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Systems for Liquids
and Slurries
ASME Code for Pressure Piping, 831


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Copyright © 2012 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ~

No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~
Systems for Liquids
and Slurries
ASME Code for Pressure Piping, 831


Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~

No reproduction may be fiade ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~
Date of Issuance: November 12, 2012

The next edition of this Code is scheduled for publication in 2015. This Code will become effective
6 months after the Date of Issuance. There will be no addenda issued to this edition.

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The American Society of Mechanical Engineers

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Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~

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Foreword .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Cornmittee Roster ................................................ ,.................... viii
mtroduction ................................................. ,......................... xi
Summary 01 Changes .................................................................. xiv
Chapter I Scope and Definitions
400 General Statements ...................................................... 1
400.1.1-1 Diagram Showing Scope 01 ASME B31.4 Excluding Carbon Dioxide
Pipeline Systems ...................................................... 2
400.1.1-2 Díagram Showing Scope 01 ASME B31.4 lor Carbon Dioxide Pipeline
Systems ............................................................... 3
400.1.1-3 Diagram Showing Scope 01 ASME B31.4 lor Slurry Pipeline Systems 4
Chapter 11 Design
401 Loads ................................................................... 11
402 Calculation 01 Stresses ................................................... 13
403 Criteria lor Pipelines ..................................................... 18
404 Criteria lor Fittings, Assemblies, and Other Components (Altematively,
Criteria lor Components) .............................................. 26
404.3.3.1-1 Reinlorced Extruded Outlets ............................................. 28
404.3.4-1 Welding Detalls lor Openings With Complete Encirclement Types 01
Reiniorcement ......................................................... 30
404.3.4-2 Welding Detalls lor Openings With Localized Type Reiniorcement . . . . . . . . . 31
404.3.4-3 Welding Detalls lor Openings Without Reiniorcement Other Than That
in Header and Branch Walls ........................................... 32
404.3.5-1 Reinforcement of Branch Connections .................................... 34
402.1-1 Flexibility Factor, k, and Stress intensification Factor, i ...... . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 14
403.2.1-1 Tabulation 01 Examples 01 Allowable Stresses lor Relerence Use in
Piping Systems Within the Scope 01 This Code ......................... 20
403.3.1-1 Allowable Values lor Pipeline System Stresses ............................ 22
404.3.4-1 Design Criteria lor Welded Branch Connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Chapter 111 Materials
423 Materials - General Requirements ....................................... 39
425 Materials Applied to Miscellaneous Parts ................................. 40
423.1-1 Material Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . 41
Chapter IV Dimensional Requirements
426 Dimensional Requirements lor Standard and Nonstandard Piping
Components .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
426.1-1 Dimensional Standards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. &
No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of AS:ME. ~
Chapter V Constructlon, Weldlng, and Assembly
434 Construction ........................ , ................................... . 45
435 Assembly of Piping Components ........................................ . 58
434.8.6-1 Acceptable Butt Welded Joint Design for Equal Wall Thicknesses ......... . 50
434.8.6-2 Acceptable Butt Welded Joint Design for Unequal Wall Thicknesses ...... . 51
434.8.6-3 Recommended Attachment Details of Flanges ............................ . 53
434.6-1 MinJmum Cover for Buried Pipelines .................................... . 47
Chapter VI Inspectlon and Testing
436 Inspection .............................................................. . 60
437 Testing ................................................................. . 61
Chapter VII Operatlon and Malntenance Procedures
450 Operalíon and Maintenance Procedures Affecting the Safety of Liquid
and Slurry Transportation Piping Systems ............................. . 64
451 Pipeline Operalíon and Maintenance .................................... . 65
452 Pump Stalíon, Terminal, and Storage Facilities Operation and
Mainten.ance .......................................................... . 74
453 Corrosion Control .......................... , ............................ . 75
454 Emergency Plan ........................................................ . 75
455 Records ................................................................. . 76
456 Qualifying a Piping System for a Higher Operating Pressure ............. . 76
457 Abandoning a Piping System ............................................ . 77
451.6.2.2-1 Type 1 Interaction ....................................................... . 67
451.6.2.2-2 Type II Interaction ...................................................... . 67
451.6.2.9-1 Acceptable Pipeline Repair Methods (Nonindented, Nonwrinkled, and
Nonbuckled Pipe) .................................................... . 70
451.6.2.9-2 Acceptable Pipeline Repair Methods for Dents, Buckles, Ripples,
Wrinkles, Leaklng Couplings, and Defeclíve Prior Repairs ............. . 72
Chapter VIII Corroslon Control
460 General ................................................................. . 78
461 External Corrosion Control for Buried or Submerged Pipelines ........... . 78
462 Internal Corrosion Control .............................................. . 81
463 Externa! Corrosion Control for Pipelines Exposed to Atrnosphere ......... . 82
464 Pipelines in Arctic Environments ........................................ . 83
465 Pipelines in High Temperature Service ................................... . 83
466 External Corrosion Control for Thermally Insulated Pipelines ............ . 84
467 Stress Corrosion and Other Phenomena ........................ , ......... . 84
468 Records ; . : ; ............................................................. . 85
Chapter IX Offshore Liquld Pipeline Systems
A400 General Statements ..................................................... . 86
A401 Design Conditions ...................................................... . 87
A402 Design Criteria ......................................................... . 89
A404 Pressure Design 01 Components ......................................... . 93
A405 Pipe .................................................................... . 94
A406 Fittings, Elbows, Bends, and Intersections ............................... . 94
A407 Valves .................................................................. . 94
A408 Flanges, Facings, Gaskets, and Bolting ................................... . 94
A409 Used Piping Components and Equipment ............................... . 94
A410 Other Design Considerations ............................................ . 94
A414 Threaded Joints ......................................................... . 94

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No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~
A419 Expansion and Flexibility ................................................ 94
A421 Design of Pipe-Supporting Elements .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
A423 Materials - General Requirements ....................................... 95
A434 Construction ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
A436 lnspection ............................................................... 96
A437 Testing .................................................................. 96
A450 Operation and Maintenance Procedures Affecting the Safety of Liquid
and Slurry Transportation Piping Systems .............................. 97
A451 Pipeline Operation and Maintenance ..................................... 97
A452 Pump Station, Terminal, and Storage Facilities Operation and
MaÍtltenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
A454 Emergency Plan ......................................................... 98
A460 General.................................................................. 99
A461 External Corrosion Control for Offshore Submerged Pipelines ............. 99
A463 Externa! Corrosion Control for Offshore Piping Systems Exposed to
Atmospheric Conditions ............................................... 99
A402.3.5-1 Design Factors for Offshore Pipeline Syste111$ ............................. 91
Chapter X Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Systems
B400 General Statements ...................................................... 101
B454 Emergency Plan ......................................................... 102
Chapter XI Slurry Pipeline Systems
C400 General Statements ...................................................... 103
C401 Loads ................................................................... 103
C423 Materials - General Requirements ....................................... 104
C426 Dimensional Requirements for Standard and Nonstandard Piping
Components ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
C454 Emergency Plan ......................................................... 106
C457 Abandoning a Piping System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 106
C460 General ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
C468 Records ... .. .. . ... ... .. ... ... ....... . .. .... ...... . ...... . .. .. . .. ..... .... 106
C423.1-1 Material Standards ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 105
C423.1-2 Material Standards Not Applicable for Slurry Piping Syste111$ From Table
423.1-1 ................................................................ 105
C426.1-2 Dimensional Standards Not Applicable for Slurry Piping Syste111$ From
Table 426.1-1 .......................................................... 105
Mandatory Appendix
I Referenced Standards .................................................... 107
Nonmandatory Appendices
A Submittal of Technical Inquiries to the B31 Pressure Piping Committee .... 110
B Publications That Do Not Appear in the Code or Mandatory
Appendix I but May Be of Informational Benetit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Index .................................................................................. 113

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made ofthls material without written consent of ASME. ~

The need for a national code for pressure piping became increasingly evident from 1915 to
1925. To meet this need, the American Engineering Standards Comnúttee (Iater changed to the
American Standards Association [ASA]) irútiated Project B31 in March 1926 at the request of The
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and with that society as sole sponsor. After
several years' work by Sectional Cornmittee B31 and its subcommittees, a first edition was
published in 1935 as an American Tentative Standard Code for Pressure Piping.
A revision of the original tentative standard was begun in 1937. Several more years' effort was
given tú securing uniformity between sections and te eliminating divergent requirements and
discrepancies, as wel1 as to keeping the code abreast of current developments in welding technique,
stress computations, and references tú new dimensional and material standards. During this
period, a new section was added on refrigeration piping, prepared in cooperation with The
American Society of Refrigeration Engineers (ASRE) and complementing the American Standard
Code for Mechanical Refrigeration. This work culminated in the 1942 American Standard Code
for Pressure Piping.
Supplements 1 and 2 of the 1942 code, which appeared in 1944 and 1947, respectively, introduced
new dimensional and material standards, a new formula fúr pipe wall thickness, and more
comprehensive requirements for instrurnent and control piping. Shortly after the 1942 code was
issued, procedures were established fúr handling inquiries that require explanation ar interpreta-
tion of code requirements, and for publishing such inquiries and answers in Mechanieal Engineering
for the information of al1 concerned.
Continuing increases in the severity of service conditions, with concurrent developments of
new materialB and designs equal to meeting these higher requirements, had pointed to the need
by 1948 for more extensive changes in the code than could be provided by supplements alone.
The decision was reached by ASA and the sponsor to reorganize the Sectional Comnúttee and
its several subcommittees, and to invite the various interested bodies to reaffirm their representa-
tives or to designate new anes. Following its reorganization, Sectional Conunittee B31 made an
intensive review of the 1942 code, and a revised code was approved and published in February 1951
with the designation ASA B31.1-1951, which inc1uded
(a) a general revision and extension of requirements to agree with practices current at the time
(b) revision oí references to existing dimensional standards and material specifications, and
the addition oí references to new anes
(e) c1arification of ambiguous or conflicting requirements
Supplement No. 1 to B31.1 was approved and published in 1953 as ASA B31.1a-1953. This
Supplement and other approved revisions were inc1uded in a new edition of B31.1 published in
1955 with the designation ASA B31.1-1955.
A review by B31 Executive and Sectional Comnúttees in 1955 resulted in a decision to develop
and publish industry sections as separate code documents of the American Standard B31 Code
for Pressure Piping. ASA B31.4-1959 was the first separate code document for Oil Transportation
Piping Systems and superseded that part of Section 3 of the B31.1-1955 code covering Oil
Transportation Piping Systems. in 1966, B31.4 was revised to expand coverage on welding,
mspection, and testing, and to add new chapters covering construction requirements and opera-
tion and maintenance procedures affecting the safety of the piping systems. This revision was
published with the designation USAS B31.4-1966, Liquid Petroleum Transportation Piping
Systems, since ASA was reconstituted as the United States of America Standards institute (USASI)
in 1966.
USASI changed its name, effective October 6, 1969, to the American National Standards institute,
Inc. (ANSI), and USAS B31.4-1966 was redesígnated as ANSI 831.4-1966. The B31 Sectional
Comnúttee was redesignated as American National Standards Comnúttee B31 Code for Pressure
Piping, and, because of the wide field involved, more than 40 different engineering societies,
government bureaus, trade associations, institutes, and the like had one or more representatives

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASlv1E. ~
on Standards Cornmittee B31, plus a few "Individual Members" to represent general interests.
Code activities were subdivided according to the scope of the several sections, and general
direction of Code activities rested wifu Standards Cornmittee B31 officers and an Executive
Committee whose membership consisted principally of Standards Committee officers and
chairmen of fue Section and Technical Specialists Cornmittees.
The ANSI B31.4-1966 Code was revised and published in 1971 with the designation
ANSI B31.4-1971.
The ANSI B31.4-1971 Code was revised and published in 1974 with the designalion
ANSI B31.4-1974.
In December 1978, American Nalional Standards Committee B31 was converted to an
ASME Cornmittee wifu procedures accredited by ANSI. The 1979 revision was approved by ASME
and subsequently by ANSI on November 1, 1979, with fue designation ANSI/ ASME B31.4-1979.
Following publicalion of the 1979 Edilion, the B31.4 Section Cornmittee began work on
expanding fue scope of fue Code to cover requirements for fue transportation of liquid alcohols.
References tú existing dimensional standards and material specifications were revised, and new
references were added. Other clarifying and editorial revisions were made in order tú improve
fue texl. These revisions led to fue publication of two addenda to B31.4. Addenda "b" to B31.4
was approved and published in 1981 as ANSI! ASME B31.4b-1981. Addenda "e" to B31.4 was
approved and published in 1986 as ANSI/ ASME B31.4c-1986.
The 1986 Edition of B31.4 was an inc1usion of the two previously published addenda into the
1979 Edition.
Following publication of fue 1986 Edition, c1arifying and editorial revisions were made to
hnprove the text. Additionally, references ta existing standards and material specifications were
revised, and new references were added. These revisions led tú the publication of an addenda
to B31.4 fuat was approved and published in 1987 as ASME/ ANSI B31.4a-1987.
The 1989 Edition of B31.4 was an inc1usion of the previously published addenda into the 1986
Following publication of fue 1989 Edition, c1arifying revisions were made to improve fue
text. Additionally, references ta existing standards and material specifications were revised and
updated. These revisions led to the publication of an addenda to B31.4 fuat was approved and
published in 1991 as ASME B31.4a-1991.
The 1992 Edition of B31.4 was an inc1usion of the previously published addenda into the
1989 Edition and a revision to valve maintenance. The 1992 Edition was approved by ANSI on
December 15, 1992, and designated as ASME B31.4-1992 Edition.
The 1998 Edition of B31.4 was an inc1usion of fue previously published addenda into fue 1992
Edition. AIso inc1uded in fuis Edition were ofuer revisions and fue addition of Chapter IX,
Offshore Liquid Pipeline Systems. The 1998 Edition was approved by ANSI on November 11,
1998, and designated as ASME B31.4-1998 Edition.
The 2002 Edition of B31.4 was an inc1usion of the previously published addenda into the 1998
Edition along with revisions ta the maintenance section and updated references. The 2002 Edition
was approved by ANSI on August 5, 2002, and designated as ASME B31.4-2oo2.
The 2006 Edition of B31.4 contained a new repair section, along wifu revisions to the definitions
section, expansion of material standards Table 423.1 and dimensional standards Table 426.1, and
updated references. The 2006 Edition was approved by ANSI on January 5, 2006, and designated
as ASME B31.4-2006.
The 2009 Edition of B31.4 contained major revisions to the definitions section; Chapter Il,
Design; and Chapter VJII, Corrosion Control. The materials standards rabIe 423.1 and references
have been revised and updated. The 2009 Edition was approved by ANSI on September 14, 2009,
and designated as ASME B31.4-2009.
The 2012 Edition of B31.4 contains a revised scope and a new chapter to incorporate the
requirements from B31.11, Slurry Transportation Piping Systems. There is also a new chapter for
ca, piping, extracting all of the previous ca, information into a stand-alone chapter. The
definitions section has also been revised with new entries. The 2012 Edition was approved by
ANSI on September 14, 2012, and designated as ASME .B31.4-2012.

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. 6Eb

No reproduction may be made of this material without written cansent of AS:ME. ~
Code for Pressure Piping
(The following is the raster of the Committee at the time of approval of this Code.)


M. L Nayyar. Chair
J. E. Meyer, Vice Chair
N. lobo, Secretary


R. J. T. AppLeby, ExxonMobil Development Co. N. lobo, The American Society of Meehanieal Engineers
C. Becht IV, Becht Engineering Ca. W. J. Mauro. American Eleetric Power
A. E. Beyer, Fluor Enterprises J. E. Meyer, Louis Perry & Associates, Ine.
K. C. Bodenhamer. EPeO, Ine. M. l. Nayyar, Consultant
C. J. CampbeU, Air liquide G. R. Petru, EPCO, Ine.
j. S. Chino TransCanada Pipeline U.s. E. H. Rinaca, Dominion Resourees, lne.
D. D. Christian. Victaulic M. J. RosenfeLd. Kiefner/Applus - RTD
D. L. Coym. lntertek Moody R. J. Silvia, Proeess Engineers and Construetors. lne.
C. J. Melo, Alternate. S & B Engineers and Constructors, ltd. W. j. Sperko. Sperko Engineering Services, Ine.
R. P. Deubter, Fronek Power Systems, LLC F. W. Tatar, FM Global
P. D. Flenner. Flenner Engineering Services K. A. ViLminot, Blaek & Veateh
J. W. Frey, Stress Engineering Services, Ine. R. A. Appleton, Contributing Member, Refrlgeration Systems Co.
D. R. frikken. Becht Engineering Co. A. Soni, Delegate, Engineers India Ltd.
R. A. Grichuk. Fluor Enterprises. lne. L E. Hayden. Jr., Ex-Officio, Consultant
R. W. Haupt, Pressure Piping Engineering Associates, Ine. W. J. Koves. Ex-Officio, Pi Engineering Software, Ine.
B. P. HoLbrook, Babeoek Power. Ine. A. P. Rangus, Ex-Officio. Beehtel
G. A. JoLly, Vogt Valves/Flowserve Corp. J. T. Schmitz. Ex-Offlcio. Southwest Gas Corp.


G. R. Petru, Chair, EPCO. Ine. R. D. lewis, Rosen USA
P. H. Vieth. Vice Chair, Dynamic Risk Assessment Systems, lne. B. B. Neogi, Alyeska Pipeline
F. Huang, Secretary. The American Society of Meehanieal Engineers W. M. Olson, WorleyParsons
E. L Saniak, American Petroleum lnstitute S. R. Peterson, Enbridge Energy
F. e. Bardi. ExxonMobil Upstream Researeh Co. M. S. PickeU, Willbros Engineering, Ine.
A. E. Seyer, Fluor Enterprises, Ine. D. Raghu, Shell Projeets & Teehnology
K. e. Bodenhamer. EPCO, Ine. T. M. 5hie, DNV Columbus
W. M. eauthen. TIger Energy Services, Ine. W. l. Trimble, WorleyParsons
K. S. ehu, Washington Utility and Transportation Commission T. A. Wicklund, SP Pipelines N.A.
B. L Flanders, U.s. Department of Transportation D. M. Wilson, ConoeoPhlllips
R. J. Hall, National Transportation Safety Board C. Zirnmerman. U.s. Department of Transportation
E. M. Jorritsma. Shell Pipeline Co., lP M. A. Boring, Contributing Member, EWI
D. B. Kadakia. T. D. W1tliamson. Ine. 5. C. Gupta. Delegate, Bharat Petroleum Corp. Ud.
P. W. KLein. Kiefner & Associates, lne. M. Qing, Delegate, PetroChina Pipeline Co.
e. E. Kolovich, Kiefner & Associates, Ine. A. 50nl. Delegate, Engineers India ltd.


5. Prakash. Chair, AIstom T & O India 5. e. Gupta. Sharat Petroleum Corp. Ud.
G. Barthakur, OH India Ud. 5. 5ahani, TDW India ltd.
P. V. Gopalan. l & T Valdel Engineering Ltd.

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. &
No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~
J.E. Meyer, Chal" Louis Perry & Associates. lne. G. A. JoUy, Vogt Valves/Flowserve Corp.
N. Lobo. Secretary, The American Society of Mechanícal Engineers W. J. Koves. Pi Engineering Software, Inc.
R. J. T. Appleby, ExxonMobi! Development Co. M. L. Nayyar, Consultant
D. D. Christian, Victaulic G. R. Petru, Engineering Products Ca., Inc.
J. W. Frey, Stress Engineerlng Services. Inc. A. P. Rangus, Bechtel
D. R. Frikken. Becht Engineering Co, J. T. Schmitz, Southwest Gas Co.
R. A. Grkhuk, fluor Enterprises, Inc. R. A. AppLeton, Contributing Member, Refrigeration Systems Co.
L. E. Hayden. jr., Consultant


A. P. Rangus. Chair, Bechtel S. P. Licud, Consultant
F. Huang, Secretary, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers T. Monday, Team Industries, Ine.
J. P. Ellenberger. Consultant A. D. Nalbandian, Thielseh Engineering, Inc.
R. l. Seals, Consultant
R. J. Ferguson. MetaUurgist
R. J. Silvia. Proeess Engineers & Construetors. Ine.
D. J. Fetzner, BP Exptoration Alaska, !nc. W. J. Sperko, Sperko Engineering Serviees. Ine.
P. D. Flenner, Flenner Engineering Serviees E. F. Summers, Jr., Babcoek & Wlkox Construetion CO.
j. W. Frey, Stress Engineering Services, Ine. J. P. Swezy, Jr•• BoHer Code Teeh, LLC
W. W. lewis, E. 1. DuPont P. L. Vaughan. ONEOK Partners


R. A. Grichuk. Chair, Fluor Enterprises, Ine. M. L. Nayyar. Consultant
N. lobo, Secretary, The American Sodety of Meehanical Engineers M. B. Plcketl. Willbros Engineers. Ine.
R. P. Deubler, Fronek Power Systems, LLC D. W. Rahoi. CCM 2000
W. H. Eskrldge. Jr., Jaeobs Engineering R. A. Schmidt, Canadoil
G. A. JoUy. Vogt Valves/Flowserve Corp. H. R. Simpson, Stantee
C. j. Meto, S & B Engineers and Construetors. Ltd. J. L. Smith, Jaeobs Engíneering Group


W. J. Koves, Chair, Pi Engineering Software. Ine. R. W. Haupt, Consultant
G. A. Antaki, Vice Chair, Beeht Engineering CO., Ine. B. P. Holbrook, Babeoek Power. Ine.
C. E. O'Brien, Secretary, The American Sodety of Meehanical R. A. Leishear. Savannah Rlver National Laboratory
Engineers G. D. Mayers. Alton Sc1ence & Teehnology
D•. Arnett, Fluor Enterprises, Inc. J. F. McCabe, General Dynamics Eleetric Boat
C. Becht IV, Beeht Engineering Co., Ine. T. Q. McCawley, TQM Engineering PC
R. Bethea, HU - Newport News Shipbuilding J. C. MinichieUo, Beehtel Natlonal. !ne.
J. P. Breen, Beeht Engineering Co. R. A. Robleto. KBR
P. Caklr~Kavcar, Beehtel Corp. - OH, Gas and Chemicals M. J. Rosenfeld, Kiefner/Apptus - RTD
N. F. Consumo, Sr., GE Energy (lGCC) NPI T. Sato, Japan Power Engineering and Inspeetlon Corp.
J. P. EUenberger, Consultant G. Stevick, Berketey Englneerlng and Research, Ine.
D. J. Fetzner, BP Exploration Alaska, lnc. H. Kosasayama, Delegate, JGC Corp.
J. A. Graziano. Tennessee VaUey Authority E. C. Rodabaugh. Honorary Member, Consultant


A. BeU, Bonneville Power Adminlstration R. F. MuUaney, Boiler and Pressure Vessel Safety Branehj
R. A. Coomes, State of Kentueky, Department of Housing/Boiler Vaneouver
Seetion P. Sher. State of Conneeticut
D. H. Hanrath. Consultant M. E. Skarda. Arkansas Department of Labor
C. J. Harvey, Alabama Public Service Commlssion D. A. Starr. Nebraska Department of l¡¡¡bor
D. J. Stursma, lowa Utilities Board
D. T. Jagger. Ohio Department of Commeree
R. P. SuUivan. The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel
M. Kotb, Régie du Batiment du Québee
K. T. Lau, Alberta Bollers Safety Assoc1ation j. E. Troppman, Dlvlsion of labor/State of Colorado Boiler
R. G. Marini. New Hampshire Public Utilities Commission Inspeetions
l. W. Maull. Manitoba Department of Labour W. A. M. West. Ughthouse Assistance, lnc.
A. W. Meiring, nre and Building Safety Division/lndiana T. F. Wickham, Rhode Island Department of Labor

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~
H. G. Anderson. National Fluid Power Association R. A. Schmidt. Manufacturers 5tandardízation Society of the Valve
A. Cahen, Copper Development Assodation and Fittings Industry
D. R. Frikken, Chemical Manufacturers Association T. F. Stroud, DuetHe lron Pipe Research Association
R. A. Handschumacher. Valve Manufacturers Assodation H. Thielsch, American Pipe Fitting Assodation
H. R. Kornblum, American Society af Heating, Refrigeration and Alr G. M. Von Bargen. International District Heating Assodation
Conditioning Engineers R. E. White. National Association af Plumbing-Heating-Cooling
T. C. Lemoff, National Fire Protection Association Contractors
D. Nikpourfard, National Certified Pipe Welding Bureau R. L WiUiams, Edison Electric Institute

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No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of AS:ME. ~

The ASME B31 Code for Pressure Piping consists of a number of individually published
Sections, eaeh an American National Standard. Rules for eaeh Section reflect the kinds of piping
installations considered during its development as follows:

B31.1 Power Piping: piping typically found in electric power generating stations, industrial
and institutional plants, geolhermal heating systems, and central and district heating
and cooling systems.
B31.3 Process Piping: piping typically found in petroleum refineries; chemical, pharmaceuti-
cal, textile, paper, semiconductor, and cryogenic plantsi and related processing plants
and terminals.
B31.4 Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries: piping transporting prod-
ucts lhat are predominately liquid between facilities, plants, and terminals, and
within terminals, pumping, regulating, and metering stations.
B31.5 Refrigeration Piping and Heat Transfer Components: piping for refrigerants and sec-
ondary coolants.
B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems: piping transporting products lhat
are predominately gas between sources and terminals, including compressor, regulat-
ing, and metering stations, and gas galhering piplines.
B31.9 Building Services Piping: piping typically found in industrial, institutional, commer-
daI, and public buildings, and in multi-unit residences, that dces not require the
range of sizes, pressures, and temperatures covered in B31.1.
Slurry Transportation Piping Systems: piping transporting aqueous slurries between
facilities, plants, and terminals, and within terminals and pumping and regulating
B31.12 Hydrogen Piping and Pipelines: piping in gaseous and liquid hydrogen service and
pipelines in gaseous hydrogen service
This is the B31.4, Pipeline Transportation Systems for Liquids and Slurries Code Section.
Hereafter, in this lntroduction and in lhe text of this Code Section B31.4, where lhe word "Code"
is used without specific identification, it means this Code Section.
It is lhe user's responsibility to select the Code Section, lhat most nearly applies to a proposed
piping installation. Factors to be considered include limitations of the Code Section, jurisdictional
requirements, and the applicability of olher codes and standards. All applicable requirements of
lhe selected Code Section shall be meto For some installations, more than one Code Section may
apply to different parts of lhe installation. Certain piping within a facility may be subject to olher
national or industry codes and standards. TIte user is also responsible for imposing requirements
supplementary to those of lhe Code if necessary to ensure safe piping for the proposed installation.
The Code sets forth engineering requirements deemed necessary for safe design and construc-
tion of pressure piping. While safety is the basic consideration, this factor alone will not necessarily
govem lhe final specifications for any piping system. The designer is cautioned lhat lhe Code
is not a design handbook; it does not do away wilh lhe need for lhe designer or for competent
engineering judgment.
To the greatest possible extent/ Code requirements for design are stated in terms ofbasic design
principIes and formulas. These are supplemented as necessary with specüic requirements to
ensure uniform application of principIes and to guide selection and application of piping elements.
The Code prohibits designs and practices known to be unsafe and contains warnings where
caution, but not prohibition, ls warranted.

1 Incorporated into B3L4-2012.

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No reproduction rnay be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~
This Code Section includes
(a) relerences to acceptable material specifications and component standards, including dimen-
sional requirements and pressure-temperature ratings
(b) requirements lor design 01 components and assemblies, including pipe supports
(e) requirements and data for evaluation and limitation of stresses, reactions, and movements
associated with pressure, temperature changes, and other forces
(d) guidance and limilations on the selection and applicalion 01 materials, components, and
joining methods
(e) requirements lor the labrication, assembly, and erection 01 piping
(1) requirements for examination, inspection, and testing of piping
(g) procedures lor operation and maintenance that are essential to public safety
(h) provisions for protecting pipelines from external corrosion and internal corrosion/ erosion
It is intended that this Edition of Code Section B31.4 not be retroactive. Unless agreement is
specifically made between contracting parties to use another issu€, or the regulatory body having
jurisdiction imposes the use of another issu€, the latest Edition issued at least 6 months príor to
the original contract date for the lirst phase of activity covering a piping system or systems shall
be the governing document for all design, materials, fabrication, erection, examination, and testing
for the piping until the completion of the work and initial operation.
Users of this Code are cautioned against making use of Code revisions without assurance that
theyare acceptable to the proper authorities in the jurisdiction where the piping is to be installed.
Code users will note that paragraphs in the Code are not necessarily numbered consecutively.
Such discontinuities result from following a cornmon outline, insofar as practicable, for all Cade
Sections. In this way, corresponding material is correspondingly numbered in most Code Sections,
thus facilitating reference by those who have occasion to use more than one Section.
The Code is under the direction of ASME Cornmittee B31, Code lor Pressure Piping, wtuch is
organlzed and opera tes under procedures of The American Society of Mechanlcal Engineers that
have been accredited by the American National Standards Institute. The Cornmittee is a continuing
one and keeps all Code Sections current with new developments in materials, constructian, and
industrial practice. New editions are published at intervals of 3 to 5 years.
When no Section of the ASME Code for Pressure Piping speciñcally covers a piping system,
at his discretion the user may select any Section determined to be generally applicable. However,
it is cautioned that supplementary requirements to the Section chosen may be necessary to provide
for a safe piping system for the intended application. Technlcallimitations of the various Sections,
legal requirements, and possible applicabillty 01 other codes or standards are some of the factors
to be considered by the user in determining the applicability of any Section of tbis Codeo
The Cornmittee has established an orderly procedure to consider requests for interpretation
and revision of Cade requirements. Ta receive consideration, inquiries must be in writing and
must give full particulars (see Nonmandatory Appendix A covering preparation of technlcal
The approved reply to an inquiry will be sent directly to the inquirer. In addition, the question
and reply will be published as part of an Interpretation Supplement issued to the applicable
Code Section.
A Case is the prescribed form of reply to an inquiry when study indicates that the Code
wording needs clarification or when the reply modifies existing requirements of the Code or
grants permission to use new materials or altemative constructions. The Case will be published
on the B31.4 Web site at
A Case is normally issued lor a limited period, alter wtuch it may be renewed, incorporated
in the Code; or allowed to expire if there is no indication of further need for the requirements
covered by the Case. However, the provisions of a Case may be used after its expiration or
withdrawal, providing the Case was eflective on the original contract date or was adopted before
completion of the work, and the contracting parties agree to its use.
Materials are listed in the stress tables only when sufficient usage in piping within the scope
of the Code has been shown. Materials may be covered by a Case. Requests for listing shall
inc1ude evidence 01 satisfactory usage and specific data to permit establishment of allowable
stresses, rnaximum and minimum temperature limits, and other restrictions. Additional criteria
can be found in the guidelines for addition of new materials in the ASME Boiler and Pressure

Copyright © 2012 by tlle American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. ~
Vessel Code, Section II and Section VIII, Division 1, Appendix B. (To develop usage and gain
experience, unlisted materials may be used in accordance with para, 423.1,)
Requests for interpretation and suggestions for revision should be addressed to the Secretary,
ASME B31 Cornmittee, Three Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016,

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers, ~
No reproduction rnay be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME 831.4-2012

Following approval by !he B31 Committee and ASME, and after publie review, ASME B31.4-2012
was approved by !he American Nalional Standards lnBtitute on September 14, 2012.

ASME B31.4-2012 includes editorial ehanges, revisions, and eorreetions identified by a margin
note, (12), plaeed next to the affec!ed area.
Page Location Change
1 400.1.1 Revised
5-10 400.2 Revised in its entirety
11 401.1.2 Second sentence revised
18 403.2.1 Revised
19 403.3.1 Third paragraph added
21 Table 403.2.1-1 General Note (a) revised
22 Table 403.3.1-1 Revised
26 404.1.8 Added
404.1.9 Added
35 404.4.6 First paragraph revised
404.4.7.2 Revised
37 404.8.4 Subparagraph (a) revised
39 423.2 (1) Subparagraph (b) revised
(2) Paragraph 423.2.6 deleted
56 434.15.2 Subparagraph (b) revised
434.15.3 Title and subpara. (b) revised
434.18 Subparagraph (b)(1) revised
57 434.21.2 Subparagraph (a) revised
59 435.5 Title revised
60 436.2 Subparagraphs (e) through (f) added and
remaining subparagraphs redesignated
436.5.1 Subparagraphs (b)(4) and (b)(16) through
(b )(18) added
61 437.1.4 Paragraph (a)(l) revised
62 437.4.1 Subparagraph (f) deleted
63 437.7 Revised
64 450 Tltle revised
65 451.6.1 Subparagraph (e) revised

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. &
No reproduction may be made of this material without written cansent of ASME. ~
Page Locatíon C1umge
74-76 452 Revised in its entirety
454 (1) Subparagraphs (b) and (e) revised
(2) Subparagraph (e)(8) deleted
78-80 460 Subparagraph (a) revised
461 Revised in its entirety
81,82 462 (1) Paragraph 462.1 revised
(2) Subparagraph 462.2(g) added
83 465.2 Revised
84 466.1.2 Revised
466.2 Revised
90 A402.3.5 Revised
101,102 Chapter X Added
103-106 Chapter XI Added

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers, &
No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written cansent of ASME. ~

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME 831.4-2012

Chapter I
Scope and Definitions

400 GENERAL STATEMENTS issuance shown on the document title page insofar as
design, materials, construction, assembly, inspection,
(a) TIús pipeline transportation systems Code is one
of several sections of The American Society of Mechani- and testing are concemed. It is intended, however, that
cal Engineers Code for Pressure Piping, ASME B31, and the provisions of this Code shall be applicable within
6 mo after date of issuance to the relocation, replace-
it is the responsibility of the user of this Code to select
the applicable Section. TIús Section is published as a ment, and uprating or otherwise changing of existing
piping systems; and to the operation, maintenance, and
separate document for convenience. TIús Code applies
to hydrocarbons, liquid petroleum gas, anhydrous corrosion control oi new or existing piping systems.
ammonia, alcohols, and carbon dioxide. Throughout this After Code revisions are approved by ASME and ANSI,
Code, these systems will be referred to as liquid pipeline they may be used by agreement between contracting
systems. parties beginning with the date of issuance. Revisions
(b) The requirements of this Code are adequate for become mandatory or mínimum requirements for new
safety under conditions normally encountered in the instaliations 6 mo after date of issuance except for piping
operation of liquid pipeline systems. Requirements for installations or components contracted for or under con-
a11 abnormal or unusual conditions are not specifically struction prior lo the end of the 6-mo periodo
provided for, nor are a11 details of engineering and con- (g) The users of thls Code are advised that in sorne
struction prescribed. Al! work performed within the areas legislation may establish govemmental jurisdic-
Scope of this Code shall comply with the safety stan- tion over the subject matter covered by this Code and
dards expressed or implied. are cautioned against making use of revisions that are
(e) The primary purpose of this Code is to establish less restrictive than former requirements without havfug
requirements fúr safe design, construction, inspection, assurance that they have been accepted by lhe proper
testing, operation, and maintenance of liquid pipeline authorities in the jurisdiction where the piping is to
systems for protection of the general public and be installed. The Department of Transportation, United
operating company personnel, as well as fúr reasonable States of America, rules governing the transportation
protection of the piping system against vandalism and by pipeline in interstate and foreign commerce of petro-
accidental damage by others, and reasonable protection leum, petroleum products, and liquids such as anhy-
of the environment. drous ammoma or carbon dioxide are prescribed under
.(d) TIús Code is concemed with employee safety to Part 195 - Transportation of Hazardous Liquids by
the extent that it is affected by basic design, quality Pipeline, Tille 49 - Transportation, Code of Federal
of rnaterials and workmanship, and requirements fúr Regulations.
construction, inspection, testing, operation, and mainte-
nance of liquid pipeline systems. Existing industrial 400.1 Scope
safety regulations pertaining to work areas, safe work
practices, and safety devices are not intended tú be sup- 400.1.1 TIús Code prescribes requirements for the (12)
planted by this Codeo design, materials, construction, assembly, inspection,
(e) The designer is cautioned that the Code is not a testing, operation, and maintenance of piping trans-
design handbook. The Code does not do away with the porting liquids between production facilities, tank
need for the engineer or competent engineering judg- farms, natural gas processing plants, refineries, pump
mento The specific design requirements of the Code usu- stations, arnmonia plants, terminals (marine, rail, and
ally revolve around a simplified engineering approach truck), and other delivery and receiving points. (See
to a subject. It is intended that a designer capable of Figs. 400.1.1-1 and 400.1.1-2.)
applying more complete and rigorous analysis to special This Code also prescribes requirements for the design,
or unusual problems shall have latitude in the develop- materials, construction, assembly inspection, testing,
ment of such designs and the evaluation of complex or operation, and maintenance of piping transporting
combined stresses. In such cases, the designer is respon- aqueous slurries of nonhazardous materials such as coa!,
sible for demonstrating the validity of his approach. mineral ores, concentra tes, and other solid materials,
(j) TIús Code shall not be retroactive or conslrued as between a slurry' processing plant or terminal and a
applying to piping systems installed before the date of receiving plant or terminal (see Fig. 400.1.1-3).

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~m'
No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME B31.4-2012

Fig. 400.1.1-1 Diagram Showing Scope of ASME 831.4 Excluding Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Systems
(See Fig. 400.1.1-2)

... . . '.
Production field -...... •
. . . . .. ... ..
Pipeline terminal *
Tank farm aod/or pump 5tatioo _ _1-__.......

Production field ~ 1__ .J. :

•• .... Petroleum refinery
Gas processing plant
Ammonia plant
Chemical plant

Pipeline terminal"
Tank farm and/or pump 5tation

Pipe tYpe storage - - - - r--,

... -,
L_ ....
, t. . I - - - Bulk plant

ProceS5 area ._-==:;~""'l
Petroleum refinery _
e -
¡.I't---- Tank farrn

Ammonia plant ---l.,.

Gas processing plant - - - - - '

Chemical plant --...-;..0



-'¡..,--4t-- Terminal*
r--- --r=~
'-- - - - - '

Tank farm, terminal," or procass area

Pipeline terminal,· tank farm, snd/or pump station

.. Marine. raíl. or truck (all ¡oadlog ar unloading)

Onshore or offshore
Piping within 831.4 scope
l Continuatíon of 831.4 scope through area
Start or end at 831.4 scope within plot area
Limits of production lease or field
Plot (or platform) limits of productian, petroleum refinery, chemical plant, ammonia
plant, bulk plant, ar gas processing operating facilities
Corridor within property af petroleum refinery, chemical plant, ammonia plent, or
gas processing plant set aside for 831.4 piping
Property line of petroleum refinery, chemical plant, ammonia plant, gas processing
plant, or bulk plant

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME 831.4-2012

Fig. 400.1.1-2 Diagram Showing Scope of ASME 831.4 for Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Systems

Final processing facility

for carban cIioxíde before
tile carbon dioxide is
.• • --,• • • • • • • • • •

• • - : / Carbon dioxide
r - -, •
field [Note (1)1
transportad outsiOO tIle

production field.
• •••••
Pipeline terminal ~ Carbon dioxide
[Note (2)1 and/or r- - 'V" processingl
pump statioo
•• I---oi-f I recycling plant
• L __ ..Je

carbon__d_io_X_id_e_ _- , / e _ • •
fleld ,...-+-t ..+-1of:::
'---lt----'>..-------Pipeline terminal
[Note (2)] and/or
pump station

•• ••
•: rL
)----t---"7-- Hydrocarbon
•• •• production
!ield for
• r -,-

• .J.
l.. _ _
,_ •• •
• r- -,.
-1 ,-
carbon djoxide
eL __ .Je

Piping within 631.4 scope
=~t Continuation 01 631.4 scope through area
1 I 8tart or end at 831.4 scope wiihin plot area
• • • • • Umits of production lease or field
Plet (or platform) limits 01 production, petroleum refinery I

ct19.mical plant. carbon dioxide processing plant, or gas processing operating


(1) Onshore oroffshore.
(2) Marine, raíl, or truck (allloading or unloading),

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME 831.4-2012

Fig. 400.1.1-3 Diagram Showing Scope of ASME 831.4 for Slurry Pipeline Systems

• • • • •
• r --- , •
I I Processing plant/terminal

• L .J

• • • •

Pipeline termina!*
Tank farm and/or pump 5tation

• • • •
• r , •
I I Receiving plant/terminal

• L - -- • .J

• • • • •
* Marine, rail, or truck (allloading or unloading)
Piping withín B31.4 seope

'>+- Continuatíon of 831.4 scope through area

1-+- Start or end at 831.4 seope within plot area

- Plot limits of processing plant or receiving plant
• • Property ¡¡ne of processing plant or receiving plant

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made of this material without written cansent of ASME. ~
ASME 831.4·2012

Piping consists of pipe, flanges, bolting, gaskets, are welding (AW): 'a group of welding processes fhat
valves, relief devices, fittings, and the pressure- produces coalescence of workpieces by heating them
containing parts of other piping components. It also with an are. The processes are used with or without the
includes hangers and supports, and other equipment application of pressure and wifh or without filler metal.
items necessary to prevent overstressing the pressure- automatie weIding: 'welding wifh equipment that requires
containing parts. It does not include support slructures only occasional or no observation of fhe welding, and
such as frames of buildings, stanchions, or foundations, no manual adjustrnent of fhe equipment controls.
or any equipment such as defined in para. 400.1.2(\».
Requirements for offshore pipelines are found in baekfill: material placed in a hole or trench to fill exca-
Chapter IX. Requirements for slurry pipelines are found valed space around a pipeline.
in Chapter XI. blunt imperfection: an imperfection characterized by
Also included within fhe scope of this Code are smoothly contoured variations in wall thickness. 2
(a) primary and associated auxiliary liquid petroleum breakaway eoupling: a component installed in fhe pipeline
and liquid anhydrous ammonia piping at pipeline termi- lo allow the pipeline lO separale when a predetermined
nals (marine, rail, and truck), tank farms, pump stations, axial load is applied to fhe coupling.
pressure reducing stations, and metering stations, buckIe: a condition where the pipeline has undergone
including sefaper traps, strainers, and prover loops
sufficient plastic defonnation to cause permanent wrin-
(b) storage and working tanks, including pipe-type kling in the pipe wall or excessive cross-sectional defor-
storage fabricated from pipe and fittings, and piping mation caused by loads acting alone or in combination
intercoIU1ecting these facilities wifh hydrostatic pressure.
(e)liquid petroleum and liquid anhydrous ammonia
butt weId (typieally, a butt ¡oint, single V-groove weld): a
piping located on property fhat has been set aside for
weld between two members aligned approxirnately in
such piping within petroleum refinery, natural gasoline,
the same planeo
gas processing, arnmonia, and bulk plants
(d) those aspects of operation and maintenance of cathodic protection (CP): technique to reduce fhe corrosion
liquid pipeline systems relating to fhe safety and prolec- of a metal surface by making fhat surface the cafhode
tion of fhe general public, operating company personneJ, of an electrochemical cell.
environment, property, and the piping systems [see characterize: to quantify the type, size, shape, orientation,
paras. 400(c) and (d)] and location of an anornaly.
coating: liquid, liquefiable, or mastic composition that,
400.1.2 This Code was not developed to apply to after application to a surface, is converted into a solid
(a) building service piping, such as water, air, or steam protective or functional adherent film. Coating also
(b) pressure vessels, heat exchangers, pumps, meters, includes tape wrap.
and other such equipment including intemal piping and coating system: complete number and types of coats
connections for piping except as limited by applied to a surface in a predetermined order. (When
para. 423.2A(b) used in a broader sense, surface preparation, pretreat-
(e) piping with a design temperature below -20'F ments, dry film thiekness, and manner of application
(-30°C) or aboye 250°F (120°C) are included.)
(d) casing, tubing, or pipe used in oil wells and well- eoId springing: deliberate deflection of piping, within its
head assemblies yield strength, to compensate for anticipated fhermal
(12) 400.2 Definitions coIumn buckling: buckling of a beam or pipe under com-
Sorne of the more common terms relating to piping pressive axial load in which loads cause unstable lateral
are defined below. For welding terms used in this Code deflection, also referred to as upheaval buckling.
but not shown here, definitions in accordance with component: an individual item or element fitted in line
AWS A3.0 apply. wifh pipe in a pipeline system, sueh as, but not limited
accidental loads: any unplanned load or combination of to, valves, elbows, tees, flanges, and dosures.
unplanned loads caused by human intervention or natu- connectors: components, except flanges, used for the pur-
ral phenomena. pose of mechanlcally joining two sections of pipe.
active corrosion: corrosion that is continuing or not
arrested. 1 These welding tenns agree with AWS A3.0,
2 Sharp imperfections may be rendered blunt by grinding, but
anomaly: an indication, detected by nondestructive the absence of a sharp imperfection must be verified by visual and
examination (such as in-line inspection). nondestructive examination.

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No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of AS:rvfE. ~
ASME B31.4·2012

eonsequenee: impact that a pipeline lallure could have on experience: work aetivities aecomplished in a speeific
the public, employees, property, and the environment. NDT method under the direction of qualified supervi-
sion, induding the perlormance 01 the NDT method
corrosion: deterioration of a material, usually a metal,
and related activitiesl but not including time spent in
that results from a reaetion with its envrrorunent.
organized training programs.
corrosion ínhibitor: cheroical substance or combination of
failure: general term used to imply that a part in service
substances that, when present in the environment or on
has become completely inoperable; is still operable but
a surfac€, prevents or reduces corrosion.
is incapable of satisfactorily perlorming its intended
defeet: la discontinuity or discontinuities that by nature lunction; or has deteriorated seriously to the point that
or accumulated effect render a part or product unable it has become unreliable or unsafe for eontinued use.
to meet minirnum applicable acceptance standards or fatigue: process 01 development of or eniargement of a
specifications. The term designates rejectability. crack as a result 01 repeated cydes of stress.
dent: permanent concave deformation of the circular filIet weld: 1a weld of approximately triangular cross sec-
cross section 01 the pipe that produces a decrease in the tion joining two surfaces approximately at right angles
diarneter. to each other in a lap joint, tee joint, or comer joint.
design lije: a period 01 time used in design calculations, film: thin, not necessarlly visible layer 01 material.
selected lor the purpose 01 verifying that a replaceable
or permanent component is suitable far the anticipated fu11 fi11et weld: 1a filIet weld whose size is equal lO the
period 01 service. Design life does not pertain to the life thickness of the thinner member joined.
01 the pipeline system beca use a properly maintained gas metal are welding (GMAW): 1an arc welding process
and protected pipeline system can provide liquid trans- that uses an are between a continuous filler metal elec-
portation service indefinitely. trode and the weld pool. The process is used with
detect: tú sense or obtain measurable indications from shielding from an extemally supplied gas and without
an anomaly or coating flaw in a pipeline using in-line the application of pressure.
inspection or other technologies. gas tungsten are welding (GTAW): lan arc welding process
that uses an are between a tungsten eleetrode (noneon-
diseontinuity: 1an interruption 01 the typicaJ stmcture of a
sumable) and the weld pool. The process is used with
material, such as a lack ofhomogeneity in its mechanicat
shielding gas and without the application of pressure.
metallurgical, or physical charaderistics. A discontinu-
ity is not necessarily a delect. general eorrasian: uniform or gradually varying loss of
wall thiekness over an area.
duetility: measure of the capability 01 a material to be
deformed plastically before fracturing. girth weld: a complete circurnferential butt weld joining
pipe or eomponents.
employer: the owner, manufacturer, fabricator, contractor,
assembler, or installer responsible for the welding, braz- gouge: mechanically induced metal loss, which causes
ing, and NDE perlormed by his organization, induding localized elongated grooves or eavities in a metal
procedure and performance qualifications. pipeline.
engineering design: detailed design developed Irom hydrostatic test ar hydrotest: a pressure test using water
operating requirements and conforming to Code as the test medium.
requirements, including all necessary drawings and imperfection: diseontinuity or irregularity which is
specifications, governing a piping installation. detected by inspection.
envíronment: surroundings or conditions (physical, incident: unintentional release of liquid due to the failure
chemical, or mechanical) in which a material exists. 01 a pipeline.
epoxy: type 01 resin lormed by the reaction of aliphatic or incIusion: nonmetallie phase such as an oxide, sulfide,
aromatle polyols (like bisphenol) with epichiorohydrin or silicate partide in a metal pipeline.
and characterized by the presence of reactive oxirane
indication: finding from a nondestructive testing tech-
end groups.
nique or method that deviates from the expected. It may
evaluation: a review, following the charaderization of an or may not be a defecto •
actionable anomaly, to determine whether the anomaJy
in-Une inspeetian (lLI): steel pipeline inspection tecbnique
meets specified aeceptanee eriteria.
that uses devices known in the industry as intelligent
examination: direct physical inspeetion of a pipeline or smart pigs. These devices run inside the pipe and
whieh may inelude the use of nondestruetive examina- provide indications of metalloss, deformation, and other
tion (NDE) techniques or methods. delects.

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ASME B31.4·2012

in-Une inspection tooIs: any instrumented device or vehi- indicating materials to disclose surface and near-surface
ele that records data and uses nondestructive test meth- discontinuity indications.
ods or other techniques to inspect the pipeline from the mainline pipelines: a11 in-line pipeline pipes, fittings,
inside. AIso known as intelligent or smart pig. bends, elbows, check valves, and block valves between
in-service pipeline: a pipeline that contains liquid to be seraper traps.
transported. The liquid may or may not be flowing. maxímum steady state operating pressure: maximum pres-
ínspectíon: use of a nondestructive testing technique or sure (sum of static head pressure, pressure required to
method. overcome friction losses, and any back pressure) at any
integrity: the capability of the pipeline to withstand all point in a piping system when the system is operating
anticipated loads (including hoop stress due to under steady state conditions.
operating pressure) within the design factor established mechanical damage: type of metal damage in a pipe or
by this section. pipe coating caused by the application of an extemal
integrity assessment: process that includes inspection of force. Mechanical damage can include denting, coating
pipeline facilities, evaluating the indications resulting
removal, metal removal, metal movement, caId working
from the inspections, examining the pipe using a variety of the underlying metal, puncturing, and residual
of techniques, evaluating the results of the examinations, stresses.
characterizing the evaluation by defect type and severity, metalloss: types of anomalies in pipe in whieh metal has
and determining the resulting integrity of the pipeline been removed from the pipe surface, usually due to
through analysis. carroslon or gouging.
internal design pressure: internal pressure used in calcula- miter: two or more straight sections of pipe matched and
Hons or analysis fúr pressure design of a piping joined on a line bisecting the angle of junction so as to
component (see para. 401.2.2). produce a change in direction.
launcher: pipeline device used to insert a pig mto a pres- mitigation: limitation or reduction of the probability of
surized pipeline, sometimes referred to as a pig trap. occurrence or expected consequence fer a particular
leak: uuintentional escape of liquid from the pipeline. event.
The source of the leak may be holes, cracks (including nominal pipe size (NPS): see ASME B36.10M p. 1 for
propagating and nonpropagating, longitudinal, and cir- definition.
cumferential), separation, or pull-out and loose nandestructive examinatían (NDE) ar nondestructive testing
connections. (NDT): testing method, such as radiography, ultrasonie,
length: a piece of pipe of the length delivered from the magnetic testing, liquid penetrant, visual, leak testing,
millo Each piece is called a length, regardless of its actual eddy current, and acoustic emission, or a testing tech-
dimensiono This is sometimes called a joint, but length ruque, such as magnetic flux leakage, magnetic particle
is preferred. inspection, shear-wave ultrasonic, and contact
[bie section ar pipeline section: continuous nm of pipe compression-wave ultrasoruc.
between adjacent pump stations, between a pump sta- operator ar operating campany: individual, partnership,
tion and a block valve, or between adjacent block valves. corporation, public agency, owner, agent, or other entity
liquefied petroleum gasees) (LPG): liquid petroleum com- currently responsible for the design, construction,
posed predominantly of the following hydrocarbons, inspection, testing, operation, and maintenance of the
either by themselves or as mixtures: butane (normal pipeline facilities.
butane or isobutane), butylene (inc1uding isomers), pro- oxyfuel gas welding (OFW): la group of welding processes
pane, propylene, and ethane. that produces coalescence of workpieces by heating
liquid alcohol: any of a group of orgaruc compounds con- them with an oxyfuel gas flameo The processes are used
taining only hydrogen, carbon, and one or more with or without the application of pressure and with or
hydroxyl radicals that will remain liquid in a moving without filler metal.
stream in a pipeline. petroleum: crude oil, condensa te, natural gasoline, natu-
liquid anhydrous ammonia: a compound formed by the ral gas liquids, liquefied petroleum gas, and liquid petro-
combination of the two gaseous elements nitrogen and leum products. •
hydrogen, in the proportion of one part of nitro gen to pig: a device passed internally through the inside of a
three parts of hydrogen, by volume, eompressed to a pipeline to clean or inspect the pipeline, or to separate
liquid state. batch fluids.
magnetic partide inspection (MPl): a nondestructive test pigging: use of any independent, self-contained device,
method utilizing magnetic leakage fields and suitable tool, or vehic1e that moves through the interior of the

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ASME 631.4·2012

pipeline for inspecting, dimensioning, c1eaning, or longitudinal butt joint forge welded by lhe mechanical
drying. pressure developed in rolling the hot formed skelp
pipe: a tube, usually cylindrical, used for conveying a through a set of round pass welding rolls.
fluid or transmitting fluid pressure, normally desig- furnace lap welded pipe: pipe having a longitudinallap
nated "pipe" in the applicable specification. It also joint made by the forge welding process wherein coales-
.includes any similar component designated as "tubing" cence is produced by heating lhe preformed tube to
used for the same purpose. Types of pipe, according to welding temperature and passing it over a mandtel
lhe melhod of manufacture, are defined below. located between two welding rolls lhat compress and
double submerged are we1ded pipe: pipe having a longitu- weld lhe overlapping edges.
dinal or spiral butt joint produced by at least two passes, seamless pipe: pipe produced by piercing a billet fol-
one of wlúch is on lhe inside of lhe pipe. Coalescence lowed by rolling or drawing, or bolh.
is produced by heating with an electric are or ares pipe nominal wall Ihickness: the wall lhickness Iisted in
between the bare metal electrode or electrodes and the applicable pipe specillcalíons or dimensional standards
work. The welding is slúelded by a blanket of granular, included in lhis Code by reference. The Iisted wall tlúck-
fusible material on the work. Pressure is not used and ness dimension is subject to tolerances as given in the
filler metal for the inside and outside welds is obtained specification or standard.
from lhe electrode or electrodes. pipe supporting elemenls: pipe supporting elements con-
eleclric flash welded pipe: pipe having a longitudinal sist of fixtures and structural atlachments as follows:
butt joint wherein coalescence is produced simultane- (a) Fixtures. Fixtures include elements that transfer
ously over lhe entire area of abutting surfaces by the heat the load from the pipe or structural attachment to the
obtained frem resistance to the flow of electric current supporting structure or equipment. They include
between thé two surfaces, and by the application of hanging-type fixtures such as hanger rods, spring hang-
pressure after heating is substantially completed. F1ash- ers, sway braces, counterweights, turnbucldes, struts,
ing and upsetting are accompanied by expulsion of chains, guides and anchors, and bearing-type fixtures
metal from lhe joint. such as saddles, bases, rollers, brackets, and sliding
eleclric ¡usion welded pipe: pipe having a longitudinal supports.
or spiral butt joint w~ere:in coalescence is produced in (b) Structural Attachments. Structural attachments
the preformed tube by manual or automatic electric are include elements that are welded, bolted, or c1amped to
welding. The weld may be single or double and rnay be the pipe, such as clips, lugs, rings, damps, devises,
made wilh or wilhout lhe use of filler metal. Spiral straps, and skirts.
welded pipe is also made by the electric fusion welded
process wilh eilhera lap joint or a lock-seam joint. pipeline: all parts of physical facilities lhrough wlúch
eleclrie induclion welded pipe: pipe produced in individ- liquid moves in transportation, including pipe, valves,
uallenglhs or in continuous lengths from coiled skelp fittings, f1anges (including bolting and gaskets), regula-
having a longitudinal or spiral butt joint wherein coales- tors, pressure vessels, pulsation dampeners, relief
cence is produced by lhe heat obtained from resistance valves, appurtenances atlached to pipe, pump units,
of lhepipe to induced electric current, and by application metering facilities, pressure regulating stations, pressure
of pressure. limiting stations, pressure relief stations, and fabricated
eleclric resistance welded pipe: pipe produced in individ- assemblies. Included within lhis definition are Iiquid
uallengths or in continuous lenglhs from coiled skelp, transmission and gathering lines, wlúch transport Iiq-
having a longitudinal or spiral butt joint wherein coales- uids from production facilities to onshore locations, and
cence is produced by the heat obtained from resistance Iiquid storage equipment of lhe c10sed pipe type, which
of the pipe to the flow of electric current in a circuit is fabricated or forged from pipe or fabricated from pipe
of wlúch lhe pipe is a part, and by lhe application of and fittings.
pressure. pipeline section: continuous run of pípe between adjacent
fumace butt welded pipe pump stations, between a pump stalion and a block
furnace butt welded pipe, bell welded: pipe produced valve, or between adjacent block valves.
in individual lenglhs from cut-Ienglh skelp, having its pitting: localized corrosíon of a metal surface that is
longitudinal butt joint forge welded by the mechanical confined to a small area and takes the forro of cavities
pressure developed in drawing the fumace heated skelp called pits.
through a cone-shaped die (cornmon1y known as lhe
"welding bell") that serves as a combined forrning and pressure: unless otherwise stated, pressure is expressed
welding die. in pounds per square inch (bar) aboye atrnospheric pres-
furnace butt welded pipe, continuous welded: pipe pro- sure, i.e., gage pressure as abbreviated psig (bar).
duced in continuous lenglhs from coiled skelp and sub- pressure test: means by wlúch lhe integrity of a piece of
sequently cut into individual lengths, having its equipment (pipe) is assessed, in wlúch the item is filled

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ASME B31.4·2012

wi!h a fluid, sealed, and subjeeted to pressure. lt is used should: "should" or /lit is reeornmended" is used to indi-
to validate integrity and deteet eonstruetion deleets and cate that a provision is not mandatory but recommended
defective materials. as good praetice.
qualification: demonstrated and documented knowledge, smart pig: general industry terrn for internal inspeetion
skills, and abilities, along with docurnented training devices (see in-line inspeetion)
and/or experience required lor personnel to properly soil liquefaction: a soil eondition, typically eaused by
perform !he duties 01 a spedlic job or task. dynamie eyelie loading (e.g., ear!hquake, waves) where
receiver: pipeline device used fúr removing a pig IToro a !he effeetive shear strength of !he soil is redueed sueh
pressurized pipeline, sometimes relerred to as a pig trap. !hat !he soil exhibits !he properties of a liquido
residual stress: stress present in an object in the absence span: a seetion of pipe !hat is unsupported.
o/ any extemalloading, typieally resulting from manu- specified minimum yield strength (Sy!: expressed in pounds
facturing or construction processes. per square inch (psi) or in megapaseals (MPa), minimum
yield strength preseribed by the spedfication under
whieh the pipe was manufaetured.
(a) resistance per unit length of a substance with tmi-
form cross section. straÍn: ehange in length of a material in response to an
(b) measure of!he ability of an electrolyte (e.g., soil) to applied force, expressed on a unít leng!h basis (e.g.,
resist the flow of eleetrie eharge (e.g., ea!hodie proteetion inehes per inch or mm per mm).
current). stress: resistanee of a body to an applied force, expressed
return intervaI: statistically determined time interval
in uníts of force per unit area (psi or MPa). It may also
be termed unit stress.
between successive events of design envrronmental con-
ditions being equaled or exeeeded. stress corrosion cracking (SCC): forro of environmental
attaek of the metal involving an interaetion of a local
right-oJ-way (ROW): strip of land on whieh pipelines, eorrosive environment and stresses in the metal,
railroads, power Hnes, mads, highways, and other simi-
resulting in formation and growth of eraeks.
lar facilities are constructed. Generally, a written ROW
agreement seeures !he right to pass over property owned stress level: level of tangential or hoop stress, usually
or oeeupied by o!hers. ROW agreements generally allow expressed as a pereentage of speeified minimum yield
the right of ingress and egress for!he installation, opera- streng!h.
tion, and maintenanee of !he facility. ROW width varies submerged are welding (SAW): lan are welding proeess
hased upon such factors as existing land use, construe- that uses an are or ares between a bare metal electrode
tion work spaee, environmental restrictions, and mainte- or eleetrodes and the weld pool. The are and mollen
nance requirements of the faeility. The wid!h is typically metal are shielded by a blanket o/ granular flux on !he
speeified in the ROW agreement, following negotiation workpieees. The process is used without pressure and
wi!h the affected landowner, by legal aetion, or by per- wi!h filier metal from !he eleetrode and sometimes from
mitting au!hority. a supplementary souree (welding rod, flux, or metal
risk: measure of potentialloss in terms oí both the inci- granules).
dent probability (likelihood) of oeeurrenee and the mag- survey:
nitude of the eonsequenees. (a) measurements, inspeetions, or observations
intended to diseover and identify events or eonditions
seam weld: longitudinal or helical weld in pipe.
that indicate a departure from normal operation or
segment: leng!h of pipeline or part of the system that has undamaged condition of the pipeline, or
unique eharaeteristics in a speeific geographie loeation. (b) measurement of the physicalloeation of installed
semiautomatie welding: Imanual welding wi!h equipment pipe and/or facilities in relation to known landmarks
that automatically eontrols one or more of the welding or geographie features.
eonditions. system ar pipeline system: either the operator's entire pipe-
line infrastructure or large portions oí the infrastructure
shall: "shali" or "shall not" is used to indicate that a
that have definable starting and stopping points.
provision is mandatory.
taek weld: la weld made to hold'parts of a weldment in
shielded metal are welding (SMAW): lan are welding pro- proper aligrunent until !he final welds are made.
eess with an are between a covered eleetrode and the
weld pool. The proeess is used wi!h shielding from !he temperatures: expressed in degrees Fahrenheit CF) unless
deeomposition of the eleetrode covering, without the o!herwise stated.
applieation of pressure, and wi!h filier metal from !he tensile stress: applied puiling loree divided by !he origi-
eleetrode. nal cross-sectional area.

