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Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad , lesson plan 1037 for Paper KC-I Theory Instructional aids / tools needed: Oral, black board and explanatory mode Topic: Avratavata ands Chika Cae PA 28) Reference: © arduiguan ait anfeaaci «GH arate 88 datas gao 148 11 tat exer anheditatssrat war — eer fier 20/215 — araatora aereTTTy wrenfarhniats, smaereaqeenta: raigfetatt — oer anaes are: wefan safe aor eae afeieit: — 3 26/215-216 wert © fe arent wal dqbarht weet ard RAR: Sha: eargay F: Rast eter steeper finer | marae, rea, aot eT IRC 11 wramta war: goat: aera: | fart: ert a TROT |IRc4 I aptcaortagmite dary | aqperarier ater aleerftor 12811 © surg weft anger pref: | ‘eterecieen Prema arf RRR LICH ato fee #8 frre fr | ‘aq@ woficrnat freemet faFiotae, tcc 11 swiiverenichdionmenet mari | Gate, seers, WTA) Rena renticeter atargt fer 11884 11 Rerceiserraret TaRTaSSTT | até Goer am ffir ret sera gba: ert Shey 11REI1 aperfr qatar ser: sere: | ger dots Remiteratafooa ik 11 Objectives: _ | Understanding the Samanya, Vishesha and Dhatwadi Avrufavata and its management a Subject points (include flow diagrams & tables): * Good clinician has to observe the Avarana along with the Agni and Ama, With out observing the Avarana in clinical practice, the treatment becomes incomplete. The obstruction (Sanga) in any Srotas causes the disease manifestation in the respective site. When the Vata-vaha Srotas is obstructed it is termed as the Avarana. + Etymology — Avarana means obstruction developed from “Rudh” Dhatu. Chakrapani & Dalhana explained it as “oa fe 29/59 soma ; nat seve: | ves sem > ic, prakrita Vata vega pratibandhata, understood as — the normal Utsaha, etc. functions of the Vata are retarded (Chakrapani) and obstructed (Dalhana). It is a question, how an Amurta is get obstructed and how the Amurta Vata a one another. Arunadatta and Dalhana clarified it as — swtefereh Prydraftentetdeaar géchsfinye: arergT: sere — PY 5/29 — Seem; wh anh: artet one: ‘coer géreay aire Peqert sepa eee maraft qeerreot Gata) — at g F 16/52 SAGA” Gatubhanga of the stronger to weak and the one to another Vata Avarana also possible. Thus Vata — gatinirodha is Avarana and the substance that prevents / obstructs is Avaraka, ‘The preventedl Vata is stated as Avruta, as the only Vata has a property of moving (Chala Guna) and controls! moves the rest. Thus the Pitta, Kapha, Anna, Puresha, Rasadi Dhatu, etc. are called as Avaraka Varga. The weak Vata in araspara avrutavata becomes Avaraka. @ Determination of Avruta and Avaraka: Generally functional deterioration of Avruta Dosha (amrqHate @fsif) and functional acceleration / increase of Avaraka (STE BAGS) taken place in - Achaya poorvaka prakopa of the A lesson by Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad (09633552646/09290566566) — 1 Dosha, With the diminished functions of Vata observed clinically makes the diagnosis of Avruta Vata. Classification of Avarana: The Dosha Avruta are 3 — Pitta, Kapha and Pitta-Kapha called as Samanya Avarana ‘* Visistha Avarana are of Pitta obstructing Pranavata ete of § and Kapha obstructing Pranavata ete of 5 = a total of 10 Avarana ‘© Dhatwadi Avruta are 10 as — Rakta, Mamsa, Meda, Asthi, Majja, Sukra, Sarva dhatu, Mootra, Pureesha and Anna © Parapara avruta are of 25 Pranavata ete of 5 obstructing Pranavata ete of 5 © Thus a total of 43 Avarana are witnessed. ‘Management of Avarana: When Avruta Vata is observed, simple procedures are adopted means not the Shodhana only Shamana procedures or situational management are observed Pitta Avrutavata: As the condition is of Vata, nutrient food such as Jangala Mamsa rasa, Yava, shali usage is beneficial. Jeevaneeya sarpi is offered as the Pitta is Avaraka. Sheeta- Ushna kriya simultaneously done to pacify the situation. Non antagonistic Vata management is offered here. Ksheera and Madhura rasa Dravya are used for either Mrudu-Rechana or Ksheera-Vasti purpose. Bala, Yastimadhu, Panchamoola — in kashaya, Taila, Ghrita, ksheera form is used Note: As the symptoms of Santapa and Trushna relates to the water loss in the body and daha to neuritis this condition seems to be a peripheral neuritis and requires the contrast bath. ¢ Kapha Avrutavata: Nutrient materials like Yavanna, Jangala Mamsa along with Vata hara Puranaghrita, Tila Taila, Sarshapa taila are given. Sweda, Teekshna Niruha, Vamana Virechana are administered. A Kapha hara Vata anulomaka Chikitsa is indicated in general © Samsarga Avrutayata: In any two Dosha associated Avrutavata, first Pitta Avrutavata Chikitsa is followed and later the Kapha Avrutavata management. + Rakta Avrutavata: treatments of Vatarakta are administered. They are — Susruta indicate Vatarakta may have Margavarana, thus the Raktamokshana is indicated where the small amounts of blood letting several times. 