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How to Understand Pool System Water Flow Limitations

When sizing your pool equipment, you have to be aware of limitations imposed by your selection of pool
components like pipe size and distances. This guide identifies some of those limitations to consider in
setting up or changing your pool equipment

Step 1
FLOW RATE BY PIPE SIZE - The size of your pool
piping is a major consideration is setting up or
changing your pool equipment. Pipe size determines
the maximum flow rate that your pool system will
handle. The chart at left shows these flow rates by
pipe size. For the more common sizes, 1 1/2" and 2"
pipe diameter, the maximum recommended water
flow rate is 45 GPM and 80 GPM. If you exceed
these rates, you will be overloading your pump's
motor. It will be trying to push more water through
then the system can handle. You also run the risk of
damaging the piping system.

Step 2
FILTER CAPABILITY.- Filters come in three basic types: Sand , cartridge,  and DE. The filtering capacity
of these types varies according to their square footage of filtration area. This filtering capacity relates
directly to their flow rate.. The sand filters in general have the lowest square footage of filtering material
and are in general less able to handle the higher flow rates (GPM). The smaller to mid-size sand filters
have 1 to 3 square footage of filtration area which supports 25 to 62 GPM. The larger sand filters have
fitration areas of up to 7 sq ft and will support up to about 145 GPM flow rate. The smaller to mid-size
cartridge in contrast have filtration areas of 75 to 120 square ft and will support flow rates from 75 to 120
GPM. The typical larger cartridge systems will handle up to 150 GPM.  DE filters fall somewhere in
between the capability of sand and cartridge in ability to handle flow rate.

Step 3
FILTER FOOTPRINT - In general, if you have limited space in pool equipment area, go with the cartridge
filter. Cartridge filters have a much smaller foot print that either the sand of DE filters.

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