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ASME 831.4·2012

tie-in: a connection where a gap was left tú divide a temperature, wifu or wifuout fue application of preso
pipeline into test sections, or tú install a pretested sure, ar by the application of pressure alone and with
replacement section, ar in the continuQus line construc- or without fue use of filler material.
tion at a location such as a river ar a highway crossing. welder1; one who performs manual or semiautomatic
tie-in weld: a tíe·in connection using a weld, typically a welding.
girfu weld.
welding operator: lene who operates adaptive control,
tool: generic term sígnifying any type of instrumented automatic, mechanized, ar rebatic welding equipment.
device or pig.
welding procedures: 'the detailed mefuods and practices
training: organized program developed to impart fue involved in fue production of a weldmen!.
knowledge and skills necessary for qualification.
wrinkle bend: pipe bend produced by a field machine or
weight coating: any coating applied to fue pipeline for controlled process that may result in prominent contour
fue purpose of increasing fue pipeline specific gravity. discontinuities on the irmer radius. The wrinkle is delib-
weld: la localized coalescence of metals ar norunetals erately introduced as a means of shortening fue inside
produced either by heating fue materials to fue welding meridían of the bend.

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ASME B31.4·2012

Chapter 11

401 LOADS 401.2 Application of Loads

401.1 Load Classifications 401.2.1 Restrained Versus Unrestrained. The
restraint condition is a factor in the structural behavior
401.1.1 Classification of loads. The design of a
of the pipeline and, consequently, affects stresses and
pipeline shall be based on eonsideration of the loads
applicable stress limits. The degree of restraint may vary
identified in this seetion to the extent that they are signif-
with pipeline construction activities, support condi-
icant to the proposed system and applieable to the pro-
tions, soil properties, terrain and time. For purposes of
posed installation and operation. Loads that may cause
design, this code recognizes two restraint conditions,
or contribute to pipeline failure or 1088 of serviceability
restrained and unrestrained. Guidance in categorizing
of the pipeline system shall be identified and accounted
the restraint conclition is given below. Exarnples given
for in the designo For strength design, loads shall be
are neither comprehensive nor definitive.
classified as one of the following:
la) "Unrestrained" means that the pipe is free to dis-
la) sustained
place laterally and to strain axially. Unrestrained pipe-
lb) oeeasional
lines may include the following:
(e) construction
(1) aboveground pipe that is configured to aceom-
Id) transient
modate thermal expansion or support movement
(12) 401.1.2 Sustained loads. Sustained loads are those (2) field bends and adjacent pipe buried in soft or
arising from the intended use of the pipeline system uneonsolidated soi!
and loads from other sourees. The weight of the pipeline, (3) an unbaekfilled seetion of buried pipeline that
including components, fluids, slurries, and loads due tú is free to displace laterally or whieh contains a bend
pressure, are examples oí sustained loads. Soil cover, (4) unanchored seetions of pipe
external hydrostatic pressure, and vibration due tú lb) Restrained pipelines may include the following:
equipment are examples of sustained loads from other (1) seetions of buried pipe
sources. Readion forces at supports froro sustained (2) sec!ions of aboveground pipe attaehed to
loads and loads due to sustained displaeement or rota- closely spaeed rigid supports, anchored at eaeh end and
tions of supports are also sustained loads. at changes in direction.
. 401.1.3 Occasional loads. Examples of oeeasional (3) field bends and adjaeent pipe buried in stiff or
loads are those resulting frem wind, snow, ice, seismic, eonsolidated soi!
road and rail traffie, temperature change, currents, and Portions of buried pipeline may be only partially
waves except where they need tú be considered as sus- restrained. Pipe-to-soU interactions should be evaluated
tained loads (loads eaused by temperature ehange may to assure that the soil provides adequate restramt to
also be considered sustained in sorne instances). Loads lirrút the movement of the pipeline as may be required
resulting from prestressing, residual forces from installa- to prevent unacceptable levels of stress and/or strain
tion, subsidence, differential settlement, frost heave, and in the pipe and to prevent fai!ure of !he soi! support,
thaw settlement are induded in occasional loads. particularly at overbends and side bends. Guidance on
the rnovernent at pipe bends, soH interaction including
401.1.4 Construction loads. Loads neeessary for soi! bearing eapacity, and soi! springs used to represent
the installation and pressure testing of the pipeline sys- soi! forees on pipe may be found in the ASeE publieation
tem are construction loads. Examples of construction American Lifelines Alliance "Guidelines for the Design
loads include handling, storage, installation, and of Buried Pipelines," July 2001 (with Addenda through
hydrotesting. 2005) and ASME B31.1, Nonma¡ldatory Appendix VII.
401.1.5 Transientloads. Loads that may oceur dur- 401.2.2 Sustained loads
ing operation of the pipeline, such as fire, impact, falling
objeets, and transient eonditions (during landslides, 401.2.2.1 General. in the case of constant loads,
third party damage, equipment eollisions, and acciden- the expeeted value of the load shall be used. In the case
tal overpressure), including surge, are examples of tran- of variable loads, !he specified highest or lowest value
sient loads. shall be used, whichever is more critical. In the case of

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ASME 831.4·2012

loads eaused by deformation, the expeeted extreme 401.2.3.4 Road and Rail Traffie. Earth load and
value shall be used. eyc1ic rail and truek loads shall be eonsidered. Maximum
401.2.2.2 Internal Design Pressure. The pipe and
traffic axle loads shall be established in eonsultation
eomponents at any point in the pipeline shall be with the appropriate traffíe authorities and others
designed for an internal design pressure fuat shall not operating in fue vicinity of fue pipeline.
be less than fue maximum steady state operating pres-
401.2.3.5 Vibration. Loads resulting from vibra-
SUfe at that point, nor less than the static head pressure
tion (including Karmon vortex effect) and resonance
at that point wifu the pipeline in a static eondition. The
shall be eonsidered.
maximum steady state operating pressure shall be the
surn of the static head pressure, pressure required tú 401.2.3.6 Waves and Currents. Loads resulting
overcorne friction losses, and applied back pressure. from waves and currents shall be considered in the
Credit may be taken for hydrostatic external pressure design of pipelines aeross waterways.
by modifying fue internal design pressure for use in
calculations involving the pressure design of pipe and 401.2.3.7 Temperature Effects. The design tem-
components. Pressure rise aboye rnaximum steady state perature is the metal temperature expected in normal
operating pressure due tú surges and other variations operation. It is not necessary to vary the design stress for
from normal operations is allowed in accordance with metal temperatures between -20'P (-30'C) and 250'P
para. 403.3.4. (120'C). However, sorne of fue materials eonforming to
401.2.2.3 External Hydrostatic Pressure. The pipe- speeifications approved for use under this Code may
line shall be designed to withstand the maximum not have properties suitable for fue lower portion of
expected differential between external and internal fue temperature band eovered by this Codeo Attention
pressur€s. should be given to fue low temperature properties of
the materials used for facilities to be exposed to unusu-
401.2.2.4 Weight Effeets. Weight effeets eombined
wifu loads and forees from ofuer causes shall be eonsid- ally low ground temperatures, low atmospheric temper-
atures, or transient operating conditions.
ered in fue design of pipelines. The effect of the eom-
bined weight of pipe, eoating, and ofuer attaehments The design temperature should be established eonsid-
(in air and submerged) on installation stresses and ering temperature variations resulting from pressure
strains shall be eonsidered. Variability due to weight changes and extreme ambient temperatures.
coating manufacturing tolerances and water absorption Consideration should be given to possible eonditions
shall a180 be considered. that may cause low temperatures on pipelines trans-
porting liquids that beeome gases at or near atmospherie
401.2.2.5 Residualloads. The pipeline system conditions.
shall normally be installed in a manner so as to minirnize
When piping is exposed to the sun, consideration
residual loads. An exception is when a designer pur-
should be given to fue metal temperature and fluld
posefully plans for residual loads.
expansion resulting from solar heat gain.
401.2.2.6 Subsidenee. Loads resulting from sub-
sidenee shall be eonsidered in design when pipelines or 401.2.4 Construetion loads
pipeline segments are located in areas where subsidence
is known to occur. 401.2.4.1 Installation loads. Loads indueed dur-
ing transportation, handling, storage, and lowering-in
401.2.3 Oeeasionalloads shall be considered. Increases in external pressure dur-
401.2.3.1 Earthquakes. The following effeets shall ing pressure grouting or decreases in internal pressure
be eonsidered when designing for earfuquakes: during vaeuum drying shall be eonsidered as installation
(a) direet effects due to ground vibrations loads.
(b) indueed effeets (liquefaction, landslides)
(e) effeets due to erossing of active faults at fue surfaee 401.2.4.2 Hydrostatic Testing. Loads fuat oecur
during hydrostatic testing shall be eonsidered. These
401.2.3.2 Wind loads. Wind loads shall be eonsid-
loads include weight of contents, thermal, and pressured
ered in fue design of aboye grade pipelines. Refer to
end effeet.
ASCE 7 for fue applieation of wind loads.
401.2.3.3 lee loads. The following effeets shall be 401.3 Combining of Loads
considered when designing for ice loads:
(a) ice frozen on pipelines and supporting struetures When calculating equivalent stresses or strains, the
(b) drifting ice (river ice breakup or in inshore waters) most critical combination of sustained, occasional, con-
(e) impaet forees due to fuaw of fue ice struction, and transient loads that can be expected to
(d) forees due to expansion of fue ice oeeur shall be eonsidered.

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ASME B31.4·2012

If fue operating philosophy is to maintain full opera- installation temperature and minimum or maximum
tion during extreme envrronmental conditions, the sys- anticipated operating temperature, whichever results in
tem shall be designed for concurrent action of the a higher stress.
expected sustained and occasionalloads. Nominal dimensions of pipe and fittings shall be used
If fue operating philosophy is such fuat operations in flexibility calcu1ations.
will be reduced or discontinued under extreme environ-
mental conditions, the following load combinations 402.2 Properties
shall be considered: 402.2.1 Coefficient of Thermal Expansion. The lin-
(a) the design operating 10ads plus fue environmental ear coefficient of thermal expansion for carbon and low
10ads at the permissib1e 1eve1 alloy high tensile steel may be taken as 6.5 x 10.6 in./
(b) the reduced operating 10ads plus the maximum in.¡OF for temperatures up to 250°F (11.7 x 10.6 mm/
environmental loads mm¡OC for temperatures up to 120°C).
Un1ess they can be reasonab1y expected to occur
together, it lS not necessary tD consider a combination 402.2.2 Moduli of Elasticity. Flexibility ca!culations
of transient loads in combination with occasionalloads. shall be based on fue modulus of e1asticity at ambient
Effects of sustained 10ads caused by deformations temperature.
shall on1y be taken into account to fue extent that the 402.2.3 Poisson's Ratio, v. Poisson's ratio shall be
capacity to withstand ofuer 10ads is affected. taken as 0.3 for steeL
When combining environmentalloads with construc-
tion loads, the environmenta110ading should be seleded 402.3 Stress From Internal Pressure
to reflect fue most severe loading likely to be encoun- For both restrained and unrestrained pipelines, fue
tered during fue construction phase. circurnferential (hoop) stress due to internal pressure is
When considering loads during tests, it is not neces- calculated as
sary to consider occasional loads, such as wind and
earthquake, as occurring concurrentIy with the Uve, (U,S. Customary Units)
dead, and test loads existing at fue time of the test.


(SI Units)
402.1 General
Circurnferential, longitudinal; shear, and equivalent SH = 20t
stresses shall be considered, taking mto account stresses
from all relevant sustained, occasional, construction, and where
transient loads, including vibration, resonance, and sub- D = outside diameter of pipe, in. (mm)
sidence. The effects of a11 parts of the pipeline and a11 Pi internal design gage pressure, psi (bar)
restraints, supports, guides, and sources of friction shall SH = circumierential (hoop) stress due to interna1
be considered. When flexibility ca!culations are per- pressure, psi (MPa)
formed, linear and angular movements of equipment wall lhickness of pipe, in. (mm)
to which the pipeline has been attached shall a1so be
considered. The above equation may not be applicable for pipe
Calculations shall take into account stress intensifica- D/t less than 20.
tion factors found to exist in components other than
402.4 Stress From External Pressure
p1ain straight pipe. Credit may be taken for extra flexibil-
ity of such components. In fue absence of more directly For both restrained and unrestrained pipe1ines, fue
applicable data, the flexibility factors and stress intensifi- circumferential stress from external pressure, Pet is ca1cu-
cation factors shown in Table 402.1-1 may be used. lated as for internal pressure, substituting P, for Pi. For
Calculations of pipe stresses in 100ps, bends, and off- external pressure in the equation compressive stress is
sets shali be based on fue total range from minimum to negative.
maximum temperature normally expected, regardless Offshore pipe systems require additiona1 considera-
of whether piping is cold sprung or nol. In addition tions. Refer to Chapter IX.
to expansion of fue line itself, fue linear and angular
movements of fue equipment to which it is attached 402.5 Stress From Thermal Expansion
shall be considered. 402.5.1 Restrained Pipe. Thermal expansion stress
Calculations of thermal forces and moments on in restrained pipe is calculated as
anchors and equipment such as pumps, meters, and heat
exchangers shall be based on the difference between SE = Ea(T, - T,)

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ASME B31.4-2012

Table 402.1-1 Flexibility Factor, k, and Stress Intensification Factor, i

Stress Intensification
Flexibility ii i, Flexibility
Description Factor, k [Note (1)] [Note (2)J Characteristic, h Sketch

Welding elbow,
1.65 0.9 0.75 tR
or pipe bend -h-
[Notes (3)-(7)] h 2f3 h 213 (,

Closely spaced
mlter bend, cot () ts
[Notes (3)-(5). and (7)] -2- (,
5 < '(1 + tan e)

Widely spaced
miter bend. 1.52 0.75 l+cotOt
[Notes (3).(4). (7). and (8)] --2-- (
h 5/ 6 h 2/ 3
s;:: r{l + tan O)

Welding tee
[Notes (3) and (4)] 1 0.75io + 0.25
per ASME 616.9 h 2/3

Reinforced tee
0.9 (t + 1/2 T)'"
[Notes (3).(4). and (9)] 1 0.75io + 0.25
with pad or saddle h 2/3 t 3/2 r

p 61:
fabricated tee
[Notes (3) and (4)] 1 0.75io + 0.25
h 2/3 (

Extruded welding tee
[Notes (3).(4). and (lO)J
ro ~ O.OSd
0.75io + 0.25
h 2 /3
1 +
(,) t
'7 r --+.- "T

t, < 1.5t

Butt welded joiot, reducer. 1 1.0

or welding neck flange
Double welded slip-oo ftange 1 1.2
FilIet welded joint (single 1 1.3
welded), or single welded
slip-o n flange

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No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME 631.4-2012

Table 402.1-1 Flexibility Factor, k, and Stress Intensification Factor, i (Cont'd)

Stress Intensification
Ftexibility i, io Flexibility
Description Factor, k [Note (l)J [Note (2)] Characteristic, h Sketch
Lapped f1ange (with 1 1.6
ASME 816.9 lap-joint stub)
Threaded pipe joint, ar 1 2.3
threaded f1ange

Corrugated straight pipe, or 5 2.5

corrugated or creased bend
[Note (11)J

(1) In-plane_
(2) Out-of-plane_
(3) For fittings and miter bends, the flexibility factors, k, and stress intensificatlon factors, 1, in the Table apply to bending in any plane
and shal! not be less than unity; factors far torsion equal unity. Both factors apply ayer the effective are length (shown by heavy center
lines in the sketches) for curved and míter elbows, and to the intersection point far tees.
(4) The values of k and i can be read directly from (hart A by entering with the characteristic, h, computed from the equations given.
d =: outside diameter of branch
R = bend radius of welding etbow or pipe bend, in. (mm)
r = mean radius of matching pipe, in. (mm)
ro = see Note (10)
s = miter spacing at center tine
T = pad or saddte thickness, in. (mm)
t = nominal wall thickness of: part itself, for elbows and curved or mited bends; matching pipe, for welding tees; run or
header. for fabricated tees (provided that ¡f thickness 15 greater than that of matching pipe, increased thickness must
be maintained for at least one run 0.0. to each side of the branch 0.0.)
t, = the crotch thickness of tees
f) = one-half angle between adjacent miter axes, deg

(5) Where flanges are attached to one or both ends, the values of k and i in this Table shall be corrected by the factors el given below,
which can be read directly from Chart B, entering with the computed h: one end flanged, h 1 / 6 ¿ 1: both ends flanged, h 1 / 3 ;:: L
(6) The engineer 15 cautioned that cast butt welding elbows may have considerably heavier wans than that of the pipe with which they are
used. Large errors may be introduced unless the effect of these greater thicknesses is considered.
(7) In large diameter thin walt elbows and bends, pressure can significantly affect the magnitude of flexibílity and stress intensification fac·
torso To correct values obtained from this Table for the pressure effect, divide

Flexibility factor, k, by 1+6 P(')'"

t (R)l/3

Stress intensification factor, i, by 1 + 3.25 - P(,)5/2

Ec t
- (R)'"
Ec = cold modulus of elasticity
P = gage pressure

(8) Also includes single miter joint.

(9) When T> 1 ~t. use h = 4.05 tiro
(lO) Radius of curvature of externa! contoured portion of outlet measured in the plane containing the axes of the run and branch. This ls
subject to the following limitations:
(a) minimum radius, ro: the lesser of O.OSd or 38 mm (1.5 in.)
(b) maximum radius, ro shaU not exceed
(1) for branches DN 200 (NPS 8) and larger, Q.10d + 13 mm (O.50 in.)
(2) for branches les5 than DN 200 (NPS 8), 32 mm (1.25 in.)
(e) when the external contour contains more than one radius. the radius on any are sector of approximately 45 deg shall meet
the requirements of (a) and (b) above
(d) machining shall not be employed in order te meet the above requirements
(11) Factors shown apply to bending: flexibility factor for torsion equals 0.9.

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No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME 831.4-2012

Table 402.1-1 Flexibility Factor, k, and Stress Intensification Factor, i (Cont'd)

/ ' Flexibility factor ter
elbows k = 1.65/h
60 1" /'

'" V


" " '"

i'v / '

Flexibility factor tor
miters k = 1.62JhSl&

"" í' V Stress intensification

20 factor i = O.9/h 213

'< V
.e! ~
''¡:¡ oS

.. 'tl

" '" ~ /'
'" ~ ~

" "- ......... '"" ......... ~

1.5 "
i"- .....
'" ~ ~


0.03 0.04 0.06 0.10 0.15 0.2
Characteristic h
Ch.rt A
0.3 004 0.6

'" 0.8 1.0 1.5 2

0.75 /
G' ¡...-
~ ~ ."..

¡.....-- ......


....... " "'" " 1 End flanged

"'" 2 Ends f1anged

e, "" h' /6
e, '" h ' !3
Ch.rt B

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No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME 831,4-2012

where F, axial force, such as weight on a riser, lb (N)

E moduli of elasticity M= bending moment, in_-lb (N-m)
SE thermal expansion stress, psi (MPa) SE fhermal expansion stress, psi (MPa)
T¡ = temperature of fhe pipe at installation or com- SH = circumferential (hoop) stress due to intemal
pletion of final tie-in, °F (oC) pressure, psi (MPa)
T, operating temperature, °F COC) Z = section modulus of the pipe, in.' (cm3)
a = coefficient of thermal expansion, in./in.¡OF v Poisson's ratio
In the above equation, compressive stress is a negative Examples of force, F" are forces due to fhe differential
value. pressure on a buried valv€, and frictional forces due to
pipe movement fhrough the soil. F, can be positive or
402.5.2 Unrestrained Pipe. Calculations shall take
negative, depending on the direction of the force.
into account flexibility and stress intensification factors
SH can be either a positive or negative value.
of piping components.
Both positive and negative values of MIZ should be
The stress range resulting from thermal expansion in
considered in the analysis.
pipe, fittings, and components in unrestrained pipeline
Residual stresses from construction are often present
is calculated as follows, using the modulus of elasticity
fú! spanning, elastic bends, and differential settlement.
at the installed temperature:
Designers should determine if such stresses need to be
SE = Js¡} + 4S? evaluated.

where 402.6.2 Unrestrained Pipe. The longitudinal stress

Sb = resultant bending stress, psi (MPa) from pressure and external loadings in unrestrained
S, = torsional stress, psi (MPa) pipe is calculated as
NOTE: Thermal stress should be calculated fúr the range of mini-
muro and maximum operating temperatures. (U.S. Customary Un;ts)
The resultant bending stress, Sbl is calculated as

(SI Units)
i¡ in-plane stress intensification factor from
Table 402.1-1 Note that ;, is 1 for pipe.
;0 = out-of-plane stress intensification factor from where
Table 402.1-1. Note that;, is 1 for pipe. A ::::;: metal area of nominal pipe cross section, in. 2
M, = in-plane bending moment, in.-lb (N·m) (cm')
Mo out-of-plane bending moment, in.-lb (N·m) D outside diameter of pipe, in. (mm)
Z = section modulus of fhe pipe or of the fitting F, = axial force, such as weight on a riser, lb (N)
oullet, as applicable, in.3 (cm3)
component stress intensification in pIane of load-
Resultant torsional stress, Stl is calculated as ing (see Table 402.1-1), limited by 0.75; 2: 1. For
straight pipe, ; = 1.0.
M, M bending moment across the nominal pipe cross
S, = 22
section due to weight or seismic inertia loading,
where in.-lb (N·m)
M, = torsional moment, in.-lb (N-m) P, = intemal design gage pressure, psi (bar)
t = wall fhickness of pipe, in. (mm)
402.6 Longitudinal Stress Z = section modulus of fhe pipe or of fhe fitting out-
402.6.1 Restrained Pipe. Longitudinal stress in let, as applicable, in.' (cm3)
restrained pipe is calculated as
Note that longitudinal stress from pressure in an unre-
SL = SE + V$H + Z + FijA strained line should include consideration of bending
stress or axia! stress fhat may be caused by elongation
where of the pipe due to interna! pressure and result in stress
A ;;: metal area of nominal pipe cross section, in. 2 at bends and at connections and produce additional
(cm') loads on equipment and on supports.

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ASME 831.4·2012

402.7 Combining of Stresses may provide are encasing with steel pipe of larger diam-
In restrained pipe, the longitudinal and circumferen- eter, adding concrete protective coating, adding a con-
tial stresses are combined in accordance with the maxi- crete cap, increasing the wall thickness, lowering the
mum shear stress lheory as follows: llne to a greater deplh, or indicating lhe presence of lhe
Une with additional markers.
S" = 2)[(SL - sH)/21 2 + si In no case where the Code refers to the specified mini-
mum value of a physical property shall a higher value
where of lhe property be used in establishing lhe allowable
Seq :::::: equivalent combined stress stress value.
Pipelines within lhe scope of this Code may be subject
When St can be disregarded, the combined stress cal-
to conditions during construction and operation where
culation can be reduced to lhe following: lhe external pressure exceeds the internal pressure. The
[SL - SH[ pipe wall selected shall provide adequate strenglh to
prevent collapse, taking into consideration mechanical
such lhat when SL < 0, [sLI :;; (Sx SH), and when SL > 0, properties, variations in wall thickness permitted by
SL:;; (Sx + SH) material specifications, out-of-roundness, bending
stresses, and externalloads.
where The forces and moments transmitted to connected
Sx = axial stress, psi (MPa) equipment, such as valves, strainers, tanks.. pressure ves-
Alternatively, the stresses may be combined in accor- seIs, and pumps, shall be kept within stress limits speci-
dance with the maximurn distortion energy theory as fied herein and in olher applicable codeso
follows: External or internal coatings or linings of cement, plas-
ties, or other materials may be used on steel pipe con-
forming to lhe requirements of this Codeo These coatings
or llnings shall not be considered to add strenglh unless
where it can be demonstrated lhat lhey do so.
S, = torsional stress, psi (MPa) Al! in-line pipe and pipeline components shal! be
designed to allow passage of instrumented internal
402.8 Stresses From Road and Rail Traffic Loads
inspection devices.
The total effective stress due to internal design pres-
sure, temperature change, and externalloads (including 403.2 Criteria for Pipe Wall Thickness and
bolh live and dead loads) in pipe installed under rail- Allowances
roads or highways wilhout use of casings may be calcu- 403.2.1 Criteria. The nominal wall thickness of (12)
lated in accordance with API RP 1102 or other straight sections of steel pipe shall be equal to or greater
calculation melhods. Cyclic stress components shall be lhan In determined in accordance with the following
checked for fatigue. equation:
Where casings are used, the same methodology may
be used for lhe design of lhe casing.

A = sum of allowances for threading, grooving, cor-
403.1 General rosion, and erosion as required in paras. 403.2.2
Design and installation analyses shall be based upon through 403.2.4, and increase in wall thickness
accepted engineering melhods, material strenglhs, and if used as protective measure in para. 403.1
applicable design conditions. t" = nominal wall thickness satisfying requirements
The design requirements of this Code are adequate for pressure and allowances
for public safety under conditions usually encountered = pressure design wall thickness as calculated in
in piping systems within the scope of this Code, includ- in. (mm) in accordance with the following
ing lines within villages, towns, cities, and industrial equations:
areas. However, the design shall provide reasonable pro-
(u.S. Cuslomary Uni!s)
tectian to prevent damage to the pipeline from unusual
external conditions that may be encountered in river P¡D
crossings, offshore and inland coastal water ateas, 2S
bridges, areas ofheavy traffic, long self-supported spans,
(SI Unils)
unstable ground, vibration, weight of special attach-
ments, or forces resulting from abnorrnal thermal condi-
tions. Some of the protective measures lhat the design

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ASME 831.4·2012

where 403.3 Criteria to Prevent Yield Failure

D outside diameter of pipe, in. (mm) 403.3.1 Strength Criteria. The maximum longitudi- (12)
Pi intemal design gage pressure, psi (bar) nal stress due to axial and bending loads during installa-
S = applicable allowable stress value, psi (MPa), as tion and operation shall be limited to a value that
determined by lhe following equation: prevents pipe buckling or otherwise impairs the service-
ability of lhe installed pipeline. Other stresses resulting
S=FxExS y
from pipeline installation activities such as spans, shall
specified minimum yield be limited to the same criteria. Instead of a stress crite-
strength of the pipe, psi (MPa) rion, an allowable installa!ion strain limit may be used.
Stress values for steel pipe during operation shall not
exceed lhe allowable values in Table 403.3.1-1 as ca!eu-
E weld joint factor as defined in Table 403.2.1-1 lated by lhe equations in this Chapter.
F = design factor based on nominal wall thickness Slurry pipe systems require additional consisder-
Sy specified mínimum yield strength of lhe pipe, ations. Refer to Chapter XI.
psi (MPa)
403.3.2 Criteria for Allowable Stress Due to Periodic
In setting design factor, due consideration has orCyclic Loading. For unrestrained pipelines, lhe allow-
been given to and allowance has been made able expansion stress, SAl is as follows:
for the underthickness tolerance and maximum
allowable deplh of imperfections provided for
in the specifications approved by lhe Codeo The
value of F used in thís Code shall be not greater
lhan 0.72. Where indicated by service or loca-
f = fatigue factor ca!eulated asf = 6.0N- o." but can-
not exceed 1.2
tion, users of this Code may elect to use a design
N = equivalent number of full displacement cycles
factor, F, less than 0.72.
during lhe expected service tife of lhe pipeline
403.2.2 Wall Thickness and Defect Tolerances. Wall system
thickness tolerances and defect tolerances for pipe shall Se ~Sy at the lower of the installed or minimum
be as specified in applicable pipe specifications or operating temperature .
dimensional standards included in this Code by refer- Sh = ~Sy at lhe higher of the installed or maximum
ence in Mandatory Appendix 1. Design factors in this operating temperature
Code were established with due consideration for 403.3.3 Strain Criteria for Pipelines. When a pipe-
underthickness tolerance and maximurn allowable line may experience a noncyclic displacement of its sup-
deplh of imperfections allowed by lhe referenced stan- port (such as fault movement along lhe pipeline route
dards; no additional allowance is necessary. or differential support settlement or subsidence along
. 403.2.3 Corrosion. A wall lhickness allowance for the pipeline), the longitudinal and combined stress llm-
corrosion is not required ti pipe and components are its may be replaced with an allowable strain limit, so
protected against corrosion in accordance with the long as lhe consequences of yielding do not impair the
requirements and procedures prescribed in Chapter VIII. serviceability of lhe installed pipeline. The permissible
maximum longitudinal strain depends upon the ductil-
403.2.4 Threading and Grooving. An allowance for ity of lhe material, any previously experienced plastic
thread or groove deplh in inches (milllmeters) shall be strain, and lhe buckling behavior of lhe pipe. Where
included in A of lhe equa!ion in para. 403.2.1 when plastic strains are anticipated, the pipe eccentricity, pipe
threaded or grooved pipe is allowed by this Code (see out-of-roundness, and the ability of lhe weld to undergo
para. 404.8.3). such strains without detrimental effect should be consid-
Least nominal wall thickness for threaded pipe shall ered. Maximum strain shall be limited to 2%.
be standard wall (see ASME B36.lOM).
403.3.4 Criteria for Transient Overpressure. Tran-
403.2.5 Use of High Dlt Ratio. The designer is cau- sient overpressure includes pressure rise due to surge.
tioned that susceptibility to flattening, ovality, buckling, Surge pressures in a liquid pipeline are produced by a
and denting increases with D/t ratio, decreased wall change in the velocity of the moving fluid that results
thickness, decreased yield strength, and combinations from shutting down a pump station or pumping unit,
thereof. Pipe having a DII ratio greater lhan 100 may closing a valve, or blockage of lhe moving fluid.
require additional protective measures during construc- Surge ca!eulations should be made and adequate con-
!ion. See para. 403.2.2 and the General Notes under trols and protective equipment shall be provided so lhat
Table A402.3.5-1 for wall thickness allowances included the pressure rise due to surges and other variations from
in the design factors. normal operations shall not exceed the internal design

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Table 403.2.1-1 Tabulation of Examples of Allowable Stresses for Reference Use in Piping Systems
Within the Scope of This Code
Specified Min. AUowable Stress Value. S.
Yield 5treng;h, -20°F to 250°F (-30 0 ( to 120°C),
Specification Grade psi (M?a) Weld Joint Factor. E psi (M?a)

AP15l A25 25,000 (172) 1.00 18,000 (124)
APl 5l, ASTM A53, ASTM Al06 A 30,000 (207) 1.00 21,600 (149)
APl 5l, ASTM A53, ASTM Al06 B 35,000 (241) 1.00 25,200 (174)
AP15l X42 42,000 (289) 1.00 30,250 (208)
AP15l X46 46,000 (317) 1.00 33,100 (228)
AP15l X52 52,000 (358) 1.00 37,450 (258)
AP15l X56 56,000 (386) 1.00 40,300 (278)
AP15l X60 60,000 (413) 1.00 43,200 (298)
AP15l X65 65,000 (448) 1.00 46,800 (323)
AP15l X70 70,000 (482) 1.00 50,400 (347)
AP15l X80 80,000 (551) 1.00 57,600 (397)
ASTM Al06 e 40,000 (278) 1.00 28,800 (199)
ASTM A333 6 35,000 (241) 1.00 25,200 (174)
ASTM A524 35,000 (241) 1.00 25,200 (174)
ASTM A524 H 30,000 (207) 1.00 21,600 (149)

Furnace Butt Welded, Continuous Wetded

ASTM A53 25,000 (172) 0.60 10,800 (74)

API 5L Classes ! and I! A25 25,000 (172) 0.60 10,800 (74)

Electric Resistance Welded- and Electric Flash Welded

AP15l A25 25,000 (172) 1.00 18,000 (124)

APl 5l, ASTM A53, ASTM A135 A 30,000 (207) 1.00 21,600 (149)
APl 5l, ASTM A53, ASTM A135 B 35,000 (241) 1.00 25,200 (174)
AP15l X42 42,000 (289) 1.00 30,250 (208)
AP15l X46 46,000 (317) 1.00 33,100 (228)
AP15l X52 52,000 (358) 1.00 37,450 (258)
AP15l X56 56,000 (386) 1.00 40,300 (279)
AP15l X60 60,000 (413) 1.00 43,200 (297)
AP15l X65 65,000 (448) 1.00 46,800 (323)
AP15l X70 70,000 (482) 1.00 50,400 (347)
APl 5l X80 80,000 (551) 1.00 57,600 (397)

ASTM A333 6 35,000 (241) 1.00 25,000 (174)

Electric Fusion Welded

ASTM A134 0.80

ASTM A139 A 30,000 (207) 0.80 17,300 (119)
ASTM A139 B 35,000 (241) 0.80 20,150 (139)

ASTM A671 Note (1) 1.00 [Notes (2), (3)1

ASTM A671 Note (1) 0.70 [Note (4)1
ASTM A672 Note (1) 1.00 [Notes (2), (3)1
ASTM A672 Note (1) 0.80 [Note (411

Submerged Are Welded

AP15l A 30,000 (207) 1.00 21,600 (149)

AP15l B 35,000 (241) 1.00 25,200 (174)
AP15l X42 42,000 (289) 1.00 30,250 (208)
AP15l X46 46,000 (317) 1.00 33,100 (228)

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ASME 831.4·2012

Table 403.2.1-1 Tabulation of Examples of AUowable Stresses for Reference Use in Piping Systems (12)
Within the Scope of This Code (Cont'd)
Specified Min. AUowable Stress Va(ue, S.
Yield Strength, -20°F to 250°F (-30 0 e to 120°0,
Specification Grade psi (MPa) Weld Joint Factor, E psi (MPa)

Submerged Are Welded (Cont'd)

API5L X52 52,000.(358) 1.00 37,450 (258)

API5L X56 56,000 (386) 1.00 40,300 (278)
API5L X60 60,000 (413) 1.00 43,200 (298)

API5L X65 65,000 (448) 1.00 46,800 (323)

API5L X70 70,000 (482) 1.00 50,400 (347)
API5L X80 80,000 (551) 1.00 57,600 (397)

ASTM A381 Y35 35,000 (241) 1.00 25,200 (174)

ASTM A381 Y42 42,000 (290) 1.00 30,250 (209)
ASTM A381 Y46 46,000 (317) 1.00 33,100 (228)
ASTM A381 Y48 48,000 (331) 1.00 34,550 (238)

ASTM A381 Y50 50,000 (345) 1.00 36,000 (248)

ASTM A381 Y52 52,000 (358) 1.00 37,450 (258)
ASTM A381 Y60 60,000 (413) 1.00 43,200 (298)
ASTM A381 Y65 65,000 (448) 1.00 46,800 (323)

(a) AUowabte stress values, S, shown in this labte are equal to o.nE (weld joint factor) x specified minimum yield strength of the pipe.
For s[urry pipeline systems. allowable stress values are equal to O.8E (weld joint factor) x specified minimum yield strength of the
(b) Allowable stress values shown are for new pipe of known specification. Allowble stress values for used pipe of known specification
shall be determined in accordance with para. 403.10.
(e) For some Code eomputations, partieularly with regard to braneh eonneetions [see para. 404.3.5(c)] and expansion, flexibility, structural
attachments, supports, and restraints (para. 404.9), the weld joint factor E need not be considered.
(d) For specified mínimum yield strength of other grades in approved specifications, refer to that particular specification.
(e) AUowable stress value for cold worked pipe subsequently heated to 600°F (300°C) or higher (welding excepted) shall be 75% of the
value Usted in this Table (see para. 403.12).
(f) Definitions for the various types of pipe are given in para. 400.2.
(g) Metric stress levels are given in MPa (1 megapascal == 1 million pascals).
(1) See applicable plate specification for yield point and refer to para. 402.3 for cakulation of SH'
(2). Factor applies fer Classes 12, 22, 32, 42, and 52 only.
(3) Radiography must be performed after heat treatment.
(4) Factor applies for Classes 13, 23, 33, 43, and 53 only.

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ASME B31.4·2012

(12) Table 403.3.1-1 Allowable Values for Pipeline System Stresses

Sum of Effective Stress
Internal and Longitudinal Equivalent for Casing or
External AUowable Additive Stresses from Combi"ned Uncased Pipe at
Pressure Expansion Longitudinal Sustained and Stress. Road Of Railroad
location Stress,SH Stress. SE Stress.SL Occasional loads S,q Crossings

Restrained pipeline O.72(ElSy 0.90Sy 0.90Sy [Note (1)[ O.90S y O.90S y 0.90Sy [Note (2)J
Unrestrained pipeline O.72(ElSy SA [Note (3)J Q.75Sy [Note (l)J O.80S y n/a 0.90Sy [Note (2)]
Riser and platform piping on 0.60(ElSy O.80Sy O.80Sy O.90S y n/a n/a
inland navigable waters
Slurry pipetines 0.80(ElSy n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
(a) Sy = spedfied mínimum yield strength af pipe material, psi (MPa)
(b) E = weld jalnt factor (see Table 403.2.1-1)
Ce) In the setting of design factors, due consideration has been given to and allowance has been made for the underthickness tolerance
and maximum allowable depth of imperfections provided for in the specifications approved by the Codeo
(d) 5 L in the table aboye is the maximum allowable value for unrestrained piping calculated in accordance with para. 402.6.2. The maxi-
mum value of 5 L for restrained pipe is calculated in accordance with para. 402.6.1.
(e) See para. 403.10 for allowable stresses of used pipe.
(1) Beam-bending stresses shall be induded in the longitudinal stress far those portions of the restrained or unrestrained tine that are
supported aboye ground.
(2) Effective stress is the sum of the stress caused by temperature change and from circumferentlal. longitudinal, and radial stresses from
internal design pressure and externalloads in pipe instaUed under raitroads or highways.
(3) See para. 403.3.2.

pressure at any pointin the piping system and equip- analysis shall include fue determination of a predicted
ment by more than 10%. fatigue spectrum to which the pipeline is exposed over
its design life. See Chapter 2 of ASME B31.3 for guidance.
403.4 Criteria to Prevent Buckling and Excessive
Ovality 403.6 Criteria to Prevent Loss of In-Place Stability
The pipeline system shall be designed and installed 403.6.1 Strength Criteria Ouring Installation and
in a manner to prevent local buckling or excessive ovality Testing. Design against loss of in-place stability shall
of fue pipe, collapse, and column buckling during instal- be in accordance wifu fue provisions of para. 403.6.2,
lation and operations. Design r installation r and except fuat fue installation design current conditions
operating procedures shall consider fue effect of external shall be based upon fue provisions of para. 401.3. If fue
pressure; bending, axial,- and torsional loads; impact¡ pipeline is to be trenched, it shall be designed for stabil-
mill tolerances in the wall thick.ness; out-of-rOtmdness; ity during fue period prior to trenchíng.
and other applicable factors. Consideration shall also be
403.6.2 Strength (riteria During Operations
given to mitigation of propagation buckling that may
follow local buckling or denting. The pipe wall thickness 403.6.2.1 General. Pipeline design for lateral and
shall be selecled to resist collapse due to external vertical on-bottom stability is govemed by permanent
pressure. features such as topography and soil characteristics and
by transient events such as hydrodynamic, seismic, and
403.5 Criteria to Prevent Fatigue soil behavior events that are likely to occur during the
The pipeline shall be designed, installed, and operated antidpated service life. Design conditions to be consid-
to limit stress fluctuations to magnitudes and frequen- ered are provided in paras. 403.6.2.2 through 403.6.2.7.
des fuat will not impair fue serviceability of fue pipeline. The pipeline shall be designed to prevent horizontal
Loads fuat may cause fatigue include internal pressure and vertical movements or shall be designed so that
variations, currents, and vibrations induced by vortex any movements will be limited t<\ values not causing
shedding. Pipeline spans shall be designed to prevent allowable stresses and strams to be exceeded.
vortex-induced resonant vibrations when practica!. (a) TypicaJ factors to be considered in the stability
When vibrations must be tolerated, the resulting stresses design inc1ude
due to vibration shall be included in allowable stresses (1) flood plains and marshes and ofuer locations
listed in para. 403.3.1. JI alternative acceptance standards subject to ínunersed conditíons
for girth welds in API 1104 are used, fue cyclic stress (2) current forces

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ASME 831.4·2012

(3) soil properties designed for controlled breakaway with provisions to

(4) scour and resultant spanning minimize loss of the pipeline contents.
(5) soil liquefaction Design for lhe effects of liquefaction shall be per-
(6) slope failure formed for areas of known- or expected occurrence. Soil
(b) Stability may be obtained by such means as, but liquefaction normally results from cyclic wave overpres-.
not limited to sures or seismic loading of susceptible soils. The bulk
(1) adjusting pipe submerged weight specific gravity of lhe pipeline shall be selected, or alter-
(2) trenching and! or covering of pipe native melhods shall be selected to ensure bolh hori-
(3) anchoring zontal and vertical stability.
Seismic design conditions used to predict the occur-
(4) clamp-on or set-on weights
rence of bottom liquefaction or slope failure shall be at
Installalion and operalional on-bottom stability
least as severe as those used for the operating design
design conditions shall be considered.
strenglh calculations for lhe pipeline. Occurrence of soil
403.6.2.2 Oesign Current Conditions. Operational liquefaction due to hydrostatic overpressures shall be
design current conditions shall be based upon an event based on a mínimum stonn return interval of not less
having a minimum retum interval of not less lhan 100 yr. than 100 yr.
403.6.2.3 Stability Against Currents. The sub- 403.6.2.6 Earthquake·Prone Areas. When a pipe-
merged weight of lhe pipe shall be designed to resist line is to be laid across a known fault zone or in an
or limit rnovernent to amounts that do not cause the earthquake-prone area, consideration shall be given to
longitudinal and combined stresses to exceed lhe limits lhe need for flexibility in lhe pipeline and its components
specified in Table 403.3.1-1. The submerged weight may to mininlize lhe possibility of damage due to an earlh-
be adjusted by weight coating and! or increasing pipe quake. Flexibility in lhe pipeline may be provided by
wall thickness. installation of the pipeline on or aboye lhe ground level
Current direction shall be considered. or by use of breakaway coupitng, slack loops, flexible
The pipeline and its appurtenances may be buried to pipe sections, or other site-specific solutions. Breakaway
enhance stability. couplings shall be designed to prevent 10ss of lhe trans-
Backfill or other protective covering options shall use ported fluid in the event of a separation of the coupling.
materials and procedures lhat minimize damage to lhe
pipeline and coatings. 403.6.2.7 Pipe-Soillnteraction. The pipe-soil
interaction factors that are used shall be representative
Anchoring may be used alone or in conjunction with
olher options to maintain stability. The anchors shall be of the soil conditions at lhe site and pipe coating.
designed to withstand lateral and vertical loads
403.7 Criteria to Prevent Fracture
expected from the design wave and current conditions.
Anchors shall be spaced to prevent excessive stresses in 403.7.1 General. Prevention of fractures during
lhe pipe. Scour shall be considered in lhe design of the installation and operation shall be considered in mate-
allchoring system. The effect of anchors on the cathodic rial selection in accordance with the requirements of
protection system shall be considered. section 423. Welding procedures and weld defect accept-
Intermittent block type, clamp-on, or set-on weights ance criteria shall consider the need to prevent fractures
(river weights) shall not be used on pipelines where during installation and operation. See para. 434.8.5.
there is a potential for lhe weight to become unsup-
ported because of seDur. 403.7.2 Oesign Considerations. The probability of
brittle and ductile propagating fractures shall be consid-
403.6.2.4 Shore Approaches. Pipe in the shore ered in lhe design of pipelines transporting liqulds lhat
approach zone shall be installed on a suitable become gases at or near atmospheric conditions. Protec-
abovewater structure or buried or bored to lhe deplh tion shall be provided to limit lhe occurrence and lhe
necessary to prevent scouring, spanning or stability
f length of fractures throughout lhe pipeline wilh special
problems that may affect integrity and safe operation of consideration at industrial areas, residential areas, com-
lhe pipeline during its anticipated service life. Seasonal merdal areas, river crossings, road and railroad cross-
variation in the near-shore thickness of sea floor sedi- ings, and other appropriate areas.
ments and shoreline erosion over the pipeline service
llfe shall be considered. 403.7.3 Brittle Fractures. Brittle fracture propaga-
tion shall be prevented by selection of a pipe steel that
403.6.2.5 Slope Failure and Soilliquefaction. fractures in a ductile manner at operating temperatures,
Slope failure shall be considered in zones where it is
expected (mud slides, steep slopes, areas of seismic 403.7.4 Ouctile Fractures. Ductile fracture propaga-
slumping). If it is not practical to design lhe pipeitne tion shall be minimized by lhe selection of a pipe steel
system to survive the event, the pipeline shall be with appropriate fracture toughness and! or by the

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ASME 831.4·2012

installation of suitable fracture arrestors. Design consid- (e) physically locate and mark all nearby or parallel
eratíon shall include pipe diameter, wall thickness, frac- pipelines, utilities, cables, and olher underground struc-
ture toughness, yield strength, operating pressure, tures within 100 ft (30 m) of lhe drilling operation
operating temperature, and the decompression charac- (d) analyze the accuracy of the melhod specified for
teristics of the pipeline contents. tracking lhe position of lhe pilot string during drilling,
including the effeet on lhe tracking system of parallel
403.8 Criteria for Crossings power or communication lines (above or below ground)
and calhodic protection systems operating in lhe vicinlty
403.8.1 General. Crossing of water, railroads; (e) conduc! soil borings and geotechnical evaluations
roads, foreign pipelines, and utilities requires variations if subsurface conditions are unknown
in basic pipeline designo The location ofburied pipelines,
utility lines, and olher underground structures along 403.8.4 Overhead Crossings. Overhead suspended
and crossing lhe proposed right of way shall be deter- bridges ar other overhead structures used to suspend
rnined and considered in the designo pipelines shall be designed and construc!ed within the
restrictions or regulations of lhe regulatory body having
403.8.2 Trenched Water Crossings. Design of cross- jurisdiction. Suspension bridges, prefabricated steel
ings of rivers, streams, lakes, and inland bodies of water bridges, reinforeed concrete bridges, and self-spanning
shall include investigation of lhe composition ofbottom pipe bridges may be used. Stresses produeed by lhe
and underlying layers, variation in banks, velocity of pipe weight, environmentalloads, and olher predictable
water, scouring, and spedal seasonal conditions. loads shall not exceed lhe maximum stresses allowed
Where required, detailed plans and specifications by this Codeo Detailed plans and specifications shall be
shall be prepared taking into account these and any prepared where required.
special considerations or limitations imposed by lhe reg- Design of overhead crossings using a dedicated bridge
ulatory body(s) involved. Plans and specifications shall with self-supporting spans lhat are specially designed
describe lhe positian of lhe line showing lhe deplh below for the pipeline erossing shall consider lhe following:
mean low water level when applicable. (a) pipe and content weight
TIúcker wall pipe may be specified. Approach and (b) extemalloads such as wind, snow, and ice
position of lhe line in, lhe banks is important, as is lhe (e) flooding
position of the line across lhe bottom. Special considera- (d) lhermal stresses
tions shall be given to deplh of cover and other means of (e) electrical isolation of pipeline from supporting
protecting lhe pipeline in lhe shore and bank crossings. steel structure to prevent interference with pipeline
Spedal consideration shall be given to protective coat- cathodic protection
ings and lhe use of weight coating, river weights, and if) aimospheric corrosion control
anchors. 403.8.5 Crossings Attached lo 8ridges. 1n addition
to structural support concerns, the differential mov€-
403.8.3 Directionally Drilled Crossings. Specific
consideration shall be given to stresses and dynamic
ment between lhe bridge and pipeline due to lhermal
stresses and extemal loads shall be considered in the
loads associated with lhe installation of directionally
drilled crossings, including axial loading, yielding, design of lhe pipeline crossing. in addition to the design
eonsiderations listed in para. 403.8.4, consideration shall
buckling, bending, and other dynamic loads or a combi-
be given to spedal requirements to prevent damage to
nation of lhese loads. Calculated stresses in lhe pipe
lhe pipeline from, vehides, de-icing chemicals, bridge
and attachments shall not exceed lhe allowable limits
eomponents, and olher site-speeific hazards.
identified in Table 403.3.1-1, including residual bending
stresses. 403.8.6 Railroad and Highway Crossings. Stresses
Designs shall include selection of lhe location of entry due to intemal design pressure and extemalload in pipe
and exit points of the proposed installation, clearances installed under railroads or highways wilhout use of
at points of crossing of olher underground facilities, and casing shall not exceed the allowable stresses specified
spacing between the directionally drilled erossing and in Table 403.3.1-1. installation of uncased carrier pipe is
parallel underground pipelines, utilities, and cables. preferred. installation of carrier, or casing if used, may
1n finalizing lhe proposed pipeline routing, each oper- be in accordance wilh API RP 1102 or other appropriate
ator shall standard. If casing is used, coated carrier pipe shall be
(a) conduct a site survey to identify pipelines, utilities, independently supported outside each end of lhe casing
cables, and olher nearby subsurface structures lhat may and insulated from the casing throughout lhe cased see-
potentially be affected by lhe drilling and installation tion, and casing ends shall be sealed using a durable,
operations electrically nonconductive material.
(b) contac! and communicate wilh olher facility own- 403.8.7 Crossings of Pipelines and Utilities. Pipe-
ers identified in the previous step line crossings should be designed to provide a minlmum

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ASME B31.4-2012

12-in. (300-mm) separation between the pipeline and provide the restraint to prevent movement. The length
other pipelines and utilities, unless other measures of of the pipeline subjeel to axial movement may be several
protection are provided. Soil settlement, scour, and cycli- hundred feet and the end of the pipeline should be
cal loads shall be considered in the design of pipeline either anchored to prevent movement, or be designed
crossings in order to ensure that the separation is rnain- to accommodate movernent at the end of the pipeline.
tained for the design life of both lines. Consideration Buried sections of pipe that are not fully restrained,
shall be given to the support of other pipelines and such as in a pump station, will move through the soil
utilities during and following construction. and should be analyzed for overstressing by reaction
with the soi!. Guidance regarding soil-pipe interaction
403.9 Criteria for Expansion and Flexibility can be found in the ASCE publication American
403.9.1 Unrestrained Pipelines. Pipelines shall be Lifelines Ailiance "Guidelines for the Design of Buried
designed to have sufficient flexibility to prevent expan- Pipelines," Juiy 2001 (with addenda through February
sion or contraction froro causing stresses in the pipe 2005) and ASME B31.1, Nonrnandatory Appendix VII.
material or pipeline components that exceed the allow- 403.9.3 Restrained Aboveground Pipelines.
ables specified herein, including joints, connections, Restrained aboveground pipelines should be anchored
anchor points, or guide points. Note that allowable so that longitudinal expansion or contraction due to
forces and moments on equipment may be less than for thermal and pressure changes is absorbed by direct axial
the connected pipe. compression or tension. Consideration shall also be
Analysis of adequate flexibility of unrestrained pipe given to beam bending stress and the possible elastic
is not required for a pipeline that instability of the pipe and its supports due to longitudi-
(a) has been previously analyzed nal compressive forces. The supports shall be designed
(b) is of unUorm size, has no more than two anchor to provide the stiffness necessary to prevent lateral
points, no interrnediate restraints, and falls within the buckling.
lirnitations of the fol!owing ernpirical formula:
403.10 Criteria for Used Pipe
Dy/(L - U)' s K
Used pipe of known specification listed in
where Table 403.2.1-1 may be utilized in accordance with the
design equations in seelion 402 of this Code, subject to
D = outside diameter of the pipe, in. (mm)
the criteria in this section, and the testing requirements
K 0.03 for U.S. customary units listed aboye
of paras. 437.4.1, 437.6.1, 437.6.3, and 437.6.4.
= 208 for SI unlts listed aboye
L = developed length of the pipe between anchors, 403.11 Criteria for Cold Worked Pipe
ft (m)
U straight line distance between anchors, ft (rn) The allowable stress for pipe that has been cold
Y = resultant of total displacement strains, in. (mm) worked to meet the specified minirnum yield strength
to be absorbed by the pipe (U"t,T) and is subsequently heated to 600'F (300'C) or higher
(welding excepted) shall be derated to 75% of the allow-
Any pipeline not meeting the requirements given able stress values in Table 403.2.1-1.
aboye shall be analyzed by a simplified, approximate,
or comprehensive method as appropriate. The effects 403.12 Criteria for Shear and Bearing Stresses
of al! parts of the pipeline and components and of all Allowable stress values in shear shal! not exceed 45%
restraints, including ffictien, shall be accounted foro of the specified minirnum yield strength of the pipe,
403.9.2 Restrained Buried Pipelines. Buried pipe- and allowable stress values in bearing shall not exceed
lines are considered restrained, Stress calculations are 90% of the specified minirnurn yield strength of the pipe:
necessary fúr buried pipelines whenever significant tem-
403.13 Criteria for Structural Supports and
perature changes are expected or the pipeline deviates
from a straight lineo Safe operation of a buried pipeline Restraints
is predicated on the assumption that the pipeline is Allowable tensile and compressive stress values for
maintained in its position in the ground through support materials used in structural supports and restraints shall
of the soi! below and on the sides. The pipeline must not exceed 66% of the specified minirnum yield strength.
also be provided with proper soil cover to prohibit it Allowable stress values in shear and bearing shall not
from rising out of the ground at over bends. The buoy- exceed 45% and 90% of the specified minirnum yield
ancy effects on a subrnerged pipeline shall be considered strength, respectively. Steel materials of unknown speci-
in its stability. At the ends of a buried pipeline, thermal fications may be used for structural supports and
and pressure forces may cause significant longitudinal restraints, provided a yield strength of 24,000 psi
movement of the pipe as the soil is normally unable to
f (165 MPa) or less is used.

