even if it is a little thing they were all created for a reason

therefore animals should have rights

Animals should have constitutional rights and should be treated fairly.Animals are very

similar to human beings they do feel pain and do have emotions.Our relationship with animals

can be very different it all depends on what kind person you want to be and how you see

animals.Animals should be treated fairly and equally to human beings all animals have

emotions.All Animals should be given the right to live and if they being killed they should be

given a great life before they are killed for consumption.You can what you want from this essay i

just hope i make you think next time you want to go eat at a fast food chain.The choice is yours

on how you want to visions because if you look around animals are everywhere and will be for a

long time.

Work Cited

Hunter, M. (2018). ​Here's a List of the Top Arguments Against Animal Rights.​ [online]

ThoughtCo. Available at:

[Accessed 24 Jun. 2018].

Rifkin, J. (2018). ​A Change of Heart About Animals.​ [online] latimes. Available at: [Accessed 1 Sep. 2003].

Schwab, A. (2013). ​Do fish feel pain? Not as humans do, study suggests​. [online]

ScienceDaily. Available at:

[Accessed 13 Aug. 2013].

Welcome to Animals & Society Institute | Ann Arbor Michigan. (2018). ​Articles on

Animal Protection and Animal Rights​. [online] Available at:

n-animal-protection-and-animal-rights/ [Accessed 3 Sep. 2016].


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