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Ag 6
Analysis poem

Karya Chairil Anwar Translate by Pantja Raja

kepada pemeluk teguh To the Devout Believer

Tuhanku … My Lord …
Dalam termenung In desolation
Aku masih menyebut nama-Mu Even though
Biar susah sungguh I face great tribulation
Mengingat Kau penuh seluruh I remember You fully, completely
Caya-Mu panas suci Your searing holy light
Tinggal kerlip lilin di kelam sunyi Now just a candle’s flicker in darkness silent

Tuhanku …
My Lord …
Aku hilang bentuk
I have lost form
Am shattered

Tuhanku … My Lord …

Aku mengembara di negeri asing I journey in a foreign country

My Lord …
Tuhanku …
At Your door I knock
Di Pintu-Mu aku mengetuk
I can not turn away
Aku tidak bisa berpaling
 In the translation of this poem there is the word “my Lord” it is better and more perfect if
the word replaced with “God”.
 In the first stanza there is no mistake in translation and the position of the word usage.
 In the second stanza of the fifth verse there is the word “penuh” which stands as
adjective, while the translation uses the word “completely” the word is adverb.
In the last verse the word “kelam” thich stands as adjective, is translated as “darkness”
the word darkness functions as a noun.
 In the third stanza there is no mistake in translation and the position of the word usage.
 In the fourth stanza there is the word “mengembara” thich stand as a verb while the
translation used is the word “journey” journey itself stands as a noun, it’s better if the
translation use is the word “wander” because it has a function as a verb.
 In the last stanza there is no mistake in translation and the position of the word usage.

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