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404 CRITERIA FOR FITIlNGS, ASSEMBLlES, AND 404.1.6 Ralings - Considerations for Different
OTHER COMPONENTS (ALTERNATIVELY, Pressure Conditions. When two lines fuat operate at
CRITERIA FOR COMPONENTS) different pressure conditions are connected, the valve
segregating fue two lines shall be rated for fue more
404.1 General Criteria for Piping Components severe service condition. When a line is connected to a
404.1.1 Steel Butt Welding Fittings. When steel butt piece of equipment that operates at a higher pressure
welding fittings (see paras. 404.2.5 and 404.3.2) are used, condition than that of fue line, !he valve segregating fue
they shall comply wifu ASME B16.9, ASME B16.28, Or line from fue equipment shall be rated for at least the
MSS SP-75. operating condition of the equipment. The piping
between the more severe conditions and the valve shall
404.1.2 Components Having Specific Pressure- be designed to withstand the operating conditions of
Temperature Ratings. Within the metal temperature fue equlpment or piping to which it is connected.
limits of -20°F (-30°C) to 250°F (120°C), pressure ratings
404.1.7 Fittings Exceeding Scope of Standard
for components shall conform to fuose stated for 100°F
(40°C) in material standards listed in Table 403.2.1-1. Sizes. Fittings exceeding scope of standard sizes or
ofuerwise departing from dimensions listed in fue stan-
The nonmetallic trim, packing, seals, and gaskets shall
dards referred to in paras. 404.1.1 and 404.4.1 may be
be made of materials that are not injuriously affected
used, provided the designs meet the requirements of
by fue fluid in the piping system and shall be capable of
this Codeo
withstanding the pressures and temperatures to which
fuey will be subjected in servke. Consideration should 404.1.8 Special Fittings and Conneclions. Cast, (12)
be given to possible conditions fuat may cause low tem- forged, wrought, or welded steel fittings different from
peratures on pipelines transporting liquids fuat become those specified in the applicable Amerkan National
gases at or near atmospheric conditions. Standards and MSS Standard Practkes will be permitted
provided that their design is in accordance with
404.1.3 Ratings - Components Not Having Specific para. 404.10.
Pressure-Temperature Ratings. Piping components not
having established pressure ratings may be qualified for 404.1.9 Thermowells. Thermowells shall comply (12)

use as specified in paras. 404.10 and 423.1(b). wifu ASME PTC 19.3 TW.
404.2 Directional Changes
404.1.4 Pressure Criteria. The piping component
at any point in fue pipeline system shall be designed 404.2.1 General. Changes in direction, vertkally
for an internal design pressure that shall not be less than and horizontally, may be made by field bending fue pipe,
the maximum steady state operating pressure at fuat by inserting induction bends (also called hot bends), or
point, or less fuan fue statk head pressure at fuat point by installing manufactured bends or elbows.
with the line in a static condition. The maximum steady The minimum wall thickness of pipe before bending,
state operating pressure shall be the sum of the statk field bends, or induction bends, shall be determined as
head pressure, pressure required to overcome friction for straight pipe in accordance wifu para. 403.2.1.
losses, and any required back pressure. Credit may be 404.2.2 Field Bends. Field bends are cold bends,
given for hydrostatk external pressure, in the appro- generally made in the field during construction, to allow
priate manner, in modifying the internal design pressure fue pipe to confonn to the contour of the ditch. Field
fúr use in calculations involving the pressure design bends incJude vertical bends (sags and overbends), hori-
of piping components. Pressure rise aboye maximum zontal bends to accornrnodate changes in direcHon, and
steady state operating pressure due to surges and ofuer combination bends.
variations from normal operations is allowed in accor- Bends shall be free from buckling, cracks, or ofuer
dance with para. 404.1.5. evidence of mechanical damage. Ripples or wrlnkJes
Provision shall be made in fue design eifuer to wifu- meeting the requirements o/ para. 451.6.2.8 are
stand or to relieve increased pressure caused by the acceptable.
heating of sta tic fluld in a piping componen!. Field bends shall meet the requirements of
The piping component shall be designed to withstand para. 434.7.1.
the maximum possible differential between external and The minimum radius of field cold bends, except as
internal pressures to which the component will be noted in the next two paragraphs, shall be as follows:
exposed. Minmuun Radius of
Nominal Size Bend in Diameters
404.1.5 Overpressure Criteria. The pressure rise due
NPS 12 and smaller 180
to surges (see para. 403.3.4) and ofuer variations from
14 21
nonnal operations shall not exceed fue internal design 16 24
pressure at any point in the piping system and equip- 18 27
ment by more than 10%. NPS 20 and larger 30

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In sorne cases, thin wall pipe will require the use of Steel butt welding elbows shall comply with
an intemal mandrel when being bent to lhe minimum ASME B16.9, ASME B16.28, or MSS SP-75, and shall
radii tabulated above. have pressure and temperature ratings based on the
Bends may be made by bending lhe pipe in sizes same stress values as were used in establishing the pres-
NPS 14 and larger to a minimum radius of 18D. How- sure and temperature limitations for pipe of lhe same
ever, bending pipe to radii approaching 18D shall com- or equivalent materials.
ply with the criteria in this paragraph and will be Factory-made bends and elbows shall have approxi-
dependent upon wall thickness, ductility, ratio of pipe mately the same meehanical properties and chemical
diameter to wall tlúckness, use of bending mandrel, composition as lhe pipe to which they are welded.
and skill of bending crew. Test bends shall be made to Transverse segments cut from factory-made wrought
determine that the field bending procedure used pro- steel welding bends and factory-rnade elbows may be
duces bends meeting the requirements of lhis paragraph used far changes in direction provided the are distance
and lhat the wall tlúckness after bending is not less lhan measured along the croteh is at least 2 in. (50 mm) on
lhe minimum permitted by the pipe specification. pipe size NPS 4 and larger.
Cold bends should have tangents on eaeh end in accor- lf the intemal diameter of factory-made bends and
dance wilh para. 434.7.1(d). elbows differs by more lhan 'Y¡6 in. (5 mm) from that
of lhe pipe, lhe fitting shall be treated as indicated in
404.2.3 Induetion Bends. induction bends are made Fig. 434.8.6-2 or use a transition nipple not less lhan
by heating the pipe and forming the bend under con- one-half pipe diameter in lenglh wilh acceptable joint
trolled conditions. The minimum wall thickness of pipe designs as iliustrated in Fig. 434.8.6-2.
before bending shall be determined as for straight pipe If factory-made elbows are used in cross-country Unes,
in accordance wilh para. 403.2.1. Induction bends shall care should be taken to allow for passage of in-line
comply with ASME B16.49. inspection tools.
Bends shall be free from buckling, cracks, or other
evidence of mechanical damage. Ripples or wrinkles 404.2.6 Wrinkle Bends. Wrinkie bends shall not
meeting the requirements of para. 451.6.2.8 are be used.
The pipe diameter shall not be reduced at any point 404.3 Braneh Conneetions
by more than 21,% of the nominal diameter, and lhe
404.3.1 General. Braneh connections may be made
completed bend shall pass lhe specified sizing pig. by means of tees, crosses, integrally reinforced extruded
When hot bends are made in pipe that has been cold outlet headers, or welded connections, and shall be
worked in order to meet the specified minimum yield
designed in accordance with the requirements of this
strength, wall thickness shall be determined by using
the lower stress values in accordance with para. 403.12.
404.3.2 Tees and Crosses. Stee! butt welding tees
404.2.4 Mitered Bends. In systems intended to and crosses may be used far all ratias of branch diameter
operate at a hoop stress of more lhan 20% of lhe specified
to header diameter and all ratios of design hoop stress
minimum yield strenglh of lhe pipe, miter bends are to specified minimum yield strength of the adjoining
prohibited. Miter bends not exceeding 121, deg may be header and branch pipe, provided lhey comply wilh
used in systems operated at a hoop stress of 20% or less ASME B16.9, ASME B16.28, or MSS SP-75. Pressure and
of the specified mintmum yield strength of lhe pipe, temperature ratings shall be based an the same stress
and the minimum distance between miters measured
values as were used :in establishing the pressure and
at lhe crotch shall not be less lhan one pipe diameter. temperature limitatians far pipe of the sarne or equiva-
When lhe system is to be operated at a hoop stress of
lent material.
less than 10% of the specified minimum yield strenglh The minimum meta! thickness of flanged or threaded
of lhe pipe, lhe restriction to 121, deg maximum miter tees and crosses shall not be less than specified for lhe
and distance between miters wili not apply. Deflections
pressures and temperatures in the applicable ASME
caused by misalignment up to 3 deg are not considered
Standard or lhe MSS Standard Practice.
miter bends.
Care shall be taken in making mitered joints to provide 404.3.3 Integrally Reinforeed Extruded Outlet
proper spacing and alignment and ful! penetration Headers
404.3.3.1 Definition. An extruded outlet header
404.2.5 Faetory-Made Bends and Elbows. The mini- is defined as a header in which lhe extruded Up at lhe
mum metal lhickness of flanged or threaded elbows outlet has a height above lhe surface of the header lhat
shall not be less lhan specified for lhe pressures and is equa! to or greater than lhe radius of curvature of lhe
temperatures in lhe applicable ASME Standard or lhe external contaured portion of the outlet, i.e., ha;:::: ro. See
MSS Standard Practice. Fig.404.3.3.1-1.

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Fig. 404.3.3.1-1 Reinforced Extruded Outlets

Umits of t
reinforcement zone d of branch


rf. r
NOTE: Ta.eer bora ¡nsida
diameter lit required)
L ho . to match branch pipe
: ro
l'3D:a~ taper.
Sketch to show method
of establishing To when

the taper encroaches
on the crotch radius


Sketch ;s drawn for
candition where K = 1.00

f..--- d ---j-----.....¡ Reinforcement


Sketch is drawn for

condition where K "" 1.00


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No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME 831.4-2012

These rules do not apply to any nozzle in which addi- of the joining header and branch pipe, provided they
tional nonintegral material is applied in the form of comply with this paragraph.
rings, pads, or saddles. 404.3.3.4 Design. When the design meets the lim-
These rules apply only to cases where the axis of the itations on geometry contained herein, the rules estab-
outlet in!ersects and is perpendicular to the axis of the lished are valid and meet the intent of the Code. These
header. rules cover minimum requirements and are selected to
404.3.3.2 Notation. The notation used herein is ensure satisfactory performance of extruded headers
illustrated in Hg. 404.3.3.1-1. All dimensions are in subjected to pressure. Extruded headers shall be
inches (millimeters). designed to withstand forces and moments applied to
D outside diameter of header the branch by thermal expansion and contraction; by
D, = internal diameter of header vibration; by dead weight of piping, valves, littings,
D, internal diameter of extruded eutlet covering, and contents; and by earth settlernent.
at the level of the outside surface of header 404.3.3.5 Required Area. The required area is
d = outside diameter of branch pipe defined as A = K(lhDo), where K shall be taken as
d, = intemal diameter of branch pipe fol!ows:
h, height of the extruded lip. This must be equal (a) for d/D > 0.60, K = 1.00
to or greater than f OI except as shown in fa (b) for d/D > 0.15 and not exceeding 0.60, K = 0.6 +
below. 2;,(d/D)
L = height of the reinforcement zone (e) for dlD,; 0.15, K = 0.70
0.7 .{clf;, The design must meet the criteria that the reinforce-
Y, radius of curvature of external contoured por- ment area defined in para. 404.3.3.6 is not less than the
tion of outlet measured in the plane containing required area.
the axes of the header and branch. This is sub-
ject to the following limitations: 404.3.3.6 Reinforcement Area. The reinforcement
(a) Mínimum radius shall not be less than
area shall be the sum of areas Al + Az + A3 as defined
0.05d, except that on branch diameters larger below.
than NPS 30 it need not exceed 1.50 in. (a) Area A" The area Iying within the reinforcement
(38 mm). zone resulting from any excess thickness available-in
(b) Maximum radius lor outlet pipe sizes
the header wall, Le.,
NPS 8 and larger shall not exceed 0.10d +
0.50 in. (13 mm). For outlet pipe sizes less than
NPS 8, this dimension shall not be greater than (b) Area A,. The area lying within the reinlorcement
1.25 in. (32 mm). zone resulting from any excess thickness available in
(e) When the external contour contains more the branch pipe wal!, i.e.,
than ene radius, the radius oí any are sector
01 approximately 45 deg shallmeet the requlre- A, = 2L (T, - tb)
rnents oí for 'rninimum and maxllnum radius
aboye. (e) Area A3' The area lying within the reinforcement
zone resulting from excess thlckness available in the
(d) Machining shall not be employed in
arder to meet the aboye requirements. extruded outlet Up, Le.,
Y, half-width 01 reinforcement zone (equal to D,) A3 = 2r" (To - Tb)
Tb = actual nominal wall thickness 01 branch
Th actual nominal wall thickness 01 header 404.3.3.7 Reinforcement of Multiple Openings.
T, línished thickness of extruded outlet measured The requirements outlined in para. 404.3.6 shall be fol-
at a height equal to fa aboye the outside surface lowed, except that the required area and reinforcement
01 the header area shall be as given in paras. 404.3.3.5 and 404.3.3.6.
tb = required thickness 01 the branch pipe 404.3.3.8 Marking. The manulacturer shall be
according to the wall thickness equation in responsible for establishing and marking on the scction
para. 403.2.1 containing extruded outlets the design pressure and
Ih required thickness 01 the header according to tempera tu re, "Established under provisions of
the wall thickness equation in para. 403.2.1 ASME B31.4," and the manufacturer's na me or
404.3.3.3 Criteria for Use. Integrally reinlorced trademark.
extruded outlet headers may be used lor al! ratios 01 404.3.4 Welded Branch Connections. Welded
branch diameter to header diameter and al! ratios 01 branch conneetions shall be as shown in Figs. 404.3.4-1,
design hoop stress to specified minimum yield strength 404.3.4-2, and 404.3.4-3. Design shall meet the minimum

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No reproduction may be fiade ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME 631.4-2012

Fig_ 404.3-4-1 Welding Details for Openings With Complete Encirclement Types of Reinforcement

Optional weld
Optional weld

11 11 11
1I 11 11
:I- _______ J '1
11 11 1¡--1' ----- -11I
11 J 1
1 I-
JI :I These longitudinal : I
II welds may be I
11 1'1 lacated anywhere 11
11 11 JI around circumference I,
11 '1 1, 1
11 11 11 11
. .'1..--V l'
--- -,.",¿¡
(al Tee Type [Note (lJJ Ibl Sleeve Type INot. (2JJ

Optional weld Optional weld

1::"-=-:::':"::- --=-- -=- -=- -=- -:::1 1 1
1--- -- ---- ------::JI
1 1
1 I 1I 1'
1 1 I 1
1 1 1 1
1 1

(el Saddle and Sleeve Type [Note (3JJ Idl Saddle Typ. [Not. (3JJ

(1) Since fluid pressure i5 exerted on both sides af pipe metal under tee, the pipe metal does not provide reinforcement.
(2) Provide hole in reinforcement to revealleakage in burled welds and to provide venting during welding and heat treatment [see
para. 404.3.1(d)(8)]. Not required for tee type.
(3) If the endrcling member for tee, sleeve, or sadd!e type is thicker than the header and its ends are to be welde·d to the header, the
ends shaU be chamfered (at approximate!y 45 deg) down te a thickness net in excess of the header thickiness.

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No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. ~
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Fig. 404.3.4-2 Welding Details for Openings With Localized Type Reinforcement

Branch w,



(a) Pad

Same as Fig. 404.3.4-1

Header Header

(b) Sadd)e

M nominal wall thickness of pad reinforcement Th "" nominal wall thickness of header
member W1 (min.) "" the smaller of Tb • M, or 3/8io . (10 mm)
nominal wall thickness of saddle at branch end W 2 (max.) approxímate Th
nominal wall thickness of saddle at header end W2 (mio.) the smaller of 0.7 Th, 0.7 M, or 1/2 ;n. (13 mm)
1116 in. (1.5 mm) (mín.), l/a in. (3 mm) (max.)(unless W3 (max.l approximate Th
back welded or backing strip is used) W (min.) the smaHer of 0.7 Th • 0.7 M h • or 1/2 in. (13 mm)
nominal wall thickness of branch 3
W4 (min.1 the smaller of Tb, Mb, or 3/a ín. 110 mm)
(a) AH welds are to have equalleg dimensions and a minimum throat equat te 0.707 x !eg dimensiono
(b) If the reinfercing member Is thicker at its edge than the header, the edge shaU be chamfered (at approximate!y 45 deg) dewn te a
thiekness sueh that !eg dlmenslens ef the fillet weld shall be within the minimum and maximum dimensions specified aboye.
Ce) A hole shaU be provided in reinforeement to reveal leakage in buried welds and to provide venting during welding and heat treatment
[see para. 404.3.1(d)(S)j. •

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Fig. 404.3.4-3 Welding Details for Openings Without Reinforcement Other Than That in
Header and Branch Walls

45 deg mino



N 11,6 in. (1.5 mm) (min.), '/8 in. (3 mm) (max.)

unless back welded or backing strip is used
nominal wall thickness ot heaCler
nominal wall thickness of br.anch
thesmallerof Th' Tb,or 3/g in. (10mm)

GENERAL NOTE: When a welding saddle is used, it shall be inserted over this type of connection. See Fig. 404.3.4-2.

Table 404_3.4-1 Design Criteria for Welded Branch Connections

Ratio of Diameter of Hole Cut for Branch Connection to Nominal Header Diameter
Ratio of Design Hoop Stress
to Spedfied Minimum Yield More than 25%
Strength of the Header 25% or less Through 50% More Than 50%

20% or less See para. 404.3.4(d) See para. 404.3.4(d) See paras. 404.3.4(d) and (e)
More than 20% through 50% See paras. 404.3.4(b) and (e) See para. 404.3.4(b) See para. 404.3.4(a)
More than 50% See 404.3.4(b) and (e) See para. 404.3.4(b) See para. 404.3.4(a)

requirements listed in Table 404.3.4-1 and deseribed in the reinforeement member shall be ehamlered (at
paras. 404.3.4(a) through 404.3.4(d). Where reinforee- approxirnately 45 deg) down to a thlekness not in exeess
ment is required, paras. 404.3.4(e) and (1) shall apply. of Ihe header thlekness. The diameter 01 the hole cut in
(a) Smoothly eontoured wrought tees or erosses 01 Ihe header pipe lor a braneh eonnection shall not exeeed
proven design or integrally reinforeed extruded headers the outside diameter of the branch connection by more
are preferred. When such tees; crosses; or headers are not Ihan y. in. (6 mm).
used, Ihe reinforeing member shall extend eompletely (e) Reinforeement lor braneh eonneetions wilh hole
around the cireumlerenee 01 the header (see cut NPS 2 or smaller is not required (see Fig. 404.3.4-3 lor
Fig. 404.3.4-1 lor typical eonstruetions). Whenever possi- typical detalls); however, eare shall be taken to provide
ble, Ihe inside edges 01 Ihe linished opening shall be suitable protection against vibrations and other external
rounded to a Ya in. (3 mm) radius. If Ihe eneircling mem- forces to which these small branch connections are fre-
ber is thicker than the header and its ends are to be quenlly subjeeted.
welded to Ihe header, Ihe ends shall be ehamlered (at (d) Reinforeement 01 opening is not mandatory; how-
approxirnately 45 deg) down to a thlekness not in excess ever; reinforcement may be required for cases involving
01 Ihe header thiekness, and eontinuous fillet welds shall pressure over 100 psi (7 bar), thin. wall pipe, or severe
be made. Pads, partial saddles, or olher types 01 loeal- external loads.
ized reinforeements are prohibited. (e) If a reinforcernent rnernber is required, and the
(b) The reinloreement member may be 01 the complete braneh diameter is such Ihat a loealized type 01 reinforee-
eneirclement type (see Fíg. 404.3.4-1), pad or saddle type ment member would extend around more than half the
(see Fig. 404.3.4-2), or welding oullet litting type. Where circurnference oí the header; then a complete encircle-
attaehed to Ihe header by fillet welding, the edges 01 ment type 01 reinloreement member shall be used,

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ASME 831.4·2012

regardless of the design hoop stress, or a smoothly con- (d) The area available lor fue reinforcement shall be
toured wrought steel tee or cross of proven design or fue sum of
extruded header may be used. (1) the cross-sectional area resulting Irom any
IJ) The reinforcement shall be designed in accordance excess thickness available in fue header thlckness (over
with para. 404.3.5. the minimum required for the header as defined in
para. 403.2.1) and fuat ties wifuin fue reinforcement area
404.3.5 Reinforcement of Single Openings as delined in para. 404.3.5(e)
la) When welded branch connections are mad.e to (2) the cross-sectional area resulting from any
pipe in the form of a single connection, or in a header excess thickness available in fue branch wall thickness
or manifold as a series oí connections, the design shall over fue mínimum thickness required lor fue branch
be adequate to control fue stress levels in the pipe within and that lies within the reinforcement area as defined
sale limits. The construction shall take cognizance 01 fue in para. 404.3.5(e)
stresses in fue remaining pipe wall due to fue opening (3) fue cross-sectional area 01 all added reinforcing
in the pipe or header, the shear stresses produced by metal, including weld metal, fuat is welded to the header
the pressure acting on the area 01 fue branch opening, wall and lies within the reinforcement area as defined
and any external loading due to thermal movement, in para. 404.3.5(e)
weight, vibration, etc., and shall meet the ntinimum le) The reinforcement area is shown in Fig. 404.3.5-1
requirements listed in Table 404.3.4-1. The lollowing and is delined as a rectangle whose length shall extend
paragraphs provide design rules based on the stress a distance, d [see para. 404.3.5(c)J, on each side 01 fue
intensification created by the existence oí a hale in an transverse centerllne 01 the finished opening and whose
otherwise symmetrical section. Extemalloadings, such width shall extend a distance of 2\'2 times the header
as those due to thermal expansion or unsupported wall thickness from fue outside surface 01 fue header
weight 01 connecting pipe, have not been evaluated. wall, except that in no case shall it extend more than
These factors should be given attention in unusual 2\'2 times fue fuickness 01 the branch wall from fue out-
designs or under conditions 01 cyclic loading. side surface of the header or of the reinforcement, if any.
When pipe fuat has been cold worked to meet the (J) The material of any added reinforcement shall
specified mínimum yield strengfu is used as a header have an allowable working stress at leasl equal to fuat 01
containing single or multiple welded branch connec- fue header wall, except fuat material 01 lower allowable
tions, stresses shall be in accordance with para. 403.12. stress may be used ti fue area is increased in direct ratio
lb) The reinforcement required in fue crotch section of the allowable stresses for header and reinforcement
01 a welded branch connection shall be determined by materiat respectively.
the rule that the metal area available fer reinforcernent Ig) The material used lor ring or saddle reinforcement
shall be equal to or greater fuan fue required cross- may be 01 specifications diflering Irom those of the pipe,
seclional area as delined in para. 404.3.5(d)(3) and in provided the cross-sectional area is made in correet pro-
Fig. 404.3.5-l. portions to fue relalive strengfu 01 fue pipe and rein-
le) The required cross-sectional area, A R, is defined forcement materials at the operating temperatures, and
as fue product 01 d limes t" provided it has welding quatities comparable to those
01 fue pipe. No credit shall be taken lor fue addilional
strength 01 material having a higher strength fuan fuat
01 fue par! to be reinforced.
Ih) When rings or saddles are used fuat cover fue
where weld between branch and header, a venl hole shall be
d = length 01 fue lirúshed opening in fue header provided in fue ring or saddle to revealleakage in fue
wall measured parallel to fue axis 01 fue header weld between branch and header and to provide venting
t" = design header wall thickness required by during welding and heat treating operalions. Ven! holes
para. 403.1.2. For welded pipe, when the branch shall be plugged during service to prevent crevice corro-
does not intersect the longitudinal or spiral sion between pipe and reinforcing member, but no plug-
weld of fue header, fue allowable stress value ging material shall be used fuat would be capable 01
lor seamless pipe 01 comparable grade may be sustaining pressure within the crevice.
used in determining t" lor fue purpose 01 rein- (i) The use 01 ribs or gussets shall not be considered as
lorcement calculations onJy. When fue branch contributing to reinforcement to fue branch connection.
does intersect fue longitudinal or spiral weld This does not prohlbit fue use of ribs or gussets for
01 fue header, the allowable stress value S 01 purposes other than reinforcement, such as stiffening.
fue header shall be used in fue calculation. The Ij) The branch shall be attached by a weld for fue fuIl
allowable stress value S 01 fue branch shall be thlckness of the branch or header wall plus a fillet weld,
used in calculating tb. W" as shown in Figs. 404.3.4-2 and 404.3.4-3. The use

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ASME B31.4-2012

Fig. 404.3.5-1 Reinforcement of Branch Connections

L '" smaller of 2-1/2 Th

or2-1/2Tb+ M

• d

"Area of reinforcement"· enclosad by - - - - - - lines

Reinforcement area required AR = dth
Area available as reinforcement = Al +.A2 + Aa
A, ~ (T, - t,) d
A, ~ 2 (T, - t,) L
As == summation of area of all added reinforcement, ¡ncludiog
weld areas that lia within the "area of reinforcement"
A j + A 2 + Aa must be equal to or greater than An
d = length of the finished opening in the headar waJl
(measured parallel to the axis of the header)
M = actual
(by measurement) or nominal
thickness of added reinforcement
Tb = nominal wall thickness of branch
Th = nominal wall thickness of headar
t b = design branch wall thickness required by para. 404.1.2
th = design header wall thickness required by para. 404.1.2

of concave fillet welds is preferred to minimize comer the flat or reentering surfaces is permissible and may
stress concentration. Ring or saddle reinforcement shall be included in the strength considerations. The designer
be attached as shown by Fig. 404.3.4-2. If the reinforcing is cautioned that stress concentrations near the ends of
rnember is thicker at its edge than the header, the edge partial ribs, straps, or gussets may defeat their reinforc-
shall be chamfered (at approximately 45 deg) down to ing value, and their use is not recommended.
a thickness so leg dimensions of \he fillet weld shall be
within the minimum and maximwn dimensions speci- 404.3.6 Reinforcement of Multiple Openings
fied in Fig. 404.3.4-2. (a) Two adjacent branches should preferably be
(k) Reinforcement rings and saddles shall be accu- spaced at such a distance that their individual effective
rately fitted to the parts to which \hey are attached. areas of reirúorcement do not overlap. When two or
Figures 404.3.4-1 and 404.3.4-2 illustrate some acceptable more adjacent branches are spaced at less than two times
forms of reinforcement. \heir average diameter (so \hat \h~ir effective areas of
Branch cormections attached at an angle less than reinforcement overlap), the group of openings'shall be
90 deg to the header become progressively weaker as reinforced in accordance wi\h para. 404.3.5. The reinforc-
the angle decreases. Any such design shall be given ing metal shall be added as a combined reinforcement,
individual study, and sufficient reinforcement shall be the streng\h of which shall equal \he combined strengths
provided to compensate for \he inherent weakness of of the reinforcements \hat would be required for \he
such construction. The use of encircling ribs to support separate openings. in no case shall any portion of a cross

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ASME 831.4·2012

section be considered to apply to more than one opening, vessels, and other equipment and proprietary items [see
or be evaluated more than once in a combined area. paras. 404.5.1 and 423.2.4(b)].
(b) When more than two adjacent openings are to be
404.4.4 Flanges Exceeding Scope of Standard
provided with a combined reinforcement, the minimum Sizes. Flanges exceeding scop~ 01 standard siz~s or
distance between centers of any two 01 these openings otherwíse departing from dímensions listed in
shall prelerably be at least 1y, times their average diame- ASME B16.5 or MSS SP-44 may be used provided th~y
ter, and the area of reinforcement between them shall are designed in accardance with para. 404.4.1.
be at least equal to 50% 01 the total required lor these
two openings on the cross section being considered. 404.4.5 Flanges of Rectangular Cross Section. Slip-
(e) When two adjacent openings, as considered in on flanges of rectangular cross section may be used
para. 404.3.6(b), have a distance between centers less provided they are designed so that flange thickness is
than 1~ times their average diameter, no credit for rein- increased to provide strength ~qual to that 01 the corres-
lorcement shall be given lor any 01 the metal between ponding hubbed slip-on flange covered by ASME BI6.5,
these two openings. as determined by calculations made in accordance wíth
(d) When pipe which has been cold worked to meet the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII,
the specilied mínimum yield strength is used as a header Division 1.
containing single or mulliple welded branch connec- 404.4.6 Flange Facings. Steel or cast iron flanges (12)
lions, stresses shall be in accordance with para. 403.12. shall have contact laces in accordance with ASME B16.1,
(e) Any number 01 closely spaced adjacent openings,
ASME BI6.5, or MSS SP-6.
in any arrangement, may be reinforced as if the group Spedal ladngs are permissible provided they are
were ane assumed opening of a diameter enclosing all capable 01 withstanding the same tests as those in
such openings. ASME BI6.5. See para. 404.4.8.3 lor bolting steel to cast
iron flanges.
404.4 Flanges
404.4.7 Flange Gaskets
404.4.1 General. The design 01 flanges manulac-
tured in accordance with this paragraph and standards 404.4.7.1 General. Gaskets shall be made 01 mate-
listed in rabie 426.1-1 shall be considered suitable lor rials that are not injuriously affected by the fluid in the
use at the pressure-temperature ratings as set forth in piping system, and shall be capable 01 withstanding
para. 404.1.2. When steel flanged fittings are used they the pressures and temperatures to which they will be
shall comply with ASME B16.5. subjected in service.
It is permissible to inside taper bore the hubs on weld-
404.4.7.2 Standard Gaskets. Gaskets conforming (12)
ing neck flanges having dimensions complying with
to ASME B16.20 or ASME B16.21 may be used.
ASME B16.5 when they are to be attached to thin wall
Metallic gaskets other than ring type or spiral wound
pipe. It is recornmended that the taper shall not be more
shall not be used with ASME Class 150 or lighter flanges.
abrupt than a ratio 01 1:3. Pipeline flanges manulactured
The use 01 metal or metal jacketed gasket (either plain
in accordance wilh MSS SP-44 and ASME B16.47 are
or corrugated) is not limited (except as provided in the
designed lor attachment to thin wall pipe and are pre-
preceding sentence) as to pressur~, provided that the
ferred for this service.
gasket material is suitable for the service temperature.
Where conditions require the use of flanges other than
Gasket groups and typical materials m.y be used as
those covered in this paragraph, the flanges shall be
permitted in rabie C-1 01 ASME BI6.5.
designed in accordance with Appendix II 01 Section VIII,
Rings lor ring joint gaskets shall be 01 dimensions
Division 1, 01 the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codeo
established in ASME BI6.20. The materials lor these
404.4.2 Steel Flanges Within Scope of Standard rings shall be suitable for the service conditíons encoun-
Sizes. Welding neck, slip-on, threaded, and lapped tered and shall be softer than the flanges.
companion flanges, reducing flanges, blind flanges, and
404.4.7.3 Special Gaskets. Spedal gaskets,
flanges cast or lorged integral with pipe, littings, or
including insulating gaskets, may be used provided they
valves, conforming to ASME BI6.5, ASME B16.47, or
are suitable fúr the temperatures, pressures, fluids, and
MSS SP-44, are permitted in the sizes listed in these
other conditions to which they may be subjected.
standards and lor the pressure-temperature ratings
shown in para. 404.1.2. The bore 01 welding neck flanges 404.4.8 Flange Bolts
should correspend to the inside diameter 01 the pipe
with which they are to be used. 404.4.8.1 General. Bolting shall conferm to
ASME B16.5. Bolts or stud bolts shall extend completely
404.4.3 Cast lron Flanges Within Scope of Standard through the nuts. Nuts shall confOrID to ASTM A194 or
Sizes. Cast iron flanges are prohibited, except those ASTM A325, except that ASTM A307 Grade B nuts may
that are an integral part of cast iron valves, pressure be used on ASME Class 150 and ASME Class 300 flanges.

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404.4.8.2 Bolting for Insulating Flanges. Por insu- values as were used in establishing the pressure-
lating flanges, Ya in. (3 nun) undersize bolting may be temperature limitations lar pipe 01 the same or equiva·
used provided that alloy steel bolting material in accor- lent material.
dance with ASTM A193 or ASTM A354 is used. Where appropriate, changes in diameter may be
accomplished by reducing elbows, reducing outlet tees,
404.4.8.3 Bolting Steel to Cast Iron Flanges. When
or valves.
bolting Class 150 steel flanges to Class 125 cast iron
flanges, heat treated carbon steel or alloy steel bolting 404.6.2 Fabricated Reducers. Pabricated reducers
(ASTM A193) may be used only when both flanges are shall conform to the requirements 01 para. 404.10. Seam
flat lace and the gasket is full lace; otherwise, the bolting welds 01 labricated reducers shall be visually inspected
shall have a maximum tensile strength no greater than and inspected by radiography or ultrasonic shear wave
the maximum tensile strength 01 ASTM A307 Grade B. techniques.
When bolting Class 300 steel flanges to Class 250 cast
iron flanges, the bolting shall have a maximum tensile 404.6.3 Orange Peel Swages. Orange peel swages
strength no greater than the maximum tensile strength are prohlbited in systems operating at hoop stresses 01
01 ASTM A307 Grade B. Good practice indicates that more than 20% 01 the specified minimum yield strength
the flange should be flat laced. 01 the pipe. Seam welds shall be visually inspected.

404.4.8.4 Bolting for Special Flanges. Por flanges 404.7 Closures

designed in accordance with para. 404.4.1 (see
paras. 404.4.4 and 404.4.5), bolting shall conform to the 404.7.1 Quick Opening Closures. A quick opening
applicable section 01 Section VIII, Division 1, 01 the dosure is a pressure containing component (see
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. para. 404.10) used lar repeated access to the interior 01
a piping system. It is not the intent 01 this Code to
404.5 Valves impose the requirements of a specific design method on
the designer or manufacturer 01 a quick opening dosure.
404.5.1 General. Steel valves conforming to stan·
Quick opening dosures used fer pressure contairunent
dards and specilications listed in Tables 423.1·1 and
under this Code shall have pressure and temperature
426.1-1 may be used. These valves may contain certain
ratings equal to or in excess of the design requirements
cast, malleable, ar wrought iron parts as provided for
01 the pipeline system to which they are attached (see
in API 6D.
paras. 403.1 through 403.6).
Cast iron valves coniorming to standards and specifi-
Quick opening dosures shall be equipped with salety
cations listed in Tables 423.1-1 and 426.1-1 may be used
locking devices in compliance with Section VIII,
lar pressures not to exceed 250 psi (17 bar). Care shall
Division 1 UG-35(b) 01 the ASME Boiler and Pressure
be exercised to prevent excessive mechanical loading
Vessel Code.
(see para. 404.4.8.3).
Weld end preparation shall be in accordance with para
Working pressure ratings 01 the steel parts 01 steel
valves are applicable with the temperature limitations
01 -20'P (-30'C) to 250'P (120'C) (see para. 401.2.2.4). 404.7.2 elosure fittings. Closure fittingsconunonly
Where resilient, rubber-like, or plastic materials are used relerred to as "weld caps" shall be designed and manu-
lor sealing, they shall be capable 01 withstanding the lactured in accordance with ASME B16.9 or MSS SP·75.
fluid, pressure, and temperature specified lar the piping
system. 404.7.3 Closure Heads. Closure heads such as flat,
ellipsoidal (other than in para. 404.7.2), spherical, or
404.5.2 Special Valves. Special valves not listed in conical heads are allowed lar use under this Code. Such
Tables 423.1-1 and 426.1·1 shall be pernútted, provided items shall be designed in accordance with Section VIII,
that their design is 01 at least equal strength and tight- Division 1, 01 the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
ness and they are capable 01 withstanding the same The maximum allowable stresses fer materials used in
test requirements as covered in these standards, and these dosure heads shall be established under the provi·
structural leatures satisfy the material specification and sions 01 para. 403.2.
test procedures of valves .in similar service set forth in If welds are used in the construction 01 these heads,
the Ilsted standards. they shall be 100% radiographlcally inspected in accor·
dance with the provisions of Sectü¡)fi VIlt Division 1.
404.6 Reducers
Closure heads shall have pressure and temperature
404.6.1 Manufactured Reducers. Reductions in line ratings equal to or in excess of the requirements of para.
size may be made by the use 01 smoothly contoured 403.2.1. It is not the intent 01 this Code to necessarily
reducers manufactured in accordance with ASME BI6.5, extend the design requirements 01 Section VIII,
ASME BI6.9, or MSS SP-75. Reducer fittings shall have Division 1, to other components in which desure heads
pressure-temperature ratings based on the same stress are part 01 a complete assembly.

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404.7.4 Fabricated Closures. Orange peel bull plugs lateral friction forces that might prevent the desired free-
are prohibited on systems operattng at a hoop stress dom of movement.
more lhan 20% of the specified minimum yield strenglh 404.9.3 Braces. Braces and damptng devices may
of lhe pipe. Fishtails and flat dosures are permitted for occasionally be required to prevent vibration of piptng.
NPS 3 and smaller, operattng at less lhan 100 psi (7 bar).
Fishtails and flat clüsures on pipe larger lhan NPS 3 are 404.9.4 Attachments. All attachments to the pipe
prohibited. shall be designed to rntnimize lhe added stresSes tn
the pipe wall because of lhe atlachment. Nontntegral
404.7.5 Bolted Blind Flange Closures. Bolted blind attachments, such as pipe clamps and rtng girders, are
flange dosures shall conform to para. 404.4. preferred where they will fulfill the supporting or
anchoring functions.
404.8 joints External and tnternal attachments to piptng shall be
404.8.1 Butt Welds. Butl welded jotnts shall be tn designed so lhey will not cause flattentng of lhe pipe,
accordance with Chapter V. excessive localized bending stresses, ar harmful thermal
gradients tn lhe pipe wall.
404.8.2 Flange joints. Flanged jotnts shall meet the
requirements of para. 404.4. 404.10 Other Pressure-Containing Components
404.8.3 Threaded joints. AJl external pipe threads Pressure-containing components that are not covered
on piptng components shall be taper pipe threads. They by the standards listed tn Tables 423.1-1 or 426.1-1 and
shall be ltne pipe threads tn accordance wilh API5B, or for which design equations or procedures are not given
NPT threads tn accordance wilh ANSI! ASME B1.20.1. herein may be used where the design of similarly
All internal pipe lhreads on piptng components shall be shaped, proportioned, and sized components has been
taper pipe threads, except for sizes NPS 2 and smaller proven satisfactory by successful performance under
with design gage pressures not exceeding 150 psi comparable service conditions. (tnterpolation may be
(10 bar), tn which case straight threads may be used. made between similarly shaped proved components
with small differences in size or proportion.) In the
(12) 404.8.4 Sleeve, Coupled, and Other Patented joints. absence of such service experience, the pressure design
Steel connectors and swivels complying wilh API 6H shall be based on an analysis consistent with the general
may be used. Cast, malleable, and wrought iron design philosophy embodied tn this Code, and substan-
threaded coupltngs are acceptable subject to the limits tiated by at least one of lhe followtng:
of para. 423.2.4. Sleeve, coupled, and other patented (a) proof tests (as described tn UG-101 of Section VIII,
jotnts may be used provided Division 1, of lhe ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code)
(a) a production jotnt has been subject to proof tests (b) experimental stress analysis (as described in
to determine the safety of lhe jotnts under simulated Appendix 6 of Section VIII, Division 2, of the
service conditions. When vibration, fatigue, cycliccondi- ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code)
tions, low temperature, thermal expansion, or other (e) engtneertng calculations
severe conditions are anticipated, the applicable condi-
tions shall be tncorporated tn lhe tests. 404.11 Used Piping Components
(b) adequate provisions are made to prevent separa- Used piping components such as fittings, elbows,
tion of lhe jotnt and to prevent longitudtnal or lateral bends, intersections, couplings, reducers, dosures,
movement beyond lhe limits provided for tn the jotntng flanges, valves, and equipment may be reused. (Reuse
member. of pipe is covered by para. 403.10). However, such com-
ponents and equipment shall be deaned, examlned, and
404.9 Supports, Braces, Anchors, and Attachments reconditioned, if necessary, to ensure that they meet all
requirements for the intended service and are free of
404.9.1 General. The applicable sections of MSS
SP-58 for materials and design of pipe hangers and sup-
In addition, reuse shall be contingent on identification
ports and of MSS SP-69 for lheir selection and applica-
of lhe spedfication under which lhe item was origtnally
tion may be used.
produced. Where lhe specification cannot be identified,
If pipe is designed to operate above 20% SMYS, all
use shall be prohibited.
atlachments welded to lhe pipe shall be made to a sepa-
rate cylindrical member lhat completely encircles the 404.12 Auxiliary and Relief Piping
pipe and this encircling member shall be welded to lhe
404.12.1 Instrument and Other Auxiliary Piping.
pipe, by continuous circurnferential welds.
All instrument and other auxillary piping connected to
404.9.2 Supports. Supports shall be designed to primary piptng and lhat opera tes at a gage pressure
support the pipe without causing excessive local stresses exceedtng 15 psi (1 bar) shall be constructed tn accor-
ín the pipe and without imposing excessive axial or dance with the provisions of this Codeo

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ASME 831.4-2012

404.12.2 Relief Piping. Pressure disposal or relief

piping between pressure origin point and relief device
shall be in accordance with this Codeo
An isolation valve capable of full design flow relief
may be installed between origin point and relief device
providing such valve can be locked or sealed in the
open position. Disposal piping from relief device shall
be connected to a proper disposal facllity, which may
be a flare stack, suitable pit, sump, or tank. Dús disposal
piping shall have no valve between relief device and
disposal facility unless such valve can be locked or
sealed in the open position.

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ASME 831.4· 2012

Chapter 111

423 MATERIALS - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Steel pipe designed to be operated at a hoop stress
of more lhan 20% SMYS shall be impact tested in aeeor-
dance with the procedures of supplementary require-
423.1 Acceptable Materials and Specifications mentSR5 01 API 5L, or ASTM A333. The test temperature
shall be lhe lower of 32'P (O'C) or the lowest expeeted
(a) The materials used shall conlorm to the specifica-
metal temperature during service, having regard to past
tions listed in Table 423.1·1 or shall meet the require·
reeorded temperature data and possible effeets ollower
ments 01 this Code lor materials not Usted. Specific
air and ground temperatures. The average of lhe Charpy
editions 01 standards incorporated in this Code by reler-
energy values from eaeh heat shall meet or exceed lhe
ence, and the names and addresses of the sponsoring
organizations, are shown in Mandatory Appendix 1,
(a) For all grades wilh an SMYS equal to or greater
since it is not practical to refer to a specific edition of
eaeh standard in Table 423.1·1 and throughout the Code lhan 42,000 psi (289 MPa), lhe required mínimum aver-
tex!. Mandatory Appendix 1 will be revised at intervals, age (set 01 three speeimens) absorbed energy for eaeh
as needed, and issued in Addenda to lhe Code. Materials heat based on full-sized (10 mm x 10 mm) speeimens
and components conforming tú a specification or stan- shall be 20 lb-It (27 J) lor transverse specimens or
dard previously Usted in Table 423.1-1, or to a super- 30 lb-ft (41 J) lor longitudinal samples.
seded edition 01 a listed specification or standard, may (b) For all grades wilh an SMYS less lhan 42,000 psi
be used. (289 MPa), lhe required minimum average (set 01 lhree
(b) Except as olherwise provided lor in this Code,
specimens) absorbed energy lor eaeh heat based on lull-
materials that do not coruorm tú a listed specification sized (10 mm x 10 mm) speeimens shall be 131b-ft (18 J).
or standard in Table 423.1-1 may be used provided lhey 423.2.4 Cast, Malleable, and Wrought Iron
comorm to a published specification covering chemistry, (a)Cast, malleable, and wrought iron shall not be
physical and meehanical properties, melhod and process
used for pressure-containing parts except as provided
of manufacture, heat treatment, and quality control, and
in paras. 407.1(a) and (b), and para. 423.2.4(b).
olherwise meet the requirements 01 this Code. Allowable
(b) Cast, malleable, and wrought iron are aeeeptable
stress€s shall be determined in accordance with the
appUcable allowable stress basis 01 this Code or a more in pressure ves seIs and other equipment noted in
conservative basis. para. 400.1.2(b) and in proprietary items [see
para. 400.1.2(g)], except lhat pressure-containing parts
shall be limited to pressures not exceeding
(12) 423.2 Limitations on Materials 250 psi (17 bar).
423.2.5 Materials for liquid Anhydrous Ammonia
423.2.1 General Pipeline Systems. Only steel coruomúng to speeifiea-
(a) The designer shall give consideration to lhe signil- lions listed in Mandatory Appendix 1 shall be used for
icance of tempera tu re on the performance of the pressure-containing piping components and equipment
material. . in liquid anhydrous ammonia pipeline systems. How-
(b) Selection of material tú resist corrosion, erosion, ever, internal parts of such piping components and
and other deterioration in service is not within the scope equipment may be made of olhermaterials suitable for
of this Codeo It is lhe designer's responsibillty to seleet the service.
materials suitable for the fluid or slurry service under The longitudinal or spiral weld of eleetric resistanee
the intended operating eonditions. An example of a welded and eleetric induetion welded pipe shall be
source of information on materials performance in corro- normalized.
sive environments is the Corrosion Dala Survey published Cold lormed littings shall be normalized alter
by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers. fabrication.
Exeept lor lhe quantities permitted in steels by indi-
423.2.3 Steel. Steels for pipe are shown in vidual spedlicaHons lor steels Usted in Mandatory
Table 423.1-1 (except as noted in para. 423.2.5). Appendix I, lhe use of copper, zinc, or alloys 01 lhese

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metals is prohibited for al! pressure piping components

subject to a liquid anhydrous arnmoma envirorunent.


425.3 Gaskets
Limitations on gasket materials are covered in

425.4 Bolting
Limitations on bolting materials are covered in
para. 408.5.

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Table 423.1-1 Material Standards

Standard or Specifkation Designation

Pipe. Steel. Black & Hot-Dipped, Zinc-Coated Welded & Seamless .........................................•.. ASTM A53
Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service ............................................•...•• ASTM Al06
Pipe. Steel, Electric-Fusion (Arc)-Welded (Sizes NPS 16 and Over) •...• , ...•.....•.....•....•...... , ......... . ASTM A134
Electric·Resistance-Welded Steel Pipe ............•........................ , .....• , ...•.................. ASTM A135
Electric-Fusion (Arc).Welded Steel Pipe (NPS 4 and Over) ................................................... . ASTM A139
Seamless and Heavily (old Worked Welded Austenitic Stainless Steel Pipe ....................•....•••....•... ASTM A312
Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low Temperature Service .......................•....................... ASTM A333
Electric Fusion Welded Austenític Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Pipe for High·Temperature Service and General
App!ication .....•.....••............................•..••...•....•••...•.....•......•............. ASTM A358
Metal-Arc-Welded Steel Pipe for Use Wíth High-Pressure Transmission Systems ................................ . ASTM A381
Welded Large Diameter AusteniUc Steel Pipe for Corrosive or Hígh·Temperature Service ................•.....•..• ASTM A409
Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures .•.....•....•........................... ASTM A524
General Requirements for Specialized Carbon and AlIoy Steel Pipe ......................................•.... ASTM A530
Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for Atmospheric and Lower Temperatures ...................................• ASTM A671
Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe for High-Pressure Service at Moderate Temperatures ..............••... " .•...•. ASTM A672
Seamless and Welded FerriticjAustenitic Stainless Steel Pipe ..•....•.........•.....•....•.................. ASTM A790
Ferritic/Austenitic (Duplex) Stainless Steel Pipe Etectric Fusion Welded With Addition of Filler Metal ............... . ASTM A928
Une Pipe [Note (1)[ ...•.....•...........................•................................•.....•..... API5L

Flttings, Valves, and Ftanges

Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings .....................•.......•.........•.....•....•................... ASME B16.5
Valves, Flanged, Threaded. and Welding End ...................•...•.....•............................•.. ASME B16.34
Large Diameter Steel Flanges ......................................................•......•.....•...... ASME B16.47
Factory-Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding lnduction Bends for Transportation and Distribution Systems ............. . ASME B16.49
Carbon Steel ForgingsJor Piping Components ........................................................... . ASTM Al05
Gray Iron Castings for Valves, Flanges. and Pipe Fittings .............•...................................... ASTM A126
Carbon Steel Forgings for General-Purpose Piping .......................................•......•.......... ASTM A181
Forged or Rolled Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings. and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature
Service ....•......••....•.•.................................................................•...• ASTM A182
Steel Castings, Carbon, Suitable for Fusion Welding. for High Temperature Service .....•....•................... ASTM A216
Steel Castings. Martensitic Stainless and Alloy. for Pressure Containing Parts, Suitable for High-Temperature
Service ••.................................•.............••........•......•...•................... ASTM A217
Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and AUoy Steel for Moderate and High Temperature Services .............. . ASTM A234
Carbon and Low-AUoy Steel Forgings, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping Components ...•.............. ASTM A350
C<;!stings, Austenitic. for Pressure-Containing Parts .• " .........•......•....•............................... ASTM A351
Ferritic Ductile lron Pressure-Retainil'lg Castings for Use at Elevated Temperatures .............................. . ASTM A395
Wrought Austenitic Stainless Stee! Piping Fittings ........................................................ . ASTM A403
Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Stee! and Alloy Steel for Low Temperature Service [Note (2)] ...........• " ...•... ASTM A420
Steel Castings Suitable for Pressure Service .........................•.........•.............•............ ASTM A487
Carbon and Alloy Steel Forgings for Pipe Flanges. Fittings, Valves, and Parts for High*Pressure Transmission
Service ...................................................................... , .....•............. ASTM A694
Forged, Carbon and AUoy Steel Flanges for Low-Temperature Service ...•...••....•........................•... ASTM A707
Wrought Ferritic. FerriticjAustenitic, and Martensitic Stainless Steel Piping Fittings ....................•......... ASTM A815
Wellhead and Christmas Tree Equipment ... "" ...•.............•......................................•.. API 6A
Pipeline Valves ...............................................•.....•................••............. API6D
Steel Gate Valves, Flanged and Buttwelding Ends ........................................................ . API 600
Compact Carbon Steel Gate Valves .............•.....•...•..•...•....•........................•....••.. API602
Class 150, Corrosion Resistant Gate Valves ............................................................. . API603
End Closures, Connectors and Swivels •............•......................•......• " .................... . API6H
Subsea Pipeline Valve ...................................•.......••.................................. API 6DSS
Steel Pipeline Flanges ....... " ......•........ " ................................•............•.. : ...... . MSS SP·44
Quality Standard for Steel Castings for Valves, Flanges and Fittings and Other Piping Components ................ . MSS SP·55
Speciflcation For High Test Wrought Butt Welding Fittings .................................................. . MSS SP·75
Class 3000 Steel Pipe Unions Socket Welding and Threaded .............................................. .. MSS SP·83

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Table 423.1-1 Material Standards (Cont'd)

Standard or Specification Designation

Alloy-5teel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materíals for High-Temperature or High Pressure Service and Other Spedal
Purpose Applications •................ , .....•....•• , ..................•.......•...•............•... ASTM A193
Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for 80lts for High-Pressure or High-Temperature Servke, or 80th .........•........... ASTM Al94
Carbon Stee! Balts and Studs, 60,000 psi Tensile Strength ..............•....•............•....•........... ASTM A307
Alloy 5teel and Stainless Steel Bolting Materlals for low-Temperature Service ................................. . ASTM A320
Structural Bolts, 5teel. Heat Treated. 120/105 ksi Mínimum Tensile Strength _____ ...• _.•.....•...••..... _....•• ASTM A325
Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Bolts, Studs, and Other Externally Threaded fasteners .....•...••.•..••.....• ASTM A354
Hex Cap Screws, Bolts and Studs, Steel, Heat Treated, 120/105/90 ksi Mínimum Tensile Strength, General Use ..... . ASTM A449
Structural Bolts, Alloy Steel, Heat Treated, 150 ksi Minimum Tensile Strength ..•.•..•...•...........•...•...... ASTM A490

Plates, Bars, and Structural Shapes [Note (3)]

General Requirements for Rolled Structural Steel Bars, Plates, Shapes, and Sheet P1Iing ........................ . ASTM A6
General Requirements for Steel Plates for Pressure Vessels .................•• , ..••..••.........• _...•.••... ASTM A20
General Requirements for Steel Bars, Carbon and Alloy, Hot-Wrought ..............•..•••... " ...• ' .... "" ... A5TM A29
Carbon Structural Steel ... , . , .. , , .. , . , , .. , , , , ... ' , .. ' , ..... ' ..•....................................... ASTM A36
Pressure Vessel Plates, Alloy Steel, ManganeseNanadium-Nickel .............• _...•.............•.....•...... ASTM A225
Chromium and Chromium-Nickel Stain[ess Steet Plate, Sheet, and Strip for Pressure Vessels and for
General Applications •...•.....•............................•....•..•..................... _...•..... ASTM A240
High-Strength Low-Alloy Structural Steel ...• , ........................................................... . ASTM A242
Low and Intermediate Tensile Strength Carbon Steel Plates .........•.... _...........................•. _... . ASTM A283
Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, Low- and Intermediate-Tensile Strength ... , ...•..•.....•...••............ ASTM A285
High-Strength low-Alloy Structurat Manganese Vanadium Steel ...... , ...•...•..................•.....• _....• ASTM A441
Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, lmproved Transition Properties .............. , ..•.•..•...• , ............ . ASTM A442
General Requirements for Steel Sheet and Strip, AHoy, Hot-Rolled and Cold-RoUed ............................. . ASTM A505
AlIoy and Structural Alloy Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled ........•..•.........•............. ASTM A506
Alloy Drawing and AlIoy Steel, Sheet and Strip, Hot-Rolled and Cold-Rolled ................................... . ASTM A507
High·Yield-Strength, Quenched and Tempered AlIoy Steel Plate, Suítable for Welding .•..••....•..........• __ ... . ASTM A514
Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Intermediate- and Higher-Temperature Service ......................... . ASTM A515
Pressure Vessel Plates, Carbon Steel, for Moderate- and lower-Temperature Service .•............•.....••.....•• ASTM A516
Pressure Vessel Plates, AUoy Steel, High-Strength, Quenched and Tempered ......•............................ ASTMA517
Pressure Vessel Plates, Heat Treated, Carbon-Manganese-Silicon Steel ........•....•..•.....•...••. _......... . ASTM A537
High-Strength Low-AUoy Columbium-Vanadium Structura! Steels .•...•........................................ ASTM A572
Structural Carbon Steel Plates of Improved Toughness .............. , ..•........•..•.....•................. ASTM A573
Stee! Bars, Carbon, Merchant Quality. M-Grades ............................ , .•....•....••....•.....•. _.. . ASTM A575
Stee! ~ars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special Quality ........•........• _..................................... . ASTM A576
Normalized High-Strength low-Atloy Structurat Steel , .................................................... .. ASTM A633
Stee! Bars, Carbon, Merchant Quality, Mechanical Properties ............•... _.............................. . ASTM A663
Steel Bars, Carbon, Hot-Wrought, Special Quality, Mechanical Properties ........... , ..•....•....• _....•.•..... A5TM A675
Pressure Vessel Plates, High-Strength, Low-AlIoy Steel ...• , ....•..•........................................ ASTM A737
Standard Specification for Structural Steel Shapes ................. , ......•............................... ASTM A992

Pipe Hangers and Supports - Materials, Design and Manufacture ............•............................... MSS SP-58

GENERAL NOTE: Specific editions of standards incorporated in this Code by reference, and the names and addresses of the sponsoring
organizations, are shown in Mandatory Appendix 1, since it is not practica! to refer to a specific edition of each standard in Table 423.1-1 and
throughout the Code text. Mandatory Appendix I will be revised at intervals as needed.
(1) Use of PSL 2 pipe is recommended,
(2) A420 Grade WPL9 is not recommended for anhydrous ammonia due to copper content.
(3) A36 and A992 are not permitted for pressure-containing parts such as patches, reinforcement plates, or fuUy welded sleeves.

