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my 4 year medical school experience

�Purpose, understanding, self-less love, variety show, anxiety, faith, exams,

sleepless nights, coffee, burn out, patients, CF4, responsibility�, these words sum
up my medical school journey. From freshman to senior year, I�d say I had a
strenuous but worth it adventure.


what kind of physician you will become in the future regardless of ur chosen
specialty (application of your outcome based medical education)

A competent, leading Christian doctor who knows his field of expertise, can
improvise when the need arises, leads other people to the betterment of the whole
community while instilling the word of God in everybody�s life.

OBE is more of what the stundents can do to what they have learned rather than
limit themselves with just what they know

OBE requires learners to take responsible for their own learning and have
flexible, individualized learning options, faculty roles shift to being
advisors, mentors, and guides.

OBE verifies the quality of ALL of its graduates �they must all demon-strate
competence or they do not graduate or advance.

in obe, assessments are vary varied, for such, exams in IM will not only cover
those topics discussed in IM books but also those tpopics covered in other
disciplines such as in pHarma

requires learners to take responsibility for their own learning, which will be
intimidating and challenging for many learners

Students will frequently object to the uncertainty that this creates, demanding to
be told �what is important

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