7, aIRRa EUMRRCORTATER EMiaNEEDtMETOTCTTUfesRRTTNE 1 TA amfeiremmionnr ofrigers acmas qampt writ | (Su.chi.5/7) later to raktamokshana Vamana Virechana etc are admnistered and followed by Peya Vilepi ete of samsarjana krama, Note: Usually here we observe the pain in between the skin and muscle i.e. subcutaneous along with the swelling (cardinal symptoms — Color, Dolor, Robor, Tumor and Function less ness). Irritation and numbness also associates. Thus the Raktamokshana in terms of relieving the toxins and Vamana for excretion of histamines is useful * -Mamsa avrutavata: Abhyanga and Swedana are used along with Mamsarasa, Ksheera, and Sneha, Note: Here the shotha is told as symptom but the swelling is non inflammatory and subjected for external pressure ~ massage and sudation, only if no ulceration. If ulcers are present these two becomes useless and 60 Vrana upachara are significant. © Meda Avrutavata: Pramcha, Vata and Medo hara Chikitsa is done, They are as told for Prameha chikitsa samshodhana is indicated i.e. Ruksha Ushna Vasti and Udwartana of Ruksha and Teekshna Vatahara Medohara Ahara and Paneeya are given as pathya. — Pp: with seater: gare: ofegdoar 1 aot aa gore art ean eivaorfirwer e411 (Ch.Chi.6/15) amareernh sserigterafr = 1 eater aerator wave @ 11911 (Ch.8u.21/21) Note: Cold and clammy limbs are witnessed along with the Urusthambha symptoms, thus the managements offered are Vata hara Chikitsa — as Ushna_ kriya and Medohara as — Teekshna Rooksha kiya. * Asthi Avrutavata: Medo Avrutavata Chikitsa along with Maha sneha is used. Note: Most of the symptoms resemble the osteopenia as pricking pain either by pressure or without. Here highly nutritive (Brimhana Sneha) are necessary along with Ca supplementation. ¢ Maja Avrutavata: Asthi Avrutavata is done here A lesson by Dr. K. Shiva Rama Prasad (09633552646/09290566566) — 2 Note i is an extended state of osteipenia |e cateaparasis and require the ssame management of asthi Avmtavata, © Shukra Avrutavata: shuksagatavata Chikitsa is doen, They are - mibart grat eryerd fore | faaeunt cer at ape centr Iie fafraienger gahet wrehe frATE | (Cha chi.28/94-95) — 1.e strength given nutrient foods and drinks that make the orgasm are offered. If the semen is not ejaculated looking at the obstruction, Sukra Rechaka drugs ere administered along with the Virechana When the obstruction is relieved semen productive meacures are uadertalcen. Note: most of the Erectile Dysfunctions are brought forward here. Even the seminal defects also included here by the Acharyas such as — Decraadh sperm Quartty usity + Azocepermia Oigosoteperma —Necrotpermia 1. Bleck 1. Genati 1. Vanenocela transportation 2. Drugs 2. Lyrmphangiccocle system 3. Cryptorehitism 2. Compe Mumps orchiis semincerous Incomplete 6 Detects in hypothalemus-ptuitary testoular axis * Ama Avrutavata: Initially Vamana is administered. Later Pachana Deepana and laghu Dravya aushadha are administered. Clinically it is observed as pein immediately after intake of food and subsides after digestion © Mutra Avrutavata: Mutrala drugs are administerd. If not relieved Swedana and Uttravasti are done Clinically anuria is observed along with pain in groin. © Vida Avrntavata: Erenda Taila ete Snigdha Dravya is used along with davarta Chikitsa They are - aedbaty faragerady eee |) aah: fran Remco. sahara eg aA (Su.Chi.55/19-20). The Vata kriyameans Snchapana, Swedana, Virechana (anulomna), Varb, Vasti, ets. According to the necessity. Clinically constipation and pain in abdomen is visualized. Conclusion: Different Avarana told to elicit in clinical area is difficult as they many times appear as pre- clinical symptoms. Thus care to be taken to identify and treat them Experimental | Averanais like covering and directional change. Feel a balloon uademeath a cover and how the air J Practice __| inside shiftsits place with pressure. The Avarana aso like displacement and directional change of anodale: Amoorta Gnvincible) Vate could be understood as neural conductivity directional change / reversal / invitation. (Norma Vata always flows to down ie acons to dendtoids). Some times it is understood as = collateral nerve conductivity aphysiologg cal bay activity to pathological entity “Assignment:__| Check the symptoms stadied in Nidan and application of Chikitea fort “Model Essay “White Dosha Dhatu and Mala Avratareta lakshana and Chikitsain detail questions — | Short ‘Wihite Fittavrata Vate Cailitsa ‘Wirite Kaphe Avruta Veta chikitsa ‘What measures are undertaken when Dhatu are Avruta by Vata Mini Raktavruta Chikitsa, Mmsavrata Chikitss, ett Vite Avarakavarga ‘White how to detesmmine the Avruta and Avardkain Avarane Fillin the blanks’ Multiple choice: see the multiple choice book Alesson by Ds. K. Shiva Rama Prasad (09623552646/09290566566) —

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