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Chapter IV
Dimensional Requirements

426 DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR 426.2 Nonstandard Piping Components

STANDARD AND NONSTANDARD PIPING The dimensions lor nonstandard piping components
COMPONENTS shall be such as lO provide strenglh and performance
equivalent tú standard components or as provided under
426.1 Standard Piping Components section 404. Wherever practical, these dimensions shall
conform to lhose 01 comparable standard components.
Dimensional standards fúr piping components are
listed in Table 426.1-1. Also, certain material specifica- 426.3 Threads
!ions listed in Table 423.1-1 contain dimensional require- The dimensions of all pipmg connection threads not
ments that are requirements of section 426. Dimensions otherwise covered by a governing component standard
01 piping components shall comply wilh these standards or specification shall conform tú the requirements of the
and specifications unless lhe provisions 01 para. 426.2 applicable standard s listed in Table 426.1-1 (see
are met. para. 414.1).

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Table 426.1-1 Dimensional Standards

Standard or Specifkation Oesignation


Welcted and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe •............................. , .....•...•...................... ASME 836.10M
Stainless Steel Pipe ............................. , ........................................ , ......... . ASME 836.19M

Une Pipe (Combination of former API Spec. 5L, 5L5, and 5l..X) .. '...................• , ................••..••.. API5l

Fittings, Valves. and Flanges

Pipe Flanges and Flanged Flttings ..•................. " ......•........• , ................•. , ........... . ASME 816.5
Factory-Made Wrought Stee! Buttwelding Fittings ................• , .............•..••.............••..•.... ASME 816.9
Face-to-face and End·to-End Dimensions of Valves ......•............•.............••..................... ASME 816.10
Forged Stee! Fittings, Socket Weld and Threaded ...................................... , ..•................ ASME 816.11
Metallíc Gaskets far Pipe Flanges - Ring Jolnt, Spiral-Wound, and Jacketed ........•............• " ...•........ ASME 816.20
NonmetaUic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges .............................................................. , . ASME 816.21

Buttwelding Ends .....................................• , .............• " ................•...•....... ASME 816.25

Wrought Steel Buttwelding Short Radius Elbows and Returns ........• , .............•.................•.... , . ASME 816.28
Steel Valves, Flanged and Buttwelding Ends .....•• , ..•................•.............••.................. ASME 816.34
Steel Orifice Flanges ........•...••.................• , ...............•.................•.....•........ ASME 816.36
Large Diameter Steel Flanges ...........•...• , ....................•.............•...................... ASME 816.47
Steel Une Blanks ..............................•....••.............•..............•....•............ ASME 816.48

Wellhead Equipment ...................•...• , ....................•.............•..................... API6A

Pipeline Valves, End Closures, Connectors and Swivels •...• ' ..............•..............•..•.............. API6D
Steel Gate Valves, Flanged and Buttwelding Ends ............•...•.............•..............•.......•... API 600
Compact Carbon Steel Gate Valves .............•....•...............•.............• , •.................. API 602
Class 150, Corrosion Resistant Gate Valves ..................•............•..................•.•..•...•.. API603

Standard Finishes for Contact Faces of Pipe Flanges and Connecting-End Flanges of Valves and Fittings ............ . MSS SP·6
Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions •............••.....................• , .... . MSS SP·25
Steel Pipeline Flanges ..........................•...............• , ............. , , .................... . MSS SP·44
Pressure Testing of Steel Valves ....•.......•...........•.•....................................•. " .•... MSS SP·61
ButterflyValves ... " ..... , .... " .......•.... , ...•...............• , ..... " ....... ,., .•.................. MSS SP·67
Cast lron Gate Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends ....... " .•............• , ...... " .........• , ....•........ MSS SP·70

Cast Iron Swing Check Valves. Flanged and Threaded Ends .............•...... " ........................... . MSS SP·71
Speci~cation for High Test Wrought Welding Fittings .. " ......... , ...... " .................................. . MSS SP·75
Cast Iron Plug Valves, Flanged and Threaded Ends "." .•.. "." ........................ , ................... , MSS SP·78
Steel Pipe Unions Socketwelded and Threaded ." ................ " ................. " .................. " .. . MSS SP·83
Swage(d) Nipples and Bull Plugs ................................... " .................................. . MSS SP·95
Integrally Reinforced Forged Branch Outlet Fittings .. " ....................................... "" .......... . MSS SP·97


Unified Ineh Screw Threads (UN and UNR Thread Form) ................................................... . ASME 81.1
Pipe Threads, General Purpose (lneh) ••...•....... " ........••..... " .....•... " .......... ' ...•....... " ... . ASME 81.20.1
Dry Seal Pipe Threads (lnch) ..........• , ... , ................•...•......... , ..... "" ..........••........ ASME 81.20.3

Threading. Gaging, and Thread Inspection of Casing, Tubing, and Une Pipe Threads .. " ..........•............... API 58

Pipe Hangers and Supports-Seleetion and Application •..............•..... " .......•..................• , ... MSS SP·69

GENERAL NOTE: Specific editions of standards incorporated in this Code by reference, and the names and addresses of the sponsoring
organizations. are shown in Mandatory Appendix l. since it ls not practical to refer ta a specific edition of eaeh standard in Table 426.1-1 and
throughout the Code texto Mandatory Appendix ! will be revised at intervals as needed.

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ASME 831.4-2012

Chapter V
Construction, Welding, and Assembly

434 CONSTRUCTION (a) All blasting shall be in accordance with governing

regulations and shall be performed by competent and
434.1 General
qualified personnel, and performed so as to provide
New construction and replacements of existing sys- adequate protection to the general public; livestock;
teros shall be in accordance with the requirernents of wildlife; buildings; telephone, telegraph, and power
fuis Chapter. Where written specilications are required, lines; underground structures; and any other property
they shall be in sulficient detall to insure that the require- in the proximity of the blasting.
ments 01 this Code shall be mel. Such specifications shall (b) In grading the right-ol-way, every effort shall be
indude specific detalls on handling 01 pipe, equipment, made te minimize damage tú the land and prevent
rnaterials, welding, and all construction factors that con- abnormal drainage and erosive conditions. The land is to
tribute to safety and sound engineering practice. It is not be restored tú as nearly original condition as is practica}.
intended herein that all construction items be covered in (e) In constructing pipeline crossings of railroads,
full detall, since the specification should be all-inclusive. highways, streams, lakes, rivers, etc., safety precautions
Whether covered specilically or not, all construction and such as signs,lights, guard rails, etc., shall be maintained
materials shall be in accordance with good engineering, in the interest ofpublic safety. The crossings shall comply
salety, and proven pipeline practice. with the applicable rules, regulations, and restrictions
of regulatory bodies having jurisdiction.
434.2 Qualifications
434.3.3 Survey and Staking or Marking. The route
434.2.1 Construction Personnel. Construction per-
shall be surveyed and staked, and such staking or mark-
sonnel involved in critical activities shall be qualified
ing should be maintained during construction, except
by either experience or training. Critical activities
route of pipeline offshore shall be surveyed and the
indude, but are not limited to, the following:
pipeline shall be properly located within the
(a) operation of construction equipment
right-of-way by maintaining survey route markers or
(b) directional drilling equipment operators
by surveying during construction.
(e) individuals responsible for locating underground
structures or utilities 434.4 Handling, Hauling, Stringing, and Storing
(d) individuals responsible for establishing the loca- Care shall be exercised in the handling or storing of
tion of the pilot string during drilling operations pipe, casing, coating materials, valves, fíttings, and other
(e) blasting operations materials to prevent damage. Transportation by truck
434.2.2 lnspection. The operating company shall OI other Toad vehicles, rail cars, and marine vessels shall
make provision for suitable inspection of pipeline and be performed in such a rnanner as tú avoid damage tD
related facilities by qualified inspectors to assure compli- the pipe and any pre-applied coatings. Transportation
anee with the construction specifications. Qualification of line pipe shall conform to the requirements 01
of inspection personnel and the type and extent of API RP SLW and API RP SU, as applicable. In the event
inspection shall be in accordance with the requirements pipe is yard coated OI mill coated, adequate precautions
of section 436. Repairs required during new construction shall be taken to prevent damage to the coating when
shall be in accordance with paras. 434.5, 434.8, and hauling, lifting, and placing on the right-of-way. Pipe
461.1.2. shall not be allowed to drop and strike objects that will
distort, dent, flatten, gouge, OI notch the pipe OI damage
434.3 Right-of-Way the coating, but shall be lifted or lowered by suitable
and safe equipment.
434.3_1 Location. Right-of-way should be selected
so as to minimize the possibillty of hazard from future 434.5 Damage to Fabricated lt~ms and Pipe
industrial or urban development OI encroachment on
(a) Fabricated items such as scraper traps, manifolds,
the right-of-way.
volume chambers, etc., shall be inspected before assem-
434.3.2 Construction Requirements. inconvenience bly into the mainline or manifolding and defects shall
to the landowner should be a núnimum and safety of be repaired in accordance with provisions of the stan-
the public shall be given prime consideration. dard or specification applicable to their manufacture.

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(b) Pipe shall be inspected before coating and before A minimum c1earance of 12 in. (300 mm) shall be pro-
assembly into the mainline or manifolding. Distortion, vided between the outside of any buried pipe or compo-
buckling, denting, flattening, gouging, grooves, or nent and the extremity of any other underground
notches, and all defects of this nature, shall be prevented, structures, except for drainage tile, which shall have a
repaired, or eliminated as specified herein. minimum c1earance of 2 in. (50 mm). Where impractical
(1) Injurious gouges, grooves, or notches shall be and where adequate provisions for corrosion control
removed. These defects may be repaired by the use of have been made, the minimum c1earance of 12 in.
welding procedures prescribed in API 5L or removed (300 mm) may be reduced.
by grinding, provided the resulting wall thickness is not (d) Ditching operations shall follow good pipeline
less than that permitted by the material specification. practice and consideration of public safety. API RP 1102
(2) When conditions outlined in para. 434.5(b)(1) will provide additional guidance.
cannot be met, the damaged portion shall be removed
as a cylinder. Insert patching is not permitted. Weld- 434.7 Bends, Miters, and Elbows
on patching, other than complete encirc1ement, is not Changes in direction, including sags or overbends
permitted in pipelines intended to operate at a hoop required to conform to the contour of the ditch, may be
stress of more than 20% of the specified minimum yield made by bending the pipe or using miters, factory made
strength of the pipe. bends, or elbows. (See limitations in para. 406.2.)
(3) Notches or laminations on pipe ends shall not
be repaired. The damaged end shall be removed as a 434.7.1 Bends Made From Pipe
cylinder and the pipe end properly rebeveled. (a) Bends shall be made from pipe having wall thick-
(4) Distorted or flattened lengths shall be nesses determined in accordance with para. 404.2.1.
discarded. When hot bends are made in pipe that has been cold
(5) A dent containing a stress concentrator, such as worked in order to meet the specified minimum yield
a scratch, gouge, grOOV€, or are bum, shall be removed strength, wall thicknesses shati be determined by using
by cutting out the damaged portion of the pipe as a the lower stress values in accordance with
cylinder. para. 402.3.1(d).
(6) AII dents which aHect the curvature of the pipe (b) Bends shall be made in such a manner as to pre-
at the seam or at any girth weld shall be removed as in serve the cross-sectional shape of the pipe, and shall be
para. 434.5(b)(5). AII dents that exceed a maximum depth free from buckling, cracks, or other evidence of mechani-
of y. in. (6 mm) in pipe NPS 12 and smaller, or 2% of cal damage. The pipe diameter shall not be reduced at
the nominal pipe diameter in sizes greater than NPS 12, any point by more than 2~% of the nominal diameter,
shall not be permitted in pipelines intended to operate at and the completed bend shall pass the specified siz-
a hoop stress of more than 20% of the specified minimum ing pig.
yield strength of the pipe. Insert patching, overlay, or (e) The minimum radius of field cold bends shall be
pounding out of dents shall not be permitted in pipelines as specified in para. 406.2.1(b).
intended to operate at a hoop stress of more than 20% (d) Tangents approximately 6 ft (2 m) in length are
of the specified minimum yield strength of the pipe. preferred on both ends of cold bends.
(7) Buckled pipe shall be replaced as a cylinder. (e) When bends are made in longitudinally welded
pipe, the longitudinal weld should be located on or near
434.6 Ditching the neutral axis of the bend.
(a) Depth of ditch shall be appropriate for the route 434.7.2 Mitered Bends
location, surface use of the land, terrain features, and (a) Mitered bends are permitted subject to limitations
loads imposed by roadways and railroads. AII buried in para. 406.2.2.
pipelines shall be installed below the normal level of (b) Care shall be taken in making mitered joints to
cultivation and with a minimum cover not less than that
provide proper spacing and aligrunent and full penetra-
shown in Table 434.6-1. Where the cover provisions of tion welds.
Table 434.6-1 cannot be met, pipe may be installed with
less cover if additional protection is provided to with- 434.7.3 Factory-Made Bends and Elbows
stand anticipated extemalloads and to minimize dam- (a) Factory-made wrought steel welding bends and
age to the pipe by extemal forces. factory-made elbows may be used .ubject to limitations
(b) Width and grade of ditch shall provide for low- in para. 406.2.3, and transverse segments cut therefrorn
ering of the pipe into the ditch to minimize damage to may be used for changes in direction provided the arc
the coating and to facilitate fitting the pipe to the ditch. distance measured along the crotch is at least 2 in.
(e) Location of underground structures interseeting (50 mm) on pipe size NPS 4 and larger.
the ditch route shall be determined in advance of con- (b) If the intemal diameter of such fittings differs by
struction activities to prevent damage ta such structures. more than 'JI6 in. (5 mm) from that of the pipe, the fitting

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Table 434.6·1 Minimum Cover for Buried Pipelines

Far Normal For Rack Excavation Requiring
Excavation, Blasting or Remova( by
location in. (m) Equivalent Means, in. (m)

Cultivated. agricultural areas where plowlng 48 (1.2) N/A

or subsurface ripping Is ccmmon [Note (1)1
Industrial, commercial. and residentia! areas 48 (1.2) 30 (0.75)
River and stream crossings 48 (1.2) 18 (0.45)
Drainage ditches at roadways and railroads 48 (1.2) 30 (0.75)
AH other areas 36 (0.9) 18 (0.45)

(1) PipeHnes may require deeper burlal to avoid damage from deep plowing; the designer Is cautioned
to account for this possibility.

shall be treated as indicated in Fig. 434.8.6·2 or use a equal or exceed the specified mínimum tensile strength
transition mpple not less than one-half pipe diameter 01 lhe materials being joined.
in lenglh wilh acceptable joint designs as illustrated in (2) If base metals of diflerent tensile strengths are
Hg. 434.8.6·2. to be joined, the nominal tensile strength 01 lhe weld
metal shall equal or exceed the tensile strenglh 01 the
434.8 Welding weaker of the two.
434.8.1 General (3) When liller metals 01 diflerent strenghts are
(a) Seope. Welding herein applies to the are and gas used in a single weld, the proportions shall be such that
welding 01 pipe in bolh wrought and east steel materials lhe eompleted weldment equals the speeified mínimum
as applied in pipelines and conneetions to apparatus or tensile strength 01 the base metal.
equipment. This indudes butt joints in lhe installation (4) For alloy steels, lhe nominal eherrueal analysis
01 pipe, valves, flanges, fittings, and other equipment, 01 lhe weld metal shall be lhe same as the nominal
and lilIet welded joints in pipe branehes, slip-on flanges, eherrueal analysis 01 the base metal. If base metals 01
etc. It does not apply to lhe welding 01 longitudinal or diflerent cherrucal analysis are being joined, lhe weld
spiral joints in lhe manulacture 01 pipe, fittings, and metal shall be the same as either base metal, or of inter-
valves, or tú pressure vessels or assemblies manufac- mediate composition, except as specified below.
tured in accordance wilh lhe ASME Boiler and Pressure (a) When austenitic steels are joined to ferritic
Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 or 2. steels, the weld metal shall have an austenitic structure.
(b) Welding Terms. Delirútions pertaining to welding 434.8.3 Welder and Welding Procedure
as used in this Code conform to the standard defirútions Qualifications
established by lhe American Welding Society and con·
(a) Welder and welding proeedure qualifications lor
tained in ANSI! AWS A3.0, Section IX 01 the cross-country pipelines shall be performed in aCCOf-
ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, and API 1104.
dance with API 1104. Welder and welding proeedure
(e) Sale Praetiees in Cutting and Welding. Prior to cut· qualilications lor alloy steel and lor shop labricated pip-
ting and welding in areas in wruch lhe possible leakage ing assemblies, and welding at stations and terminals
or presence of vapor or flammable liquid constitutes a
shall be performed in accordance with API 1104 or
hazard 01 lire or explosion, a lhorough check shall be
Section IX 01 lhe ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
made to determine lhe presence 01 a combustible gas
(b) Prior to any welding eovered by this Code, a weld·
mixture or flammable liquido Cutting and welding shall
ing procedure specification shall be established and
begin only when safe conditions are indicated.
qualified by testing to demonstrate lhat welds having
434.8.2 Welding Processes and Filler Metal suitable mechanical properties and soundness can be
(a) Welding shall be perlormed by a manual, semiau- produeed. Welding procedure specilications shall be
tomatic, or automatic process or combination oí pro- qualified as required by API 1104, or Section IX 01 lhe
cesses that have been demonstrated to produce sound ASME Boiler and Pressure Vesoel Code, wruehever is
welds. appropriate lor the locations, materials, and type 01
(b) Umess olherwise specified by lhe operating como welding to be perlormed except as modified by the
pany, welding electrodes and eonsumables shall comply lollowing:
wilh lhe lollowing: (1) Standard Welding Praeedures. Standard Welding
(1) Filler metal and eonsumables shall be seleeted Proeedure Specifications (SWPSs) published by the
so that lhe strength 01 lhe completed weldment will American Welding Society and listed in Appendix E 01

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ASME Section IX are perrnitted for code construction In order to avoid duplication of effort and subject to
within the limitations established by Article V of lhe approval of lhe owner, an employer may accept
ASME Section IX. The employer shall eilher demonstrate lhe performance qualification of a welder or welding
his ability to follow SWPSs as required by operator made by a previous employer. This acceptance
ASME Section IX or he shall quallfy one welder or weld- is limited tú performance qualifications that were made
ing operator following each SWPS. on pipe or tube test coupons. The new employer shall
(2) Proeedure Qualífieation by Others. In order to havelhe WPS fuat was followed during qualificationor
avoid duplication of effort, and subject to lhe approval an equlvalent WPS lhat is within lhe limits of the essen-
of lhe owner, WPSs qualified by a technically competent tial variables. An employer accepting such qualification
group or agency may be used provided lhe following tests shall obtain a copy of the performance qualification
are met: test record from lhe previous employer. The record shall
(a) the WPSs meet the requirements of show lhe name of lhe employer by whom lhe welders
ASME Section IX or API 1104 and any additional qualifi- or welding operator was qualified and lhe date of that
cation requirements of this Cade qualification. A record showing use of lhe process or
(b) lhe employer has qualified at least one welder processes from fue date of the welder's qualification
or welding operator following eaeh WPS shall be available. The new employer's business name
(e) lhe employer's business name shall be shown shall be shown on lhe qualification record, and it shall
on eaeh WPS and on eaeh qualification record. In addi- be signed and dated by the employer, thereby accepting
tion, qualification records shall be signed and dated by responsibility for lhe qualifications performed by olhers.
lhe employer, lhereby accepting responsibility for lhe Welder requalification tests are required if lhere is
qualifications performed by olhers. some specific reason to question a welder's ability or if
The welding procedure specification shall be adhered the welder is not engaged in a given process of welding
to during welding performed under this Codeo for a period of 6 mo or more.
(e) The welding procedure specifications shall at a
1/) The operating company shall be responsible for
qualifications of procedures and welders. The prepara-
mirúmum indude lhe information required by API 1104
!ion of welding procedure specifications and/or per-
or Section IX of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Codeo When materials, welding consumables, mechani-
formance of welding qualification tests may be
delegated to olhers; however, each company lhat per-
cal restraint, service conditions and/or weather condi-
forms welding activities is responsible for the welding
tions make more details necessary tú produce a sound
activities performed by its employees and contractors.
weld, such as preheat, interpass temperature, and post-
(g) Qualification Records. The welding procedure fol-
weld heat treatment, such details shall be provided.
lowed during the qualifying tests shall be recorded in
When joining materials with noteh-toughness require-
detai!. Records of the tests that establish the qualification
ments, particularly for low temperature service, consid-
of a welding procedure specification shall be retained as
eration shall be given to weld metal and heat-affected
long as that procedure is in use. A record of lhe welders
zone toughness requirements in lhe welding procedure
qualified, showing lhe date and results of lhe tests, shall
specification. When applicable, lhe test melhod, temper-
be retained during lhe construction involved and for 6 mo
ature, spedrnen, and acceptance criteria shall be speci-
thereafter. These records shall be available to lhe owner
fied in lhe welding procedure specification.
or the owner's agent and the inspector at the location
(d) API 1104 and Section IX of the ASME Boiler and
where lhe welding is being done.
Pressure Vessel Cade contain s€ctions entitled "Essential
Variables" applicable to welding procedure specifica- 434.8.4 Welding Standards. All fue welding done
tions, procedure qualification records, and welder quali- under this Code shall be performed under a specification
fications. The dassification of base materials and weld lhat embodies lhe mirúmum requirements of this Code
filler materials into groups does not imply lhat olher and shall encompass the requirements of API 1104
materials within a particular group may be indiscriroi- except as provided in paras. 434.8.3(a) and (b).
nately substituted for the base material or weld filler 434.8.5 Required Inspection and Acceptance Criteria
material used for the qualification test. Welding proee- (a) Required Inspeetion
dure qualification tests shall be conducted wilh lhe high- (1) The quality 01 welding shall be checked by
est strenglh base metal to be welded in the essential visual inspection and supplemental nondestructive
variable groups identified in lhe procedure specification. methods or by removing completad welds as selected
(e) Prior to any welding covered by this Code, each and designated by the inspector for destructive testing.
welder or welding operator shall be qualified as required (2) All welds shall be visually inspected.
by API 1104, or Section IX of the ASME Boiler and (3) When lhe pipeline is to be operated at a hoop
Pressure Vessel Code, whiehever is appropriate for the stress of more lhan 20% of lhe specified minimum yield
locations, material s, and type of welding to be strenglh of lhe pipe, lhe welds shall be inspected. A
performed. mirúmum of 10% of the girth welds and 10% of lhe olher

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welds completed each day shall be randomly selected by (e) Taek Welds. Tack welding shall be done by quali-
the operating company and nondestructively inspected. fied welders, the same as all other welds.
The inspection of girlh welds shall be by radiographic
434.8.7 Removal or Repair of Defects
or other accepted volumetric methods. Nonvolumetric
(a) Are Burns. Are bums can cause serious stress con-
methods, such as dye penetrant or magnetic particle,
centrations in pípelines and shall be prevented,
may be used for olher welds. Each weld inspected shall
removed, or repaired. The metallurgical notch caused
be inspected completely wilh lhe selected method. In
by arc burns shall be removed by grinding, provided lhe
the following locations or conditions, all welds in. lhe
grinding does not reduce lhe remaining wall lhickness
pipe shall be completely inspected; however, if some of
to less lhan lhe minimum permitted by lhe materíal
the welds are maccessible, a minimum of 90% of the
specifícations. Complete removal of lhe metallurgical
welds are to be inspected
notch created by an arc burn can be determined as 101-
(a) within populated areas such as residential
lows. Alter visible evidence 01 lhe arc burn has been
subdivisions, shopping centers, and designated com-
removed by grinding, swab the ground area wílh a mini-
mercial and industrial areas
mum 10% solution oí arnmonium persulfate or a
(b) river, lake, and stream crossings wilhin lhe
5% solution of nital. A darkened spot is evidence of a
area subject to frequent inundation; and river, lake, and metallurgícal notch and indicates lhat addítíonal grind-
stream crossings on bridges
ing ís necessary. If lhe resulting wall thickness after
(e) railroad or public highway rights-of-way,
grinding ís less than that permltted by lhe materíal speci-
including tunnels, bridges, and overhead railroad and fícation, the portion of pipe containing the arc bum shall
road crossings be removed or repaired in accordance with para. 451.6.
(d) offshore and inIand coastal waters
Insert patching ís prohibited.
(e) old girlh welds in used pipe (b) Weld Defeets. Aulhorizatíon for repaír of welds,
(j) tie-in girlh welds not hydrostatically tested removal and repaír 01 weld defects, and testing of weld
in accordance wilh para. 437.4.1 repairs shall be in accordance wilh API 1104.
(b) Inspection Methads and Aeeeptanee Standards (e) Pipe Defeets. Laminations, splít ends, or other
(1) Nondestructive inspectíon shall consíst of defects in the pipe shall be repaired or removed in accor-
visual inspection and radiographic examination or other dance wilh para. 434.5(b).
acceptable nondestructive methods, and shall be ín
accordance wílh API 1104. The melhods used shall be 434.8.8 Preheating and Interpass Temperature
capable of producing indícations of potentíal defects (a)The welding procedure specifícation shall specily
lhat can be accurately interpreted and evaluated. Welds the minimum preheat temperature. When lhe welding
shall meet the acceptance standards for cliscontinuities proeedure specification specifies preheating aboye
contained in APl1104, or lhe alternate acceptance stan- ambient temperatures, lhe melhod of heating shall be
dards for gírth welds ín Mandatory Appendíx 1 of specifíed. For heat treated and olher high strenglh mate-
APl1104. rials and impact tested materíals, control of interpass
(2) Completed welds lhat have been removed for temperatures may be necessary. The operating company
destructive examination shall meet the requirements of shall determine when interpass temperature limits are
API 1104 for Welder Qualification by Destructive necessary, and, when required, the interpass tempera-
Testing. Trepanning methods of testing shall not be used. tures shall be provided in the welding procedure
434.8.6 Types ofWelds, Joint Designs, and Transition (b) When welding díssímllar materials having difler-
ent preheating requirements, the material requiring the
(a) Butt Welds. Butt welded joints may be of lhe single higher preheat shall govern.
vee, double vee, or other suitable type 01 groove. Joint (e) The preheating temperature shall be checked by
designs shown in Fig. 434.8.6-1 or applicable combina- the use of temperature indicating crayons, thermoeouple
Hons of these joint design details are recornmended for
pyrometers, or other suitable melhod to assure lhat the
ends of equal thickness. The transition between ends of required temperature is attained prior to and maintained
unequal thickness may be accomplished by taper or
during the welding operatíon.
welding as shown in Fíg. 434.8.6-2, or by means 01 a
prefabricated transition nipple not less lhan one-half 434.8.9 Stress Relieving
pípe díameter in lenglh with acceptable joint designs as (a) Welds shall be stress relísved when lhe effectíve
illustrated in Fig. 434.8.6-2. weld lhroat (see Fíg. 434.8.6-2) exceeds 1y. in. (32 mm),
(b) Fillet Welds. FilIet welds may be concave to unless it can be demonstrated by welding procedure
slightly convexo The size 01 a fillet weld ís stated as a qualification tests, using materials of the same specifica-
leg length of lhe largest inscríbed right ísosceles triangle tion, type, and grade wílh an effective weld throat that
as shown ín Fíg. 434.8.6-3 covering recommended is equal to or greater· than the production weld, lhat
attachment detaíls of flanges. stress relieving is not necessary.

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ASME 831.4·2012

Fig. 434.8.6-1 Acceptable Butt Welded Joint Design for Equal Wall Thicknesses

'/,eín. ± 1/32in • (1.5 m'm ± 0.75 mm)

30deg -Odeg 37~ 1/2 deg
± 2.1/2 deg

7/ain .
q: ~ T:;';:;:..)"r-4<:~~4<~~~I-:?'':
(22 mm) max.

(a) Standard End Preparation (b) Standard End Preparation
of Pipe of Butt Welding Fittings and '/lein. ± '/32in. (1.5 mm ± 0.75 mm)
Optional End Preparadon of
Pipe 7/a in. (22 mm) and (e) Suggested End Preparation~ Pipe and Fittings
Thinner Over 7/a in. (22 mm) Thickness

Standard End Preparations

+5deg '/
30deg _~ 37· " deg

'\:;:;' \ i "'1
~tfffj ~~
Id) le)
Acceptable Combinations of Pipe End Preparations

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No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME 831.4-2012

Fig. 434.8.6-2 Acceptable Butt Welded Joint Design for Unequal WaU Thicknesses

[Note (2)]

30 deg max. to 14 deg

(1 :4) [Note (1)]
i, ;:::5!JC:.:L-

(a) See Note (3)1a) (b) See Notes (3)(b) and (3)(d) (e) See Note (3)(e)

(Note (2)]

(Note (2)]

30 deg max. to 14 deg

(1 :4) [Note (1)]

(d) See Note (3)(dl (e) See Note (4)(al

30 deg max. to 14 deg mino (1 :4HNote (1)]

"""'::"'.-,,4 12)1


30 deg max. to 14
(11 Seo Note (4)(b) (91 See Note (51

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ASME 831.4-2012

Fig. 434.8.6·2 Acceptable Butt Welded Joint Oesign for Unequal Wall Thicknesses (Cont'd)

(a) The lI!ustrations in fig. 434.8.6-2 mustrate acceptable preparations for joining pipe ends having unequal wall thicknesses and/or
materials of unequal specified mínimum yield strength by butt welding.
(b) The waU thickness of the pipes to be joined, beyond the joint design area, shall comply with the design requirements of this Codeo
(e) When the specified mínimum yietd strengths of the pipes to be joined are unequal. the deposited weld metal shall have mechanical
properties at least equal to those of the pipe having the higher strength.
(d) The tran51t10n between ends of unequal thickness may be accomplished by taper or welding as iUustrated or by means of a
prefabricated transitlon nipple not less than one-half pipe diameter in length.
(e) Sharp notches or grooves at the edge of the weld where it joins a slanted surface shal! be avoided.
(f) For joining pipes of unequal waU thicknesses and equal specified minimum yield strengths, the rules given herein apply, except there
15 no minimum angle timit to the taper.
(g) The effeetive weld throat, tw, shall be used for determining postweld heat treatment requirements.

(1) No minimum when materials joined have equal yield strength [see General Note (f)].
(2) Maximum thiekness tD for design purposes shaU not be greater than 1.5t.
(3) Internal Diameters Unequal
(a) If the nominal wall thicknesses of the adjoining pipe ends do not vary more than %2 in. (2.5 mm), no special treatment 15 neces'
sary provided fuI! penetrat10n and bond 15 accomplished in welding. $ee iIIustration (a).
(b) Where the nominal internal offset 15 more than %2 in. (2.5 mm) and there is no access to the inside of the pipe for welding. the
transition shall be made by a taper cut on the inside end of the thieker pipe. See Hlustration (b). The taper angle shaU not be steeper
than 30 deg nor less that 14 deg.
(e) For hoop stresses of more than 20% of the specified minimum yield strength of the pipe, where the nominal internal offset 15
more than %2 in. (2.5 mm), but does not exceed one·half the wall thiekness of the thinner pipe, and there 15 access to the inside of
the pipe for welding, the trans1t10n may be made wih a tapered weld. See illustration (e). The land on the thicker pipe shall be equal
to the offset plus the land on abutting pipe.
(d) Where the nominal internal offset is more than one·half the wal! thickness of the thinner pipe, and there is aeeess to the inside
of the pipe for welding, the transit[on may be made with a taper cut on the inside end of the th1cker pipe [see illustration (b)], or by a
comblnation taper weld to one-half the wall thickness of the thlnner pipe and a taper cut from that polnt [see illustration (d)}.
(4) External Diameters Unequal
(a) Where the external offset does not exceed one-half the wall thickness of the thinner pipe, the transition may be made by weld·
ing [see iIlustration (e)}, provided the angle of rise of the weld surface does not exeeed 30 deg and both bevel edges are properly
(bJ Where there is an external offset exeeeding one-half the waU thickness of the thinner pipe, that portio n of the offset over one-
half the wall th1ckness of the thinner pipe shall be tapered. See Hlustration (f).
(5) lnternal and External Diameters Unequal. Where there is both an interna! and an external offset, the joint design shall be a combina·
tion of iIIustrations (a) through (f). See iIlustration (g). Particular attention shall be paid to proper alignment under these conditions.

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Fig. 434.8.6-3 Recommended Attachment Details of Flanges

(al Lapped Flange (b) Welding Neck Flange

'/2 in. (13 mm) max. ->;I-1f- (or t if preferredl
Front and back weld Front and back weld

(e) Slip·oo Welding Flange Id) Slip-DO Welding Flange


(e) Convex Fillet Weld (f) Concave Fillet Weld

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Welds in carbon steels having an effective weld throat 434.13 Special Crossings
larger Ihan 1y. in. (32 mm) and not larger than 1y, in. Water, railroad, and highway crossings require spe-
(38 mm) may be exempted trom stress relieving if a cHic considerations not readily eovered in a general
minimum preheating temperature of 200 P (93°C) is

statement, since aIl involve variations in basic design.

used. The welding procedure specification shall specify The pipeline company shall obtain required permits for
when stress relieving and/ oy heat treatment are required such crossings. The design shall employ sound engi-
due te composition, thickness, welding process, restraint neering and good pipeline practice wilh minimum haz-
of the weld joint, or service conditions. When required,
ard to Ihe facillty and due consideration of public safety.
Ihe welding procedure qualification test shall include
Construction shall be so organized as to result in mini-
stress relieving and/or heat treatrnent of Ihe completed mal interferenee with traffie or the aetivities of adjaeent
test joint. The postweld stress relieving and heat treat- property owners. Adequate efforts shall be made to
ment requirements in ASME B31.3 or Section VIII,
determine Ihe location of buried pipelines, utillty lines,
Division 1 or 2 of Ihe ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel and olher underground structures along and crossing
Code may be used as a guide for mintrnum stress reliev- Ihe proposed right-of-way. The owners of any affected
ing and heat treating requirements. The thickness to be stmctures shall be given adequate prior notice of the
used ta determine the stress relieving requirernents of proposed eonstruction so that the owner may make
branch connections or slip-on flanges shall be Ihe thick- operational preparations and provide a representative
ness of Ihe pipe or header. at the crossing.
The thickness to be used to determine Ihe stress reliev-
ing requirements of branch connections or slip-on 434.13.1 Water Crossings. Crossings of rivers,
flanges shall be Ihe thickness of the pipe or header. streams, lakes, and inland bodies of water are individual
lb) in welds between dissimilar materials, if either problems, and Ihe designer shall investigate composi-
material requires stress relieving, the joint shall require tion of bottom, variation in banks, velocity of water,
stress relieving. scouring, and special seasonal problems. The designer
shall determine whether Ihe crossing is to be underwa-
434.9 Tie-In ter, overhead on a suspension bridge; or supported on
Gaps left in the continuous line construction at such an adjacent bridge. Continuity of operation and the
points as river, canal, highway, or railroad crossings safety 01 Ihe general public shall be Ihe controlling lac-
require special consideration for alignment and welding. tors both in design and in construction. Where required,
Sufficient equiprnent shall be available and care exer- detailed plans and specifications shall be prepared tak-
cised not to force or strain the pipe to proper alignment. ing into aeeount these and any spedal eonsiderations
or limitations imposed by the regulatory body involved.
434.10 Installation of Pipe in the Ditch (a) Underwater Construction, Plans and specifieations
It is very important that stresses induced into Ihe shall describe Ihe position of Ihe line, showing relation-
pipeline by construction be minimized. The pipe shall ship of the pipeline to Ihe natural bottom and the deplh
tit Ihe ditch wilhout the use of external force to hold it below mean low water level when applicable. To meet
in place until the backfill is completed. When Ihe pipe Ihe conditions set out in para. 434.13.1, heavier wall pipe
is lowered into the ditch, care shall be exercised so as may be specified. Approach and position of Ihe line in
not to impose undue stress in the pipe. Slack loops may Ihe banks is important, as is the position of Ihe line
be used where laying conditions render their use aerass the bottom, Special eonsideration shall be given
advisable. to depth of cover and olher means of protecting the
pipeline in Ihe surf zone. Special consideration shall
434.11 Backfilling be given to protective coating and the use of concrete
Backfilling shall be performed in a manner to provide jacketing or the application of river weights. Complete
firm support of Ihe pipe. When Ihere are large rocks in inspection shall be provided. Precautions shall be taken
Ihe backfill material, care shall be exercised to prevent during construction to limit stress below the level Ihat
damage to Ihe pipe and coating by such means as Ihe would produce buckling or collapse due to out-of-
use of a rock shield material, or by making Ihe initial roundness 01 the completed pipeline.
fill with a rack-free material suffident to prevent rock 434,13.2 Overhead Structures . . Overhead structures
damage. Where the ditch is flooded, care shall be exer- used to suspend pipelines shall be. designed and con-
cised so Ihat the pipe is not floated from Ihe bottom of structed on the basis of sound engineering and within
the ditch prior to backfill completion. Ihe restrictions or regulations of the governing body
having jurisdiction. Detailed plans and specifications
434.12 Restoration of Right-of-Way and Cleanup
shall be prepared where required and adequate inspec-
These operations shall follow good constmction prac- tion shall be provided to assure complete adherence
tices and considerations of private and public safety. thereto.

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ASME B31.4·2012

434.13.3 Bridge Attachments. Special requirements (e) written safety plan to indude contingency plans in
are involved in this type 01 crossing. The use 01 Iúgher the event lhe drilling string impacts subsurface facilities.
strength lightweight steel pipe, proper design and instal- The salety plan should identify facilities and resources to
lation olhangers, and special protection to prevent dam- be utilized in lhe event of an emergency or any personnel
age by the elements or bridge and approach traflic shall iníuries. The salety plan shall be reviewed on site wilh
be considered. Any agreed upan restrictions or precau- all construction personnel prior to the commencement
tions shall be contained in lhe detailed specilications. of drilling operations.
Inspectors shall assure lhemselves that lhese reql1ire- (d) plan lor containment and disposal 01 drilling flu-
ments are meto ids, ti used.
(e) hydrostatic test plan that should consider pre-
434.13.4 Railroad and Highway Crossings
testing of the labricated string(s) prior to instalJing lhe
(a)The salety 01 lhe general public and lhe prevention crossing.
of damage to lhe pipeline by reason of its location are The following publications provide guidance on
primary considerations. The great variety of such cross- design 01 directionally drilied crossings:
ings predudes standard designo The conslruction speci-
(1) American Gas Association PR-227-9424
fications shall cover the procedure far such crossings,
"Installation of Pipelines by Horizontal Directional
based upan the requirements of the specific lacatian.
Dril!ing, An Engineering Design Guide"
(b) Installation of uncased carrier pipe is preferred.
(2) American Society 01 Civil Engineering, Practice
Installation of carrier pipe, or casing if used, shall be in
No. 89 - "Pipeline Crossings Handbook"
accardance with API RP 1102. As specified in
(3) Directional Crossing Contractors Association
para. 461.1.7, if casing is used, coated carrier pipe shall
be independently supported outside each end 01 lhe publications "Guidelines For A Successful Directional
Crossing Bid Package/' "Directional Crossing Survey
casing and insulated from the casing throughout lhe
cased section, and casing ends shall be sealed using a Standards," and "Guidelines for Successful Mid-Sized
durable, electrically nonconductive material.
Directional Drilling Proíects"
(e) The total effective stress due to internal design
434.14 Inland Coastal Water Construction
pressure and external loads (induding bolh live and
dead loads) in pipe installed under railroads or Iúgh- Plans and specilications shall describe alignment 01
ways wilhout use of casing shall be calculated in accor- lhe pipeline, depth below mean water level, and depth
dance with API RP 1102 and shall not exceed the below bollom ti ditched. Special consideration shall be
allowable effective stress noted in para. 402.3.2(e). AIso, given to deplh of cover and other means of protecting
cyclic stress components shall be checked for fatigue. lhe pipeline in the surl zone. Consideration shall be
given to use of weight coating(s), anchors, or other
434.13.5 OirectionaUy Orilled Crossings. Written means of maintaining position of the pipe under antici-
plans shall be developed for all directionally drilled pated conditions of buoyance and water motion. Com-
crossings or fer when directional drilling is selected as plete construction inspection shall be provided.
a pipe lay melhod. Plans wil! include the following: Precautions shall be taken during construction to limit
(a) crossing plan and profile drawings showing all stress below lhe level that would produce buckling or
pipelines, utilities, cables, and structures that cross the collapse due to out-of-roundness of the completed
dril! palh, are parallel to and within 100 ft (30 m) of the pipeline.
drill palh, and lhat are within 100 ft (30 m) of lhe drilling
operation, including mud pits and bore pits. 434.15 Block and Isolating Valves
(b)damage prevention plan to reduce the likelihood
01 damage to adíacent underground lacilites, including 434.15.1 General
pipelines, utilities; cables; and other subsurface struc- (a) Block and isolating valves shall be installed for
tures. The plan shall consider lhe accuracy of lhe method limiting hazard and damage Irom accidental discharge
to be employed in locating existing structures and in and for facilitating maintenance 01 the piping system.
tracking the position of lhe pilot string during drilling. (b) Valves shall be at accessible locations, protected
Consideration should be given to having an auxiliary from damage or tampering, and suitably supported to
location system to inc1ude manual excavation to ensure prevent difierential settlemer¡t or movement of the
lhat lhe drilJing bit or reamer is following lhe proíected allached piping. Where an operating device to open or
path and does not encroach upon crossing or parallel dose lhe valve is provided, it shall be protected and
lines. The damage prevention plan should provide spe- accessible only to authorized persons.
eifle instructions regarding the notification of affected (e) Submerged valves on pipelines shall be marked or
parties inc1uding the participation in one-call systems spotted by survey techniques to facilitate quick location
where applicable. when operation is required.

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ASME 831.4·2012

(12) 434.15.2 Mainline Valves 434.17.2 Scraper traps on mainline terminations

(a) Mainline block valves shall be instaUed on the and tied into connection piping or manifolding shall be
upstream side of major river crossings and public water anchored below ground with adequate concrete anchors
supply reservoirs. Eilher a block or check valve shaU be when required and suitably supported above ground to
installed on the downstrearn side of majo! river cross- prevent transrrussion of line stresses due to expansion
ings and public water supply reservoirs. and contraction to connecting facilities.
(b) A mainline block valve shall be installed at main- 434.17.3 Scraper trap and its components shall be
line pump stations, and a block or check valve (where assembled in accordance with section 435, and pressure
applicable to minimize pipeline backflow) shall b~ tested to Ihe same limits as Ihe main lineo See para. 437.4.
installed at other locations appropriate for Ihe teffain
features. In industrial, commercial, and residential areas 434.17.4 All in-line mainline pipeline scraper traps
where construction activities pose a particular risk of shaU accornrnodate Ihe passage of instrumented internal
external damage to the pipeline, provisions shall be inspection devices during launching and receiving
made for the appropriate spacing and location of main- operations.
line valves consistent with Ihe type of liquids and slur- 434.18 Line Markers (12)
ries being transported.
(e) A remotely operated mainline block valve shall
(a) Except as provided in para. 434.18(d), adequate
be provided at remotely controlled pipeline facilities to pipeline location markers for Ihe protection of Ihe pipe-
line, Ihe public, and persons perforrning work in the
isolate segments of Ihe pipeline.
area shall be placed over each buried pipeline in accor-
(d) On piping systems transporting LPG or liquid
dance wilh Ihe following:
anhydrous ammonia, check valves shall be installed
(1) Markers shall be located at each public road
where applicable wilh each block valve to provide auto-
crossing, at each railroad crossing, at each navigable
matic blockage of reverse flow in Ihe piping system.
stream crossing, and in sufficient numbers along the
(e) In order to facilltate operational control, limit Ihe
remainder of Ihe buried line so that Ihe pipeline location
duration of an outage, and expedite repairs, rnainline
induding direction of the pipeline is adequately known.
block valves shall be installed at 7.5 mile (12 km) maxi-
It is recommended that markers are installed on each
mum spacing on piping systems transporting LPG or
side of each crossing whenever possible.
liquid anhydrous ammonia in industriat cornmercial,
(2) Markers shall be installed at locations where
and residential areas.
the line is aboye ground in areas that are accessible tú
(12) 434.15.3 Pump Station, Tank Farm, Slurry Holding Ihe publico
Pond, and Terminal Valves (b) The marker shall state at least the following on a
(a) Valves shall be installed on Ihe suction and dis- background of sharply contrasting colors:
charge of pump stations whereby Ihe pump station can (1) The word "Warning," "Caution," or "Danger"
be isolated from the pipeline. followed by Ihe words "Petroleum (or Ihe name of Ihe
(b) Valves shall be installed on lines entering or leav- hazardous liquid transported) Pipeline" or "Slurry Pipe-
ing tank farms or terminals at convenient locations line" all of which, except for markers in heavlly devel-
whereby Ihe tank farm, slurry holding pond, or terminal oped urban areas, must be in letters at least one inch
may be isolated from olher facilities such as the pipeline, high with an approxirnate stroke of one-quarter inch.
manifolds, or pump stations. (2) The name of the operator and atelephone num-
ber (induding area code) where Ihe operator can be
434.16 Connections to Main Lines reached at aH times.
(e) API RP 1109 should be used for additional
Where connections ta the main Une such as branch
Unes, jump-overs, relief valves, air vents, etc., are made guidance.
(d) Unless required by applicable regulatory agencies,
to Ihe main line, Ihey shall be made in accordance wilh
para. 404.3.1. When such connections or additions are Une markers are not required for buried pipelines
made to coated lines, all damaged coating shall be located offshore or under waterways and olher bodies
removed and replaced with new coating material in of water, or in heavily developed urban areas such as
accordance wilh para. 461.1.2. This protective coating downtown business centers where the placement of
should indude Ihe attachments. rnarkers is impractical and would not serve the purpose
for which markers are intended and Ihe local govem-
434.17 Scraper Traps ment maintains substructure records.

434.17.1 Scraper traps are to be installed as 434.19 Corrosion Control

deemed necessary for good operations. AII pipe, valves, Protection of ferrous pipe and components from exter-
fittings, dosures, and appurtenances shall comply wilh nal and internal corrosion shall be as prescribed in
appropriate sections of this Code. Chapter VIII.

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ASME 831.4-2012

434.20 Pump Station, Tank Farm, and Terminal unit interconnections, manifolds, scraper traps, etc., that
Construction can be subject to the mainline pressure shall be con-
strueted in accordance wilh the welding standards (see
434.20.1 General. All construction work performed para. 434.8), corrosion control requirements (see
en pump stations, tank farms, terminals, equipment Chapter VIII), and other practices of thls Codeo
installations, piping, and allied facilities shall be done
under construction specifications. Such specifications 434.20.6 Controls and Protective Equipment. Pres-
shall cover all phases of lhe work under contrae! and sure controls and protective equipment, including pres-
shall be in sufficient detail to insure lhat lhe require- sure limiting devices, regulators, controllers, relief
ments of this Code shall be mel. Such specifications shall valves, and other safety devices, as shown on the draw-
inelude specifíc details on soil conditions, foundations ings or reqnired by lhe specifications, shall be installed
and concrete work, steel fabrication and building erec- by competent and skilled workmen. lnstallation shall
tian, piping, welding, equipment and materials, and a11 be accomplished wilh careful handling and minirnum
construction factors contributing to safety and sound exposure of instruments and devices to inclement
engineering practice. ' weather conditions, dust, or dirt to prevent damage.
Also, piping, conduits, or mounting brackets shall not
434.20.2 Location. Pump stations, tank farms, and cause the instruments or devices to be distorted or in
terminals should be located on the pipeline's fee or any strain. lnstruments and devices shall be installed so
leased property in order to be assured lhat proper safety Ihat lhey can be checked without undue interruptions
precautions may be applied. The pump station, tank in operations. After installation, controls and protective
farm, or terminal shall be located at such elear distances equipment shall be lested under conditions approximat-
from adjacent properties not under control of the com- ing actual operations to ensure their proper functioning.
pany as to minimize the communication of fue froro
structures on adjacent properties. Similar consideration 434.20.7 Fire Protection. Fire protection when pro-
shall be given to its relative location from the station vided shall be in accordance with recommendations in
manifolds, tankage, maintenance facilities, persOlU1el NFPA 30. If lhe system installed requires lhe services
housing, etc. Sufficient open space shall be left around of fire pumps, their motive power shall be separate from
the building and manifolds to provide access for mainte- the station power so lhat lheir operation shall not be
nance equipment and fue fighting equipment. The sta- affected by emergency shutdown facilities.
tian, tank farm, or terminal shall be fenced in such a
manner as to minimize trespass, and roadways and gates 434.21 Storage and Working Tankage
should be located to give ready access to or egress from 434.21.1 General. Allconstrue!ion work performed
lhe facilities. on storage and working tankage and allied equipment,
434.20.3 Building lnstallation. Buildings shall be piping, and facilities shall be done under construction
located and constructed to comply wilh detailed plans specifications. Such specifications shall cover all phases
of the work under contract, and shall be in sufficient
and specifications. The excavation for and installation
of foundations and erection of lhe building shall be done detail to ensure lhat lhe requirements of the Code shall
be meto Such specifications shall inelude specific details
by craftsmen familiar wilh lhe respective phase of lhe
on soil conditions, foundations and concrete work, tank
work, and all work shall be done in a safe and workman-
fabrication and erection, piping, welding, equipment
like manner. Inspection shall be provided to ensure that
and materials, dikes, and all constructionfactors contrib-
lhe requirements of the plans and specifications are mel.
uting to safety and sound engineering practice.
434.20.4 Pumping Equipment and Prime Movers.
434.21.2 Location (12)
lnstallation of pumping equipment and prime movers
(a) Tankage or slurry holding ponds shall be located
shall be covered by detailed plans and specifications
on lhe pipeline's fee or leased property in order to assure
that have taken mto account the variables inherent in
that proper safety precautions may be applied. Tank
local soil conditions, utilization, and arrangement of the
facilities or slurry holding ponds shall be located at
equipment to provide the optimum in operating ease
such dear distances from adjacent properties not under
and maintenance access. Machinery shall be handled
control of the company as to minimize the communica-
and mounted in accordance with recognized good mill-
tion of fue from structures on adjacent properties. Simi-
wright practice and be provided with such protective
lar consideration shall be givan to relative locations
covers as to prevent damage during construction. Rec-
between station manifolds, pumping equipment, main-
ornmendations of installation details provided by manu-
tenance facilities, personnel housing, etc. Sufficient open
facturers for auxiliary piping, setting, and aligning shall
space shall be left around lhe tankage facilities or slurry
be considered as minimum requirements.
holding ponds and associated equipment to provide
434.20.5 Pump Station, Tank Farm, and Terminal access for maintenance and fire fighting equipment. The
Piping. All piping, ineluding but not limited to main tankage or slurry holding pond area shall be fenced so

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ASME B31.4-2012

as to minimize trespass, and roadways and gates should deterioration, or contamination during construction.
be located to give ready ingress to and egress from lhe Packaged components are not to be exposed until instal-
facilities. lation. Equipment susceptible to damage or deteriora-
(b) Spacing of tankage shall be governed by the tion by exposure to humidity shall be adequately
requirements of NFPA 30. protected by using appropriate means such as plastie
film enclosures, desiccants, or electric heating.
434.21.3 Tanks and Pipe·Type Storage
(a) Tanks lor storage or handling crude oil and liquid 434.22.3 Installation. The installation of electrieal
petroleum products and liquid alcohols having vapor materials shall be made by qualified personnel familiar
pressures approxi.mating atmospheric shall be con- wilh detalls of electrical aspects and code requlrements
structed in accordance with API 650, API 12B, API 12D, for such installation. At aH times, care shall be exercised
API 12F, or designed and constructed in accordance with to prevent damage to the insulation of cable and wiring.
accepted good engineering practices. AU partial installations shall be protected from damage
(b) Tanks for storage or handling liquid petroleu.m during construction. The installation design and specili-
products and Iiquid alcohols having vapor gage pres- cations shall give consideration to the need for dust-
sures 01 0.5 psi (0.035 bar) but not exceeding 15 psi proof and/ or moisture-prool enclosures for such special
(1 bar) shall be constructed in accordance wilh API 620. gear as relays, smaH switches, and electroruc compo-
(c) Tanks used for storage or handling Iiquids having nents. In no case shall the frames of electric motors
vapor gage pressures greater than 15 psi (1 bar) shall or olher grounded electrieal equipment be used as the
be designed and constructed in accordance with lhe ground connection for electrieal welding.
design of accredited tank builders and lhe ASME Boiler
and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 or 434.23 Liquid Metering
Division 2. 434.23.1 Positive displacement meters, turbine
(d) Buried pipe-type holders used for storage and meters, or equivalent liquid measuring devices and their
handling liquid petroleum, liquid alcohols, or liquid proving facilities shall be designed and installed in
anhydrous ammonia shall be designed and constructed accordance with the API Manual of Petroleum
in accordance with the requirements of this Code for Measurement Standards.
pipe and piping components.
434.23.2 Provisions shall be made to pernút access
434.21.4 Foundations. Tank foundations shall be
to these facilities by aulhorized personnel only.
constructed in accordance with plans and specifications
that shall take into account local soil conditions, type of 434.23.3 Assembly of the metering facility compo-
tank, usage, and general location. nents shall be in accordance with para. 435.
434.21.5 Dikes or Firewalls. The protecUon of the
434.24 Liquid Strainers and Filters
pipeline's station, tank farm, terminal, or other facilities
from damage by fire from adjacent facilities, as well as 434.24.1 Strainers and filters shall be designed to
the protection of lhe general public, may dictate lhe the same pressure limitations and subjected to the same
need of dikes or fuewalls around tankage or between test pressures as the piping system in which lhey are
tankage and station or terminaL Tank dikes or firewalls, installed, and supported in such a manner as to prevent
where required, shall be constructed to meet the capacity undue loading to lhe connecting piping system.
requirements set out in NFPA 30.
434.24.2 installation and design shall provide for
434.22 Eleetrieal Installations ease of maintenance and servidng without interference
434.22.1 General. Electrical installations lor light-
with the station operation.
ing, power, and control shall be covered by detailed 434.24.3 The filtering medium should be of such
plans and specifications, and installations shall be in retention size and capacity as to fully protect the facilities
accordance with codes applicable to the specific type of against the intrusion of harmful foreign substances.
circuitry and dassification of areas for electrical installa-
tion. Inspection shall be provided and aU circuitry shall 434.24.4 Assembly of strainers or filters and lheir
be tested belore operation to ensure lhat lhe installation components shaU be in accordance wilh para. 435.
was made in workmanlike manner to provide for the
continuing safety of personnel and equipment. Installa- 435 ASSEMBLY OF PIPING COMPONENTS
tions shall be made in accordance with NFPA 70 and
API RP SOOe. 435.1 General
434.22.2 Care and Handlingof Materials. AU electri- The assembly of the various piping components,
cal equipment and instruments shall be carefully han- whether done in a shop or as a field erectíon, shall be
dled and properly stored or enclosed to prevent damage, done so lhat lhe completely erected piping conforms

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ASME B31.4-2012

wilh lhe requirements of this Code and wilh the specifie and speeified loadings for lhe speeific serviee piping to
requirements of the engineering designo which it is eonnected.
435.2 Bolting Procedure 435.4.2 Meter banks, prever loops, and seraper
traps shall be subjeet to lhe same assembly requirements
435.2.1 All flanged joints shall be fitted up so lhat as manifolds.
the gasket eontact faces bear uniforrnly on lhe gasket,
and made up wilh uniform bolt stress. 435.4.3 Manifold headers wilh mulliple outlets
435.2.2 in bolting gasketed flanged joints, lhe gas- shall have outlets designed as eovered in
ket shall be properly eompressed in aeeordanee wilh lhe paras. 404.3.1(b) and 404.3.1(e) and illustrated in
design principIes applieable to the type of gasket used. Figs. 404.3.3.1-1 and 404.3.5-1, respeetively. Assembly
may be wilh lhe use of jigs to ensure alignrnent of outlets
435.2.3 All bolts or studs shall extend eompletely and flanges wilh olher eomponents. The fabricated unit
through lheir nuts. shall be stress relieved before removal from the jig.
435.3 Pumping Unit Piping 435.4.4 Manifold headers assembled from
435.3.1 Piping to main pumping units shall be so wrought tees, fittings, and flanges may be assembled
designed and supported lhat when assembled to lhe with jigs to assure alignment of components. Stress
pump flanges and valves it should be relatively free of relieving should be eonsidered.
stress and should not add stress or load to the pump 435.4.5 All welding on manifolds and headers
frame. shall eonform to para. 434.8.
435.3.2 The design and assembly shall take into 435.4.6 Final assembly of all eomponents shall
account the forces of expansion and contraction to mini- minirnlze loeked-in stresses. The entire assembly shall
mize lheir effeet within lhe assembly. be adequately supported to provide minimum unbal-
435.3.3 All valves and fittings on pumping units anee and vibration.
shall carry the same pressure ratings as required for line
operating pressures. 435.5 Auxiliary Piping (12)

435.3.4 Welding shall be in aeeordanee with 435.5.1 All auxiliary piping between main units
para. 434.8. and auxiliary eomponents shall be assembled in a work-
manllke manner and in aeeordanee wilh lhe appliea-
435.3.5 Bolting shall be in aeeordanee with
ble eode.
para. 435.2.
435.5.2 AlI welded auxiliary lines shall be assem-
435.4 Manifolds bled in aeeordanee with lhe requirements of this Code
435.4.1 All eomponents within a manifold assem- with spedal provisions as required for assembly to mini-
bly, including valves, flanges, fittings, headers, and spe- mize locked-in stress, and for adequate support or
cial assemblies, shall withstand the operating pressures restraint to minimize vibration.

