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Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador

English B1.2

Name: Max Torres

Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo is a footballer. He is a of the best player soccer in the world. He winner

golden ball five times,he had a hard childhood. The footballer portuguese was of poor family.

His objective was take out of poverty his mother. his brother had drugs problems and his

father alcohol problems. He decided to go to Lisboa with his talent and he played soccer in the

Sporting Lisboa. He suffered bullying because he had accent is different and he became rebel

for fend.

When he managed to get in th first team. He suffered a problem in his heart. This disease was

able to remove him from soccer. He always had support his mother. When he was 16 years

old, he overcome his disease and he followed with his career sport for he to be the best

footballer in the world.

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