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ASME 831.4·2012

Chapter VI
Inspection and Testing

436 INSPECTION (b) Construction

(1) Visual inspection lor detection 01 surface delects
436.1 General in fue pipe shali be provided lor each job just ahead 01
any coating operation and during fue lowering-in and
Construction inspection provisions fúr pipelines and
backfili operation.
related facilities shall be adequate to ensure compliance
with the material, construction, welding, assembly, and (2) The pipe swabbing operation shall be inspected
testing requirements of this Code. fúr thoroughness tú provide a clean surface inside the
(3) Belore welding, the pipe shall be examined lor
(12) 436.2 Qualification of Inspectors damage-Iree bevels and proper alignment 01 fue joint.
lnspection personnel shali be qualilied by training (4) All welding operations shall be inspected to
and experience. Such personnel shall be capable of per- verify that welding is being perlormed in accordance
lorming fue lollowing inspection services: with qualified welding procedures by qualified welders.
(a) right-ol-way and grading (5) The slringer bead shall be inspected, particu-
(b) ditchíng lady lor cracks, belore subsequent beads are applied.
(e) use 01 explosives (6) The completed weld shall be cJeaned and
(d) road and railroad casing and crossing inspected prior to coating operations, and irregularities
that could protrude through fue pipe coating shall be
(e) pipe slringing and pipe and material handling
(j) bending
(7) When the pipe is coated, inspection shall be
(g) line up and pipe surlace inspection
made to determine that the coating machíne does not
(h) welding cause harmful gouges or grooves in fue pipe surlace.
(i) coating (8) Lacerations 01 the pipe coating shall be
(j) tie-in and lowering inspected prior to repair of coating to see il fue pipe
(k) backfiiling and clean up surlace has been damaged. Damaged coating and pipe
(l) pressure testing shall be repaired belore fue pipe is lowered in the ditch.
(m) special services lor testing and inspection 01 facili- (9) All repairs, changes, or replacements shall be
ties, such as station construction, river crossings, eledri- inspected before they are covered up.
cal installation, radiography, corrosion control, double (10) The condition 01 the ditch shall be inspected
jointing., etc., as may be required before fue pipe is lowered in to ensure proper protection
Di pipe and coating. For underwater crossings, the condi-
436.5 Type and Extent of Examination Required tion of the ditch and fit 01 fue pipe to the diteh shall be
inspected when feasible.
(12) 436.5.1 Visual (11) The lit 01 fue pipe to ditch shall be inspected
(a) Material belore fue backfiliing operations.
(1) AII piping components shalI be visualIy (12) The backfilling operations shall be inspected
inspected tú insure that no mechanical darnage has lor quality and compaction 01 backfill, placement 01
occurred during shipment and handling prior to being material lor the control 01 erosion, and possible damage
connected into the piping system. to the pipe coatings.
(2) All pipe shall be visually inspected to discover (13) Ca sed crossings shall be inspected during
any delects as described in paras. 434.5 and 434.8.7. installation to determine that the .carrier pipe is sup-
(3) On systems where pipe is telescoped by grade, ported, sealed, and insulated from fue casing.
wall thickness, or both, particuiar care shall be taken to (14) River crossings shall have fuorough inspection,
ensure proper placement of pipe. Permanent records and shall be surveyed and profiled alter construction.
shall be kept showing fue location as installed 01 each (15) All piping components ofuer fuan pipe shall be
grade, wall thickness, type, specification, and manufac- inspected to ensure damage-Iree condition and proper
turer of the pipe. installation.

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(16) Stringing operalions shall be inspected to ver- 437.1.4 Testing After New Construction (12)
uy use 01 proper pipe handling techniques and Ihat Ihe (a) Systems or Parts 01 Systems
pipe is not being damaged. (J) Allliquid and slurry transportation piping sys-
(17) When explosives are used during grading and tems within Ihe scope of this Code, regardless of stress,
ditching operalions, inspeclions shall be made to verify shall be tested after construction.
use of proper techniques and maintenance of records. (2) Systems to be operated at a hoop stress ofmore
(18) The bending operalions shall be inspected to than 20% of Ihe specuied minimum yield strenglh of
verify that Ihe maximum allowable angle 01 bend is,not Ihe pipe shall be hydrostatically tested in accordance
exceeded and that there is no wrinkling or excessive with para. 437.4.1.
flattening 01 Ihe pipe. (3) Systems to be operated at a hoop stress of 20%
436.5.2 Supplementary Types of Examination or less of specified minimum yield strenglh of Ihe pipe
may be subjected ta a leak test in accordance with
(a) Testing of field and shop welds shall be made in
para. 437.4.3 in lieu 01 Ihe hydrostatic test specified in
accordance with para. 434.8.5.
para. 437.4.l.
(b) Radiographic inspeclion of welds shall be per-
(4) When testing piping, in no case shall Ihe test
formed in accordance wilh para. 434.8.5.
pressure exceed that stipulated in Ihe standards of mate-
(e) Coated pipe shall be inspected in accordance wilh
rial specifications (except pipe) incorporated in Ihis
para. 461.1.2.
Code by reference and listed in Table 423.1-1 for Ihe
(d) Pipeline segments installed by direclional drllling
weakest element in the system, or portian of system,
shall be inspected for cross section deformation by run-
being tested.
ning a sizing plate or caliper pig through Ihe crossing
(5) Equipment not to be subjected to test pressure
afler installation but prior to removing the drilling
shall be disconnected from Ihe piping or olherwise iso-
equipment from Ihe work site or tying in the crossing
lated. Valves may be used u Ihe valve, including closing
to Ihe pipeline system.
mechanism, is suitable for the test pressure.
436.6 Repair of Defects (b) Testing Tie-Ins. Because it is sometimes necessary
to divide a pipeline into test sections and install test
436.6.1 Defects of labricated items and in pipe heads, connecting piping, and olher necessary appurte-
wall shall be repaired or eliminated in accordance with nances for testing, or to install a pretested replacement
para. 434.5. section, it is not required that tie-in welds be tested¡
436.6.2 Welding delects shall be repaired in accor- however, tie-in welds and girlh welds joining lengths
dance wilh para. 434.8.7. of pretested pipe shall be inspected by radiographic or
other accepted nondestructive methods in accordance
436.6.3 Holidays or olher damage to coating shall wilh para. 434.8.5(b) u system is not pressure tested after
be repaired in accordance with para. 461.1.2. Iie-in. After such inspection, the joint shall be coated
and inspected in accordance wilh para. 461.1.2 before
437 TESTING backfilling.
(e) Testing Controls and Proteetive Equipment. All con-
437.1 General trols and protective equipment, including pressure lim-
(a) In order to meet requirements 01 this Code, it is iting devices, regulators, controllers, relief valves.. and
necessary Ihat tests be made upon the completed system olher safety devices, shall be tested to determine Ihat
and upon component parts 01 the linished system. When they are in good mechanical condition¡ of adequate
reference in this Cade is made ta tests or portions of capacity. effectiveness, and reliability of operation for
tests described in olher codes and specuications, they Ihe service in which they are employed; funclioning at
shall be considered as a part of this Codeo the correct pressure; and properly installed and pro-
(b) Should leaks occur on tests, the line seclion or tected from foreign materials or other conditions that
component part shall be repaired or replaced and might prevent proper operalion.
retested in accordance with this Codeo
437.1.5 Testing of Replacement Components. Com-
437.1.3 Testing of Fabricated Items ponents olher than pipe that are being replaced or added
(a) Fabricated items such as seraper traps, manifolds, to Ihe pipeline system need not be hydrostatically tested
volume chambers, etc., shall be hydrostatically tested if the manufacturer certifies thato either each component
to limits equal to or greater than Ihose required 01 the was hydrostatically tested at the factory, or each compo-
completed system. This test may be conducted sepa- nent was manufactured under a quality control system
rately or as a part of Ihe completed system. that ensures each component is at least equal in strength
(b) In testing fabricated items before installation, the to a prototype that was hydrostalically tested at Ihe
applicable paragraphs 01 specifications listed in factory. Tie-in butt welds are subject to Ihe same nonde-
Table 423.1-1 shall apply. struclive tests as in para. 451.6.3(a).

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437.4 Test Pressure a nominal hoop stress of 25% of the specified minimum
yield strenglh of the pipe, whichever is less.
(12) 437.4.1 Hydrostatic Testing of Internal Pressure
Piping 437.6 Qualification Tests
(a) Portions of piping systems to be operated at a Where tests are required by other sections of this Code,
hoop stress of more than 20% of the specified minimum Ihe following procedures shall be used.
yield strenglh of the pipe shall be subjected at any point 437.6.1 Visual Examination. Used or new pipe to
to a hydrostatic proof test equivalent to not less than be laid shall be visually examined in accordance with
1.25 times Ihe intemal design pressure at Ihat point (se;' para. 436.5.1.
para. 401.2.2) for not less than 4 hr. When lines are
tested at pressures that develop a hoop stress, based on 437.6.2 Bending Properties
nominal wall thickness, in excess of 90% of the specified (a) For pipe of unknown specification or ASTM A120,
minimum yield strength of the pipe, special care shall bending properties are required if minimurn yield
be used to prevent overstrain of Ihe pipe. strenglh used for design is above 24,000 psi (165 MPa),
(1) Those portions of piping systems where all of and afler type of joint has been identified in accordance
the pressured components are visually inspected during with para. 437.6.4. For pipe NPS 2 and smaller, bending
the proof test to determine that there is no leakage test shall meet Ihe requirements of ASTM A53 or API 5L.
require no further test. This can include lenglhs of pipe For pipe larger Ihan NPS 2 in nominal diameter, flat-
that are pretested far use as replacement sections. tening tests shall meet Ihe requirements in ASTM A53,
API 5L, or API 5LU.
(2) On Ihose portions of piping systems not visually
(b) The number of tests required to determine bend-
inspected whUe under test, the proof test shall be fol-
lowed by a reduced pressure leak test equivalent to not ing properties shall be the same as required in
less Ihan 1.1 times the intemal design pressure for not para. 437.6.6 to determine yield strenglh.
less than 4 hr. 437.6.3 Determination ofWall Thickness. When the
(b) API RP 1110 may be used for guidance for the nominal wall thickness is not known, it shall be deter-
hydrostatic test. mined by measuring Ihe !hickness at quarter points on
(e) The hydrostatic test shall be conducted with water, one end of each piece of pipe. If Ihe lot of pipe is known
except liquid petroleum Ihat does not vaporize rapidly to be of unllorm grade, size, and nominal !hickness,
may be used, provided measurement shall be made on not less than 5% of the
(1) Ihe pipeline section under test is not offshore individuallengths, but not less than 10 lengths; !hickness
and is outside of cities and other populated areas, and of Ihe olher lenglhs may be verified by applying a gage
each building within 300 ft (90 m) of the test section is set to the minimum thickness. Following such measure-
unoccupied while the test pressure is equal tú ar greater ment, the nominal wall thickness shall be taken as the
Ihan a pressure which produces a hoop stress of 50% of next nominal wall !hickness below Ihe average of all
the specific minimum yield strength of Ihe pipe the rneasurements taken, hut in no case greater than
1.14 times Ihe least measured !hickness for all pipe under
(2) the test section is kept under surveillance by
NPS 20, and no greater than 1.11 times Ihe least mea-
regular patrols during test
sured !hickness for all pipe NPS 20 and larger.
(3) cornmunication is maintained along the test
section 437.6.4 Determination of Weld Joint Factor. If Ihe
(d) If Ihe testing medium in the system will be subject type of longitudinal or spiral weld joint is known, Ihe
tú therrnal expansion during the test, provisions shall be corresponding weld joint factor (Table 403.2.1-1) may be
made for relief of excess pressure. Effects of temperature used. Otherwise, as noted in Table 403.2.1-1, Ihe factor
changes shall be taken mto account when interpretations E shall not exceed 0.60 for pipe NPS 4 and smaller, or
are made of recorded test pressures. 0.80 for pipe over NPS 4.
(e) After completion of the hydrostatic test, it is 437.6.5 Weldability. For steel pipe of unknown
important in coId weather that the lines, valves, and specification, weldabillty shall be determined as follows.
fittings be drained completely of any water to avoid A qualified welder shall make a girth weld in the pipe.
damage due to freezing. 1his weld shall be tested in accordance wilh Ihe require-
ments of para. 434.8.5. The qualifying weld shall be made
437.4.3 Leak Testing. A 1 hr hydrostatic or pneu- under the múst severe conditions under which welding
matic leak test may be used for piping systems to be will be pennitted in Ihe field and using Ihe same proce-
operated at a hoop stress of 20% or less of Ihe specified dure as to be used in the field. The pipe shall be consid-
minimum yield strenglh of the pipe. The hydrostatic ered weldable if the requirements set forth in
test pressure shall be not less Ihan 1.25 times Ihe intemal para. 434.8.5 are met. At least one such test weld shall
design pressure. The pneumatic test gage pressure shall be made for each number of lengths to be used as listed
be 100 psi (7 bar) or that pressure which would produce below.

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Minimum Number of Test Welds 437.6.7 Minimum Yield Strength Value. For pipe of
Nominal Pipe Number of Lengths unknown specification, the minimum yield strength
Size per Test may be determíned as follows.
Average lhe value of all yield strength tests for a test
Less than 6 400
6 through 12 200
lot. The mínimum yield strength shall then be taken as
Larger than 12 100 the lesser 01 lhe following:
(a) 80% of lhe average value 01 lhe yield strength tests
All test specimens shall be selected at random. (b) the minimum value of any yield strength test,
437.6.6 Determination ofYield Strength. When lhe except that in no case shall this value be taken as greater
specified minirnum yield strength, minimurn tensile than 52,000 psi (358 MPa)
strength, or minlmum percent of elongation of pipe is (e) 24,000 psi (165 MPa) if lhe average yield-tensile
unlmown, the tensile properties may be established as ratio exceeds 0.85
Perform all tensile tests preseribed by API 5L or 5LU, 437.7 Records (12)
except lhat the minlmum number of such tests shall be A record shall be maintained in the files of the
as follows. operating company relative to design, construction, and
Nominal Pipe Nmnber of Lengths
testing of each main line wilhin the scope of this Codeo
Size per Test These records shall indude material specificationSi route
maps and alignments sheets for "as-built" condition;
Less than 6 200 loeation of eaeh pipe size, grade, wall thickness, type of
6 through 12 100
Larger than 12 50
seam (if any), and manufacturer; coatings; and test data.
These records shall be kept for lhe life of the faeility. See
All test specimens shall be selected at random. para. 436.5.1(a)(3).

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Chapter VII
Operation and Maintenance Procedures

(12) 450 OPERATlON ANO MAINTENANCE 450.2 Operatlon and Malntenance Plans and
LlQUID ANO SLURRY TRANSPORTATION Each operating company having a transportation pip-
PIPING SYSTEMS ing system within the scope of this Code shall
(a) have written detailed plans and training programs

450.1 General for employees covering operating and maintenance pro-

cedures for the transportation piping systern during nor-
(a) It is not possible to preseribe in this Code a detailed mal operations and maintenance in accordance with the
set of operating and maintenanee proeedures that will purpose of this Code. Essential fealures recoromended
encompass all cases. It is possible, however, fer each for inclusion in the plans for speeific portions of the
system are given in sections 451 and 452.
operating eompany to develop operating and mainte-
(b) have a plan for external and intemal corrosion
nance procedures based on the provisions of this Code,
control of new and existing piping systems, including
and the eompany's experienee and knowledge of its
requirements and procedures prescribed in section 453
facilities and eonditions under which they are operated,
and Chapter VIll.
that will be adequate from the standpoint of public
(e) have a written emergency plan as indicated in
section 454 for implementation in the event of system
(b) The methods and procedures set forth herein serve failures, accidents, or other emergencies. Train appro-
as a general guide, but do not relieve the individual ar priate operating and maintenance employees with
operating company from the responsibillty for prudent regard to applicable portions of the plan, and establish
action that current particular circumstances make liaison with appropriate public officials with respect to
advisable. the plan.
(e) It must be recognized that local conditions (such (d) have a plan for reviewing changes in conditions
as the effects of temperature, characteristics of the Une affecting the integrity and safety of the piping system,
contents, and topography) will have considerable bear- induding provisions for periodic patrolling and
ing on the approach to any particular maintenance and reporting of construction activity and changes in condi-
repair jobo tions, especially in industrial, comrnercial, and residen-
(d) Suitable safety equipment shall be available for
tial areas and at river, railroad, and highway crossings, in
persormel use at all work areas and operating facillties order to consider the possibility of providing additional
protection to prevent damage to the pipeline in accor-
where Iiquid anhydrous aromonia is transported. Such
dance with para. 402.1.
safety equipment shall include at least the following:
(e) establlsh liaison with local authorities who issue
(1) full face gas mask with anhydrous aromonia construction permits in urban areas to prevent accidents
refill camsters caused by excavators.
(2) independently supplied air mask (j) establish proeedures to analyze all fallures and
(3) tight-fitting goggles or full faee shield accidents for the purpose of determining the cause and
(4) protective gloves to mininúze the possibility of recurrence.
(g) maintain necessary maps and records to properly
(5) protective boots
adrninister the plans and procedures, including records
(6) protective slicker and/or protective pants and Usted in section 455.
jacket (h) have procedures for abandoning piping systems,
(7) easily accessible shower and/or at least 50 gal including the requirements in section 457.
(190 L) of c1ean water in an open top container (i) in establishing plans and procedures, give particu-
Persormel shall be instructed in effective use of masks lar attention to those portions of the system presenting
and Iimited shelf Iife of refill canisters. Protective c1oth- the greatest hazard to the public in the event of emergen-
ing shall be of rubber fabric or other aromonía impervi- cies or because of construction or extraordinary mainte-
ous material. nance requirements.

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Ij) operate and maintain its piping system in confor- in areas of development and growth to protect the pipe-
manee with these plans and procedures. line from encroachment.
Ik) modify the plans and procedures from time to time
as experience dicta tes and as exposure of the system tú 451.4 Right-of-Way Maintenance
the public and changes in operating conditions require. la) The right-of-way should be maintained to provide
IV participate in government-sponsored or industry- elear visibility for the periodic patroillng described in
sponsored excavation notification prograrns. para. 451.5. A properly maintained right-of-way pro-
vides effective access for expeditious, safe response to
emergency situations.
451 PIPELINE OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE lb) Proper right-of-way maintenance ineludes the
451.1 Operating Pressure following:
(1) controillng vegetation growth
la) Care shall be exercised to ensure that at any point
(2) preventing encroachment from aboye and
in the piping system the maximum steady state
belowground structures
operating pressure and static head pressure with the
Une in a static condition do not exceed at that point the
(3) controillng erosion
internal design pressure and pressure ratings fúr the (4) maintaining access to pipeline systems
components used as specified in para. 402.2.3, and that (5) maintaining visibillty of pipeline markers
the level of pressure rise due tú surges and other varia- le) Diversion dilches or dikes shall be maintained
tions from normal operation does not exceed the internal where needed to protect against washouts of the line
design pressure at any point in the piping system and and erosion of the landowner's property.
equipment by more than 10% as specified in
para. 402.2.4. 451.5 Patrolling
lb) A piping system shall be qualified for a rugher la) Each operating company shall maintain a periodic
operating pressure when the higher operating pressure pipeline patrol program to observe surface conditions
will produce a hoop stress of more than 20% of the on and adjacent to the pipeline right-of-way, indication
specified minimum yield strength of the pipe in accor- of leaks, construction activity other than that performed
dance with section 456. by the company, and any other factors affecting the
le) If a piping system is derated to a lower operating safety and operation of the pipeline. Special attention
pressure in lieu of repair ar replacement, the new maxi- shall be given to such activities as road building, ditch
mum steady state operating pressure shall be deter- cleanouts, excavations, cultivated areas where deep
mined in accordance with para. 451.6.2.2(b). plowing or subsurface ripping is common, and like
Id) For existing systems utillzing materiais produced encroachments to the pipeline system. Patrols shall be
under discontinued or superseded standards or specifi- made at intervals not exceeding 2 weeksl except that
cations, the internal design pressure shall be determined piping systems transporting LPG or liquid anhydrous
using the allowable stress and design criteria listed in amrnonia shall be patrolled at intervals not exceeding
the issue of the applicable code or specification in effect 1 week in industrial, commercial, or residential areas.
at the time of the original construction. lb) Underwater crossings shall be inspected periodi-
cally for sufficiency of cover, accumulation of debris, or
451.2 Communications for any other condition affecting the safety and security
A communications facility shall be maintained to of the crossings, and at any time it is fel! that the cross-
ensure safe pipeline operations tmder both normal and ings are in danger as a result of floods, storms, or sus-
emergency conditions. pected mechanlcal damage.

451.3 Une Markers and Signs 451.6 Pipeline Integrity Assessments and Repairs
la) Line markers shall be installed and maintained 451.6.1 General (12)
over each Une at each public road, at each rail- la) Each operator of pipelines designed in accordance
road crossing, at each navigable stream crossing, and in with trus Code should consider the need for periodic
sufficient number along the remainder of the pipeline integrity assessments of those pipelines. An integrity
route to properly locate and identify the buried pipeline. assessment may consist of a hydrostatic test of the pipe-
See para. 434.18. line, an in-line inspection (ILI) followed by remediation
(b) Pipeline markers at crossings, aerial markers when of anomalies indicated by the inspection to be possibly
used, and other signs shall be maintained so as to indi- injurious, or other technical means that can provide a
cate the location of the line and to provide the required level of integrity assessment equIvalent to a hydrostatic
information on the pipeline. Additional pipeline mark- test or an ILI. Por guidance on the integrity-assessment
ers shall be installed and maintained along the pipeline process, the operator may refer to API 1160.

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When assessing pipeline integrity each operator are in progress. in this respect two types of anomalies
should develop criteria for evaluating anomalies identi- are relevant
fied through IU methods, through visual inspection, (1) anomalies for which the remaining strength can
or through other technical means. API 1160 provides be calculated
guidance fúr evaluating anomalies. (2) anomalies of unknown significance
(b) Defect repair criteria and repair methods are When a pipeline operator is excavating and physiqlly
described below as a guideline for pipeline operators evaluatmg an anomaly for possible repair or excavating
tú use when addressmg anomalies discovered on the~r and physically responding to an ILl where the data
pipelines. lt is recognized that a pipeline operator may indicate the presence of an anomaly that may affect the
elect tú perform an engineering critical assessment integrity of the pipeline, the pressure at the location of
(ECA) to identify altemate repair criteria or other miti- the anomaly should be reduced as follows depending
gative methods as defined in API 1160. on the type of anomaly:
(e) Repairs shall be covered by a maintenance plan (3) For anomalies for which the remaining strength
[see para. 450.2(a)J and shall be performed under quali- can be calculated, the pressure at the location of the
fied supervision by trained personnel familiar with the anomaly should be reduced to the greater of the calcu-
hazards to public safety. The maintenance plan shall lated safe operating pressure or 80% of the maxirnum
consider the appropriate information contained in steady-state pressure from recent operating history.
API 2200, API 2201, API 1104, and API RP 1111. lt is (4) For anomaJies of unknown significance
essential that all personnel working on pipeline repairs operating at a pressure equal to or greater than 40% of
understand the need for careful planning of the job, be SMYS, the pressure at the location of the anomaly should
briefed as to the procedures to be followed in accomp- be reduced to 80% of the maximum steady-statepressure
lishing the repairs, and follow precautionary meaSures from recent operating history.
and procedures outlined in API 2200. Personnel working The flow of the pipeline segment should not be
on repairs to pipelines handling liquids requiring special stopped if the resulting static pressure at the location
safety precautions such as LPG, liquid alcohol, or liquid of the anomaly exceeds 80% of the maxirnum steady-
anhydrous ammonia shall also be informed on the spe- state pressure from recent operating history.
cific properties, characteristics, and potential hazards (j) Materials used for pipeline repair shall be in accor-
associated with those liquids, precautions tú be taken dance with Chapter 3 and this section.
following detection of a leak, and safety repair proce- (g) Repair welding procedures and welders per-
dures set forth for LPG pipelines in API 2200. Piping in fonning repair work shall be qualified in accordance
the vicinity of any repair shall be adequately supported with API 1104 or ASME Section IX. The welders shall
during and afler the repair.
also be familiar with safety precautions and other prob-
(d) lf an inert gas, such aS nitrogen, is used to tempo- lems associated with cutting and welding on pipe that
rarily displace the liquid in a pipeline system for the is or has been in service. Cutting and welding shall
purpose of a repair, a detailed written pracedure shall be coromence oniy after compliance with para. 434.8.1(c).
required. Because the potential energy of a gas presents The qualification test for welding procedures to be
special conceros, this procedure should address, as a
used on pipe containing a liquid shall indude the cooling
minimurn, the factors related ta the use of an mert gas
effects of the pipe contents on the soundness and physi-
(1) maximum flow rate of the fluid being displaced cal properties of the weld. Welding pracedures on pipe
(2) maxUnum pressure at fue injection site of the not containing liquid shall be qualified in accordance
mert gas with para. 434.8.3.
(3) injection temperature Repairs to pipelines in service shall be inspected visu-
(4) inert gas handling to elimina te the risks to ally and by magnetic partide or dye penetrant inspection
personnel methods where apprapriate. All welds made in contact
(5) safety procedures such as overpressure with a carbon steel carrier pipe shall be inspected for
protection cracks using magnetic partide inspection techniques. At
This procedure shall be followed under the supervi- least 90% of the welds shall be inspected no sooner than
sion required in para. 451.6.1(c). 12 hr afler completion of the welding. Areas that have
(e) Whenever a specific ILl anomaly is to be exca- been dressed by grinding to rempve cracks or other
vated, inspected, and evaluated for repair, the possibility stress risers shall be inspected using magnetic partide
of sudden failure of the anomaly must be recognized. or dye penetrant techniques to ensure that all cracks
To minimize the risks to personnel and facilities, the have been removed.
internal pressure in the pipeline should be reduced to (h) Coating damaged during the repair pracess shall
a level that would be expected to prevent an anomaly be removed and new coating applied in accordance with
from failing while the excavation, inspection, and repair para. 461.1.2.

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Fig. 451.6.2.2-1 Type I Interaction

I' L , I

( - - Axis of pipe

Fig. 451.6.2.2-2 Type 11 Interaction

0-- Axis 01 pipe

Replacement pieces of pipe, areas that are exposed materials with yield-to-tensile ratias exceeding 0.93, an
for examination by removal of coating, and anyappurte- engineering critical assessment shall be perforrned to
nances or components added for the purpase of repair calculate a safe pressure.
shall be eoated when installed in a eoaled lIne. If lhe safe operating pressure is less lhan lhe intended
operating pressure, lhe affeeted area shall be removed
451.6.2 Limits and Disposition of Imperfections and
or repaired.
(e) Internal CorrosÍon. The lirnitations fúr afeas with
451.6.2.1 Limits. Pipe eontaining leaks shall be internal corrosion and afeas with a combination of inter-
removed or repaired. nal and external corrosion are the same as fúr external
451.6.2.2 (orrosion corrosian. When dealing with internal corrosion, consid-
eralion should be given to the uneertainty relaled to lhe
(a) ExternaI OY Internal Corrosion. Areas of external or
indirect measurement of wall lhiekness and the possibil-
internal rnetalloss with a maxirnum depth greater than
ity that internal corrosian may require continuing miti-
80% of the wall lhiekness shall be removed or repaired.
An appropriate fitness-for-purpose criterion may be
gative efforts to prevent additional metal loss.
used to evaluate lhe longitudinal profile of eorrosion- (d) Interaetion 01 Corrosion-Caused Metal Loss Areas.
caused metal 1088 in base metal of the pipe or of non- Two or more areas of corrosion-caused metal 10s5 that
preferential corrosion-caused metal 1088 wruch crosses are separated by areas of full wall lhiekness may interaeft
a girth weld or impinges on a submerged are welded in a manner lhat reduces lhe remaining strength to a
seam. greater extent lhan lhe reduetion resulting from lhe indi-
(b) External Corrosion. Externally eorroded areas vidual areas. Two types of interaction are possible and
exposed for exammation must be c1eaned to bare metal. eaeh should be assessed as follows:
In general, areas of corrosían with a rnaximum depth (1) Type I Interaetion (see Pig. 451.6.2.2-1). If lhe cir-
of 20% or less of lhe lhiekness required for design (t) cumferential separation distance, e, is greater than or
need not be repaired. However, measures should he equal to 6 times lhe wall lhiekness required for design,
taken to prevent further corrosian. An area of corrosion lhe areas A, and A, should be evaluated as separate
with maximum depth greater lhan 20% bul less lhan or anomalies. If the circumferential separation distance is
equal to 80% of lhe wall thiekness shall be perrnitted less than six times the wall thickness, the camposite area
to remain in lhe pipeline unrepaired provided lhat lhe (A, + A, - A 3 ) and lhe overall length, L, should be used.
pressure at such an area does not exceed a safe level. (2) Type JI Interae/ion (see Pig. 451.6.2.2-2). lf the
Generally aeeeptable methods for ea1culating a safe axial separatian distance, L3f is greater than ar equal to
operaling pressure indude: ASME B31G, "modified 1 in. (25.4 mm), the areas A, and A 2 should be evaluated
B31G," an effective area melhod (e.g., RSTRENG). as separate anomalies. If the axial separatian distance
For pipelInes subjeeted lo unusual axialloads, lateral is less than 1 in. (25.4 mm), area A, plus A, should be
movement or settlement, or far pipelines comprised of used and lhe length, L, should be taken as L, + L2 + L3.

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ~
( No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME 831.4-2012

(e) Grooving, Selective, or Preferential Corrosion ofWelds. 451.6.2.6 Anomalies (reated by Manufaeturing
Grooving, selectiv€, or preferential corrosion of the lon- Proeesses. An anomaly created during the manufac-
gitudinal seam of any pipe manufactured by the electrie ture of the steel or the pipe that exists in a pipeline that
resistance welding (ERW) process, electric induction has been subjected to a hydrostatic test to a mínimum
welding process, or electrie flash welding process shall level of 1.25 times its maximum operating pressure in
be removed or repaired. accordance with para. 437.4.1 shall not be considered a
defeet unless the operator has reason to suspect that the
451.6.2.3 Gouges, Grooves, and Are Bums. anomaly has been enlarged by pressure-cyde-induced
Gouges and grooves shall be evaluated by nondestrué- fatigue. If it is established that the anomaly has become
tive examination. Superficial grinding (not to exceed or is likely to become enlarged by pressure-cycle-
12.5% of nominal pipe wall thickness) to prepare a induced fatigue, the anomaly shaU be removed or
smooth surface far nondestructive examination may be repaired.
necessary. Upon completion of superficial grinding, the Suspected hard spots or flat spots should be examined
absence of any cracking shall be confirmed by using dye by means of a hardness testero Areas having a hardness
penetrant or magnetic partide inspection. If no cracking level corresponding to Rockwell C 35 or more shall be
is present, the net remaining wall thickness shall be removed or repaired.
determined by ultrasonic measurement. Gouges and A lamination that lies on aplane paraUel to the pipe
grooves or areas where the depth of grinding exceeds surfaces shall not be considered a defect unless it inter-
12.5% of the nominal pipe wall thickness shall be sects a seam or girth weld or it extends to the inside or
removed or evaluated for repair as per para. 451.6.2.2(b). outside surface of the pipe. A lamination that intersects
Are bums shall be removed or repaired by grinding. a girth weld or seam weld, that lies on aplane inclined
Are bums repaired by grinding shall be etched to con- to the plane of the pipe surfaces, or that extends to the
firm removal of all of the metallurgically altered mate- inside or outside surface of the pipe shall be removed
riaL Suitable etchants inc1ude 10% nital or 20% or repaired. Prior to repair/ the entire extent of the lami-
ammoruum persulfate. All dark-etching material shall nation should be defined by means of ultrasonie mea-
be removed, and the remaining wall thickness shall be surernent of the wall thickness. Laminations discovered
determined by ultrasoruc measurement. as a result of ILI activities should be cross-referenced,
if possible, to deformation data to examine the possibil-
451.6.2.4 Dents. Dents exposed for examination ity that a lamination is actually a blister.
that have any of the following characteristies shall be
removed ar repaired unless an engineering evaluation 451.6.2.7 Blisters. Blisters shall be considered
can demonstrate that other mitigative action as defined defeds and shall be removed or repaired. Prior to repair
in API 1160 will reduce the risk to an acceptable level: the entire extent of the blister should be defined by a
(a) dents containing gouges, grooving, scratches, nondestructive technique.
cracking or other stress riser 451.6.2.8 Buekles, Ripples, Wrinkles. For small
(b) dents containing metalloss resulting from corro- ripples (Le., incipient buckles or wrinkles) which exhibit
sion or grinding where less than 87.5% of the nominal no eraeks, no repair is required if the crest-to-trough
wall thlckness remains height, h, meets one of the following criteria where the
(e) dents that affect pipe curvature at a girth weld or maximum operating hoop stress, S, is as shown. The
a longitudinal seam weld absence of any cracks shall be confirmed using mag-
(d) dents with a depth greater than 6% of the nominal netic-particle or dye-penetrant inspection.
pipe diameter [0.250 in. (6.4 mm) in depth for a pipe
diameter NPS 4 and smaller1
Maximum Operating
(~) x 100
The absence of any cracks shall be confirmed by
Hoop Stress, S Cannot Exceed
inspection using magnetic particle or dye penetrant
techniques. Prior tú inspection, the surface of the dent < 20,000 psi (138 MPa) 2
shall be cleaned to bare metal. Dents that could restriet
the passage of ILI tools should be removed. > 20,000 psi (138 MPa)
bu! (30,000 - S 1)
10,000 +
451.6.2.5 (raeks. Verified cracks except shallow <30,000 psi (207 MPa)
crater cracks or star cracks in girth welds shall be consid-
> 30,000 psi (207 MPa)
ered defects and removed or repaired unless an engi- 47,000 - S. 1)
bu! 05
. ( 17,000 >
neering evaluation shows that they pose no risk to <47,000 psi (324 MPa)
pipeline integrity. Shallow era ter eraeks or star eraeks
in girth welds, Y,2 in. (4.0 mm) or less in length, are not > 47,000 psi (324 MPa) 0.5
considered defects.

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engíneers. ~
No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME B31.4-2012

OD $urface
Areas where grinding reduces the remaining wall

c\:;:=~ -~I~====::=J thickness to less than the design thickness calculated in

aeeordance with para. 404.1.2, decreased by an amount

equal to the manufacturing tolerance applicable to the
ID surfaee '-- pipe or component, should be analyzed using an
appropriate fitness-for-purpose criterio n [see
where para. 451.6.2.2(b)]. The remaining waJI thickness afler
D outside diameter of the pipe, in. (mm) grinding shall not be less than 60% of the nominal wall
h crest-to·trough height of the ripple, in. (mm) thickness of the pipe.
lf grinding is to be the sole means of repair of a dent
S maximum operating hoop stress, psi
eonta:i.ning eraeks or other stress risers, the eracks, stress
(145S, MPa)
risers, or other defects must be eompletely removed and
When a group of buckles, ripples, or wrinkles exist in the remaining wall thickness after grinding shall not be
proximity to one another, the Iimitation on h shall be less than 87.5% of the nominal wall thickness of the
applied to the largest crest·to-trough height. pipe. Jf the remaining wall thickness afler grinding is
less than 87.5% of the nominal wall thickness of the
451.6.2.9 Permanent Repairs. Defects may be pipe, another acceptable repair method shall be used.
removed or repaired by ane or more of the methods (e) Deposited Weld Metal. Defects in welds produced
described below subject to the Iimitations listed for each with a filler metal, small corroded areas, gouges,
type of defect and repair method (see Table 451.6.2.9-1 grooves, and arc burns may be repaired by depositing
and Table 451.6.2.9-2 for sorne acceptable methods). weld metal provided that they are not located within the
Other methods can be used provided that they are sup· confines of an indented regíon of the pipe. The welding
ported by sound engineering principIes and meet the proeesses shall be in aeeordanee with the appropriate
requirements of this Codeo pipe specification for the grade and type of pipe being
(a) Removal. The section of pipe containing the defect repaired. Weld imperfectioDS, are burns, gouges, and
should be removed as a cylinder and replaced. The grooves shall be removed by grinding prior to depos-
replacement pipe shall meet the requirements of iting the weldflller metal. The qualification test for weld·
para. 401.2.2 and where possible should have a length ing procedures to be used on pipe containing a liquid
of not less than one-half the diameter or not less than shall indude the cooling effects of the pipe contents
3 in. (76.2 mm), whicheveris greater. Thepipeline should on the soundness and physical properties of the weld.
be· uncovered or otherwise relaxed from restraint over Welding procedures on pipe not containing liquid shall
a sufficient distance to allow a reasonably stress-free be qualified in accordance with para. 434.8.3. A welding
realignment. procedure specification for repairing by means of depos-
(h) Grinding. Defects may be removed by grinding ited weld metal shall be established. The welding proce·
withln the Iimitations stated below. Prior to grinding, dure specificaHon shall define the minimum allowable
Iimits on grinding imposed by the operating pressure, rema:in:ing wall thickness in areas where weld deposition
the remaining wall thickness, and the proximity of is to be used and the appropriate value of pressure in
defects should be considered. The ground area should the carrier pipe during this type of repair. Low hydrogen
have a smooth transition (minimum 4 tú 1 slope) electrodes shall be used to prevent hydrogen cracking
between it and the surrounding pipe. Weld imperfec- in carbon steel materials.
tions, are bums, gouges, grooves, and cracks may be (d) Full·Encirclement Sleeves. Repairs maybe made by
removed by grinding prior to any additional repairs. the installaHon of a full encirclement welded split sleeve.
Dents with stress risers may be ground to remove the Sleeve conftgurations may be one of the following:
stress riser prior te installation of a repair. (1) Nonpressure Containing Sleeve Configuration
Grinding of defects shall indude (Type A). For full encirdement split sleeves installed for
(1) confirmation of complete removal of the defect repair by reinforcement only and not internal pressure
by using visual and magnetic partide or dye penetrant eontainment, erreumferential welding oí the ends is not
inspection allowed. A hardenable filler material such as non·shrink
(2) measurement of longitudinal length and epoxy shall by used to fill any voids that exist between
remaining wall thickness of the ground area using the sleeve and the defective a¡;ea being repaired. The
mechanical or ultrasonie measurement equipment to ends of the sleeve shall extend past the edge of the defect
ensure eomplianee with an appropriate fitness for pur- for a minimum of 2 in. (SO mm). When a reinforcing
pose eriterion sleeve is used for defects with length less than L, as
Ground are burns must be etched in aeeordanee with defined in the following equation, the thickness of the
para. 451.6.2.3 to confirm removal of all of the metallur- sleeve material may be a minimum of two-thirds that
gically altered material. of the carrier pipe. For flaws with length greater than

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made of tbis material without written consent of ASME. ~
Table 451.6.2.9-1 Acceptable Pipeline Repair Methods
(Nonindented. Nonwrinkled. and Nonbuckled Pipe)
Repair Methods
4. Pressure 6
~ 1 2 3 Reinforcing FuI! Containing FuU 5 Mechanical
.g (") Reptace as Removal by Oeposition of Encirdement Encirdement Composite Bolt-On 7 8
Type of Defect Cylinder Grinding Weld Metal Sleeve (Type A) Sleeve (Type B) Sleeve Clamps Het Tap Fittings
e ::l.
og, '§.
_ External corrosioo $; 80% t Ves No Umited Limited Ves Ves JNote (3)J Ves Limited Limited
(excluding grooving, setec- [Note (1)J [Note (2)J [Note (3)J JNote (4)J [Note (5)J
~ @
tive, or preferential corro·
~ '"-
0 ''"
sicn of ERW, EFW seams)

"El~'" External corrosion > 80% t Ves No No No Ves No Ves Limited Umited
g,g. JNote (l)J [Note (4)J [Note (5)J
" Interna! corrosian .$ 80% t Ves No No Umited Ves Limited Ves Limited No G;
2:~ [Note (l)J [Note (6)J [Note (6)J JNote (4)J ;:

S ~'I "
~ ~ o
Internal corrosion > 80% t Ves
[Note (1)J
No No No Ves No Ves Umited
JNote (4)J
No '"

:J, o
e. ~. ~
Grooving, selective or Ves No No No Ves No Ves Umited No
~ " ~

preferential corrosion of
ERW, EFW seam
JNote (l)J JNote (4)J

~ g Gouge, groove, or are burn Ves Umited No Umited Ves Umited Ves Limited Umited
[Note (l)J JNote (7)J [Notes (3),(8)J [Notes (3), (8)J JNote (4)J JNotes (8),(5)J

" a Crack Ves Limited No Umited Ves Umited Ves Umited No

~ ~
[Note (1)J JNote (7)J JNote (7)J JNote (7)J [Note (4)J
a Er Hard spot Ves No No limíted Ves No Ves Umíted No
;>!l [Note (l)J JNote (3)] [Note (4)]

~ Blisters Ves
JNote (1)]
No No No Ves No Ves Umited
JNote (4)J

Defective girth weTd Ves No Limited No Ves No Ves No No
[Note (l)J JNote (2)J

Lamination Ves No No No Ves No Ves No No

[Note (l)J
¡¡ ()
g- ti.
o '§.

g '"
'< o
cr'~ Table 451.6.2.9-1 Acceptable Pipeline Repair Methods
'" (Nonindented, Nonwrinkled. and Nonbuckled Pipe) «(ont'd)
~ ~
o » NOTES,
.... Di
(1) Replacement pipe should have a minimum length of one-half of lts diameter or 3 in. (76.2 mm), whichever Is greater, and shall meet or exceed the same design requirements as
those of the carrier pipe.
S S" (2) The welding-procedure specification shal! define minimum remaining waH thickness in the aTea to be repaired and maximurn level of internal pressure durlng repair. Low-hydrogen
"<>",§ m
welding process must be used.
::1. o
e. ~. 1 ::1 (3) Tight-fitting sleeve at aTea of defect must be assured or a hardenable fiHer su eh as epoxy or polyester resin shall be used to fiH the vold or annular space between the pipe and the '"

~.q repair sleeve. f-

g-~ (4) Defect must be contained entirety within the area of the largest possibte coupon of material that can be removed through the hoHap fitting. i:5

.. s:: (5) The defect shal! be contained entire!y within the fitting and the fitting size shaH not exceed NPS 3. '"
~ g (6) May be used only if internal corrosion is successfulty mitigated.
;:l. ""
11 8. (7) Gouge, groove, are burn. or crack must be entirely removed without penetrating more than 40% of the watl thickness. The altowable length of metal removal is to be determined by
para. 451.6.2.2(a). Removal of gouge, groove, are burn. or crack must be verified by visual and magnetic-particle or dye-penetrant inspection (plus etchant in the case of arc burns).
"o a

~ fr (8) May be used only if gouge, groove, arc burn. or crack 15 entirely removed and removal 15 verified by visual and magnetic-particle or dye-penetrant inspection (plus etchant in the
case of arc burns).
g 03.


ASME B31.4-2012

Table 451.6.2.9-2 Acceptable Pipeline Repair Methods for Dents, Buckles, Ripples, Wrinkles, Leaking
Couplings, and Defective Prior Repairs
Repair Methods
4. 4b
Reinforcing Type Pressure 6
1 2 Full Containing FuI! 5 Mechanical
Replace as Removal by Encirdement Encirdement Composite Bolt-On
Type of Defect Cylinder Grinding S!eeve (Type A) sleeve (Type B) 51eeve Clamps

Dents :S 6% of the Yes No Limited Yes Umited Yes

diameter of the pipe [Note (1)) [Note (2)) [Note (2)]
containing seam or
girth weld
Dents :S 6% of the Yes Umited Umited Yes Limited Yes
diameter of the pipe [Note (1)] [Note (4)] [Notes (2).(3)] [Notes (2).(3)]
containing gouge.
groove. or crack
Dents :S 6% of the Yes No Limited Yes Umited Yes
diameter of the pipe [Note (1)] [Note (2)] [Note (2)]
containing external
corrosion with depth
exceeding 12%% of
wall thickness
Dent exceeding 6% of Yes No Limited Yes Limited Yes
the diameter of pipe [Note (1)] [Note (2)] [Notes (2).(3)]
Buckles, ripples, or Yes No Limited Yes No Yes
wrinkles [Note (1)] [Note (2)]
Leaking coupling Ves No No Yes No Yes
[Note (1)]
Defective sleeve from Yes No No Yes No Yes
prior repa!r [Note (1)]

(1) Replaeement pipe should have a minlmum !ength of one-half of its diameter or 3 in. (76.2 mm), whiehever is greater, and shaU meet
the same design requirements as those of the earrier pipe.
(2) A hardenable filler su eh as epoxy or polyester resin shaU be used to fil! the void between the pipe and the repair sleeve.
(3) May be used only if gouge, groove, arc burn or crack is entirely removed and removal is verified by visual and magnetic-particle or dye-
penetrant inspeetion (plus etchant in the case of are burns).
(4) May be used only if the crack, stress riser, or other defect ]5 entirely removed, removal is verified by visual and magnetic-particle or
dye-penetrant inspection (plus etchant in the case of are burns), and the remaining wall thickness is not less than 87.5 % of the nomi·
nal waH thickness of the pipe.

L the sleeve material must be equa[ or greater in thick- A Type A sleeve may be installed in a manner lhat
ness lhan that of lhe carrier pipe. reduces lhe hoop stress in the carrier pipe. Melhods for
accomplishing this include lowering lhe pressure before
L = 20 x .jDXi the sleeve is instaHed, applying external mechanical
force, orpreheating the sleeve to facilitate a "shrink-fit."
D = pipe diameter (2) Pressure Containing Sleeve Configuration (Type B).
t = wall thickness Type B sleeves shall have a design pressure of not less
lhan that of the pipe being repaired. The longitudinal
When a Type A sleeve is used, measures shall be taken seams of lhe sleeve shall be full-peRetration bu!! welds.
to prevent migration of water into space between the The ends of lhe sleeve shall be fillet-welded to the carrier
pipe and lhe sleeve. Electrical continuity shall be estab- pipe using a low-hydrogen welding procedure. The ends
lished between lhe pipe and the sleeve in order to pro- of lhe sleeve shall extend past lhe edge of lhe defect for
vide calhodic protection. 1Ype A sleeves should not be a minimum of 2 in. (50 mm). If lhe sleeve is thicker lhan
used to repair leaking defects or for circumferentially lhe pipe being repaired, lhe circumferential ends should
oriented defects. be ehamfered (at approximately 45 deg) down to the

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. &Lb
No reproduction may be made ofthis material withaut written cansent of ASME. ~
ASME B31.4·2012

fuickness of the pipe or the leg length of the fillet weld ends shall extend past the edges of the defect for a
on the end of the sleeve should not be allowed to exceed minirnum of 2 in. (50 mm). Mechanically applied full
the thickness of the carrier pipe by more than 11, in. encirclement repair fittings shall meet the design
(1.6 mm). AIso, the leg length of the fillet weld on the requirements of para. 401.2.
end of the sleeve should not be less than the thickness (g) Hot Tapping. Defects may be removed by hot tap-
of the carrier pipe minus 11, in. (1.6 mm). Spedal consid- pingo When hot tapping is used as a means of repair,
eration shall be given to minimize stress concentration the portion of piping containing the defect shall be com-
resulting from the repair. pletely removed. Hot tap fittings larger than 2 in.
Type B sleeves may be used for leaking or nonleaking (50 mm) that have integral material sufficient to satisfy
defects including drcumferentially oriented defects. the area replacement requirements of para. 404.3.1(d)
When mulliple sleeves are used, a Type B sleeve should may not have adequate resistanee to external forces and
not be terminated within one-half of a pipe diameter moments if used without full-encirclement
off or 4 in. from a girth weld, whichever is greater. The reinforeement.
distance between sleeves should be at least one pipe (h) Fittings. Minor leaks resulting from external cor-
diameter. Separated sleeves may be spaced less than one rosion and small external1y corroded areas may be
pipe diameter apart if joined by a welded bridging sleeve repaired by the installalíon of a welded fitting. Welded
or made continuous by butt-welding them together. fittings used to cover pipeline defects shall not exceed
When installed at a nonleaking defect, a Type B sleeve NPS 3 and shall have a design pressure of not less than
may be installed in a manner that reduces the hoop the pipe being repaired. Pipe containing arc bums,
stress in the carrier pipe. Methods for accomplishing grooves, and gouges may be repaired with a welded
this include lowering the pressure before the sleeve is fitting if the are bum or stress riser associated with the
installed, applying external mechanlcal force, or pre- gouge or groove is removed by grinding. No crack shall
heating the sleeve to facilitate a "shrink-fit." be repaired by fuis method.
(e) Composite Sleeve. Nonleaking corroded areas and (i) Patches and Hal! Soles. Neither patches nor half
certain other types of defects may be repaired by the soles shall be installed on pipelines.
installation of a composite sleeve provided that design 451.6.2.10 Temporary Repairs. Temporary repairs
and installation methods are proven for the intended may be necessitated for operating purposes. Such tem-
service prior to application. A qualified written proce- porary repairs shall be made in a safe manner and· in
dure performed by trained personnel is required and aeeardanee with sound engineering principIes. Tempo-
records shall be retained in accordance with section 455. rary repairs shall be made permanent ar replaeed in a
A composite sleeve must have been tested to determine permanent manner as soon as practical in aeeordanee
if it is compatible with cathodic protection and the prod- with fuis Codeo
uct in the carrier pipe. The composite sleeve must also
retain its essential properties in a moist envirorunent at 451.6.3 Testing Repairs to Pipelines Operating at a
temperatures within the operational temperature range
Hoop Stress of More Than 20% ofthe Specified Minimum
of the pipe. The load carrying capadty of the remaining Yield Strength of the Pipe. When a scheduled repair
pipe and the composite sleeve shall be at a minimwn to a pipeline is made by cutting out a section of the pipe
as a eylinder and replacing it with another section of
equal to the nominal load carrying capacity of the pipe.
Composite sleeves should be marked and/or docu- pipe, the replacement section of pipe shall be subjected
to a pressure test. The replacement section of pipe shall
mented as to localion so that it will be evident that a
be tested as required for a new pipeline in accordance
repair has been made at the specific location.
with para. 437.4.1. The tests may be made on the pipe
Composite sleeves shali not be used to repair leaks,
prior to instaUalíon provided radiographic or other
metalloss with a depth greater than 80% of the nominal
aeceptable nondestruetive tests (visual inspeetion
wall thickness, cracks, or circurnferentially oriented
excepted) are made on all tíe-in butt welds after
Composite sleeves may be used to repair defects that
have been removed by grinding. 451.8 Valve Maintenance
if) Mechanical BoU-on-Clamp. Repairs may be made to Pipeline block valves shall be inspected, serviced
both leaking and nonleaking defects by the installation where necessary, and partially operated at least once
of a mechanlcally applied clamp. A mechanlcal clamp each year to assure proper opeIlating eonditions,
shall have a design pressure of not less than that of the
pipe being repaired. Mechanlcal clamps shall not be 451.9 Railroads and Highways Crossing Existing
used to repair circurnferentially oriented defects unless Pipelines
designed to withstand the axial load. A mechanical (a) When an existing pipeline is to be crossed by a
clamp may be fully welded, both circumferentially and new road or railroad, the operating company shall ana-
longitudinally and sea! welded at the bolts. The clamp lyze the pipeline in the area to be crossed in terms of

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No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME B31.4-2012

the new anticipated external loads. If Ihe suro 01 Ihe (e) construction - material operating well below
circurnferential stresses caused by internal pressure and threshold limits
newly imposed externalloads (including bolh líve and (d) operating at low stress levels
dead loads) exceeds 0.90 SMYS (specifíed minimum (e) leak history - indicates years wilh no leaks
yield strength), Ihe operating company shaU instaU Response time expected during a leak or emergency
mechanical reinforcement, structural protection, or suit- Is anolher important factor Ihat should be considered.
able pipe to reduce Ihe stress to 0.90 SMYS or less, or Longer response time supports the benefit of faster
redistribute Ihe external loads acting on the pipeline. detectíon needs. Accuracy of detectíon and lack of false
API RP 1102 provides melhods that may be used to indications are also factors Ihat support or dimin1sh Ihe
determine the total stress caused by internal pressure reliability of Ihe leak detection melhod selected.
and externalloads. API RP 1102 also provides melhods The operator should carefully select leak detection
to check cyclic stress components for fatigue. systems. The detection system can consist of regularly
(b) Installation 01 uncased carrier pipe is prelerred. scheduled right of way patrol, aerial, land or water;
Adjustments of existíng pipelines in service at a pro- analysis of blocked-in pressures; monitoring changes of
posed raílroad or highway crossing shaU conform to flow or pressure from steady state operation¡ volumetric
detaíls contained in API RP 1102. As specífied in line balances; pressure wave analysis, or any other
para. 461.1.7, íf casing is used, coated carríer pipe shaU melhod capable of detecting leakage in a timely manner.
be independently supported outside each end 01 Ihe Monitoring intervals vary from continuous with compu-
casing and insulated from Ihe casing throughout the terized evaluation software, to range from week1y to
cased section, and casing ends shall be sealed using a daily for visual observation melhods. If computer-based
durable, electrically nonconductive material. monitoring is utílized, API RP 1130 should be followed.
(e) Testing and inspection of replaced pipe sections Whatever method ís selected, operators should moni-
shall conform to requirements of para. 451.6.3. All new tor and analyze Iheir leak performance periodically and
gírlh welds in Ihe carrier pipe shall be radiographed or make adjustments to Ihe leak detection method selected
inspected by olher acceptable nondestructive melhods to reduce Ihe leakage.
(visual inspection excepted).
451.12 Strain Criteria for Existing Pipelines
451.10 Inland Waters Platform Risers When an existing pipeline experiences a noncyclic
Riser installations shaU be visuaUy inspected annually displacement of its support (such as fault movement
for physical damage and corrosion in the splash zone along Ihe pipeline route or dífferential support settle-
and above. The extent of any observed damage shall be ment or subsidence along Ihe pipeline), the longitudinal
determined, and, if necessary, the riser installation shall and combined stress limits may be replaced wilh an
be repaíred or replaced. allowable strain limit, so long as the consequences of
yielding do not impair the serviceabílity of the installed
451.11 Leak Oetectlon pipeline. 1his allowable strain limitation does not apply
to localízed strains such as Ihose found in dents, field
Whi1e in operation, all pipe segments should be peri-
odícally monítored to ensure they are not leaking. bends, or induction bends. The permissible maximum
tensile strain depends upon Ihe ductílity of the materíal,
On-site personnel, bolh as neighbors of the pipeline
any previously experíenced plastic strain, and Ihe buck-
system and as operator employees, discover many leaks.
Operators should contínue to communicate and main- ling behavior of Ihe pipe. Where plastic strains are antici-
pated, the pipe eccentricity, pipe out-of-roundness, and
tain Ihe detection and response skills necessary to sup-
Ihe abílity of the welds to undergo such strains without
port visual inspection of the pipeline system. In
detrimentaJ ellect shall be considered. Maximum tensile
addition, operators should consider supplementalleak
strain shall be lírnited to 2%.
detection melhods other Ihan visual.
Selection and implementation of Ihe leak detection
system should take into account Ihe rísk of both the 452 PUMP STATION, TERMINAL, ANO STORAGE (12)
likelihood and consequence of a leak. Some factors Ihat FACILITIES OPERATION ANO MAINTENANCE
could reduce the rísk when an operator is determining
the type and frequency of monitoring to employ include 452.1 General
Ihe following: (a) Starting, operating, and shutdown procedures for
(a) service - clean, noncorrosive, low vapor pressure all equipment shall be established and the operating
liquids company shaU take appropriate steps to see Ihat these
(b) location - away from population, on operator- procedures are followed. These procedures shall outline
controlled property, away from areas that would suffer preventive rneasures and systems checks required to
irreparable damage, not near waterways supporting rec- ensure the proper functioning of all shutdown, control,
reational or corrunercial traffic and alarm equipment.

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME 831.4-2012

(b) Pipeline equipment located on operator property a separate structure bullt of noncombustible material
should be monitored regularly for indications of leaks. located a suitable distance from fue pump house. All
The operator should evaluate the alternatives available, aboveground Di! or gasoline storage tanks shaU be pro-
giving consideration to fue following: tected in accordance wifu NFPA 30.
(1) monitoring systems such as gas detectors, sump
level alarms, pump seal failure alarms, and high level 452.5 Fencing
alarms of tanks and storage vessels Station terminat and storage areas shall be main-

(2) observation patrols or operational ehecks con- tained in a safe conditíon, and shall be fenced and
ducted on an hourly, dai!y, weekly, or monthly schedule locked, or attended, for !he protection of fue property
appropriate for fue locations factors and fue publico
(3) periodic static pressure tests of piping and stor-
age tanks 452.6 Signs
(4) careful evaluation of routine operating volumet- (a) Suitable signs shall be posted to serve as wamings
ric receipt, delivery, and inventory reports in hazardous areas.
(5) fugitive emission testing of seal and glands (b) Classified and high voltage areas shall be ade-
(6) public awareness programs to enhance recogni- quately marked and isolated.
tion and response to leaks, etc. (e) Caution signs shall be displayed indicating name
The periodic review and analysis of leaks that have of the operating company and, where possible, an emer-
occurred on the operator's property should be con- gency telephone contacto
ducted to identify corrective actions.
452.7 Prevention of Accidentallgnition
452.2 Controls and Protective Equipment
(a) Smoking shaU be prohibited in all areas of a pump
(a) Controls and protective equipment, including station, terminal, or tank farm in whieh the possible
pressure-limiting devices, regulators, controllers, rellef leakage or presence of vapor constitutes a hazard of fire
valves, and ofuer safety devices, shall be subjected to or explosiono
systematic periodic inspections and tests, at least annu- (b) Flashiights or hand lanterns, when used, shall be
ally, except as provided in para. 452.2(b), to determine of the approved type.
that they are (e) Welding shall commence oniy afler compliartce
(1) in good mechanical condition with para. 434.8.1(c).
(2) adequate from the standpoint of capacity and (d) Consideration shouid be given to fue prevention
reliability of operation for the service in which fuey are of other means of accidental ignition. See
employed NACE RP-01-77 for additional guidance.
(3) set to function at fue correct pressure
(4) properly installed and protected from foreign
materials or other conditions that might prevent praper 453 CORROSION CONTROL
operation Protection of ferrous pipe and components froro exter-
(b) Relief valves on pressure storage vessels con- nal and internal corrosionf including tests, inspections,
taining LPG or liquid anhydrous ammonia shall be sub- and appropriate corrective measures, shall be as pre-
jected to tests at least every 5 yr. scribed in Chapter VIII.
452.3 Storage Facilities
(a) Storage facilities, including atmospheric and pres-
sure tanks, handling fue liquid or slurry being trans- (a) A written emergency plan shall be established for
ported shall be periodically inspected and pertinent implementation in the event of system failures, acci-
records maintained. Points to be covered indude dents, or other emergencies, and shall include proce-
stability of foundation
(1) dures for prompt and expedient remedial action
(2) condition of bottom, shell, stairs, and roof providing for the safety of fue public and operating
(3) venting or safety valve equipment company personnel, minimizing property damage, pro-
(4) condition of firewalls or tank dikes tecting the environment, and limiting accidental dis-
(b) Storage vessels and tanks shall be cleaned in accor- charge from fue piping system .•
dance with API 2015. (b) The plan shall provide for acquainting and train-
ing of personnel responsible for fue prompt execution
452.4 Storage of Combustible Materials of emergency action. Personnel shall be informed con-
All flarnmable or combustible materials in quantities cerning fue eharacteristics of fue liquid or slurry in fue
beyond those required for everyday use or other than piping systems and fue safe practices in fue handling
those normally used in pump houses shall be stored in of accidental discharge and repair of fue facilities, with

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ASME 831.4-2012

emphasis on the special problems and additional pre- explosimeters¡ ignition of vapors at leak site to prevent
cautions in lhe handling of leaks and repair of systems the uncontrolled spread of vapors; utilization of tempo-
transporting LPG, slurry, or liquid anhydrous ammonia. rary flares or blowdowns on eilher side of lhe leak site;
The operating company shall establish scheduled and utilization of intemal plugging equipment where
reviews wilh personnel of procedures to be followed in it is anticipated that vaporization of LPG entrapped in
emergencies at intervals not exceeding 6 mo, and pipeline segment will continue over a prolonged period
reviews shall be conducted such lhat lhey establish the (7) in lhe case of systems transporting liquid anhy-
competence of lhe emergency plan. drous ammonia, assessment of the extent and coverage
(e) Procedures shall cover liaison wilh state and 10G,1 of the ammonia vapor cloud and utilizabon of internal
civil agencies such as fire departments, police depart- plugging equipment where it is anticipated lhat vapor-
ments, sheriff's oHices, highway patrols, and olher enti- ization of liquid anhydrous ammonía entrapped in lhe
ties in or near the pipeline right-of-way (e.g., electrical pipeline segment will continue over a prolonged period
and olher utillties, highway aulhorities, and rafuoads)
to provide prompt intercomrnunications for coordinated
remedial action; dissemination of information on loca- 455 RECOROS
tion of system facilities; characteristics of lhe Iiquids or For operation and maintenance purposes, the follow-
slurries transported, including additional precautions ing records shall be properly maintained:
necessary with leaks from piping systems transporting (a) necessary operational data
LPG or liquid anhydrous arnmonía; and joint prepara- (b) pipeline patrol records
tion of cooperative action as necessary to assure the (e) corrosion records as required under section 468
safety of lhe public in lhe event of emergencies. (d) leak and break records
(d) A line of communications shall be established (e) records pertaining to routine or unusual inspec-
wilh residents along lhe piping system to recognize and tions, such as external or intemalline conditions
report a system emergency to the appropriate operating (j) pipeline repair records
company personne!. This could inelude supplying a
card, sticker, or equivalent with names, addresses, and
telephone numbers of operating company personnel to
(e) in lhe formulation of emergency procedures for HIGHER OPERATING PRESSURE
limiting accidental discharge from lhe piping system, (a) In lhe event of up-rating an existing piping system
lhe operating company shall give consideration to when the higher operating pressure will produce a hoop
(1) formulating and placing in operation proce- stress of more lhan 20% of lhe specified minimum yield
dures for an area cooperative pipeline leak notification strenglh of lhe pipe, lhe following investigative and
emergency action system between operating companies corrective measures shall be taken:
having piping systems in the area (1) the design and previous testing of the piping
(2) reduction of pipeline pressure by ceasing pump- system and the materials and equipment in it be
ing operations on lhe piping system, opening the system reviewed to determine that the proposed increase in
to delivery storage on eilher side of the leak site, and maxllnum steady state operating pressure is safe and
expeditious dosing of block valves on both sides of lhe in general agreement wilh the requirements of this Code
leak site, and in lhe case of systems transporting LPG, (2) the conditions of lhe piping system be deter-
continuation of pumping until LPG has been replaced mined by leakage surveys and other field inspections,
at point of leak by a less volatile product if vapors are examination of maintenance and corrosion control rec-
not accumulating to an extent that a serious hazard ords, or other suitable means
appears imminent (3) repairs, replacements, or alterations in lhe pip-
(3) interim instructions to local authorities prior to ing system disdosed to be necessary by steps (1) and
arrival of qualified operating company personnel at the (2) be made
leak site (b) The maxirnum steady state operating pressure
(4) rapid transportation of qualified personnel to may be increased after compliance wilh para. 456(a) and
lhe leak site one of lhe following provisions:
(5) minimization of public exposure to injury and (1) If the physical condition of lhe piping system
prevention of accidental ignition by evacuation of resi- as determined by (a) above indicates that the system is
dents and the halting of traflic on roads, highways, and capable of withstanding the desired increased maXllnum
rafuoads in lhe affected area steady state operating pressure in accordance with the
(6) in lhe case of systems transporting LPG, assess- design requirement of this Code, and lhe system has
ment of extent and coverage of the LPG vapor doud previously been tested for a duration and to a pressure
and determination of hazardous area with portable equal to or greater lhan required in paras. 437.4.1(a) and

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(e) for a new piping system for lhe proposed higher by this Code for a new piping system eonstrueted of
maximum steady state operating pressure, the system the same materials. The rate of pressure increase tú the
may be operated at lhe inereased maximum steady state higher maximum allowable steady state operating pres-
operating pressure. sure should be gradual so as to allow suffident time for
(2) If lhe physieal eondition of lhe piping system periodic observations of lhe piping system.
as determined by (a) above indicates that lhe ability of (d) Reeords of such investigations. work performed,
the system to withstand lhe inereased maximum steady and pressure tests eondueted shall be preserved as long
state operating pressure has not been satisfactorily veri- as the facilities involved remain in service.
fied, or the system has not been previously tested to lhe
levels required by this Code for a new piping system for 457 ABANDONING A PIPING SYSTEM
the proposed higher maximum steady state operating In the event of abandoning a piping system, it is
pressure, the system may be operated at the increased required lhat
maximum steady state operating pressure if lhe system (a) facillties to be abandoned in place shall be diseon-
shall sueeessfully wilhstand the test required by this neeted from all sourees of the transported liquid, sueh
Code for a new system tú operate under the same as other pipelines, meter stations, controllines, and other
conditions. appurtenances
(e) In no case shall the maximum steady state (b) facilities to be abandoned in place shall be purged
operating pressure of a piping system be raised to a of lhe transported liquid and vapor wilh an inert mate-
value higher lhan lhe intemal design pressure pennitted rial and the ends sealed

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Chapter VIII
Corrosion Control

(12) 460 GENERAL (NACE) International, is a souree of information on

materials performance in corrosive environments.
(a) This Chapter contains the minimum requirements
and procedures for controlling external and internal cor- 461.1.2 Coating Requirements
rosion and erosion of exposed, buried, or submerged (a) The surface preparation shall be compatible with
metallic pipe and components. This Chapter is applica- lhe coating to be applied. The pipe surface shall be free
ble to lhe design and installation of new pipelines and of deleterious materials, such as rust, scale, moisture,
associated piping systems and to lhe operation and dirt, oHs, lacquers, and varnish. The surface shall be
maintenance of existing pipelines and associated piping inspected for irregularities that could protrude through
systems. lhe coating. Any such irregularities shall be removed.
(b) The provisions of this Chapter should be applied Furlher information can be obtained from NACE Joint
under the direction of competent corrosían personnel. Surface Preparation Standards Numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Every specific situation cannot be anticipated; therefore, (b) Suitable coatings, including compatible field joint
the application and evaluation of corrosion control prac- and patch coatings, shall be selected, giving consider-
tices requires a significant amount of competent judg- ation to handling, shipping, storing, installation condi-
ment in order ta be effective in mitigating corrosion. tion, moisture adsorption, operating temperatures of the
(e) Deviations frem the provisions of thls Chapter are pipeline, environmental factors (including lhe nature of
permissible in specific situations, provided lhe operating lhe soi! or water in contact wilh lhe coating), adhesion
company can demonstrate that the objectives expressed characteristics, and dielectric strength. Further informa-
herein have been achieved. tion can be obtained from NACE Recommended or
(d) Corrosion control requirements and procedures Standard Practices (RPs or SPs) 0185, 0188, 0198, 0274,
may in rnany instances require measures in addition tú 0303, 0375, 0394, 0399, 0402, 0490, and 0602.
lhose shown in lhis Chapter. Each operating company (e) Coatings shall be applied in a manner that ensures
shall establish procedures ta implement its corrosion effective adhesion to lhe pipe. Voids, wrinkles, holidays,
control prograrn, including the requirements of this and gas entrapment should be avoided. In rocky envi-
chapter, to achieve the desired objectives. Procedures, ronments, the use of a protective outer wrap, seleet back-
including those for design, installation, and mainte- fill, or olher suitable measures shall be considered to
nance of calhodic protection systems, shall be prepared minirnlze physical damage to the coating.
and implemented by or under lhe direction of persons Consideration should be given to providing an over
qualified by training or experience, or both, in corrosion coating or other protection of eoatings in storage that
control methods. are susceptible to UV degradation.
(d) The coating shall be visually inspected for defects
(12) 461 EXTERNAL CORROSION CONTROL FOR prior to lowering lhe pipe in lhe ditch. Insulating type
BURIED OR SUBMERGED PIPELlNES coatings on piping and pipelines shall be inspected for
holidays by the most appropriate method. Coating
461.1 New Installations defects or damage that may impair effeetive eorrosion
461.1.1 General. Al! new buried or submerged control shall be repaired before installing the pipe in
pipelines and associated terminal and pump station pip- the ditch. Further information can be obtained from
ing, except as permitted under para. 461.1.3 and section NACE RP 0490.
466, shall be external!y coated and cathodically pro- (e) Care shall be exercised in handling, storage, and
tected unless it can be demonstrated by test or experi- installation to prevent damage to the coating, including
ence that the materials are resistant to eorrosion in the measures such as lhe following: •
envirorunent in whieh they are installed. Consideration (1) minimize handling of coated pipe
shall be given to lhe handling, shipping, storing, instal!a- (2) use equipment least likely to damage the coat-
tion conditions, and the service environment and ing, e.g., belts or cradles instead of cables
cathodic protection requirements when selecting the (3) use padded skids where appropriate
coating materials. The Corrosion Data Survey, published (4) stack or store pipe in a manner lhat prevents
by the National Association of Corrosion Engineers or minimizes damage to coating

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461.1.3 Cathodic Protection Requirements. UnJess (c) Furlher information may be obtained from NACE
it can be demonstrated by tests or experience that RP 0177 and EPRI EL-3106.
cathodic protection is not needed, a11 buried or sub-
461.1.5 Electrical Connections and Monitoring
merged pipelines wilh barrier type coatings, except lacil-
ities installed lor a Iimited service lile, shall be
(a) Except lor offshore pipelines and piping systems,
cathodically protected as soon as leasible lollowing
sulficient test points should be installed to demonstrate
the effectiveness of corrosion control or the need for
Pipelines installed lor a lirnited service life need not
cathodic protection.
be calhodically protected if it can be demonstrated lhat
(b) Special attention shall be given to the manner 01
the pipeline will not experience corrosion that will cause
it to be harrnful to lhe public or environment. Calhodic installation 01 electricalleads used lor corrosion control
or testing to avoid harmful stress concentration at the
protection systems shall be designed to protect lhe bur-
ied or submerged pipeline in its entirety. A pipeline is point 01 attachment to lhe pipe. Acceptable melhods
considered to be calhodieally protected when it meets include, but are not limited to
one or more of the criteria listed in Section 6: Criteria (1) electricalleads attached directly to lhe pipe by
and Olher Considerations lor Calhodic Protection, 01 lhe lhermite welding process, using copper oxide and
NACE SP 0169-2007. aluminum powder. The size 01 lhe lhermite welding
charge should be selected based on lhe wall !hickness,
461.1.4 Electricallsolation operating pressure, and lhermite welding equipment
(a) AlI calhodically protected pipeline and piping sys- manufacturer's reconunendations.
tems shall be electrically isolated at all interconnections (2) attachment 01 electricalleads directly to the pipe
with foreign systems, except where underground metal- by lhe use 01 solt solders or other melhods lhat do not
lie structures are electrically interconnected and cathodi- involve temperatures exceeding those for soft solders.
cally protected as a unit. Steel pipelines should be (c) AlI pipe that is bared lor electricallead connections
electrically isolated from cast iron, ductile iron, or non- and all bared electricallead wires shall be protected by
lerrous metal pipelines and components. Electrical tests electrical insulating material compatible with existing
shall be made 01 pipeline and piping systems to locate coating.
unintentional contacts with other metallic structures. If
such contacts exist, lhey shall be corrected. Furlher infor- 461.1.6 Electricallnterference
mation can be obtained lrom NACE RP 0286. (a) Impressed current cathodic protection systems
(b) Where a pipeline parallels overhead electrie trans- shall be designed, installed, and operated so as to minI-
mission lines, consideration shall be given tú mize adverse effects on existing metallic structures.
(1) investigating lhe necessity 01 protecting isolat- (b) Field tests shall be conducted to determine lhe
ing joints in the pipeline against induced voltages adverse electrical interference from foreign cathodic pro-
resulting lrom ground laults and Iightnlng. Such protec- tection :installations, De rail.. and electrical facilities. The
tion can be obtained by effects shall be mitigated by such means as control
(a) grounding in lhe allected area with galvanJc bonds, supplementary cathodic protection, protective
or impressed current anode material or with bare coat:ings, insulating devices, galvanic anodes, or other
grounding cable acceptable methods determined by sound engineering
(b) bridging the pipeline isolator wilh a spark gap practice.
(c) combinations 01 (a) and (b) aboye 461.1.7 Casings. The use 01 metallic casings should
(d) other sound engineering practices be avoided :insofar as possible from a corrosion control
(2) making a study in collaboration wilh lhe electric standpo:int. However, it is recognized that installation
transmission company, taking the following factors into 01 metallic casings is frequently required or desirable to
consideration and applying remedial measures as facilitate construction. Where metallic casing is used,
appropriate: care should be exercised to ensure that coating on the
(a) the need to mitigate induced AC voltages or carrier pipe is not damaged during installation. The
lheir effects on personnel salety during construction and carrier pipe should be insulated from metallic casings,
operation 01 lhe pipeline by means 01 suitable design and lhe casing ends should be sealed wilh a durable
lor bonding, shielding, or grounding techniques material to minimize the accumulation of solids and
(b) the possibility 01 lightnlng or lault currents liquids in lhe annular space. Special attention should
inducing voltages sufficient to puncture pipe coatings be given to the casing ends to prevent electrical shorting
or pipe due to backlilling movement or settling. Where electrical
(e) possible adverse effects on cathodic protec- isolation is not achieved, action shall be taken to correct
tion, communications, or other electronic facilities the condition by clearing lhe short if possible, by mitigat-
(d) lhe corrosive effects 01 high voltage direct cur- ing lhe potential lor corrosion inside 01 the casing by,
rent (HVDC) power systems installation 01 a high resistivity inhibited material in lhe

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annular space, by supplementing cathodic protection or 461.2.4 Cathodic Protection Criteria

other sound engineering practice. Further information (a) A pipeline or structure is considered to be cathodi-
can be obtained from NACE RP 0200. cally protected when it meets ane or more of the criteria
Usted in Section 6: Criteria and Other Considerations
461.2 Existing Buried or Submerged Steel Pipelines for Cathodic Protection, of NACE SP 0169-2007.
461.2.1 General. Procedures shall be established (b) It is not intended that cathodic protecHon be lim-
for evaluating the need for a corrosion control program ited to these criteria if it can be demonstrated by other
or the effectiveness of existing corrosion control prQ- sound engineering practice that adequate control 01 cor-
grams, or both. Appropriate corrective acHon shall be rosion has been achieved.
taken cornmensurate with the conditions found. The
461.2.5 Electricallnterference
procedures and acHons shall include, but not be linúted
(a) Adverse electrical interference from or tú foreign
to, those Usted in para. 461.2.
structures as determined by field tests shall be mitigated.
461.2.2 Evaluation (b) Facilities lor mitigating elecmcal interference shall
(a) The records available as a result 01 visual and be periodically monitored.
instrumented inspections, repairs, construction, and
461.2.6 Examination When Exposed
normal maintenance work shall be reviewed for evi-
(a) Whenever a buried lacility is exposed during nor-
dence of continuing corrosion.
mal maintenance ar construction activities, a visual
(b) Electrical survey methods may be used as an indi-
inspection shall be made 01 the coating condition and/
cation of suspected corrosive areas where surface condi-
or the metal surface.
tions permit suificiently accurate measurements. Such
(b) The extent 01 any corrosion shall be evaluated in
surveys are múst effective in nonurban envirorunents.
accordance with para. 461.2.4.
Common survey methods include but are not linúted
to the lollowing: 461.2.7 Tests and Inspections of Cathodic Protection
(1) pipe-to-soil potentials, including close interval System
surveys (a) lnspections shall be made as required to maintain
(2) voltage gradient surveys continuous and effective operation oi the cathodic pro-
(3) soil resistivity tection system.
(e) The continued effectiveness 01 a cathodic protec- (b) Electrical tests shall be made periodically to deter-
tion systern shall be monitored in accordance with mine that the pipeline system is protected in accordance
para. 461.2.7. with the appUcable criteria as established by fuis Codeo
(e) The type, frequency, and location of inspections
461.2.3 Corrective Measures
and tests shall be adequate to establish with reasonable
(a) If continuing corrosion that f unless controlled,
accuracy the degree 01 protection provided. Tests may be
could resl1lt in a condition that is detrimental to pubUc
required more irequently, depending on consideration oi
or employee salety is found by the evaluation made
at least the lonowing:
under para. 461.2.2 or 461.2.7, appropriate corrective
(1) condition 01 pipe
measu.r€s shall be taken tú mitigate further corrosion
on the pipeline segment or piping system. Corrective (2) method 01 cathodic protection
(3) corrosiveness oi the environment
rneasures shall remain in effect as long as required tú
maintain a safe operating system. Appropriate correc- (4) probability of loss or interruption of protecHon
tive measures may include the following: (5) operating experience, including inspections and
(1) provisions fúr praper and continuous operation leak investigations
of cathodic protection systems (6) design Jife of the cathodic protection instanation
(2) application of protective coating (7) pubUc and employee safety
(3) installation of galvanic anode(s) (8) regulatory requirements
(4) instanation of impressed current systems (d) Where the tests or surveys indicate that adequate
(5) electrical isolation protection does not exist, appropriate corrective mea-
(6) stray current control sure shall be taken.
(7) other effective measures as determined by 461.2.8 Casings. Electrical isolation of cathodically
sound engineering practices protected pipelines from metanic .asings that are part
(8) combinations of the aboye of the underground system shall be maintained as neces-
(b) When experience or testing indicates the aboye sary to ensure effectiveness of cathodic protection. Elec-
rnitigation methods will not control continuing corro- trical measurements and inspections shall be made as
sion to an acceptable level, the segment shall be recondi- necessary to provide timely evidence of shorts that
tioned or replaced and suitably protected in accordance would adversely affect cathodic protection. If evidence
with the new installation criteria in para. 461.1. of shorts between the carríer pipe and casing is lound

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that renders eathodic proteetion of the pipeline ineffee- (e) Cleaning Pigs
Uve, or if evidence of corrosion of the carrier pipe inside (1) Scraper traps lor the insertion and removal 01
the casing is found, remedial measures shall be taken as pigs or spheres, or both, shall be provided.
necessary tú corred the condition or minimize corrosion (2) Sections 01 pipeline to be traversed by pigs or
inside the casrng. spheres shall be designed to prevent damage to pigs,
spheres, pipes, or fittings during operations.
(12) 462 INTERNAL CORROSION CONTROL (3) Piping for pigs or spheres shall be designed to
guide the tool and the materials they propel effectively
462.1 General and salely.
When a corrosive liquid is transported, provision shall (4) Provision shall be made lor effeetive aecumula-
be made to protect the piping system from detrimental tion and handling 01 liquid and solid materials removed
corrosion. Hydrocarbons containing free water, under from the pipeline by pigs or spheres.
the conditions at which they will be transported, shall (d) Monitoring Deviees
be asswned ta be corrosive, unless proven to be noncor- (1) Monitoring devices shall be installed where
rosive by recognized tests or experience. Further infor- practical at loeations where the greatest potential lor
mation can be obtained Irom NACE RP 0192, Test internal corrosían exists.
Method 0172, and MR 0175. (2) Monitoring devices must be designed to permit
passage 01 pigs or spheres when installed in seetions
462.2 New Installations traversed thereby.
When designing a new or replaeement pipeline sys- (e) Reducing Corrosivity
tem, or additions or modifications to existing systems, (1) Separators or dehydration equipment, or both,
measures should be considered te prevent or inhibít may be installed.
internal eorrosion, or both. To preserve the integrity and (2) Equipment for the removal 01 other deleterious
efficiency of a pipeline in which it is known or antici- material lrom the liquid shouid be considered.
pated that a eorrosive liquid will be transported, the (1) Materials
lollowing lactors should be considered in the design (1) Materials selected lor pipe and fittings shall be
and construction, either separately or in combination: compatible with the components of the liquid and with
(a) Internal Coating each other.
(1) The eoating shall meet the quality speeifications (2) Where plastic linings or alloy steel pipe and
and the minimum dry lilm thickness established lor components are used ta prevent or control internal corro-
the proteetion 01 the lacility lrom the eorrosive media sian, such materials shall have been determined ta be
involved, based on the type 01 coating and methods 01 effective under the anticipated operating envirorunent
application. and conditions ta be encountered
(2) Applied eoatings shall be inspeeted in aeeor- (3) Erosion-eorrosion effeets from high-velocity
dance with established specifications or accepted partides at probable points of turbuienee and impinge-
pr.actice. ment should be minim.ized by use of erosion-resistant
(3) When eoated pipe or other components are materials, added wall thickness, design or flow configu-
joined by welding or other methods that leave the parent ration, and size or dimensions 01 the pipe and littings.
metal exposed, provision shall be made to prevent joint (g) Erosion-Corrosion
corrosion such as cleaning and recoating or the continu-
f (1) It is usually necessary tú control erosion-
ing use of a suitable inhibitor. eorrosion 01 liquid or slurry pipelines to mitigate prema-
(4) If pigs or spheres are to be used, the types 01 ture lailure 01 the line due to redueed wall thickness.
eoating and pitting tools used should be evaluated and Use 01 eorrosion inhibitors and/or control of the pH,
chosen ta prevent damage ta the internal coating. partide size, and flow velocity 01 the slurry or internal
(b) Chemical Treatment coating 01 the pipe may be used to limil erosion-
(1) The equipment lor the holding, transler, and corrosion of liquid or slurry pipelines. Other means of
injection 01 the chemical into the stream shall be induded dealing with this effect, sueh as periodic replacement 01
in the designo components or the use of wear plates¡ are acceptable.
(2) The operation 01 the injeetion program should See NACE MR-Ol-75 lor guidance.
be a part 01 the planning. (2) If inhibitors are used, fuey shall be 01 a type
(3) Sufficient test coupon holders or other monitor- that will not cause deterioration of any piping eompo-
ing equipment shall be provided to allow lor continued nents and shall be used in suflicient quantity to mitigate
program evaluations. internal carrosian.
(4) The chemical seleeted shall be 01 a type that (3) If interna! coatings are used to control erosion-
will not cause deterioration of any components of the corrosion, they shall meet the quality speeifications and
piping system. minimum dry lilm thickness established in the industry

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ASME 831.4·2012

and be inspected in accordance wifu industry recom- (6) Modification of fue pipeline design or flow con-
mended practices. On piping joined by welding or ofuer figuration. Sharp changes in direction should be avoided
methods exposing parent metal at fue joints, internal in liquid or slurry pipelines.
coatings shall indude provisions fú! joint protection (7) Erosion-corrosion effects should be rninimized
such as the use of a suitable corrosion inhibitor. by controlling fue particle size.
(4) Wherever changes in flow direction or bound- (e) Internal corrosion control measures shall be evalu-
aries OCCU!, such as bends, reducers, obstructíons, or ated by an inspection and monitoring program, includ-
discontinuities, localized erosion-corrosion is possible. ing but not limited to, fue following:
Means shall be provided to control local erosion- (1) The chemical and fue injection system should
corrosion, such as piping geometry, velocity, particle size be periodically checked.
distribution, flow regime, wear plates, or other suitable (2) Corrosion coupons and test spools shall be
means. Excessive weld penetration, high-low condition removed and evaluated at periodic intervals.
of a girfu weld, sharp changes in direction, and eccentri- (3) Corrosion probes should be checked manually
cally located gaskets should be avoided. at intervals, or continuously or interrnittentIy monitored
or recorded, or both, to evaluate control of pipeline inter-
462.3 Existing Installations nal corrosion.
(4) A record of Ihe internal condition of fue pipe,
A pipeline internal corrosion control program shall of leaks and repairs from corrosion, and of liquids or
incJude, but not be limited to, the following: solids quantities and corrosivity should be kept and
(a) The establishment and evaluation of a program for used as a basis for changes in the c1eaning pig schedules,
the detection, prevention, or mitigation of detrimental chemical treatrnent program, or liquid treatrnent facility.
internal corrosion should incJude the following: (5) When pipe is uncovered, or on exposed piping
(1) Pipeline leak and repair records should be where internal corrosion may be anticipated, pipe wall
reviewed fúr indication of the effects of internal thickness measurement or monitoring should be made
corrosion. to evaluate internal corrosion.
(2) When any part of a pipeline is removed and fue (6) Where inspections, observation, or record anal-
internal surface is accessible fúr inspection, it should be ysis indica tes internal corrosion is taking place to an
visually examined and evaluated for internal corrosían. extent fuat may be detrimental to public or employee
Additionally, visual examination shall be made for safety, fuat portion of fue system shall be repaired or
excessive weld penetration, high-Iow condition of a reconditioned, and appropriate steps taken to mitigate
girlh weld, and eccentrically located gaskets fuat should the internal corrosion.
be avoided in a liquid or slurry pipeline.
(3) If evidence of intemal corrosion is discovered, 463 EXTERNAL CORROSION CONTROL FOR
fue liquid or slurry shall be analyzed to determine fue PIPELlNES EXPOSED TO ATMOSPHERE
types and concentrations of any corrosive agents.
(4) Liquids or solids removed from fue pipeline by 463.1 General
pigging, draining, or cleanup should be analyzed as (a) Steel pipelines exposed to fue atrnosphere shaU be
necessary for determining the presence of corrosive protected frOID external corrosion by a suitable coating
materials and evidence of corrosion products. or jacket, unless it can be demonstrated by test or experi-
(b) Where it is deterrnined that internal corrosion is ence that the materials are resistant to corrosion in the
taking place fuat could affect public or employee safety, environment in which they are mstalled. Further infor-
one or more of the following protective or corrective mation can be obtained frorn NACE RP 0281.
measures should be used to control detrimental internal (b) The surface to be coated shall be free of deleterious
corrosion: rnaterials, such as rust, scale, moisture, dirt, salt, oil,
(1) An effective chemical treatrnent shall be applied
lacquer, and varnish. The surface preparation shall be
in a manner and quantity to protect all affected portions compatible wifu fue coating or jacket to be applied.
of the piping systems. Further information can be obtained from NACE Joint
Surface Preparation Standards Numbers. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
(2) Remove corrosive agents by recognized meth-
(c) The coating or jacket selected shall possess charac-
ods, such as dehydration.
teristics that will provide adequat<> protection from the
(3) Add fittings for removal of water from low environment. Coatings and jackets shall completely
spots, or reposition piping to reduce hold up water. cover the exposed structure and shall be applied in
(4) Under sorne circumstances, application of a accordance with established specifications or manufac-
suitable internal coating may be effective. turer's recommendations.
(5) Replacement of components or fue use of wear (d) Special consideration shall be given to air/soil
plates to control erosion-corrosion. interfaces and splash zones.

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ASME 831.4-2012

464 PIPEUNES IN ARCTlC ENVIRONMENTS support aboveground pipeline and associated facilities.
The pilings and any other adjacent underground metal-
464.1 General
lic facilities must be electrically interconnected to pre-
Pipeline facilities installed in arctic envrronments shall vent detrimental interference.
be coated and cathodically protected in the same manner
as pipelines in temperate locations, and the same consid- 464.3.3 Galvanic Anode Installations. Galvanic
eration shall be given to the need for protection from anodes (packaged or ribbon) may beneeded on pipelines
internal and atmospheric corrosion, except as specifi- in pennafrost areas to supplement impressed current
cally provided in this section. facilities in localized thawed areas. This provides local-
ized cathodic protection lo those sections of pipe which
464.2 External Coating Requirements might be shielded from adequate cathodic-protection
current by Ihe extreme high resistivity of the sur-
Selection of coatings for pipelines in low temperature
rounding frozen soiL
environments shall take into consideratian the particular
requirements of that envíronment. These indude adhe- 464.4 Monitoring
sion, resistance to cracking or darnage during handling
and installation in subfreezing temperatures, applicabil- Installation of calibrated current measurement spans
ity of field joint coatings or coating repairs, compatibility should be considered in addition to the normal test
with any applied cathodic protection, and resistance to points. These should be installed at sufficient intervals
soil stresses due tú frost heav€, seasonal temperature to evaluate current distribution along the protected pipe-
changes, or other requirements. line and the effects of telluric currents prevalenl in polar
regions. These spans also provide contact points for mea-
464.3 Cathodic Protection Facilities suring indications of possible coating damage due to
stresses induced by a frozen environment.
464.3.1 Criteria. Criteria for cathodic protection
shall be the same as for pipelines in temperate environ- 464.5 Internal Corrosion Control
ments. Because higher driving voltages are normally
required in frozen soils, the voltage irnpressed across If it is anticipated that free water solutions will be
the coating should be limited so that the coating is not present in the pipeline, possibly along with other poten-
subject tú damage due tú cathodic over voltage or exces- tially corrosive contaminants, suitable corrective mea-
sive current density. sures shall be taken as prescribed in section 462.

464.3.2 Impressed Curren! Facilities

(a) Impressed current facilities should be used on 465 PIPElINES IN HIGH TEMPERATURE SERVICE
pipelines in permanently frozen soil. Such facilities are 465.1 General
capable of providing the higher driving voltage needed
Special consideration must be given to the corrosion
to overcome fue high resistivity of froze.n soil. They
should be installed at pump stations or other facilities control requirements of pipelines and other facilities in
where power is available and access for adjushnent and high temperature service (above 150'P). Elevated tem-
maintenance is assured. The effects of seasonal varia- peratures tend to decrease the resistivity of buried or
submerged pipeline environments and to increase the
tions in soil resistivity should be compensated for by
using constant potential rectifiers or manual electrochemical corrosion reaction as a result of acceler-
adjustments. ated iome or molecular activity. Elevated temperatures
typically occur downstream of pump stations or in gath-
(b) Impressed current anode beds should be installed
,:henever feasible at a sufficient distance from the pipe-
ering systems.
hne or other underground structures to achleve maxi- 465.2 External Coating Requirements (12)
mum current distribution (spread) along the pipeline
and to reduce the peak potential at the pipeline. Selection of coatings shall take into account the partic-
(e) Where practical, anode beds shall be installed ular requirements for pipelines in high temperature ser-
below the permafrost level or in other unfrozen loca- vice. These include resistance to damage from soil stress
tions, such as a stream or lake, to achieve better cathodic and pipe movement, compatibility with any applied
protection current distribution. Where anodes must be cathodic protection, and resistance to thermal
installed in permanently frozen ground, fue volume of degradation.
the anode backfill material should be increased to reduce
465.3 Cathodic Protection Facilities
the effective resistance between the anode and the sur-
rounding earth. 465.3.1 Criteria. Criteria for cathodic protection
(d) Impressed current facilities utilizing distributed shall be the same as for normal temperature service,
or deep anode ground beds should be used to protect except that recognition should be given lo the effects of
buried station facilities and steel pilings where used to decreased resistivity and increased cathodic protection

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ASME 831.4-2012

current requirements in elevated temperature service on shall be provided by an anticorrosion coating applied
any IR component of the pipe-to-soj] potential measure- to the surface of the pipe, under !he thermal insulation
mento Possible depolarization effects due to high temper- system. Selection oí anticorrosion coatings shall take
ature operation shall also be considered. into account !he particular requirements for pipelines in
!hermally insulated services. In addition to the general
465.3.2 Galvanic Anodes. Consideration shall be
considerations for pipeline coatings listed in
given to the impact on !he performance of close galvanic
para. 461.1.2, these coatings shall also be resistan! to
anodes (especially bracelet or ribbon type) subject to
damage from the stresses oí movement due to opera-
elevated temperatures due tp !heir proximity to a hot
tional !hermal expansion/ contraction cycles, be compat-
pipeline. Higher temperatures tend to increase bo!h !he
ible with the insulation system, and resistant to thermal
current output and rate of degradation of most anode
materials. Sorne anode materials may become more
noble !han steel at temperatures aboye 1400 P in certain 466.1.3 Water Stops. The !hermal insulation sys-
electrolytes. Zinc anodes containing aluminum are also tem for buried or submerged pipelines should include
susceptible tú intergranular corrosíon aboye 120°F. provisions fúr prevention of migration oí water through
!he insulation that may impact adjacent pipe joints. This
465.4 Internal Corrosion Control may be achieved with water stops or alternative means.
When liquid known Dr antícipated tú be corrosive is
466.1.4 Cathodic Protection. The external corrosion
transported at elevated temperaturesr spedal consider-
mitigation provided by anticorrosion coating for buried
ation shall be given tú the identification and mitigation
piping and pipelines may be supplemented by ca!hodic
of possible internal corrosion. Such measures are neces-
protection when appropriate as detailed in
sary because corrosion reaction rates increase with ele-
paras. 466.1.4.1 and 466.1.4.2.
vated temperatures and are not stable. Appropriate
mitigation and monitoring measures are given in 466.1.4.1 External Anodes. Ca!hodic protection
section 462. may be provided using anodes !hat are located outside
of !he thermal insulation system jacket. Such anodes
will provide cathodic protection to any external metallic
pipeline surfaces that are exposed openly to !he sur-
rounding electrolyte.
466.1 New Installations
466.1.4.2 Internal Anodes. Cathodic protection
466.1.1 General. Special consideration must be may be provided using anodes !hat are installed within
given to the external corrosían control requirements oí the !hermal insulation system jacket. Such anodes will
pipelines and o!her facilities !hat are !hermally insulated provide ca!hodic protection to external metallic pipeline
due to operational requirements or fúr personnel safety. surfaces that are contained withln the same electrolyte
Corrosion under insulation of facilities associated as are !he anodes, in !he event !hat !he integrity of !he
with liquid pipelines (piping, tanks, etc.) shall be insulation jacket has been compromised.
addressed in accordance with NACE RP 0198.
The external surfaces of !hermally insulated pipelines 466.2 Existing Installations (12)
constructed as "pipe-in-pipe" shall be protected from The external corrosion mitigation (or pipeline integ-
corrosion as detailed elsewhere in this Chapter. The rity) program for existing thermally insulated pipelines
external metallic surfaces of !hermally insulated pipe- shall include provisions to address the threat of corro-
lines constructed as "pipe-in-plastic" shall be protected sion under insulation. Factors to consider when devel-
from corrosion as detailed below. oping a mitigation program for corrosion under
Due to the physical characteristics of thermal insulat- insulation may include, but are not limited to, insulation
ing systems, ca!hodic protection of the external metallic jacket or weather barrier integrity, attention to areas
surfaces under the insulation system cannot be ensured. of protrusions through !he insulation jacket or wea!her
As such, ensuring !he integrity of the !hermal insulation barrier, use of inline inspection tools.. use of external
system and the isolation of !he metal surface from a NDE inspection tools, use of hydrostatic pressure test-
corrosive environment is critical. ing, and use of direct assessment methodology.
The external corrosion mitigation (or pipeline integ-
rity) program for !hermally insulated pipelines should
include either the monitoring of!he integrity of!he insu- 467 STRESS CORROSION AND OTHER
lation system or an appropriate external metalloss mon- PHENOMENA
itoring programo
Environmentally induced and other corrosion-related
(12) 466.1.2 External Coating Requirements. External phenomena, including stress corrosion cracking.. corro-
corrosion mitigation of !hermally insulated pipelines sion fatigue, hydrogen stress cracking, hydrogen

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ASME B31.4-2012

embrittlement, corrosian under insulation, and microbi- be avaUable to the pipeline designer and operating com-
ologically influenced corrosían, have been identified as pany in the future. In the interiro, this Code suggests
causes of pipeline fallure. Considerable knowledge and that the user refer to the current state of the art. Cathodic
data have been acquired and assembled on these phe- protection current levels, quality of pipe surface prepa-
nomena, and research is continuing as ta their causes ratian and coating, operating temperatures, stress levels,
and prevention. Operating companies should be alert for and soU conditions shall be considered in pipeline
evidence oí such phenomena during a11 pipe inspections design and operations. Further information can be
obtained from NACE RP 0204.
and at other such opportunities. Where evidence of such
a condition is found, an investigative program shall be 468 RECORDS
initiated and remedial measures taken as necessary. Any
la) Records indicating cathodically protected piping,
such evidence should be given consideration in all pipe- cathodic protection facilities, and other structures
line faUure investigations. Operating companies should affected by or affecting the cathodic protection system
avaU themselves of current technology on the subject or shall be maintained by the operating company.
consult with knowledgeable experts, or both. lb) Records of tests, surveys, visual and instrumented
This paragraph must be limited to general statements inspection results, leaks, etc., necessary for evaluating
rather than specific limits in regard ta stress corrosían. the effectiveness of corrosion control measures shall be
Stress corrosion is currently the subject of investigative maintained and retained for as long as the piping
research prograrns and more specific data will certainIy remains in service.

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No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME B31.4-2012

Chapter IX
Offshore Liquid Pipeline Systems

MOO GENERAL STATEMENTS extemal hydrostatic pressure: pressure acting on any exter-
nal surface resulting from its submergence in water.
(a) Chapter IX pertains only to offshore pipeline sys-
tems as delined in para. A400.1. flexible pipe: pipe lhat is
(b) This Chapter is organized to paraUel lhe number- (a) manufaclured as a composite from both metal and
ing and content of lhe first eight chapters 01 lhe Codeo nonmetal components
Paragraph designations are the same as lhose in the lirst (b) capable of allowing large deflections without
eight chapters, wilh lhe prefix "A." adversely affecting the pipe's integrity
(e) AU provisions of lhe fust eight chapters of lhe (e) intended to be an integral part of the permanent
Code are also requirements 01 lhis Chapter unless specif- liquid transportation system
ically modified herein. If lhe text in trus Chapter adds Flexible pipe does not include solid metallic pipe,
requirements, the requirements in the original Chapter plastic pipe, fiber reinforced plastic pipe, rubber hose, or
wilh lhe same title and number also apply. If a provision metallic pipes lined with nonmetallic linings or coatings.
in this Chapter is in conflict with one or more provisions hyperbaric weld: a weld performed at ambient hydrostatic
in other chapters, the provision in this Chapter shall pressure.
offshore: lhe area beyond the line of ordinary rugh water
(d) It isthe intent 01 trus Chapter to provide require-
along that portion of the coast lhat is in direct contael
ments for the safe and reliable design, instaUation, and
wilh lhe open seas and beyond lhe line marking lhe
operation of offshore liquid pipeline systems. It is not
seaward limit of inland coastal waters.
lhe intent of trus Chapter to be aU inclusive. Engineering
judgrnent must be used to identify special considera- offshore pipeline riser: the vertical or near-vertical portion
tions wruch are not specificaUy addressed. API RP 1111 of an offshore pipeline between lhe platform piping and
may be used as a guide. It is not lhe intent of this Chapter the pipeline at or below lhe seabed, including a lenglh
to prevent the development and application of new of pipe of at least five pipe diameters beyond lhe bottom
equipment and technology. Such activity is encouraged elbow, bend, or fitting. Because of the wide variety of
as long as lhe safety and reliability requirements of the configurations, the exact location of transition among
Code are satisfied. pipeline, pipeline riser, and platform piping must be
selected on a case-by-case basis.
A400.1 Scope offshore pipeline system: includes all components of a pipe-
This Chapter covers the design, material require- line installed offshore for lhe purpose of transporting
ments, fabrication, installation, inspection, testing, and liquid, olher lhan production facility piping. Tanker or
salety aspects 01 lhe operation and maintenance 01 off- barge loading hose s are not considered part of the
shore pipeline systems. For purposes of lhis Chapter, offshore pipeline system.
offshore pipeline systems include offshore liquid pipe- offshore platform: any fixed or permanently anchored
lines, pipeline risers, offshore liquid pumping stations, structure or artificial island located offshore.
pipeline appurtenances, pipe supports, connectors, and
other components as addressed specifically in the Codeo pipe collapse: flattening deformation of the pipe resulting
See Fig. 400.1.1-2. in 1055 of cross-sectional strength and circular shape,
which is caused by excessive external hydrostatic pres-
A400.2 Definitions sure acting alone.
Sorne of the more cornmon terms relating to offshore plaiform piping: on offshore platforms producing hydro-
liquid pipelines are delined below. carbons, platform piping is aUliq¡¡id transmission pip-
ing and appurtenances between the production facility
buekle arrestar: any device attached to, or made a part and lhe offshore pipeline riser(s). On offshore platforms
of, lhe pipe for the purpose 01 arresting a propagating not producing hydrocarbons, platform piping is aUliq-
buckle. uid transmission piping and appurtenances between lhe
buckle detector: any means for detecting dents, excessive risers. Because of a wide variety of configurations, the
ovalization, or buckles in a pipeline. exact location of the transition between the offshore

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ASME B31.4·2012

pipeline riser(s), platlorm piping, and production lacility A401.9 Installation Design Considerations
must be selected on a case-by-case basis.
A401.9.1 Loads for Installation Design. The design
prapagating buckle: a buckle that progresses rapidly along 01 an offshore pipeline system suitable lor sale instana-
a pipeline caused by the effect 01 external hydrostatic tion and the development 01 ollshore pipeline construc-
pressure on a previously formed buckle, local callapse, tian procedures shall be based on consideraUon of the
or other cross-sectional deformation. parameters listed in paras. A401.9.2 and A401.9.3. These
pull tube: a conduit attached to an offshore platform parameters shan be considered to the extent that they
are significant to the proposed system and applicable
through which a riser can be installed.
to the method 01 installation being considered.
pull-tube riser: riser pipe or pipes installed through a All parts 01 the ollshore pipeline system shall be
pun tube (e.g., J-tube or I-tube). designed for the most critical combinations of installa-
riser: see offshore pipeline riser. tion and environmental loads, acting concurrently, to
which the system may be subjected.
sea floor bathymetry: relers to water depths along the
pipeline route. A401.9.2 Installation Loads. Installation loads that
shan be considered are those imposed on the pipeline
splash zone: the area 01 the pipeline riser or other pipeline system under anticipated installation conditions,
components that is intermittently wet and dry due to excluding those resulting from environmental
wave and tidal actian. conditions.
trawl board: a structure that is attached to the bottom Loads that should be considered as installation loads
01 commercial fishing nets and is dragged aJong the include
sea flúor. (a) weight, including (as appropriate) the weight 01
(1) pipe
vortex shedding: the periodic shedding 01 fluid vortices
(2) coatings and their absorbed water
and resulting unsteady flow patterns downstream 01 a
(3) attachments to the pipe
pipeline span.
(4) Iresh water or sea water content (H pipe is
flooded during instanation)
(e) external pressure
A401.1 General (d) static loads imposed by construction equipment
When considering the ellect 01 pipe and/or pipeline
A401.1.1 Offshore Design Conditions. A number 01 component weights (in air and submerged) on installa-
physical parameters, hencelorth relerred to as design tion stresses and strains, the variability due to weight
conditions, govern design 01 the offshore pipeline sys- coating, manufacturing tolerances, and water absorp-
tero so that it meets installation, operation, and other tion shall also be considered.
post-installation requirements. Sorne of the conditions
whlch may influence the salety and reliability 01 an A401.9.3 Environmental Loads During Installation.
ollshore pipeline system are Environmental loads that shall be considered are those
(a) pressure imposed on the pipeline system by environmental condi-
(b) temperature tions. Loads that should be considered under this cate-
(e) waves gory include, as appropriate, those arising due to
(a) waves
(d) current
(b) current
(e) seabed
(e) wind
(f) wind
(d) tides
(g) ice
(e) ice
(h) seismic activity
if) dynamic loads imposed by construction equip-
(i) platform motion
ment and vessel motions
(j! water depth The effects 01 large tidal changes and water depth
(k) support settlement variations on construction ~ equipment shall be
(l) accidental loads considered.
(m) marine vessel activity An appropriate design return interval storm shall be
(n) lishing/recreational activities selected lor the anticipated installation duration. TIús
The design 01 an offshore pipeline system is olten design return interval shall not be less than three times
controned by instanation considerations rather than by the expected exposure period lor the pipeline during
operating load conditions. installation, or 1 yr, whichever is longer.

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ASME 831.4-2012

Direction of waves, wind, and currents shall be consid- (3) attachments to lhe pipe
ered to determine the most critical expected combination (4) transported contents
of the environmentalloads to be used with lhe installa- (b) buoyancy
tion loads, as described in para. A40l.9.1. (e) interna! and external pressure
Loads imposed by construction equipment and vessel (d) lhermal expansion and contraction
rnotions vary with the construction method and con- (e) residualloads
struction vessel selected. The limitations and behavioral If) overburden
characteristics of installation equipment shall be consid- Anticipated impact loads, such as those caused by
ered in the installation designo The effect of vessél trawl boards, should be considered as an operational
molions on lhe pipe and its coating shall be considered. load.
Local environmental forces are subject te radical
change in offshore areas. As a result, those potential A401.l0.3 Environmental Loads During Operation.
changes should be considered during installation contin- Environmentalloads lhat shall be considered are lhose
gency planning as well as during installation designo imposed on lhe pipeline system by environmental condi-
tions. Loads that should be considered under this cate-
A40l.9.4 Bottom Soils. Soil characteristics shall be gory include, as appropriate, lhose arising due to
considered in on-bollom stability analysis during lhe
(a) waves
installalion period, span analysis, and when installation
(b) current
procedures are developed for the following:
(e) wind
(a) riser installation in pull tubes
(d) lides
(b) laying horizontal curves in lhe pipeline routing
(e) ice loads (e.g., weight, floating impacts, scouring)
(e) pipeline bottom tows
If) seismic events
(d) trenching and backfilling
(g) dynamically induced soilloads (e.g., mud slides,
M01.10 Operational Design Considerations soil liquefaction)
An appropriate design return interva! storm shall be
A40l.l0.l Loads for Operational Design. The selected for the anticipated operational life of lhe off-
design of an offshore pipeline system suitable for safe shore pipeline system but shall not be less than 100 yr.
operation shall be based on considerations of lhe param- Direction of waves wind, and currents shall be consid--

eters listed in paras. A401.10.2 and A401.10.3. These ered to determine the mostcritical expected combination
parameters shall be considered to lhe extent lhat lhey of lhe environmentalloads to be used wilh lhe opera-
are significant to lhe proposed system. tions loads, as described in para. A401.l0.1.
Al! parts of the offshore pipeline system shall be
designed far the most critical combinations of opera- A40l.l0.4 Bottom Soils. When establishing on-bot-
tional and environmentalloads, acting concurrentIy, tú tom stability requirements and maximum allowable
which lhe system may be subjected. The most critical spans for irregular seabeds, consideration shall be given
combination wili depend upon operating criteria during to seabed soíl characteristics.
sterm conditions. If fuil operations are tú be maintained
during storm conditions, then the system shall be A401.11 Hydrostatic Test Design Considerations
designed for concurrent action of fuil operational and A401.ll.l Loads for Hydrostatic Test Design. The
design environmental loads. If operations are to be design of an offshore pipeline system suitable for safe
reduced or discontinued during storm conditionsl then hydrostatic testing and the development of offshore
lhe system shall be designed for bolh pipeline hydrostatic test procedures shall be based on
(a) fui! operationalloads, plus maximum coincidental consideration of the parameters listed in
envrronmentalloads paras. A40l.l1.2 and A401.11.3. These parameters shall
(b) design environmentalloads, plus appropriate be considered to lhe extent lhat lhey are significant to
reduced operationalloads lhe proposed test.
A401.l0.2 Operational Loads. Operationalloads Al! parts of the offshore pipeline system shall be
that shall be considered are lhose imposed on lhe pipe- designed for lhe most critical combinations of hydro-
static test and environmentalloads, acting concurrently,
line system during its operation, excluding those
to which the system may be subjected.
resulting from envrrorunental conditions.
Loads that should be considered operational loads A401.1l.2 Hydrostatic Test Loads. Hydrostatic test
include loads lhat shall be considered are lhose imposed on lhe
(a) weight, including (as appropriate) the weight of offshore pipeline system under anticipated test condi-
(1) pipe tions, excluding those resulting from environmental
(2) coatings and lheir absorbed water conditions.

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ASME 831.4·2012

Loads lhat should be eonsidered hydrostatic test loads (4) tuming basins
include (5) anchorage areas
(a) weight, including (as appropriate) lhe weight of (6) shipping lanes
(1) pipe (7) foreign pipeline and olher utility erossings
(2) eoatings and lheir absorbed water (d) Routing shall be seleeted to avoid, to lhe extent
(3) attaehments to lhe pipe practical, lhe identified hazards.
(4) fresh water or sea water used for hydrostatic test
(b) buoyaney A402 DESIGN CRITERIA
(e) internal and external pressure
A402.3 Allowable Stresses and other Stress Umits
(d) lhermal expansion and eontraetion
(e) residual loads The allowable stresses and other stress limits given
(j) overburden in para. 402.3 are superseded by the provisions of
paras. A402.3.4 and A402.3.5.
A401.11.3 Environmental Loads During Hydrostatic Design and installation analyses shall be based upon
Test. Environmentalloads lhat shall be eonsidered are aceepted engineering melhods, material strengths, and
those imposed on the pipeline system by environmental applieable design eonditions.
eonditions. Loads lhat should be eonsidered under this
category indude, as appropriate, those arising due to A402.3.4 Strength Criteria During Installation and
(a) waves Testing
(b) eurrent (a) Allowable Stress Values. The maximum longitudi-
(e) wind nal stress due to axial and bending loads during installa-
(d) tides tion shall be limited to a value that prevents pipe
An appropriate design return interval storm shall be buekling and lhat will not impair lhe serviceability of
seleeted for the anticipated hydrostatic test duration but the installed pipeline system. Olher stresses resulting
frOID pipeline installation activitiesl such as spans, shall
shall not be less lhan 1 yr.
Direction ofwaves, wind, and currents shall be consid- be limited to the same criteria. Instead of a stress crite-
ered to determine the most critical expected combination rion, an allowable installation strain limit may be used.
of lhe environmentalloads to be used with the hydro- (b) Design Against Buckling. The offshore pipeline sys-
static test loads, as deseribed in para. A401.11.1. tem shall be designed and installed in a manner to pre-
vent local buekling of the pipe wall, eollapse, and eolumn
A401.11.4 Botlom Soils. When establishing on- buekling during installation. Design and installation
bottom stability requirements and maximum allowable proeedures shall eonsider the effeet of external hydro-
spans fúr irregular seabeds, consideration shall be given static pressure; bending, axial, and torsionalloads;
to seabed soil characteristics. impactí miU tolerances in the wall thickness¡ out-of-
roundness¡ and other applicable factors. Consideration
A401.12 Route Selection Considerations
shall aIso be given to mitigation of propagation buekling
(a) Offshore pipeline routes shall be seleeted to mini- that may follow local buekling or denting. The pipe
mize lhe adverse effeets of wall thiekness shall be seleeted to resist eollapse due to
(1) installation and related environmental loads external hydrostatic pressure.
(see para. A401.9) (e) Design Against Fatigue. The pipeline shall be
(2) operalional and related environmental loads designed and installed to limit anticipated stress fluetua-
(see para. A401.10) lions to magultudes and frequeneies lhat will not impair
(3) hydrostatic test and related environmental lhe serviceability of the installed pipeline. Loads lhat
loads (see para. A401.11) may cause fatigue include wave action and vibrations
(b) Seleetion of offshore pipeline routes shall consider indueed by vortex shedding. Pipelines and riser spans
the eapabilities and limitations of anticipated eonstrue- shall be designed to prevent vortex-indueed resonant
tion equipment. vibrations, when practical. When vibrations must be
(e) Surveys of lhe pipeline raute shall be eondueted tolerated, the resulting stresses due to vibration shall be
to identify considered. If alternative acceptance standards for girth
(1) seabed materials welds in API 1104 are used, lhe eyelle stress analysis
(2) subsea (including sub-bottom) and surfaee fea- shall include the determination of a predicted fatigue
tures that may represent potential hazards to the pipeline speetrum to whieh the pipeline is exposed over its
construction and operations design llfe.
(3) subsea (including sub-bottom) and surfaee fea- (d) Design Against Fracture. Prevenlion of fractures
tures that may be adversely affected by pipeline eon- during installation shall be eonsidered in material selee-
struction and operations, including archaeological and tíon in accordance with the requirements of para. A423.2.
sensitive marine aTeas Welding proeedures and weld defeet aceeptanee eriteria

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ASME 831.4-2012

shall consider the need to prevent fractures during where

installation. See paras. 434.8.5 and A434.8.5. D = nominal outside diameter of pipe, in. (mm)
(e) Design Against Loss of In-Place Stability. Design F, = hoop stress design factor from Table A402.3.5-1
against loss of in-place stability shall be in accordance P, = external pressure, psig (bar)
wilh the provisions of para. A402.3.5(e), except that Ihe Pi internal design pressure, psig (bar)
installation design wave and current conditions shall S" = hoop stress, psi (MPa)
be based upon the provisions of para. A401.9.3. If the Sy = specified mínimum yield strenglh, psi (MPa)
pipeline is to be trenched, ít shall be designed for stabil- t = nominal wall thíckness, in. (mm)
ity during Ihe period prior to trenching. .
(2) Longitudinal Stress. For offshore pipeline sys-
(j) Impact. During Ihe period when Ihepipe is suscep-
tems, the longitudinal stress shall not exceed values
tible to linpact damage during installation and testíng,
found from
consideration shall be given to impacts due to
(1) anchors
(2) trawl boards
(3) vessels where
(4) ice keels A = cross-sectional area of pipe material, in. 2
(5) other foreign objects (mm')
(g) Residual Stresses. The pipeline system shall nor- F, = axial force, lb (N)
mally be installed in a rnanner so as to minim.ize residual F, = longitudinal stress design factor from
stresses. The exception shall be when Ihe designer pur- Table A402.3.5-1
posefully plans for residual stresses (e.g., reeled pipe, í¡ = in-plane stress intensification factor from
cold springing of risers, pull-tube risers). Table 402.1-1
(h) Flexible Pipe. The manufacturer's recommended i, = out-of-plane stress intensification factor frorn
installation procedures should be adhered to during Table 402.1-1
installation. Flexible pipe shall be designed or selected Mi = in-plane bending moment, in.-Ib (N·m)
to prevent failure due to Ihe combined effects of external M, = out-of-plane bending moment, in.-Ib (N·m)
pressure, internal pressure, torsional forces, axial forces,
S, axial stress, psi (positive tensile or negative
compressive) (MPa)
and bending. (See API RP 17B.)
= F,fA
(12) A402.3.5 Strength (riteria During Operations Sb = maximum resultant bending stress, psi (MPa)
(a) Allowable Stress Values. Allowable stress values for = ± JuiM¡}' + (i,M,)' / Z
steel pipe during operalíon shall not exceed Ihose calcu- SL maximum longitudinal stress, psi (positive
lated by the equatíons in paras. A402.3.5(a)(I) tensile or negative compressive) (MPa)
through (3). Sa + Sb or Sa - Sb, whichever results in the
(1) Hoop Stress. For offshore pipeline systems, Ihe larger stress value
tensile hoop stress due to Ihe difference between internal Sy specífíed mínimum yield strenglh, psi (MPa)
and external pressures shall not exceed the values given Z = section modulus of Ihe pipe, in.' (cm')
below, in eq. (1). 11 absolute value
S" shall be calculated by eq. (2) or eq. (3). It is recom-
(3) Combined Stress. For offshore pipeline systems,
mended Ihat eq. (2) be used for D f t greater than or
the combined stress shall not exceed Ihe value given by
equal to 20 and that eq. (3) be use for D f t less Ihan 30.
Ihe MaXÍlnum Shear Stress Equation (Tresca Combined
NOTE: Sign convention is such that tension is positive and com-
pression is negative.
SL - S,,)' ,]
[ (- 2 - + SI ::;; h(Sy)
D where
SI! = (Pi - Pe) 2t (U.S. Customary Units) (2)
A = pipe cross-sectional area, in. 2 (mm2 )
D F, axial force, lb (N)
S" = (Pi - P,) 201 (SI Units) F3 combined stress design factor from
Table A402.3.5-1
D-t i¡ = in-plane stress intensification factor from
SIl = (Pi - Pe) (U.S. Customary Units) (3)
Table 402.1-1
D-I out-of-plane stress intensification factor frorn
S" = (Pi - P,) 201 (SI Units) Table 402.1-1

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Table A402.3.5-1 Design Factors for Offshore Pipeline 5ystems

Hoop Longitudinal Combined
location Stress. Fl Stress, F2 Stress, F3

Pipeline 0.72 0.80 0.90

Riser and platform piping [Note (1)] 0.60 0.80 0.90

GENERAL NOTE: In the setting of design factors, due consideration has been given too and allowance
has been made for, the underthickness tolerance and maximum allowable depth of imperfectlons provided
for in the specifications approved by the Codeo
(1) P!atform plping does not ¡nelude production fadlity piping on a platform; see definitions in para.

M, in-plane bending moment, in-lb (N·m) local buekling of lhe pipewall, eollapse, and eolurnn
M, = out-of-plane bending moment, in.-Ib (N·m) buekling during operations. Design and operating pro-
M, = torsional moment, in.-Ib (N·m) eedures shall eonsider lhe effeet of external hydrostatic
S, = axial stress, psi (positive tensile or negative pressure¡ bending, axial, and torsional loads; impact¡
eompressive) (MPa) mili toleranees in the wall thiekness, out-of-roundness,
¡¡,lA and other applieable faetors. Consideration shall also be
Sb = maximum resultant bending stress, psi (MPa) given to mitigation of propagation buekiing that may
= J
± (i,M,)' + (i"M,)' / Z follow local buekling or denting. The pipe wall thiekness
Sh hoop stress, psi (MPa) shall be seleeted to resist eollapse due to external hydro-
SL = maximum longitudinal stress/ psi (positive static pressure.
tensile or negative eompressive) (MPa) (e) Design Against Fatigue. The pipeline shall be
= Sa + Sb or Sa - Sbf whichever results in the designed and operated to limit anticipated stress fluetu-
larger stress value ations to magnitudes and frequencies that will not
S, = torsional stress, psi (MPa) impair lhe serviceability of the pipeiine. Loads that may
= M,/2Z cause fatigue indude internal pressure variations, wave
Sy speeified mimimun yield strength, psi (MPa) action, and pipe vibration, such as that induced by vor-
Z seetion modulus of lhe pipe, in.' (cm') tex shedding. Pipe and riser spans shall be designed so
Alternatively, the Maximum Distortional Energy that vortex-induced resonant vibrations are prevented,
Theory (Von Mises Combined Stress) may be used for whenever practicaL When vibrations must be tolerated,
limiting eombined stress values. Aeeordingly, lhe eom- the resulting stresses due to vibration shall be considered
bined stress should not exeeed values given by in lhe eombined stress eakulations in para. A402.3.5(a).
In addition, eakulated fatigue failure shall not result
during lhe design life of the pipeiine and risers.
(d) Design Against Fracture. Prevention of fractures
(4) Strain. When lhe pipeline experienees a predict- during operation shall be considered in material selec-
able noneyclic displaeement of its support (e.g., fault tion in accordance with the requirements of para. A423.2.
movement along the pipeline route or differential subsi- Welding proeedures and weld defeet aeeeptanee eriteria
denee along the line) or pipe sag before support eontact, shall consider the need to prevent fractures during oper-
the longitudinal and combined stress limits may be ation. See paras. 434.8.5 and A434.8.5.
replaeed wilh an allowable strain limit, so long as lhe
(e) Design Against Loss 01 In-Place Stability
eonsequenees of yielding do not impair lhe serviceability
(1) General. Pipeline design for lateral and vertical
of the installed pipeiine. The pernússible maximum lon-
gitudinal slrain depends upon lhe duetility of the mate- on-bottom stability is governed by pennanent features
rial, any previously experienced plastic strain, and the sueh as sea flaor balhymetry and soil eharaeteristics and
buekling behavior of the pipe. Where plastie strains are by transient events, such as hydrodynamic, seismic, and
anticipated, the pipe eccentricity, pipe out-of-roundness, soil behavior events, having a significant probability of
and lhe ability of the weld to undergo sueh strains wilh- oeeurrenee during the life of the system. Design
out detrimental effeet should be eonsidered. These same conditions to be considered are provided in
eriteria may be applied to pull tube or bending shoe paras. A402.3.5(e)(2) through (4).
risers or pipe installed by the ree! melhod. The pipeline system shall be designed to prevent hori-
(b) Design Against Buckling. The pipeline shall be zontal and vertical movements or shall be designed so
designed with an adequate margin of safety to prevent lhat any movements will be limited to values not eausing

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allowable stresses and strains to be exeeeded. Typical (4) Shore Approaches. Pipe in the shore approaeh
faetors to be eonsidered in lhe stability design indude zone shall be installed on a suitable abovewater strueture
(a) wave and current forces or lowered or bored to lhe depth neeessary to prevent
(b) soil properties seouring, spanning, or stability problems that affeet
(e) seour and resultant spanning integrity and safe operation of the pipeline during its
(d) soilliquefaetion anticipated service life. Seasonal variation in the near-
(e) slope failure shore thickness of sea floor sediments and shoreline
Stability may be obtained by sueh means as, but not erosion over lhe pipeline service life shall be eonsidered.
limited to (5) Slope Faílure and Soíl Liquefaction. The pipelines
If) adjusting pipe submerged weight shall be designed for slope faHure in zones where they
(g) trenehing and or eovering of pipe
are expected (mud slide zones, steep sIopes, areas of
seismie slumping). If it is not praetical to design lhe
(h) anchoring
pipeline system to survive lhe event, lhe pipeline shall
When eaJculating hydrodynamie forees, the faet lhat
be designed for eontrolled breakaway wilh provisions
wave forees vary spatially along lhe lenglh of the pipe-
to minimize loss of lhe pipeline eontents.
line may be taken into aeeoun!.
Design for lhe effeets of liquefaetion shall be per-
Two on-bottom stability design eonditions that shall
formed for areas of known or expected occurrence. Soil
be considered are installation and operational.
liquefaetion normally results from eyelie wave overpres-
(2) Design Wave and Current Conditions. Opera-
sures or seismic loading of susceptible soils. The bulk
tional design wave and current conditions shall be based
speeifie gravity of the pipeline shall be seleeted, or alter-
upon an event having a minimum return interval of
native melhods shall be seleeted to ensure bolh hori-
not less lhan 100 yr. The most unfavorable expeeted
zontal and vertical stability.
combination of wave and current conclitions shall be
SeisnUc design conditions used to predict the occur-
used. Maximum wave and maximum current conditions
renee of bottom liquefaetion or slope failure shall be at
do not necessarily occur simultaneously. When selecting
least as severe as those used for the operating design
fue most unfavorable condition, consideration must be
strenglh ealculations for lhe pipeline. Oeeurrenee of soil
given to the timing of occurrence of the wave and current
liquefaction due to wave overpressures shall be based
direetion and magnitude.
on a storm interval of not less lhan 100 yr.
(3) Stabílity Against Waves and Currents. The sub-
(6) Botfom Soíls. The pipe-soH interaetion faetors
merged weight of lhe pipe shall be designed to resist
that are used shall be representative of the botlom condi-
or limit movement to amounts that do not cause the
Hans at the site.
longitudinal and eombined stresses, as ealculated by
If) Impact. During operations, eonsideration shall be
lhe equations in para. A402.3.5(a), to exeeed lhe limits
given to impacts due to
specified in para. A402.3.5(a). The submerged weight
(1J anehors
may be adjusted by weight eoating andj or inereasing
(2) trawl boards
pipe wall thiekness. Hydrodynamie forees shall be based
on th~ wave and current values for the design condition
(3) vessels
at the loeation. See para. A402.3.5(e)(2). (4) ice keels
Wave and current direction and concurrence shall be (5) other foreign objeets
eonsidered. A402_3_6 Design for Expansion and Flexibility_
The pipeline and its appurtenanees may be lowered Unburied subsea pipeline systems and platform piping
below bottom grade to provide stability. shall be eonsidered as aboveground piping [see
Baekfill or other proteetive eovering options shall use paras. 419.1(a), (b), and (d)] where sueh definition is
materials and proeedures lhat preclude damage to the applieable.
pipeline and eoatings. Thermal expansion and contraction calculations shall
Anchoring may be used alone or in conjunction with eonsider the effeets of fully saturated baekfill material
other options to maintain stability. The anehors shall be on soil restraint.
designed to withstand lateral and vertical loads Allowable strength eriteria shall be in aecordanee with
expected from the design wave and current condition. para. A402.3.5 in lieu of the allowables listed in
Anchors shall be spaced to prevent excessive stresses in para. 419.6.4. Equations in para. 419.6.4 are valid for
lhe pipe. Scour shall be eonsidered in lhe design of lhe ealculating lhe indieated stresses. See paras. A401.1O
anchoring system. The effeet of anehors on lhe ealhodic and A401.1l for loads that must be eonsidered in designo
proteetion system shall be eonsidered. Where appropriate, allowable strain eriteria in
Intermittent block-type, clamp-on, or set-on weights para. A402.3.5(a)(4) may be used in lieu of allowable
(river weights) shall not be used on offshore pipelines stress criteria.
where there is a potential for lhe weight to beeome When an offshore pipeline is to be laid aeross a known
unsupported because of scour. fault zone or in an earthquake-prone area, consideration

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shall be given to the need for flexibility in the pipeline possible rapid decompression failure of the liner mate-
system and its components to minimize the possibility of rial and collapse of the inner liner due to residual gas
damage due to seismic activity. F1exibility in the pipeline pressure in the armulus upon pipeline depressurization.
system may be provided by installation of the pipeline (See API RP 17B.)
on or aboye the seabed and/or by use of breakaway
A402.3.12 Oesign of Pipeline Crossings. Subsea
couplings, slack loops, flexible pipe sections, or other
pipeline crossings shall be designed to provide a mini-
site-specific solutions.
mum 12 in. (300 mm) separation between the two lines.
A402.3.7 Oesign of Clamps and Supports. Clamps Dielectric separation of the two pipelines shall be consid-
and supports shall be designed such that a smooth trans- ered in design of pipeline crossings. Soil setllement,
fer of loads is made from the pipeline or riser to the scour, and cyclicalloads shall be considered in the design
supporting structure without highly localized stresses of pipeline crossings in order to ensure that the separa-
due to stress concentrations. When clamps are to be tion is maintained for the design lile of both lines.
welded to the pipe, they shall fully encirde the pipe and When two liquid pipelines cross, the longitudinal
be welded to the pipe by a full encirdement weld. The stress and combined stress, as calculated by the equa-
support shall be attached to the encircling member and tions in para. A402.3.5(a), shall not exceed the limits
not the pipe. specified in rabie A402.3.5-1. Where appropriate, allow-
All welds to the pipe shall be nondestructively tested. able strain criteria in para. A402.3.5(a)(4) may be used
Clamps and supports shall be designed in accordance in lieu of allowable stress criteria. Where crossing pipe-
with the requirements of API RP 2A-WSD. lines are governed by different codes, the allowable
Clamps and support design shall consider the corro- stress limits shall be in accordance with the provisions
sive effects of mOisture-retaining gaps and crevices and of the applicable codeo
galvanically dissirnilar metals.
A402,4 Allowances
A402.3.8 Oesign of Connectors and Flanges. Con-
nectors and flanges shall be designed or selected to pro- A402,4.3 Weld loint Factors. Pipe with a weld joint
vide the smooth transfer of loads and prevent excessive factor less than 1 (rabIe 403.2.1-1) shall not be used in
deformation of the attached pipe. offshore pipeline systems.

A402.3.9 Oesign of Structural Pipeline Riser

Protectors. Where pipeline risers are installed in loca- A404 PRESSURE DESIGN OF COMPONENTS
tions subject to impact from marine traffic, protective A404.1 Straight Pipe
devices shall be installed in the zone subject to damage
to protect the pipe and coating. A404.1.1 General
(b) For offshore pipeline systems, the applicable
A402.3.10 Oesign and Protection of Special allowable stress value specified and defined in
Assemblies. Design of spedal assemblies, such as con- para. 404.1.1(b) shall be as follows:
nectíons, subsea tie-in assemblies, subsea valves, expan-
sión loops, seabed riser connections, and subsea pipeline 8 = F, (8,)
manifold s, shall consider the additional forces and
effects imposed by a subsea environment. Such addi- where F¡ and S, are defined in para. A402.3.5.
Hanal considerations indude design storm currents and
potential for seabed movement in soft sediments, soil A404.3 Intersections
liquefaction, increased potential for corrosion, thermal A404.3.1 Branch Connections
expansion and contraction, and stress due to installation
(d) Reinforcement of Single Openings
(1) Pipe that has been cold worked solely for the
Appropriate measures shall be taken to protect special
purpose of increasing the yield strength to meet the
assemblies :in areas where the assemblies are subject to
specified minimum yield strength is prohibited in off-
damage by outside forces, such as fishing and marine
shore liquid pipeline systems. This does not predude
construction activities.
the use of pipe that has been cold worked specifically
A402.3.11 Oesign of Flexible Pipe. Due to its com- for the purpose of meeting dimensional requirements.
posite makeup, the mechanical behavior of flexible pipe (e) Reinforcement of Multiple Qpenings
is significantly different from that of steel pipe. Flexible (4) Pipe that has been cold worked solely for the
pipe may be used for offshore pipelines if calculations purpose of increasing the yield strength to meet the
and/or test results verify that the pipe can safely with- specified minimum yield strength is prohibited in off-
stand loads considered in paras. A401.9, A401.10, and shore liquld pipeline systems. This does not predude
A401.11. Careful consideration should be given to the the use of pipe that has been cold worked specifically
use of flexible pipe due to its permeable nature and for the purpose of meeting dimensional requirements.

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A405 PIPE A408.3 Flange Facings

A40S.2 Metallic Pipe A408.3.1 General
A40S.2.1 Steel Pipe (e) Ring joint-type f1anges are prelerred in offshore
(a) The provisions 01 para. 405.2.1(a) are superseded liquid pipeline systems.
by the lollowing. New pipe 01 Ihe specifications listed
in Table 423.1-1 may be used in accardance wilh Ihe A409 USEO PIPING COMPONENTS ANO
design equations of para. 404.1.2 subject to para A404.1.1 EQUIPMENT
and to Ihe testing requirements of paras. 437.1.4(a)(I),
(2), (4), and (5); paras. 437.1.4(b) and (c); and paras. Used piping components, such as fittings, elbows,
437.4.1 and A437.1.4. bends, intersections, couplings, reducers, closures,
(e) Paragraph 405.2.1(c) does not apply. flanges, valves, and equipment, may be reused as noted
(d) Pipe that has been cold worked solely lar Ihe pur- in section 409, except Ihat Ihe reuse of piping compo-
pose 01 increasing the yield strenglh to meet the specified nents of unknown specification is proh1bited in offshore
minimum yield strength ls proh1bited in offshore liquid liquid pipeline systems.
pipeline systems. This does not preelude Ihe use of pipe
Ihat has been cold worked specifically for the purpose
of meeting dimensional requirements.
A410.1 Pigs and Internallnspection Tools
A40S.3 Flexible Pipe
When specifying in-line piping components lar off-
Selection of flexible pipe shall be in accordance wilh
shore pipelines, consideration shall be given to Ihe need
API RP 17B. (See also para. A402.3.11.)
lar running pipeline pigs and interna! inspection tools.
Selection of bend radius, launcher and receiver traps,
A406 FlTTlNGS, ELBOWS, BENOS, ANO bend configuration, internal diameter variations
lNTERSECTlONS (induding ovality), and other intemal obstructions shaU
A406.2 Bends, Miters, and Elbows allow the passage of such devices, except where not
A406.2.2 Mitered Bends. Mitered bends are proh1b-
ited in offshore liquid pipeline systems. A410.2 Special Components
A406.4 Reductions System components that are not spedfically covered
in this Code shall be validated for fitness by eilher of
A406.4.2 Orange Peel Swages. Orange peel swages Ihe following:
are proh1bited in offshore liquid pipeline systems, other (a) documented full-scale prototype testing of the
than temporary construction components or other
components or spedal assemblies
non-pressure-containing components.
(b) a documented h1story of successfui usage of Ihese
A406.6 Closures components or specia! assemblies produced by Ihe same
design method
A406.6.4 Fabricated Closures. Orange peel bull Documentation shall indude design and installation
plugs and fishtalls are proh1bited in offshore liquid pipe- melhods that have been proven for Ihe service for wh1ch
line systems, other than temporary construction compo- the component is intended.
nents or other non-pressure-containing components. Care should be exercised in any new application of
existing designs to ensure suitability for Ihe intended
A407 VALVES service.
A407.1 General
Paragraph 407.1(b) does not apply. Cast iron or ductile A414 THREAOEO ¡OINTS
iron valves are proh1bited for applications in offshore
A414.1 General
liquid pipeline systems.
Threaded connections lar in-line piping component
sizes, NPS 2 (60.3 mm) or larger, ~re proh1bited in off-
shore pipeline systems, except as permitted in
para. A410.2.
A408.1 Flanges
A408.1.1 General. Paragraph 408.1.1(c) does not A419 EXPANSION ANO FLEXIBILlTY
apply. Cast iron or ductile iron f1anges are prohibited
lar applications in offshore liquid pipeline systems. See para. A402.3.6 for additional provisions.

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See para. A402.3.7 for additional provisions. The provisions of para. 434.6 are not applicable for
offshore pipelines. Offshore pipeline s should be
trenched where necessary for stability, mechanical pro-
A423 MATERIALS - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS tection, or prevention of interference with maritime
A423.1 Acceptable Materials and Specifications adivities.
The methods and detalls of the pipeline trenching
Concrete weight coating materials (cement, aggre¡¡ate, and lowering operations shall be based on site-specific
reinforcing steel) shall meet or exceed the requirements
conditions. Methods and details shall be selected to pre-
of applicable ASTM standards. vent damage to the pipe, coating, and pipeline
Flexible pipe shall be manufactured from materials appurtenances.
meeting the requirements of API RP 17B and ASTM or
ASME standards applicable to the materials selected by A434.7 Bends. Miters. and Elbows
the designer.
Miter bends shall not be used in offshore liquid pipe-
A423.2 Limitations on Materials line systerns.
"Unidentified" pipe, plastic pipe, ASTM Al20 pipe, A434.7.1 Bends Made From Pipe
plastic pipe with nonmetallic reirúorcement, cast iran (a) Pipe that has been cold-worked solely for the pur-
pipe, ductile iron pipe, and pipe that has been cold- pose of increasing the yield strength to meet the specified
worked in order to meet the specified mínimum yield minimum yield strength is prohibited in offshore liquid
strength are prohibited in offshore liquid pipeline sys- pipeline systems. This does not preclude the use of pipe
tems. This does not preclude the use of pipe that has that has been cold-worked specifically for the purpose
been cold-worked specifically for the purpose of meet- of meeting dimensional requirements.
ing dimensional requirements.
In addition to the requirements contained in refer- A434.8 Welding
enced standards, certain other requirements may be con- A434.8.3 Welding Qualifications. Welding proce-
sidered for components used offshore, depending on dures and welders performing hyperbaric welding on
water depth, water temperature, internal pressure, prod- offshore pipeline systerns shall be qualified in accor-
uct composition, product temperature, installation dance with the testing provisions of either API 1104 or
method and/or other loading conditions. For example, ASME Section IX, as supplemented by AWS D3.6 for
consideration of additionallimitations or requirements Type "O" welds.
for pipe may include one or more of the following:
(a) wall thickness tolerance A434.8.5 Welding Quality
(b) outside diameter tolerance (a) Inspeetion Methods
(e) out-of-roundness tolerance (2) Welds in offshore pipeline systems may also be
(d) maximurn and rninimum yield and tensUe evaluated on the basis of para. A434.8.5(b).
strengths (4) The requirements of para. 434.8.5(a)(4) are
(e) pipe chemistry limitations superseded by the following provisions. All clrcumfer-
if! fracture toughness ential welds on offshore pipeline systems shall meet the
(g) hardness
requirements in para. 434.8.5(a) for a pipeline that would
operate at a hoop stress of more than 20% of the specified
(h) pipe mili hydrostatic testing and other nonde-
minimum yield strength of the pipe. One hundred per-
structive testing
cent of the total number of circumferential butt welds
For sour service (H2S), refer to NACE MR-Ol-75.
on offshore pipeline systerns shall be nondestructively
inspected, if practical; but in no case shallless than 90%
A434 CONSTRUCTION of such welds be inspected. The inspection shall cover
100% of the length of such inspected weld.
A434.2 Inspection
(b) Standards of Aeceptability. For girth welds in off-
Repairs required during new construction shall also shore pipeline systems, alternative flaw acceptance lim-
be in accordance with paras. A434.8 and A461.1.2. its may be based upan fracture mechanics analysis and
fitness-for-purpose criteria as described by API 1104.
A434.3 Right-of-Way
Such alternative acceptance standards shall be sup-
A434.3.3 Survey and Staking or Marking. The route ported by appropriate stress analyses, supplementary
of the offshore pipeline shall be surveyed, and the pipe- welding procedure test requirements, and nondestruc-
line shall be properly located within the right-of-way tive exammations beyond the rninimum requirements
by maintaining survey route markers or by surveying specified herein. The accuracy of the nondestructive
during installation. tecimiques for flaw depth measurement shall be verified.

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ASME 631.4-2012

A434.8.9 Stress Relieving A434.15 Block and Isolating Valves

(a) On offshore pipeline systems, the demonstration A434.15.1 General
specified in para. 434.8.9(a) shall be conducted on mate- (a) Block and isolating valves shall be seleeted to pro-
riaIs and under conditions that simulate, as closely as vide timely dosure and lo limit both property and envi-
practica!, lhe actual production welding. ronmental damage and provide salety under emergency
A434.11 Backfilling (b) On offshore platforms, consideration shall be
Backfilling of trenched offshore pipelines is not no,- given to locating block and isolating valves, or valve
mally required but may sometimes be utilized to provide operator controls where used, in areas that are readily
additional stability or protection. accessible under emergency conditions.
(e) Submerged valves shall be marked or spotted by
A434.13 Special Crossings survey techniques and recorded on permanenUy
A434.13.1 Water Crossings. Seepara. A402.3.5(e)(3) retained as-built records to facilitate location when oper-
concerning the use of river weights. atian is required.
A434.18 Une Markers
A434.14 Offshore Pipeline Construction Line markers are not required on offshore pipeline
A434.14.1 Pipe Depth and Alignment. Plans and systems.
specifications shall describe alignment of lhe pipeline,
its design deplh below mean water leve!, and the deplh A436.2 Qualification of Inspectors
below lhe sea bottom, if trenching is prescribed. Special
consideration shall be given to deplh of cover and olher In addition to lhe requirements of para. 436.2 offshore
inspection personnel shall be capable 01 inspecting the
means of protecting the pipeline in the surf zone and
following, as applicable:
other areas of potential hazards, such as near platforms,
(a) offshore vessel positioning systems
anchorage areas, and shipping fairways.
(b) diving operations
A434.14.2 InstaUation Procedures and Equipment (e) remotely operated velúcle (ROV) operations
Selectíon. Installation procedures shall be prepared (d) pipeline trenching and burial operations
prior to beginning construction. Installation procedures (e) spedal services fúr testing and inspection of off-
shall address lhe design considerations in para. A401.9 shore pipeline facilities, such as subsea pipeline lateral
and strength considerations in para. A402.3.4. tie-ins, and subsea pipeline crossings as may be required
(j) pipelay parameters
A434.14.3 Movement of Existing Pipelines. Consid-
A436.5 Type and Extent of Examination Required
eration should be given te reducing operating pressures
in lhe existing pipelines to obtain the lowest practical A436.5.1 Visual
stress levels prior tú movement of the existing lines. (b) Conslruelion
Whether lhe pipeline pressure is reduced or not, lhe (9) When offshore pipelines are trenched, lhe con-
lollowing steps should be taken prior to movement of dition of the trench, trench deplh, and fit 01 the pipe to
the existing lines: lhe trench shall be inspected when feasible.
(11) When offshore pipelines are to be backfilled,
(a) perform a physical survey to determine lhe actual
position of the pipeline the backfilling operations shall be inspected lor quality
of backfill, possible damage to lhe pipe coating, and
(b) determine wall !hickness and mechanical proper-
deplh of cover.
ties of lhe existing pipeline section to be moved
(12) Pipelines shall be inspected for spans.
(e) investigate possible pipe stress lhat may exist in (13) Pipeline crossings shall be inspected for speci-
the pipeline in its present condition Hed separation.
(d) calculate additional stresses imposed by lhe pro- (15) Where specified, special assemblies and pro-
posed movement operation tection measures as described in para. A402.3.10 shall
(e) prepare a detailed procedure for the proposed be inspected for protection against damage by outside
movement forces, such as fishing and other marine activities.
Investigation of lhe possible pipe stresses Ihat may
be induced in the existing pipeline during lhe reloeation A437 TESTlNG
should be performed regardless of lhe anticipated inter- A437.1 General
nal pressure. This investigation should consider appro- A437.1.4 Testing After New Construction
priate elevation tolerances for the lowering. Pipe stresses (a) Syslems or Parls oi Syslems
resulting from the relocation should not exceed the crite- (3) Provisions of para. 437.1.4(a)(3) are superseded
ria in para. A402.3.4, and pipe stresses resulting from by lhe following. All pipe and pressure-containing pip-
existing pipeline operation after lowering should not ing components shall be tested in accordance with the
exceed lhe criteria in para. A402.3.5. provisions of para. 437.1.4(a)(2).

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ASME B31.4·2012

(b) Testing Tie-Ins. Nonwelded tie-in connections provisions lor periodic patrolling and reporting 01 eon-
shall be observed lor leaks at operating pressure. Tie-in struction activity and changes in conditions.
welds and girlh welds joining lengths 01 pretested pipe (e) Establish and maintain liaisons with local offshore
shall be inspected by l'adiographic or olher accepted authorities who issue permits in order to prevent acci-
nondestructive methods in accordance with dents eaused by new construclion. Establish and main-
para. A434.8.5(a)(4), il systemis not pressure-tested alter tain Iiaisons with available offshore lirelighting and
tie-in. pollution control entities.
(d) Hydrostatie Test Medium. The hydrostatic .test (i) In establishing plans and procedures, give particu-
medium lor all offshore pipeline systems shall be water, lar attention to lhose portions 01 lhe system presenting
except in arctic areas. Additives to mitigate lhe effeets the greatest hazard to lhe publie and to the environment
of corrosion, biofouling, and freezing should be consid- in the event of emergencies or beca use of construction
ered. Such additives should be suitable lor the methods or extraordinary maintenance requirements.
01 disposal 01 lhe test medium.
In arctic areas where freezing of water is a restraint,
the use 01 air, inert gas, or glyeol is allowable, provided A451 PIPELINE OPERATION ANO MAINTENANCE
appropriate detall considerations are addressed. A451.3 Markers
Disposal of all materials shall be done in an environ-
mentally safe manner. The provisions 01 para. 451.3 do not apply to ollshore
(e) Diameter Restrietions. Testing lor buckles, dents, pipeline systems.
and other diameter restrictions shall be performed afier
A451.4 Right-of-Way Maintenance
installation. Testing shall be accomplished by passing a
delormation deteclion device through the pipeline see- The provisions 01 para. 451.4 do not apply to offshore
tion, or by olher methods capable 01 deteeting a ehange pipeline systems.
in pipe cross-section. Pipe having deformation that
affeets lhe serviceability 01 lhe pipeline lacilities shall A451.5 Patrolling
be repaired or replaeed. Consideration should also be (a) The provisions 01 paras. 451.5(a) and (b) are super-
given to repairing ovallty lhatmay interlere wilh pigging seded by lhe lollowing. Each offshore pipeline system
operations or internal inspections. operator shall maintain a periodic pipeline patrol pro-
gram to observe surface conditions on~ and adjacent to~
A437.4 Test Pressure lhe pipeline right-ol-way, indication 01 leaks, eonstrue-
A437.4.3 Leak Testing. Provisions 01 para. 437.4.3 tion aetivity other than that perlormed by the operator,
are not applieable lor offshore pipeline systems. and any other lactors affecting lhe salety and operation
of the pipeline. Consideration should be given to
A437.6 Qualification Tests increased patrols in areas more susceptible to damage
by outside lorees. Such areas are listed in para. A451.11.
Pipe 01 unknown specilication and ASTM A 120 speci-
tication pipe are not allowed in offshore pipeline sys- A451.6 Pipeline Repairs
tems. See para. A423.l.
A451.6.1 General. Additional requirements lor
A43 7.7 Records repairs to ollshore pipeline systems are as lollows:
(a) Repair operations shall not result in imposed
"As-bullt" records shall also inc1ude the location of
anodes and buckle arrestors (if used) by pipe joint instal- delormations lhat would impair the integrity 01 lhe pipe
materials~ and weight or protective coating.
lation sequence. Subsea valv€, tie-in, and other spedal
assembly locations shall be recorded by coordina tes. (b) Subsea equipment used in lhe repair 01 offshore
pipeline systems shall be earefully eontrolled and moni-
tored to avoid damaging lhe pipeline, extemal coating,
A450 OPERATION ANO MAINTENANCE or cathodic protection system.
PROCEOURES AFFECTlNG THE SAFETY OF (e) When lifting or supporting pipe during repairs,
L1QUIO ANO SLURRY TRANSPORTATION lhe eurvature 01 a pipe sag bend and overbend shall be
PIPING SYSTEMS controlled to prevent overstressing, denting, or buckling
lhe pipe or damaging lhe coaililg. Lifting equipment
A450.2 Operation and Maintenance Plans and shall be seleeted to comply wilh this requirement.
Procedures (d) Wave and current loads shall be eonsidered in
The provisions 01 paras. 450.2(d), (e), and (i) are super- determining total imposed stresses and cyeliealloadings
seded by the lollowing: in both surlace and subsurlaee repairs.
(d) Have a plan lor reviewing conditions affeeting the (e) When pipe is repaired, damaged coating shall be
integrity and salety 01 lhe pipeline system, including repaired.

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(j) Replacement pipe and components shall be pro- implement procedures fúr continuing surveillance of its
tected from corrosion. lacilities. Studies shall be initiated and appropriale
Consideration should be given to obtaining pipe-to- action taken when unusual operating and maintenance
water potentials during the repair operations to verify conditions OCCUf, such as failures, leakage history, unex-
conformance tú cathodic protection requirements. plained changes in flow or pressure, or substantial
changes in cathodic protection requirements.
A451.6.2 Disposition of Defects
Consideration should be given to inspection 01 pipe-
(b) Allowable Pipeline Repairs
Unes and pipeline protection measures in areas most
(4) Patches shall not be used on offshore pipeline
susceptible lO damage by oulside lorces. Such areas may
include shore crossings, areas near platfarms, shlpping
(6) Partial encirclement half soles shall not be used
fairways, pipeline crossings, span rectifications, subsea
on offshore pipeline systems.
assemblies, and shallow water areas. If the operating
(e) Repair Methods
campany discovers that the caver ar ather conditions
(5) Patches shall not be used on offshore pipeline do nol meet the original design, it shall determine
systems. whelher the existing conditions are unacceptable. If
(8) Welded fittings allowed by para. 451.6.2(c)(8) unacceptable, the operaling company shall provide
to cover delects shall not be used in offshore pipeline addilional protection by replacing cover, lowering the
systems. line, installing temporary or permanent warulng mark-
(13) Hall soles lor repairs in offshore pipeline sys- ers or buoys, or using other suitable means.
tems are prohibited. When such sludies indicate the lacility is in an unsalis-
A451.6.4 Repair of Flexible Pipe lactory condition, a planned program shall be initiated
(a) Majar Struetural Damage. If the serviceability 01 to abandon, replace, ar repair. If such a facility caIUlat
the flexible pipe is impaired, the damaged pipe section be repaired ar abandaned, the maximum allawable
shall be replaced. aperating pressure shall be reduced cornmensurate with
(b) SurJaee Cuts. in the event 01 surlace cuts and abra- lhe requirements described in paras. 451.7 and A451.7.
sions that do not expose the load-carrying members to Offshore pipeline risers shall be visually inspected
potential corrosían, the repair shall be perforrned in a annually far physical damage and corrasion in the
manner recommended by the manufacturero splash zone and aboye. Consideration should also be
given ta periodic visual inspection of the submerged
A451.7 Derating a Pipeline to a Lower Operating zone of the riser. The extent of any observed damage
Pressure shall be determined, and if the serviceability 01 the riser
(e) If a componenl is inslalled during the repair lhal is allecled, the riser shall be repaired or replaced.
has a maximum pressure rating less lhan the allowable Consideration should be given lo the periodic use 01
operaling pressure 01 the pipeline, the pipeline shall internal ar external inspection tools ta monitor external
be derated lO the pressure raling 01 the componenl, and internal pipeline corrosion and to detect other
analyzed in accordance with para. 451.1(a). unsafe conditions.

A451.8 Valve Maintenance

Provisions 01 para. 451.8 do nol apply lO offshore FACILITIES OPERATION ANO MAINTENANCE
pipeline syslems. Pipeline block valves that would be
required by the emergency plan (see sections 454 and A452.5 Fencing
A454) to be operaled during an emergency shall be Fencing is not applicable for ollshore lacilities.
inspected periodically, and fully or partially operated
at least once ayear. A452.7 Prevention of Accidentallgnition
Smoking shall be prohibited in all areas 01 offshore
A451.9 Railroads and Highways Crossing Existing lacilities in which the possible leakage or presence 01
Pipelines vapor constitutes a fire or explosion hazard.
The provisions 01 para. 451.9 do nol apply to offshore
pipeline systems. A454 EMERGENCY PLAN
A451.10 Offshore Pipeline Risers (d) The provisions 01 para. 4$4<d) do nol apply lO
The provisions 01 para. 451.10 do not apply to offshore ollshore pipeline systems.
pipeline systems. (e)(5) The provisions 01 para. 454(e)(5) do not apply
to offshore pipeline systems. To minimize public expo-
A451.11 Inspection sure to injury and to prevent accidental ignition, provi-
As a means 01 mainlaining the integrity 01 its pipeline sions lor halling or diverting marine vessel traffic shall
system, each operating company shall establish and be included in the emergency plan.

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ASME B31.4·2012

A460 GENERAL installation. Ovvners of other affshore pipelines or facili-

ties !:hat may be affected by installation of a cathodic
(a) In addition to!:he provisions of para. 460(a), special protection system shall be notified 01 said installation.
considerations shall be given tú corrosion control of off-
shore pipelIne systems because !:hey cannot easily be A461.1.4 Electricallsolation
inspected alter Instailation and !:here is the possibility (a) In addition to !:he provisions of para. 461.1.4, con-
of damage to !:he coating system. Special attention shall sideration shall be given to electrically isolating support-
be given to !:he selection, design, and application of ing devices, such as clamps and pipe supports, from !:he
corrosion control coatings, the cathodic protection sys- riser on platforms. Wiring and piping connections to an
tem, and other corrosion design elements.
electrically isolated pipelIne shall also be insulated from
(e) NACE RP-06-75 provides a guide for procedures devices grounded to !:he platform.
tú implement requirements herein and tú monitor and
maintaIn cathodic protection systems for offshore pipe- A461.1.5 Test Leads
lIne systems. (a) Itis considered impractical to locate test leads
on submerged portions of offshore pipelIne systems.
A461 EXTERNAL CORROSION CONTROL FOR Consideration should be given to instailing test leads
OFFSHORE SUBMERGED PIPELlNES on platform risers, platform piping, and pipeline shore
A461.1 New Installations
A461.1.6 Electricallnterference
A461.1.1 General
(e) When new pipeline are la id in the vicinity of
(e) In addition to!:he provisions 01 para. 461.1, a mini-
existing lines, measures shall be taken to minimize elec-
mum c1earance of 12 In. (300 mm) shall be maintaIned
trical interference.
between the outside of any offshore pipelIne and any
other structure that may affect !:he ca!:hodic protection
of the offshore pipelIne, except where impractical (e.g., A461.3 Monitoring
bundled pipelines) and where adequate provisions for
(b) Evidence of adequate level 01 cathodic protection
corrosían control have been made.
shall be by one or more of the critería listed .in
A461.1.2 Protective Coating NACE RP-06-75.
(1) In addition to !:he provisions of paras. 461.1.2 and (h) If repairs are made to offshore pipelInes below
461.2.8, consideration should be given to insulating !:he water, inspection far evidence of external corrosion or
carrier pipe from !:he casing pipe when !:he carrier pipe coating deterioration shall be made; and necessary cor-
is pulled into pull-tube risers. Consideration should also rective action shall be taken to maintain the corrosion
be given to preventing oxygen replenishment in the protection of the pipeline.
water in the annulus between carrier pipe and casing When an offshore pipelIne is lifted above water for
by sealIng at least one end of pull-tube risers or o!:her maintenance or repair purpose, the operating company
measures tú prevent corrosion. shall visually inspect for evidence of coatIng deteriora-
A461.1.3 Cathodic Protection System tion, external corrosian, and where possible, the condi-
(a) In addition to the provisions of para. 461.1.3(a),
tion of any exposed anadeo If excessive corrosion is
where impressed current systems are used, the system present, remedial action shall be taken as necessary.
shall be designed to minimize outages. The design for- (i) Consideration should be given to!:he periodic use
mula for galvanic anode systems shall include the per- of internal inspection tools to monitor external pipelIne
centage of exposed pipe, current output of the anodes, corrosion.
design life of!:he system, anode material, and utilization
efficiency. Anodes should be compatible with the
operating temperature of !:he pipeline and !:he marine A463 EXTERNAL CORROSION CONTROL FOR
environment. Consideration should be given tú the OFFSHORE PIPING SYSTEMS EXPOSED TO
effects on cathodic protection of variations in oxygen ATMOSPHERIC CONDITIONS
content, temperature, and water / soil resistivity of the
particular offshore environment in wlúch the pipelIne A463.1 New Installations
is installed.
For installations cantaining flexible pipe, consider- The option of demonstrating "by test, investigation,
ation shall be given to the need for galvanic anodes or ar experience in area of application that a corrosive
impressed current at the end connections. A cathodic atmosphere does not exist," does not apply to offshore
protection system shall be installed at !:he time of pipe- pipelIne systems. The type of protective coating selected
line installation or as soon as practical afier pipeline shall be resistant to the environment existing in offshore

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ASME B31.4·2012

locations. The surface preparation and coating applica- (e) resistance to mechanical damage
tion shall be performed in accordance wifu established if) ease of repair
specifications and the manufacturer's recommenda- The splash zone area of fue offshore pipeline system
tions. The selected coating should have fue following shall be designed wifu additional protection against cor-
characteristics: rosion. This shall be accomplished by one or more of
(a) low water absorption
fue following:
(g) special coating
(b) resistance tú water action (h) special protective systems and techniques
(e) compatibility wifu system operating temperature (i) other suitable measures, induding selection of
(d) resistance to atmospheric deterioration pipe material

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ASME B31.4·2012

Chapter X (12)

Carbon Dioxide Pipeline Systems

8400 GENERAL STATEMENTS 8434.18 Une Markers

(a) Chapter X pertains only to carbon dioxide systems (b) The marker shall state at least lhe following on a
as defined in para. B400.1. background of sharply contrasting colors:
(b) 'TIUs Chapter is organized to parallel lhe number- (1) The word "Waming,'f JlCaution," or "Danger"
ing and content of lhe first eight chapters of the Codeo followed by lhe words "Carbon Dioxide Pipeline" aH of
Paragraph designations are the same as those in lhe fust which, except for markers in heavily developed urban
eight chapters, wilh lhe prefix "B." areasf must be in letters at least one inch hígh with an
(e) AH provisions 01 the first nlne chapters of lhe Code approximate stroke of 1;, in.
are also requirements of this Chapter unless specificaHy
8435.5 Auxiliary Carbon Dioxide Piping
modified herein. If the text in this Chapter adds require-
ments, lhe requirements in lhe original Chapter wilh lhe 8435.5.1 AH auxiliary piping between main units
same title and number also apply. If a provision in this and auxiliary components shall be assembled in a work-
Chapter is in conflict with Qne or more provisions in manlike rnanner and in accordance with the applica-
other chapters, lhe provision in this Chapter shall apply. ble codeo
(d) It is the intent of this Chapter to provide require-
. 8435.5.2 All welded auxiliary lines shall be assem-
ments fúr the design, rnaterials, construction, assembly,
bled in accordance wilh the requirements of this Code
inspection, testing, operation, and maintenance of car-
with spedal provisions as required for assembly to mini-
bon dioxide pipeline systems. It is not lhe intent of this
mize locked-in stress, and for adequate support or
Chapter to be aH inclusive. Engineering judgment must
restraint to minimize vibration.
be used to identify special considerations which are not
specilically addressed. 8437.1.4 Testing After New Construction
lt is not lhe intent 01 this Chapter to prevent lhe devel- (a) Systems or Parts 01 Systems
opment and application of new equipment and teclmol- (1) Carbon dioxide systems shall be hydrostaticaHy
ogy. Such activity is encouraged as long as the safety tested.
and reliability requirements of lhe Code are satisfied.
8437.4 Test Pressure
8400.1 Scope
8437.4.1 Hydrostatic Testing of Internal Pressure
This Chapter covers the design, material require- Piping
ments, fabrication, installation, inspection, testing, and
(j) Carbon dioxide pipelines, valves, and fittings shall
safety aspects of the operation and maintenance of car-
be dewatered and dried prior to placing in service to
bon dioxide pipeline systems. For purposes of this prevent the possibility 01 forming a corrosive compound
Chapter, carbon dioxide pipeline systems consist of pipe, froro carbon dioxide and water.
flanges, bolting, gaskets, valves, relief devices, fittings,
and the pressure containing parts of other piping 8437.7 Records
For carbon dioxide pipelines, these records shall also
8400.2 Definitions indude toughness requirements.
Sorne of the more coromon terrns relating to carbon 8451.6 Pipeline Integrity Assessments and Repairs
dioxide pipelines are defined below.
8451.6.1 General
carbon dioxide: a fluid consisting predominantly of car-
(e) Repairs shall be covered by a maintenance plan
bon dioxide compressed aboye its critical pressure
[see para. 450.2(a)] and shall beperlormed under quali-
and,for the purpose 01 this Code, shall be considered to
fied supervision by trained personnel familiar with lhe
be a liquido
hazards to public safety. The maintenance plan shall
8423.2.6 Materials for Carbon Dioxide Piping consider the appropriate information contained in API
Systems. Blow down and bypass piping in carbon 2200, API 2201, API 1104, and API RP 1111. It is essential
dioxide pipelines shall be 01 a material suitable lor lhe that aH personnel working on pipeline repairs under-
low temperatures expected. stand the need for carefui plannlng of the job, be briefed

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ASME 831.4·2012

as to the procedures to be followed in accomplishing on the sredal problems and additional precautions in
the repairs, and follow precautionary measures and pro- fhe handling of leaks and repoir of systems transporting
cedures ouilined in API 2200. Personnel working on carbon dioxide. The operating company shall establish
repairs to pipelines handling liquids requiring special scheduled reviews with personnel of procedures to be
safety precautions such as carbon dioxide shall also be followed in emergencies at intervals not exceeding 6 mOl
informed on the specific properties, characteristics, and and reviews shall be conducted such that they establish
potential hazards associated wifh fhose liquids, precau- fhe competence of fhe emergency plan.
tions to be taken following detection of a leak, and safety (e) Procedures shall cover liaison wifh state and local
repair procedures set forfh for LPG pipelines in API 2200. civil agencies such as fire departments, police depart-
Piping in fhe vicinity of any repair shall be adequately ments, sheriff's offices, highway patrols, and other enti-
supported during and after the repair. ties in or near fhe pipeline right-of-way (e.g., electrical
and ofher utilities, highway authorities, and railroads)
B452.2 Controls and Protective Equipment to provide prompt intercommurucations for coordinated
(b) Relief valves on pressure storage vessels con- remedial action; dissemination of information on loca-
taining carbon dioxide shall be subjected to tests at least tion of system facilities; characteristics of the liquids
every 5 yr. transported, including additional precautions necessary
with leaks frorn piping systems transporting carbon
dioxide¡ and joint preparation of cooperative action as
B454 EMERGENCY PLAN necessary to assure the safety of fhe public in the event
(b) The plan shall provide for acquainting and train- of emergencies.
ing of personnel responsible for fhe prompt execution (e)
of emergency action. Personnel shall be informed con- (8) in the case of systems transporting carbon diox-
cerning the characteristics of fhe liquid in the piping ide, assessment of the carbon dioxide released, its effects,
systerns and fhe safe practices in fhe handling of acciden- and the use of existing means to blow down and control
tal discharge and repair of fhe facilities, with emphasis the spread of it at fhe leak site

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ASME B31.4·2012

Chapter XI (12)

Slurry Pipeline Systems

(400 GENERAL STATEMENTS erosion: destruction of materials by the abrasive action

of moving fluids, usually accelerated by Ihe presence of
(a) Chapter XI pertains only to slurry systems as
solid partides.
defined in para. C400.1.
(b) This Chapter is organized to parallel Ihe number- erosion-corrosion: a corrosion reaction accelerated by the
ing and content of Ihe first eight chapters of Ihe Codeo relative movement of the corrosive fluid and the metal
Paragraph designations are the same as those in the first surface.
eight chapters, wilh Ihe prefix "c." malleable iron: a cast iron which, after being cast as white
(c) All provisions ofthe first nine chapters of Ihe Code iron, is converted by heat treahnent into matrix of ferrite
are also requirements of this Chapter unJess specifically containing randomly distributed partides of temper car-
modified herein. If Ihe text in this Chapter adds require- bon and substantially free from all combined carbono A
ments, the requirements in the original Chapter with the minirnum tensile strength of 50,000 psi (345 MPa) is
same title and number also apply. If a provision in this required.
Chapter is in conflict with ane or more provisions in slurry: a two-phase mixture of solid partides in an aque-
other chapters, Ihe provision in this Chapter shall apply. ous phase.
(d) It is Ihe intent of this Chapter to provide require-
ments for the design, materials, construction, assembly, (401 LOADS
inspection, testing, operation, and maintenance of slurry
pipeline systems. It is not Ihe intent of Ihis Chapter to C401.2.3.7 Temperature Effects. Attention shouid
be all indusive. Engineering judgment must be used to be given to Ihe low temperature properties of the materi-
identify special considerations which are not specifically als used for facilities to be exposed to unusually low
addressed. It is not Ihe intent of this Chapter to prevent ground temperatures, the potential freezing of aqueous
the development and application of new equipment and slurry, low atmospheric temperatures, or transient
technology. Such activity is encouraged as long as the operating conditions.
safety and reliability requirements of the Code are Consideration in Ihe design shall also be given to the
satisfied. possibility of freezing of fluid in a piping componen!.
C403.2 Criteria for Pipe Wall Thickness and
C400.1 Scope
This Chapter covers the design, material require- F = when designing pipelines for slurry service,
ments, fabrication, installation, inspection, testing, and users of this Code shall elect to use a design
safety aspects of the operatian and maintenance of slurry factor up to F = 0.80.
pipeline systems. For purposes of this Chapter, slurry
pipeline systems consist of pipe, flanges, bolting, gas- C403.3 Criteria to Prevent Yield Failure
kets, valves, relief devices, fittings, and the pressure C403.3.1 Strength Criteria. in slurry pipelines, Ihe
containing parts of other piping components. sum of Ihe longitudinal stresses produced by pressure,
live and dead loads, and Ihose produced by occasional
C400.2 Definitions loads, such as wind or earthquake, shall not exceed 88%
Sorne oí the more common terms relating to slurry of Ihe specified minirnum yield strenglh of Ihe pipe. lt
pipelines are defined below. is not necessary to consider wind and earthquake as
casi iron: a generic term for Ihe family of high carbon- occurring concurrently.
silicon-iron casting alloys inc1uding gray iron, white C403.15 Other Slurry Design ¡:onsiderations
iron, malleable iron, and ductile iron.
The designer should consider Ihat Ihe combination of
ductile iron: a gray iron base metal to which an inoculant solids and liquids present in slurry pipelines may require
is added to Ihe molten state so that upon solidification, design criteria differing from Ihose applicable to liquid
the graphite is present in the form of spheres or nodules or gas pipelines. These criterla indude, but are not lim-
randomly distributed in a matrix of ferrite. A minirnum ited to, the following: pipeline slope limitations, pres-
tensile strenglh of 60,000 psi (207 MPa) is required. sure effects of density differential, equipment

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No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~
ASME B31.4·2012

malfunction due to solids accumulation, and shutdown/ C423.2.4 Cast, Ductile, Malleable, and Wrought lron
restart effects. Cast irons, inc1uding duetile, malleable, and
wrought are aeeeptable for use provided the safety of
C404.2.4 Mitered Bends. The designer is eautioned lhe material selection is demonstrated by
lhat lhe abrupt changes in eontour inherent in a mitered (1) an established mstory of safe operation for sirui-
bend may cause eros ion when used in slurry lar parts or items operating under comparable service
applieations. conditions; or-
(2) a satisfaetory proof test of prototype production
C404.3 Branch Connections parts or items under simulated service conditions. The
designer is cautioned tú give atlention ta the mechanical
C404.3.1 General. The possibility of erosion should and impaet loadings and low temperature limitations
be eonsidered in slurry service wherever piping diseonti· of cast irons.
nuities oceur.


C404.4 Flanges
C404.4.1 General. The design of flanges manufae· COMPONENTS
tured in aeeordance wilh this paragraph and standards C426.1 Standard Piping Components
listed in Table C426.1·1 shall be eonsidered suitable for
use at the pressure-temperature ratings as 8et forth in Dimensional standards not applicable for slurry pipo
para. 404.1.2. ing eomponents are listed in Table C426.1-2.
C434.21.3 Tanks and Pipe·Type Storage
C404.5 Valves (e)Tanks for storage or handling slurries may have
open tops and shall be constructed in accordance with
C404.5.1 General. Steel valves eonforming to stan- any of the following standards: API 650, API 120,
dards and specifications listed in Tables C423.1·1 and API 12F, or AWWA 0100.
426.1-1, exeept for speeífieations listed in Table C426.1·2, Alternatively, such tanks shall be designed and eon-
may be used. Cast iron valves conforming to standards strueted in aeeordanee wilh olher aeeepted good engio
and specifications listed in Tables C423.1-1 and C426.1-1 neering practices. Provisions should be made ta contain
may be used for pressures not exceeding 250 psi (17 bar). possible slurry spills.
C404.5.2 Special Valves. Spedal valves not listed C434.21.6 Slurry Holding Ponds
in Tables C423.1·1 and 426.1-1 are permitted, provided (a) When required, slurry holding ponds shall be con-
that lhey are of at least equal strength and tightness and strueted to plans and specífications and shall be of suffi-
lhey are eapable of withstanding lhe same test require· cient size to contain slurry discharged during normal
ments as covered in these Standards, and structural fea- and emergency operating conditions.
tures satisfy the material specification and test (b) Slurry holding ponds shall be loeated so as to
procedures of valves in similar service 8et forth in the ensure that process water is retained for reuse or meets
listed standards. the water quality standards of lhe area prior to disposal.
C404.6.3 Orange Peel Swages. Orange peel swages C434.23 Slurry Metering
shall not be used in slurry applieations.
C434.23.1 Slurry metering should be aeeom·
plished by use of measurement equipment wmch is com-
patible wilh the slurry being measured.
C437.4 Test Pressure
C423.2 Limitations on Materials
C437.4.1 Hydrostatic Testing of Internal Pressure
C423.2.1 General Piping
(a) The materials used shall conform to the specifica· (a) Portions of piptng systems to be operated at a
tions listed in Table C423.1·1 or shall meet lhe require· hoop stress of more lhan 20% of lhe speeífied minimum
ments of tms Code for materials not listed. yield strenglh of lhe pipe shall be subjeeted at any point
(b) The designer of slurry pipeline systems shall give to a hydrostatic proof test equivalent to not less than
consideration to the effects of corrosion, erosion (see 1.1 times lhe internal design pressure at that point (see
Chapter VIII), and olher deterioration and provide suit- para. 401.2.2.2) for not less lhan 4 hr. When lines are
able means to mitigate deterioration of the materials in tested at pressures that develop a hoop stress, based on
service. nominal wall lhickness, in exeess of 90% of lhe specífied

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ASME 831.4-2012

Table (423.1-1 Material Standards

Standard or Specification Designation

Ductile Iron PreS5ure Pipe ASTM A377
Electric-Fusion-Welded Steel Pipe fer High-Pressure Service at High Temperatures ASTM A691
Welded and Seamless Wrought Steel Pipe ASME B36.10M

Fittings, Valves. and Flanges

Gray lron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings (ctasses 25. 125, and 250) ASME 816.1
Gray Iron Threaded Fittings Classes 125 and 250 ASME B16.4
MetaHíc Gaskets for Pipe F1anges: Ring-Joint, Spiral-Wound, and Jacketed ASME 816.20
NonmetaUic Hat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges ASME 816.21
Buttwelding Ends ASME 816.25
DuctHe lron Castings ASTM A536
Gray Iron Gate Valves Flanged and Threaded MSS SP·70
(ast lron Swing Check Valves. F1anged and Threaded Ends MSS SP-71
Bal! Valves with Flanged or Butt-Welding Ends fer General Service MSS SP·72
Gray lron Plug Valves Flanged and Threaded Ends MSS SP-7B

GENERAL NOTE: Materials Usted within Table C423.1-1 are acceptable materia! standards for slurry piping systems. In addition. materials
Usted within Table 423.1-1 are acceptable material standards for slurry piping systems. unless otherwise noted within Table C423.1-2. Specific
editions of standards incorporated in this Code by reference, and the names and addresses of the sponsoring organizations. are shown in
Nonmandatory Appendix A. since it is not practical to refer to a specific edition of each standard in Table 423.1/Table C423.1-1 and throughout
the Code text.

Table (423.1-2 Material Standards Not Applicable for Slurry Piping Systems From Table 423.1-1
Standard or Specification Designatlon

Electric Fusion Welded Austenitic Chromium-Nickel Stainless Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service and General Application ASTM A358
Welded Large Diameter Austenitic $teel Pipe for Corrosive or High-Temperature Service ASTM A409
Ferritic/Austenitic (Duplex) Stainless Steel Pipe Electric Fusion Welded With Addition of Filler Metal ASTM A928

Fittings, Valves. and Flanges

Subsea Pipeline Valve API 6DSS

Table (426.1-2 Dimensional Standards Not

Applicable for Slurry Piping Systems From
Table 426.1-1
Standard or Specification Designation

Fittings. Valves, and Flanges

Orífice Flanges ASME 816.36

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ASME 831.4·2012

minimum yield strength of the pipe, special eare shall eombination. Seldom can either One be fully eliminated
be used tú prevent overstrain of the pipe. froro consideration. In sorne cases, the presence of ero-
(e) The test liquid shall be water or another nonhaz- sion can greatly accelerate the corrosive effects of the
ardous liquido slurry medium through removal of proteetive seales,
C451.5 Patrolling oxides, or films. The use of inhibitors and/or erosion-
corrosían allowance may provide suitable means for
(a) Patrols for piping systems transporting slurry
dealing with the issue. Other means may be appropriate.
shall be conducted at intervals not exceeding 1 mo.

C454 EMERGENCY PLAN C461.2 Existing Buried Steel Pipelines

(b) The operating eompany shall establish seheduled Conversion of existing nonslurry piping systems to
reviews with personnel oí procedures ta be followed slurry service must meet the requirements for new
in emergencies at intervals not exceeding 12 mOl and installations as stipulated in Chapter VIIl. The eonver-
reviews shall be eondueted sueh that they establish the sion date of such piping systems shall be regarded as
eompetenee of the emergeney plan. the installation date for the purposes of this Code.


In the case of slurry systems where the transported C468 RECORDS
material is inert and nonhazardous, line purging is not
required. (b) For slurry pipelines, results of all tests, surveys,
and inspections required by this Chapter to indicate the
adequacy of corrosion and erosion control measures, as
C460 GENERAL well as records relating to routine or unusual inspec-
(e) Internal corrosían and erosion require spedal con- tions, such as internal or extemalline conditions when
sideration in slurry piping systems. Erosion and corro- eutting or hot tapping the line, shall be maintained for
sion are recognized individually as well as in the service life of the piping system.

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ASME B31.4-2012


Specific editions of standards incorporated in this needed. An asterisk (*) is used to indicate lhose stan-
Code by reference, and the names and addresses of the dards that have been accepted as American National
sponsoring organizations, are shown in thls Mandatory Standards by lhe American National Standards Institute
Appendix_ It is not practical to refer to a specific edition (ANSI). For ASME codes and standards, the latest pub-
of each standard throughout the Code text; instead, the lished edition in effect at lhe time this Code is specified
specific edition reference dates are shown here. is lhe speclfic edition referenced by this Code unless
Mandatory Appendix 1 will be revised at intervals as olherwise specified in the designo

API Standards and Other API 5tandards and Other ASME Codes and Standards
Publications Publications (Cont'd) (Cont'd)

RP 2A-WSD, 21st Ed., 2000 & RP 1102, 7th Ed., 2007 & Err. 1- *B31G
Err./Supp. 1·2002, Err./Supp. 2- 2008 *831.5
200S, Err.fSupp. 3-2007 *Std. 1104. 20th Ed., 2005 & Err. *B36.10M
Add. 1·2007, Err. 2-2008 *B36.19M
Spec. SB, lSth Ed., 2008 RP 1109, 3rd Ed., 2003
*Spec. 5l, 44th Ed .. 2007 & Err. ASTM Specifications
1-2009, Add. 1-2009 *RP 1110, 5th Ed., 2007
[Note (1)] A6/A6M-08
RP 1111, 3rd Ed., 1999
*RP SU, 6th Ed., 1996 A20/A20M-07
RP 1117, 3rd Ed., 2008 &
*RP SLW, 2nd Ed_, 1996 A29/A29M-OS
Err. 1-2008
(lncorporates 5L1, 5L5, and A36/A36M-08
RP 1130, 1st Ed., 2007
Spec. 6A, 19th Ed., 2004 & Err. AS3/AS3M-07
Std_ 2015, 6th Ed., 2001
1-2004, Err. 2-2005, Err, 3- RP 2200, 3rd Ed_, 1994
2006, Err, 4-2007. Err. 5-2009, Al0S/Al0SM-OS
Pub!. 2201, Sth Ed., 2003
Add. 1-2008, Add. 2-2008, Add. Al06/Al06M-08 [Note (3)]
3-2008, Add. 4-2008 A126-04
API Manual of Petroleum
Spec_ 6DSS, 1st Ed., 2007 & Err. A134-96 (200S)
Measurement Standards
1-2007 A13S/A13SM-06 [Note (3)]
Spec. 6H, 2nd Ed., 1998 & Err. A139/A139M-04
ASME Codes and Standards
1-2008 (R2006)
*Spec. 128, 15th Ed., 2008 A181/A181M-06
*ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
*Spec. 12D, 11th Ed., 2008 AI82/A182M-08a
Code, 1998 Ed. and 1999
Spec. 12F, 12th Ed., 2008 A193/A193M-08b
RP 17B, 4th Ed., 2008
RP SOO, 2nd Ed., 1997 A216/A216M-07
(R2002) & Err. 1-1998 A217/A217M-07
A22S/A22SM-03 (2003)
Std. 600, 12th Ed., 2009 A234/A234M-07
"B16.S [Note (2)]
A242/A242M-04 e1
Std. 602, 8th Ed_, 200S
*Std. 603, 7th Ed., 2007 A283/A283M-03 (2007)
Std. 620, 11th Ed., 2008 & Add. A28S/A28SM-03 (2007)
1-2009 A307-07b
Std. 6S0, 11th Ed., 2007 & Add. A320/A920M-08

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ASME 831.4-2012


ASTM Specifications (Cont'd) ASTM Specifications (Cont'd) NACE International Standards and
Other Publications
A325-07a A633/A633M-01 (2006)
A350/A350M-07 A663/A663M-89" (2006)
A671-06 SPOl77-2007
A354-07a A672-08 SP0185-2007
A381-96 (2005) A675/A675M-93" SP0188-2006
A395/A395M-99 (2004) A694/A694M-03
A420/A420M-07 [Note (4)J AWS Standards RP0274-2004
A449-07b RP0281-2004
*A3.0-2001 RP0286-2007
A487/A487M-93 (2007) 'D3_6M-1999 RP0303-2003
A490-97/A490M-08a RP0375-2006
MSS Standard Practices RP0394-2002
A505-00 (2005) RP0399-1999 (R2004)
A506-05 SP-6-2007 RP0402-2002
A507-06 SP-25-200B
A514/A514M-05 SP-44-2006
A515/A515M-03 (2007) SP-55-2006 Corrosion Data Survey - Metals
A516/A516M-06) SP-58-2002 Section. 6th Ed., 1985
A517/A517M-06 SP-61-2003
A524-96 (2005) [Note (3)J SP-67-2002d NFPA (odes
A530/A530M-04a *SP·69-2003
A572/A572M-07 SP-71-2005
A5 73 / A5 73M-05 SP-75-2004
A575-96 (2007) SP-78-2005a
A576-90b~ (2006)

GENERAL NOTE: The issue date shown immediately following the number of the standard (e.g., A53/A53M-07 and SP-6-2007) is the effective
date of issue (editian) of the standard.
(1) Use af bell and spigot line pipe not permltted.
(2) Limited as set forth in para. 402.2.1.
(3) Approved only if mil! hydrostatic test 1s performed.
(4) A420jA420M Grade WPL9 1s not suitable for anhydrous ammonia due to copper contento

Titles of standards and specifications Usted aboye which are referenced in the text but do not appear in Table 423.1-1 -
Material Standards or Table 426.1-1 - Dimensional 5tandards are as follows:

API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards

API 2A·WSO Recommended Pract1ce for Plannlng, Oesignlng, and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms - Worklng Stress Oesign
API 5U Recommended Practice for Railroad Transportation of Une Pipe
API 5LW Recommended Praet1ce for Transportation of Une Pipe on Barges and Marine Vessels
API 12B Specification for Bolted Tanks for Storage of Production Uquids
API 12D Specifieation for Held Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Liquids
API 12F Specification tor Shop Welded Tanks for Storage of Production Uquids
API 17B Reeommended Practice for Flexible Pipe
API 500 Recommended Practice for Classification of Locations for Electr1callnstallations at Petroleum Facilities Classifted as
Class l. Division 1 and Division 2
API 620 Oesign and Construction of Large. Welded. Low-Pressure Storage Tanks
API 650 Welded Tanks for OH Storage
API 1102 Steel Pipelines Crossing Rallroads and Highways
API 1104 Welding of Pipe!1nes and Related Facilities
API 1109 Marking Uquid Petroleum Pipeline Facilities
API 1110 Pressure Testing of Stee! Pipelines for the Transportation of Gas, Petroleum Gas, Hazardous Uquids, Highly Volatite
Uquids. or Carbon Dioxide
API 1111 Design, Construetion, Operation, and Maintenance of Offshore Hydrocarbon Pipelines (Umit State Oesign)
API 1130 Computational Pipeline Monitoring for Liquids
API 2015 Requirements for Safe Entty and Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks
API 2200 Repairing Crude OH, Liquefied Petroleum Gas. and Produet Pipelines
API 2201 Safe Hat Tapping Practices in the Petroleum and Petrochemicallndustries

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ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codeo Section VIII Division 1 Pressure Vessels. Section VIII Divlsion 2 Alternative Rules for
Pressure Vessels, and Section IX Welding and Brazing Qual1fications
ASME B31G Manual for Determining the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines: A Supplement to 831, Code for Pressure Piping
ASME B31.5 Refrigeration Piping
AWS A3.0 Welding Terms and Definitions
AWS D3.6 Spec1fication for Underwater Welding
EPRI EL·3106 Safety of Pipetines In Close Proximity to Electrica! Transmission Lines
NACE 57519 Corrosion Data Survey - Metals Sectlon'
NACE MR0175 Sulfide Stress Cracking Resistant MetaHic Materials for OH fleld Equipment
NACE SP0169 Standard Practice - Control of External Corrosion on Underground or Submerged MetaHic Piping Systems
NACE SPOl77 Standard Practice - Mitlgation of Altemating Current and Lightning Effects on MetaHic Structures and Corrosion Control
NACE SP018S Standard Practice - Extruded Polyolefin Resin Coating Systems With 50ft Adhesives for Underground or Submerged Pipe
NACE SP0188 Standard Practice - Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive 5ubstrates
NACE RP0192 Recommended Practice - Monitoring Corroslon in OH and Gas Production with [ron Counts
NACE SP02üD Standard Practice - Steel-Cased Pipeline Practices
NACE RP0274 Recommended Practice - High-Voltage Electricallnspection of Pipeline Coatings Counts
NACE RP0281 Recommended Practice - Method for Conducting Coating (Paint) Panel Evaluation Testing in Atmospheric Exposures
NACE RP0286 Recommended Practice - Electrical Isolatlon of Cathodlcally Protected Pipelines
NACE RP0303 Recommended Practice - Field-Applled Hear-Shrinkable Sleeves for Pipelines: Application, Performance. and Quality Control
NACE RP0375 Recommended Practice - Wax Coating 5ystems for Underground Piping Systems
NACE RP0394 Recommended Practice - Application, Performance, and Quality Control of Plant-Applied. Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipe
NACE RP0399 Recommended Practice - Plant-Applied. External Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating 5ystems: Applicatibn, Performance. and
Quality Control
NACE RP0402 Recommended Practice - Field-Applied Fusion-Bonded Epoxy (F8E) Pipe Coating Systems for Girth Weld )olnts: Application.
Performance, and Quality Control
NACE SP0490 Standard Practice - Holiday Detection of Fusion-Bonded Epoxy External Pipeline Coatings of 250 to 760 ¡..¡.m (10 to 30 mUs)
NACE RPü602 Recommended Practice - Field-Applied Coal Tar Enamel Pipe Coating Systems: Application, Performance, and Quality Control
NFPA 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
NFPA 70 National Electrical Code

Specifications and standards of the following organizations appear in Mandatory Appendix 1:

ANSI American Natlonal Standards Institute AWS American Welding 50ciety

25 West 43rd 5treet, 4th Floor 550 NW LeJeune Road
New York, NY 10036 Miami. FL 33126
Phone: 212 642-4900 Phone: 305 443-9353 or 800 443-9353
Fax: 212 398-0023
EPRI Electric Power Research Institute
API American Petroleum Institute
3420 Hillview Avenue
1220 L Street, NW
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Washington. DC 20005-4070
Phone: 650855-2121
Phone: 202 682·8000
ASME The American Society of Mechanical Engineers MSS Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve
Three Park Avenue and flttings Industry, [nc.
New York, NY 10016-5990 127 Park Street, NE
Vienna. VA 22180-4602
ASME Order Department Phone: 703 281-6613
22 Law Orive
Box 2900
Fairfield. NJ 07007-2900 NACE NACE lnternational
Phone: 973 882-1167 1440 South Creek Drlve
800-843·2763 (US & Canada) Houston, TX 77084-4906
Fax: 973 882-1717, 5155 Phone: 281 228-6200
ASTM American 50dety for Testing and Materials
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
100 Barr Harbor Drive
1 8atterymarch Park
P.O. Box ClOO
Quincy, MA 02169-7471
West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959
Phone: 617 770-3000 or 800-344-3555
Phone: 610 832-9500
Fax: 617 770·0700
Fax: 610 832-9555

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ASME B31.4-2012


A·l INTRODUCTION (3) Code Case

(4) Code interpretation
The ASME B31 Pressure Piping Committee and its (b) Background. Provide lhe information needed for
Section Committees meet regularly to consider revisions
lhe Committee's understanding of lhe inquiry, being
of lhe Code rules, new Code rules as dictated by techno- sure to indude reference to lhe applicable Code Section,
logical development, Code Cases, and Code interpreta- Edition, Addenda, paragraphs, figures, and tables. Pref-
tions. This Appendix provides guidance to Code users erably, provide a copy of lhe specific referenced portions
for submitting technical inquiries tú the Committee.
of the Codeo
Technical inquiries include requests for revisions or
(e) Presentations. The inquirer may desire or be asked
additions tú the Code rules, requests for Cade Cases,
to attend a meeting of lhe Committee to make a formal
and requests for Code interpretations.
presentation or to answer questions from fue Conunittee
Code Cases may be issued by lhe Committee when
members wilh regard to lhe inquiry. Attendance at a
the need is urgen!. Code Cases darify the intent of
Committee meeting shall be a t the expense of the
existing Code requirements or provide alternative inquirer. The inquirer's atlendance or lack of attendance
requirements. Cade Cases are written as a question and
at a meeting shall nat be a basis for acceptance ar rejec-
a reply and are usually intended to be incorporated into
tion of lhe inquiry by lhe Committee.
lhe Code at a later date. Code interpretations provide
lhe meauing of or lhe intent of existing rules in lhe Code
and are also presented as a question and a reply. Bolh A·3 CODE REVISIONS OR ADDITIONS
Code Cases and Code interpretations are published by
the Committee. Requests far Code revisions or additions shall provide
The Cade rules, Cade Cases, and Cade interpretations lhe following:
established by lhe Committee are not to be considered (a) Proposed Revision(s) or Addilion(s). For revisions,
as approving, recornmending, certifying, or endorsing identify the ruies of the Code lhat require revision and
any proprietary or specific design or as linúting in any submit a copy of the appropriate rules as they appear
In lhe Code marked up wilh the proposed revision. For
way the freedom of manwacturers or conshuctors ta
choose any method of design or any forro of construction additians, pravide the recornmended wording refer-
that conforms to lhe Code rules. enced tolhe existing Code rules.
As an alternative ta the requirements of this (b) Slalemenl of Need. Provide a brief explanation of
Appendix, members of lhe Committee and its Section the need for the revision(s) or addilion(s).
Committees may introduce requests for Cade revisians (e) Background Informalion. Provide background
or additions, Cade Cases, and Code interpretations at information to support the revision(s) or addition(s)
their respective Committee meetings or may submit induding any data or changes in technology that form
such requests to the secretary of a Section Committee. the basis for the request that will allow lhe Committee
Inquiries lhat do not comply with the provisions of to adequately evaluate lhe proposed revision(s) or addi-
lhis Appendix or lhat do not provide sufficient informa- lion(s). Sketches, tables, figures, and graphs should be
tion for lhe Committee's full understanding may result submitted as appropriate. When applicable, identify any
pertinent paragraph in lhe Code lhat would be affected
in the request being retUmed to lhe inquirer wilh no
by lhe revision(s) or addition(s) and paragraphs in lhe
Code that reference the paragraphs lhat are to be revised
or added.
Submittals to the Committee shall indude A·4 CODE CASES
(a) Purpose. Specify one of lhe following: Requests for Code Cases shall provide a statement
(1) revision of present Code rule(s) of need and background informalion similar to those
(2) new or additional Code rule(s) defined in paras. A-3(b) and A-3(c), respectively, for

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ASME 631.4-2012

Code revisions or additions. The proposed Code Case A-6 SUBMITTAl ANO RESPONSE
should identify the Code Section and be written as a
Submitlals to and responses from the Commitlee shall
question and a reply in the same format as existing Code
meet the following:
(a) Submittal. inqulries from Code users shall prefera-
bly be submitted in typewritten form; however, legible
A-S COOE INTERPRETATIONS handwritlen inquiries will also be considered. They shall
include the name, address, telephone number, and fax
Requests for Code interpretations shall provide. the number, if avallable, of the inquirer and be mailed to
following: the following address:
(a) Inquiry. Provide a condensed and precise ques- Secretary
tion, omitting superfluous background information, ASME B31 Committee
and, when possible, composed in such a way that a Three Park Avenue
"yes" or a lino" reply, possibly with brief provisos, is New York, NY 10016-5990
acceptable. The question should be techillcally and edi- (b) Response. The Secretary of the appropriate Section
torially correct. Committee shall acknowledge receipt of each properly
(b) Reply_ Provide a proposed reply that will clearly
prepared inquiry and shall provide a written response
and concisely answer the inquiry question. Preferably, to the inqulrer upon completion of the requested action
the reply should be "yes" or "no" possibly with brief by the appropriate Section Committee.
(e) Background Information. Provide any background
information that will assist the Committee in under-
standing the proposed inqulry and reply.

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ASME 831.4-2012


API BulJetin D16, Development 01 Spill Prevention, API RP 1160, Managlng System Integrity lor Hazardous
Control and Countermeasure Plans Liquid Pipelines
API Publication 1157, Hydrostatic Test Water Treatrnent API RP 2003, Protection AgaInst Ignitions ArisIng Out
and Disposal Option lor Liquid Pipeline Systems 01 Sta tic, Lightnlng, and Stray Currents
API Publication 4602, Minimization, Handling, API RP 2350, Overfill Protection lor Storage Tanks In
Trea tment, and Disposal 01 Petroleum Products Petroleum Facilities
Terrn1nal VVastevvater API Spec. 6H, End Closures, Connectors, and Swivels
API Standard 598, Valve Inspection and TestIng
API RP 505, Recornmended Practice lor Classilication
API Standard 653, Tank lnspection, Repair, Alteration
01 Locations lor Electrical InstalJation at Petroleum
and Reconstruction
Facilities Classified as Class 1, Zone O, Zone 1, and
API Standard 2000, Venting Atmospheric and Low
Zone 2 Pressure Storage Tanks
API RP 554, Process Instrumentation and Control API Standard 2610, Design, Construction, Operation,
API RP 576, lnspection 01 Pressure RelievIng Devices Maintenance, and Inspection 01 Terminal and Tank
API RP 1113, DevelopIng a Pipeline Supervisory Control Facilities
Center Publisher: American Petroleum Institute (API), 1220 L
API RP 1123, Development 01 Public Awareness Street, NW, Washington, DC 20005-4070
Programs by Hazardous Liquid PipelIne Operators (

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Abandoning a piping system, 457 Bridge attaetunents, 434.13.3

Accidental ignition, prevention of, 452.7 Buck1e, 400.2
Accidentalloads, 400.2 Building installation, 434.20.3
Additive circumferential stresses, 402.7 Butt welds, 404.8.1
Additive longitudinal stresses, 402.6.2
Alcohol, liquid, 435.5 Carbon dioxide, 400.2, 435.5
Allowable stresses and olher stress limits, 403.2 (See Casings under railroads and hlghways, 434.13.4(b)
Stresses) Cast iron, 404.4.8.3
Allowances, 403.2 flanges, 404.4.3, 404.4.6
corrosion, 403.2.3 valves, 404.5.1
threading and grooving, 403.2.4 Cathodic proteetion system, 460(d)
wall lhickness, 403.2.2 Changes affecting safety, 403.1, 454(a),
weld joint factors, Table 403.2.1-1 Circumferential stresses, additive, 402.7
Ammonia, liquid anhydrous, 435.5 Clearance, pipelines and underground structures,
Anchors, 404.9 434.6(c)
Arc bums, 434.8.7(a), 451.6.2.3 Closure fittings, 404.7.2
Assembly of piping components, 435 Closure heads, 404.7.3
Attaetunents to piping, 404.9.4 Closures, 404.7
Auxiliary piping, Part 6, 435.5 Coating, protective, application and inspection,
design, 404.12 436.5.2(c)
Coefficient of Ihermal expansion, 402.2
Backfllllng, 434.11 Cold springing, 400.2
Bending properties, unidentified pipe, 437.6.2 Cold worked steel pipe, special requirements, 403.11
Bends, miters, and elbows, 434.7 Column buck1ing, 400.2
Bends, pipe, 404.2, 434.7.1 Combined stress ca!cuiations, 402.7
design, 404.2 Combustible materials, storage 01, 452.4
fabrication, 404.2, 434.7.1 Communications, 451.2
flattening, 434.7.1(b) Connections to main lines, 434.16
mitered bends, 404.2.4, 434.7.2 Connectors, 400.2
wrinkle bends, 404.2.6 Construction, 434
Block and isolating valves, 434.15 qualifications, 434.2
Blunt imperfection, 400.2 specifieations, 434.1
Bolted blind flange dosures, 404.7.5 Contraction, thermal, 403.9.3
Bolting, 404.4.8 Control piping, 452.2
insulating flanges, 404.4.8.2 Controls and protective equipment, 452.2
procedure, 404.4.8.1, 435.2.1 Corrective measures fúr corrosion control, 461.2.3
special flanges, 404.4.8.4 Corrosion allowance, 403.2.3
specifications, 404.4.8.1 Corrosion control, 434.19, 453, 460
steel to cast iron flanges, 404.4.8.3 pipelines
Branch connections, 404.3 eathodic protection system, 461.1.3
integrally reinforced extruded oullet headers, corrective measures, 461.2.3
404.3.3, Fig. 404.3.3.1-1 electrical interference, 461.1.6, 461.2.5
definition, 404.3.3.1 eleetrical isolation, 461.1.4
notation, 404.3.3.2 external corrosion, 463, 466
reinforcement 01 multiple openings, 404.3.3.7, internal corrosion, 464.5, 465.4
404.3.6 monitoring, 461.5, 464.4
reinforcement 01 single openings, 404.3.3.6, 404.3.5 protective coatings, application and inspection,
tees and crosses, 404.3.2 461.1.2,464.2. 465.2, 466.1.2
welded, 404.3.4 Corrosion limits, 451.6.2.2
Breakaway eoupling, 400.2 Corrosion records, 468

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Couplings, 404.1, 404.8.4 temperature, 401.2.3.7

Cover, minimum for buried pipelines, Table 434.6-1 vibration, 401.2.3.5
Crosses, design, 404.2.6, 403.8 waves and currents, 401.2.3.6
Crossings, 434.13 wind, 401.2.3.2
bridge attachments, 434.13.3
highway erossings, 451.9 Earthquake, dynamie effeet, 401.2.3.1
overhead struetures, 434.13.2 Elbows
railroad erossings, 451.9 design, 404.2
river and stream crossings, 434.13.1 installation, 404.2.5, 434.7.3
safety preeautions, 434.3.2(e) Eleetric flash welded pipe, 400.2
underground struetures, 434.13 Eleetric fusion welded pipe, 400.2
underwater eonstruetion, 434.13.1(a) Eleetric induetion welded pipe, 400.2
Currents, dynamie effeets, 401.2.3.6 Eleetric resistanee welded pipe, 400.2
Curved segments of pipe, 404.2 E1eetrieal instaUations, 434.22
Cutting and welding, safe praetiees in, 434.8.1(e) Electrical interference, corrosion control, 461.1.6,
Damage to fabricated items and pipe, 434.5 Electrical isolation, corrosion control, 461.1.4
Defeets, 400.2, 451.6 Emergeney plan, 454
removal and repair, 434.8.7 Employer, 400.2
Definitions, 400.2 Engineering design, 400.2
Design Expansion,
auxiliary and other speeific piping, 404.12 allowable stresses, 403.3.2
eriteria, 403 and flexibility, 403.9
expansion and f1exibility, 403.9 therma!, 402.2.1
external pressure, 401.1.2 External corrosion control for buried or submerged
fluid expansion effeets, 403.9 pipelines, 461
internal pressure, 401.2.2.2 External eorrosion control for piping exposed to
life, 400.2 atmosphere, 463
loads on pipe supporting elements, 403.13 External eorrosion control for thermally insulated
pipe supporting elements, 403.13 piping, 466
pressure design of piping eomponents, 404.1.4 External pressure stresses, 402.4
eurved segments of pipe, 404.2 Extruded outlet headers, 404.3.3
flanges, 404.4
intersections, 404.3 Fabricated c1osures, 404.7
other pressure-containing components, 404.8.4 Fabrieation (construetion), 434
redueers, 404.6 Factory made bends and elbows, 404.2.5, 434.7.3
selection and limitations of piping components, 404 Feneing, 452.5
fittings, elbows, bends, and interseetions, 404.2 Fillet welds, 400.2
flanges, faeings, gaskets, and bolting, 404.4 Fire proteetion, 434.20.7
valves, 404.5 Firewalls, dikes, or, 434.21.5
seleetion and limitations of piping joints Fishtalls and f1at c1osures, 404.7.3, 404.7.4
flanged, 404.8.2 Fittings, 404.1
sleeve, eoupled, and other patented joints, 404.8.4 dimensions, Table 426.1-1
threaded, 404.8.3 exceeding scope of standard sizes, 404.1.7
welded, 404.8.1 f1exibility and stress intensification faetors, 402.1
temperature, 401.2.3.7 materials, Table 423.1-1
weight effects, 401.2.2.4 Flanges, 404.4
Dikes or firewalls, 434.21.5 attaehment, welding detalls for, Fig. 434.8.6-3
Dimensional requirements, 426, Table 426.1-1 bolting, 404.4.8
Direetionally drilled erossings, 434.13.5 east iron, 404.4.3
Ditehing, 434.6 exeeeding seope of standard sizes, 404.4.4
Double submerged are welded pipe, 400.2 faeings, 404.4.6
Dynamic effeets, 401.2 rectangular cross section, 404.4.5
earthquake, 401.2.3.1 F1attening, pipe bends, 434.7.1(b)
ice, 401.2.3.3 Flexibility, 403.9
road and rail traffie, 401.2.3.4 Flexibility, expansion and, 403.9, Table 402.1-1

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Flexibility faetors, 402.1 Instruments and other auxiliary piping, 404.12.1

Ful! fille! we1d, 400.2 Intensifieation factors, Table 402.1-1
Fumace butt welded pipe, 400.2 Internal eorrosion control, 462
Furnaee lap welded pipe, 400.2 existing piping systems, 462.3
new installations, 462.2
Gas metal are welding, 400.2 Internal design pressure, 400.2
Gas tungsten are welding, 400.2 Internal pressure design equation for pipe, 401.2.2.2
Gas welding, 400.2 Internal pressure stresses, 402.3
Gaskets, seleetion and lirnitations, 404.4.7 Interpass temperature for welding, 434.8.8
General eorrosion, 400.2, 451.6.2.2 Iron, east, malleable, and wrought, 423.2.4
Girlh weld, 400.2,
Gouges in pipe, 434.5(b)(1), 451.6.2.3 Joint factor E for weld seam of pipe, Table 403.2.1-1
Grooves in pipe, 451.6.2.3 Joint seleetion and lirnitations
Grooving allowance, 403.2.4 flanged joints, 404.8.2
sleeve, eoupled, and olher patented joints, 404.8.4
Handling, hauling, stringing, and storing, 434.4 threaded joints, 404.8.3
Hangers and supports, 404.9 welded joints, 404.8.1
Headers, extruded oullet, 404.3.3
Highway crossings, 434.13.4, 451.9 Leak deteetion, 451.11
Holder (storage), pipe, 434.21.3(d) Leak reeords, 455(d)
Hot taps, 451.6.2.9(g) Leak repairs, 451.6.1(e)
Hydrostatie test, 437.4.1 Leak tests for pipelines to operate at 20% or less of
SMYS, 437.4.3
Ignition, prevention of accidental, 452.7 Lirnits of imperfeetions, 451.6.2
Imperfeetions, lirnits and disposition, 400.2, 451.6.2 Line markers, 434.18, 451.3
Inland eoastal water eonstruetion, 434.14 Liquefied petroleum gas(es) (LPG), 400.2
Inland waters platform risers, 451.10 Liquid alcohol, 400.2
In-line inspeetion tools, 400.2 Liquid anhydrous ammoroa, 400.2, 423.2.5
Inquiries, Appendix B Liquid metering, 434.23
Inspection, 436 Liquid strainers and filters, 434.24
during eonstruetion, 434.2.2, 436.5.1(b) Liquid Transportation Systems Code,
operation and maintenance 400(a),(b),(e),(d),(e),(f),(g)
pipelines, 436.5 seope, 400.1, 400.1.2, Fig. 400.1.1-1, Fig. 400.1.1-2
pump stations, terminals, and tank farms, 452 Loads
welding, 434.8.5(a) eurrents, dynamie effeets, 401.2.3.5
supplementary types of examination, 436.5.2 occasional, 401.2.3
type and extent of examination required, 436.5 pipe supporting elements, 404.9
Inspector qualification, 436.1 waves, dynamie effeets, 401.2.3.5
Installation wind, 401.2.3.2
eonneetions to main lines, 434.16 Location of
eleetrieal facilities, 434.22.3, 461.1.3 pump stations, 434.20.2
eleetrical test leads, 461.1.5 right-of-way, 434.3.1
instrument and other auxiliary piping, 404.12.1 storage and working tankage, 434.21.2
line markers, 434.18, 451.3 valves, 434.15
liquid metering facilities, 434.23 Longitudinal stresses, 402.6
liquid strainers and filters, 434.24 Longitudinal weld seam joint factor E for pipe,
manifolds, 435.4 Table 403.2.1-1
pipe in Ihe diteh, 434.10
proteetive eoatings, 461.1.2, 464.2 Mainline pipelines, 400.2
pumping unit piping, 435.3 Mainline valves, 434.15.2
pump station, tank farm, and terminal facilities, Maintenanee, 450
434.20 pipeline, 451
seraper traps, 434.17 plans and proeedures, 450.2
special erossings, 434.13 pump stations, terminals, and tank farms, 452
storage and working tankage, 434.21 relief valves, pressure limiting devices, etc., 452.2
valves, 404.5 valves, 451.8

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MaUeable iron, 423.2.4 factors for offshore pipeline systems,

Manifolds, 435.4 Table A402.3.5-1
Markers, line, 434.18, 451.6.2 flexible pipe, A402.3.11
Materials, 423 general, A401.1
limitations, 423.2 load classifications
cast, maUeable, and wrought iron, 423.2.4 hydrostatic test, A401.11.2
liquid anhydrous anunonia pipeline systems, instaUation, A401.9.2
423.2.5 operational, A401.10.2
qualifications of, 423.1 other design considerations, A410
specifications, Table 423.1-1 pipe-supporting elements, A421
steel, Table 423.1-1 pipeline crossings, A402.3.12
Maximum steady state operating pressure, 400.2 pressure components, A404
Meters, 434.23 special assemblies, A402.3.10
Miter, 400.2 structural riser protectors, A402.3.9
Mitered bends, 404.2.4 design and protection of special assemblies,
Moduli of elasticity, 402.2.2 A402.3.10
Monitoring, corrosion control, 464.4 disposition of defects, A451.6.2
Monitoring flow, 452.1(b) ditching, A434.6
Multiple openings, reinforcement, 404.3.3.7 electrical interference, A461.1.6
electrical isolation, A461.1.4
Nominal pipe size (NPS), 400.2 emergency plan, A454
Nominal waU thickness, 403.2.1 environmentalloads
Normal operation, variations from, 401.2.2.2 during hydrostatic test, A401.11.3
during instaUation, A401.9.3
during operation, A401.10.3
Offshore expansion and flexibility, A419
aUowable stresses and other stress limits, A402:3,
fencing, A452.5
A402.3.5(a) fittings, elbows, bends, and intersections, A406
aUowances, A402.4
flanges, A408.1
backfllling, A434.11
facings, A408.3
bends, pipe
flanges, lacings, gaskets, and bolting, A408
bends, miters, and elbows, A406.2, A434.7
flexible pipe, A400.2, A402.3.4(h), A405.3
made from pipe, A434.7.1
bottom soils, A401.9.4, A401.10.4, A401.11.4 repair, A451.6.4
branch connections, A404.3.1 general statements, A460
cathodic protection system, A461.1.3 hydrostatic test design considerations, A401.11,
closures, A406.6 A401.11.1
fabricated, A406.6.4 hydrostatic test loads, A401.11.2
construction, A434 inspection, A436, A451.11
inspection, A434.2 oflshore pipeline risers, A436.5.1(b)(1l), A451.11
corrosion control type and extent of examination, A436.5
external corrosion control, A461 visual, A436.5.1
general, A461.1.1 instaUation design considerations, A401.9
internal corrosion control, A451.11 loads, A401.9.1, A401.9.2
new instaUations, A461.1 procedures and equipment selection, A434.14.2
offshore piping systems exposed to atmospheric intersections, A404.3
conditions, A463 leak testing, A437.4.3
offshore submerged pipelines, A461 limitations on materials, A423.2
definitions, A400.2 line markers, A434.18
derating a pipeline to a lower operating pressure, markers, A451.3
A451.7 materials, A423 •
design acceptable materials and specifications, A423.1
clamps and supports, A402.3.7 mitered bends, A406.2.2
conditions, A401 monitoring, A461.3
connectors and flanges, A402.3.8 movement 01 existing pipelines, A434.14.3
criteria, A402 offshore
expansion and flexibility, A402.3.6 design conditions, A401.l.1

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ASME 831.4·2012

pipeline construction, A434.14 maintenance, A451.6

pipeline risers, A451.1O water crossing, A434.13.1
platforro, pump station, terminal, and tank farm welding, A434.8
operation and rnaintenance, A452 weld joint factors, A402.4.3
operational design considerations, A401.10 welding qualifications, A434.8.3
loads, A401.10.1, A401.10.2 welding quality, A434.8.5
orange peel swages, A406.4.2 Operating company, 400.2
patrolling, A451.5 Operating pressure, 451.1, 456
pigs and interna! inspection tools, A410.1 Operation and maintenance, 450
pipe, A405 pipeline, 451
ferrous pipe, A405.2.1 plans and procedures, 450.2
flexible, A405.3 procedures affecting safety, 450.2(d)
pump station, termina!, and tank farm, 452
general, A404.1.1
qualifying for a higher operating pressure, 451.1,
metallic pipe, A405.2
steel, A405.2.1
records, 468
pipe depth and alignment, A434.14.1 Orange peel bull plugs, 404.7.4
pipeline operation and maintenance, A451 Orange peel swages, 404.6.3
plans and procedures, A450.2 Organizations, standards and specifícations of,
procedures affecting the safety of liquid Appendix A
transportation piping systems, A450 Overhead structures, 434.13.2
pipeline repairs, A451.6
general, A451.6.1
pressure design of components, A404 Patrolling, 451.5
straight pipe, A404.1 Petroleum, 400.2
prevention of accidental ignition, A452.7 liquid, 435.5
protective coating, A461.1.2 Pipe, 400.2
qualification Pipe, steel
of inspectors, A436.2 bends, 403.1
tests, A437.6 buckles, 400.2
railroads and highways crossing existing pipelines, coated or lined, 403.1
A451.9 cold worked steel, speciallimitations,
records, A437.7 rabie 403.2.1-1
reductions, A406.4 damage to, 434.5
repair of flexible pipe, A451.6.4 defects, 434.8.7(c)
dents, 434.5, 436.5.1(a)(2), 451.6.2.4
right-of-way maintenance, A434.3, A451.4
expansion and flexibllity, 403.9, rabie 402.1-1
route selection considerations, A401.12
flattening, test for, 437.6.2
scope, A400.1
gouges and grooves, 451.6.2.3
special components, A41O.2
hangers, 404.9
special crossings, A434.13
holder for storage, 434.21.3(d)
strength criteria
inspection, 436
during installation and testing, A402.3.4 installation of, in !he ditch, 434.10
during operations, A402.3.5 installation of, spedal crossings, 434.13
stress relieving, A434.8.9 joint factor E for weld seam, rabie 403.2.1-1
survey and staking or marking, A434.3.3 protection from unusual external conditions, 403.1
test leads, A461.1.5 protective coatings, 403.1, 436.5.2(c)
testing, A437 specifkations, list of, rabie 423.1-1, rabie 426.1-1
general, A437.1 specified minin1um yield strength, rabie 403.2.1-1
pressure, A437.4 supporting elements, loads and design, 400.2, 404.9
testing after new construction, A437.1.4 surface requirements, 434.5(b¡
threaded joints, A414 testing, 437
general, A414.1 threads, 426.3
used piping components and equipment, A409 unidentified or used, limitations, 403.10
valves, A407 welding, 400
block and isolating valves, A434.15 Pipeline integrity assessments and repairs, 451.6
general, A434.15.1 Pipelines on bridges, 434.13.3

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Pipe-type holders (storage), 434.21.3 piping, 434.20.5

Piping pressure disposal piping, 404.12.2
abandoning of, 457 pumping equipment and prime movers, 434.20.4
anchorage, 404.9 safety devices, 434.20.6
attachments, 404.9 testing, 456(b)
control, instrument, and other auxiliary, 404.12 valves, 434.15.3
existing systems, 460 Pumping unit piping, 435.3
hangers, 404.9
nonstandard components, 426.2
pressure and temperature ratings for piping Qualification
components, 404.1 construction, 434.2
pressure disposal, 404.12.2 inspectors, 436.1
standard components, 426.1 materials, 423.1
supports for, 400.2 procedures and welders, 434.8.3
testing, 437 records, welding, 434.8.3(g)
threads, 426.3 tests, 437.6
Qualifying system for higher pressure, 456, 451.1(b)
welding, 400.2
Quick opening elosures, 404.7.1
Plan, emergency, 454
Plans and procedu!es, operation and maintenance,
450.2 Radiograph examination
Platform risers, 451.10 crossings, 434.8.5
Plugs, orange peel bull, 404.7.4 field welds, 436.5.2(b)
Pneumatic, testing, 437.4.3 procedures, 434.8.5
Poisson's ratio, 402.2.3 reducers, 404.6.2
Preheating, and interpass temperature for welding, tie-ins, 434.8.5, 437.1.4(b)
434.8.8 Radius, pipe bends, 404.2.2
Pressure, 400.2 Railroad crossings, 434.13.4, 451.9
disposal piping, 404.12 Railroad transportation of pipe, 434.4
limiting devices Ratings, pressure-temperature fo! piping components,
installation, 434.20.6 404.1.2,404.1.3
testing, 437.1.4(c) allowance fúr variations from normal operations,
maximum steady state operating, 401.2.2.2, 451.1, 403.3.4
456 components not having specific ratings, 404.1.3
qualifying for higher operating, 456, 451.1(b) considerations far different pressure conditions,
testing, 451.6.3, 456(b) 404.1.6
Prevention of accidental ignition, 452.7 normal operating conditions, 403.4
Procedures, operation and rnaintenanc€, 450.2 Records, 455
Procedures, pipe bending, 434.7.1 corrosion of pipelines, 455(b)
Procedures and welders, qualifications of, 434.8.3 design, construction, and testíng, 437.7
Proof tests, 404.8.4, 404.10 inspections, 455(e)
Proprietary items, 400.1 pipeline leaks, 455(d)
limitations, 423.2.1 pipeline patrol, 455(b)
Protection of pipelines against unusual external qualifying system for higher pressure, 456, 451.1(b)
conditions, 403.1 welders qualification tests, 434.8.3(d)
Protective coatings, 403.1, 436.5.2(c), 461.1, 461.2, welding procedures, 400.2
462.1,463,464,465,466 Reducers, 404.6
Protective equipment, controls and, 452.2 Reference standards, Appendix A
Pump stations, tank farrns, and terminals, 434.20 Reinforcement
building installation, 434.20.3 welded branch connections, 404.3.3.6, 404.3.4
controls and protective equipment, 434.20.6, 452.2 welding detalls, Fig. 404.3.4-1
corrosion control, 461.1.1, 464.3.2, 465.1 Relative movement of connected components, 403.9.1
electrical facilities, 434.22 Relief valves, 437.1.4(c), 452.2(b)
fenced areas, 452.5 Removal or repair of defects or imperfections, 434.8.7
fue protection, 434.20.7 arc bums, 434.8.7(a)
location, 434.20.2 other, 434.8.7(c)
operation and maintenance, 452 welds, 434.8.7(b)

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Repair 01 deleets, 436.6, Table 451.6.2.9-1, Submerged are welding, 400.2

Table 451.6.2.9-2 Supports, braees and anchors, 404.9
Repairs, pipeline, 451.6.1 Surlaee defeets, 434.5, 436.5.1
Repairs, testing, 451.6.3 Surveying and staking or marking, 434.3.3
Responsibilíty lor qualilication 01 proeedures and Swages, orange peel, 404.6.3
Retum interval, 400.2 Taek weld, 400.2
Reuse 01 pipe, 403.10 Tankage, 434.21.2
Right-ol-way, 434.3, 451.4 Tank larms, pump stations, and terminals, 434.20
construction requirements, 434.3.2 dikes or lirewalls, 434.21.5
restoration and cJeanup, 434.12 loundations, 434.21.4
surveying, 434.3.3 operation and maintenance, 452
Risers, platlorm, 451.10 Tanks and pipe-type storage, 434.21.3
Road and highway erossings, 434.13 Taps, hot, 451.6.2.9(g)
Tees, 404.3.2
Safety devices Temperature, 400.2
installation, 434.20.6 Terminals, pump stations, tank farms, 434.20
maintenanee, 452.2 operation and maintenance, 452
testing, 437.1.4(e), 452.2 Testing, 437
Seraper traps, 434.17 after eonstruetion, 437.1.4
Seamless pipe, 400.2 fabricated items, 437.1.3
Semlautomatic are welding, 400.2 leak, 437.4.3
Shall, 400.2 qualifying lor higher operating pressure, 456,
Shielded metal are welding, 400.2 451.1(b)
Should, 400.2 reeords, 468
Signs, 452.6 repairs, 451.6.3
Smoking, 452.7(a) . replaeement eomponents, 437.1.5
Soilliquelaetion, 400.2 systems"or parts 01 systems, 437.1.4(a)
Spaeing 01 valves, 434.15.2 tie-ins, 437.1.4(b), 451.6.3
Span, 400.2 unidentified or used steel pipe, 437.6
Special erossings, 434.13 welding, 434.8.3(b)
Specifications, Test pressure, 437.4
eleetrical installations, 434.22, 461.3(a),(d) . Test requirements, 437, 451.6.3, 456(b)
list 01, Appendix A Tests
material,423.1 eorro.ion control, 461.2.7
pipeline eonstruetion, 434.1 leak, lor pipelines to operate at 20% or less of
pump station eonstruetion, 434.20 SMYS, 437.4.3
storage and working tankage, 434.21 qualifieation, unidentified or used steel pipe, 437.6
Standards, dimensional, 426, Table 426.1-1 welding, 434.8.3(b)
Standards and specilications, Table 423.1-1, Thermal expansion, 402.5
Table 426.1-1, Appendix A eoelficient 01, 402.2.1
Standards 01 aeeeptabilíty of welds, 434.8.4 Thiekness, steel pipe
Steel flanged fittings, 404.4 determination, unidentified or used, 437.6.3
Storage and working tankage, 434.21 Threading and grooving, 403.2.4
Storage 01 combustible materials, 452.4 Threads, 426.3
Storage vessels, 452.3 Tie-ins, 434.9, 437.1.4(b), 451.6.3
Stress Toleranees, wall thiekness and defeet, 403.2
analysis (flexibilíty), 402.1, Table 402.1-1 Transition nipples, 434.8.6
eakulations, combined, 402.7
intensification faetors, Table 402.1-1 Unidentified or used steel pipe.
limits limitations, 403.10
oeeasionalloads, 401.2.3 qualifieation tests, 437.6
relieving, 434.8.9 bending properties, 437.6.2
Stresses, allowable, 403.1, Table 403.2.1-1 mlnimum yield strength value, 437.6.7
restrained lines, 402.5.1 visual examination, 437.6.1
unrestrained lines, 402.5.2 wall thiekness, 437.6.3

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weldability, 437.6.5 without reinforeement, Fig. 404.3.4-3

weld seam joint factor E, 437.6.4 end treatment, aeeeptable
yield strength determination, 437.6.6 equal thiekness, Fig. 434.8.6-1
Use of high D / t ratio, 403.2.5 unequal thiekness, Fig. 434.8.6-2
filler metal, 434.8.2
Valves, 404.5 gas, 400.2
block and isolating valves, 434.15 gas metal are, 400.2
dimensional requirements, 426 gas tungsten are welding, 400.2
installation and loeation, 434.15 general, 434.8.1
maintenance inspeetion and tests, 434.8.5
pipeline, 451.8 maintenanee, 451.6
relief valves, etc., 452.2 preheating and interpass temperature for, 434.8.8
materials, 404.5.1 proeedure, 400.2
seleetion and limitations, 404.5.1 proeesses, 434.8.2
spaeing, 434.15.2 qualifieation of proeedures and welders, 434.8.3
special, 404.5.2 qualifieation reeords, 434.8.3(e),(g)
specifieations and standards, Table 423.1-1, responsibility for qualifieation, 434.8.3(f)
Table 426.1-1 safe praetices in eutting and welding, 434.8.1(e),
testing relief valves, etc., 437.1.4(e), 452.2 451.6.1(g)
semiautomatic are welding, 400.2
Vibration, dynamie effeet, 401.2.3.5 shielded metal are welding, 400.2
Visual examination, 436.5.1, 437.6.1 standards 01 aeeeptability, 434.8.4
stress relieving, 434.8.9
Wall thiekness, steel pipe submerged are welding, 400.2
allowanees and toleranees, 437.6.3 terms, 434.8.1(b)
determination, 437.6.3 tests, 434.8.3(b)
least nominal, 437.6.3 variables, 434.8.3(d)
unidentified or used steel pipe, 437.6.3 Welding operator, 400.2
Water erossings, 434.13.1 Weld joint factor, 437.6.4, Table 403.2.1-1
Waves, dynamie effeets, 401.2.3.6 Welds, 400.2
Weight eoating, 400.2 butt, 434.8.6(a)
Weight effeets, 401.2.2.4 defects, 434.8.7(b)
Weldability, unidentified or used steel pipe, 437.6.5 fillet, 400.2, 434.8.6(b)
Welded braneh eonneetions, 404.3.4, Table 404.3.4-1 full fillet, 400.2
Welders, 400.2 removal Or repair of defeets, 434.8.7
qualification oí, 434.8.3(a) taek, 400.2, 434.8.6(e)
requalifieation requirements, 434.8.3(e),(g) types of, 434.8.6
Welding Wind, dynamic effeet, 401.2.3.2
are, 400.2 Wrinkle bends, 404.2.6
are bums, 434.8.7(a)
automatic, 400.2
details for openings Yield strength, 437.6.6
with eneirclement, Fig. 404.3.4-1 speeified mínimum, steel pipe, Table 403.2.1-1
with loealized reinforeement, Fig. 404.3.4-2 unidentified or used steel pipe, 437.6.7

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made of this material without written consent of ASME. ~

ASME 831.4

Replies to Technical Inquiries

October 7. 2008 Through May 15. 2012

It has been agreed to publish interpretations issued by the 631 Cornmittee conceming 631.4
as part of the update service to the Code. The interpretations have been assigned numbers in
chronological order. Each interpretation applies eilher to Ihe latest Edition or Addenda at Ihe
time of issuance of Ihe interpretation or Ihe Edition or Addenda stated in Ihe reply. Subsequent
revisions to Ihe Code may have superseded Ihe reply.
These replies are taken verbatim from Ihe originalletters, except for a few typographical and
editorial corrections made for the purpose of improved clarity. In sorne instances, a review of
the interpretation revealed a need for corrections of a technical nature. In these cases, a revised
reply bearing the original interpretation number with Ihe suffix R is presented. In Ihe case where
an interpretation is corrected by Errata, the original interpretationnumberwith the suffix E is used.
ASME procedures provide for reconsideration of these interpretations when or if additional
information is available Ihat Ihe inquirer believes rnight affeel Ihe interpretation. Further, persons
aggrieved by an interpretation may appeal to Ihe cognilant ASME cornmittee or subcornmittee.
As stated in Ihe Statement of Policy in the Code documents, ASME does not "approve," "certify,"
#rate/, or "endorse" any item, construction, proprietary device, or activity.
For detailed instructions on preparations of technical inquiries to Ihe 631 Cornmittee, refer to
Nonmandatory Appendix A.
Interpretations No. 1 was included with ANSI/ ASME 631.4c-1986. Interpretations No. 2 was
included with ASME 631.4a-1987. Interpretations No. 3 was included wilh ASME 631.4a-1991.
Interpretations No. 4 was included wilh ASME 631.4a-1994. Interpretations No. 5 was included
with ASME 631.4-1998. Interpretations No. 6 was included wilh 631.4a-2001. Interpretations No. 7
was included with ASME 631.4-2002. Interpretations No. 8 was included wilh ASME 631.4-2009.

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~

831.4 FIle No.

Subject Interpretation

Paragraph 423.2.3 and TabIe 423.1~1, Mandatory Impact Testing .. 4-89 10-1604
Paragraph 434.8, PreviousIy Qualified Welding Procedures .... . 4-86 09-1450
Paragraph A410.1, Pig Launcher/Receíver ............................ . 4-87 10-809
Paragraphs 402.3 and 403.2.1, Hoop Stress and Nominal Wall Thickness . 4-88 10-1154

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~

Interpretation: 4-86

Subject: Paragraph 434.8, Previously Qualified Welding Procedures (ASME B31.4-2006 Edition)
Date lssued: October 20, 2009
File: 09-1450

Question (1): Is it !he intention of B31.4-2006, para. 434.8, !hat the pipeline owner/operator
supply the contractor with the owner's pre-qualified Welding Procedure Specification and
Procedure Qualification Record far use on a project?

Reply (1): No.

Question (2): ls it acceptable per B31.4 for the contractor to perform welding on a pipeline/
metering station using his own previously qualified Welding Procedure Specification if all of the
essential variables are the same?

Reply (2): Yes, provided that !he procedure is approved by !he owner, as per para. 434.8.3(b)(2).

Interpretation: 4-87

Subject: Paragraph A410.1, Pig Launcher/Receiver

Date Issued: June 7, 2010
File: 10-809

Question: Does any part of a pig launcher/receiver need tú be stamped in accordance with
Section VJIJ, Div. 1 or 2?

Reply: No. Please see paras. 404.7.1 and 404.7.3 of B31.4-2009.

Interpretation: 4-88

Subject: Paragraphs 402.3 and 403.2.1, Hoop Stress and Nominal Wan Thickness
(ASME B31.4-2009 Edition)

Date Issued: July 28, 2010

File: 10-1154

Question (1): Should !he hoop stress be calculated per para. 402.3 of B31.4-200~?
Reply (1): Yeso

Question (2): Should !he nominal wall thickness be calculated per para. 403.2.1?
Reply (2): Yeso

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~

Interpretatlon: 4-89

Subject: Paragraph 423.2.3 and Table 423.1-1, Mandatory Impact Testing (ASME B31.4-2009
Date Issued: September 29, 2010
File: 10-1604

Question: In B31.4-2009, is impact testing on1y mandatory for!he materials listed under "Pipe"
in Table 423.1-17
Reply: Yeso

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMechanical Engineers. ~
No reproduction may be made ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~

Copyright © 2012 by the American Society ofMech~ical Engineers. ~

No reproduction may be fiade ofthis material without written consent of ASME. ~
by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
made of this material without written consent of ASME.

ISBN 978-0-7918-3432-9


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