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María Fernanda Tamayo

Grado once
Essay of Impact of drug use on human body.

Impact of drug use on human body

The brain is one of the most affected organs since they alter its chemical
functioning and structure and cause changes that last over time, resulting in
permanent damage.

In the brain there is something called neurotransmitters, these are the chemicals
sustences that the brain uses to communicate between neurons and also to
transmit information. This is done through the use of dopamine, when consuming
any drug this process is altered increasing it´s production to higher levels.

Some examples of the effects of drugs are:

- Alcohol: Destroys the áreas of memory (hippocampus), the cerebelum (which

controls coordination) and the cerebral cortex. It also causes the person to have
consumed a lot of alcohol, is not fully conscious in the reality.

- Marihuana: It can affect concentration and short-term memory, which can

increase if the person continues to consume for a long time.

- Cocaine: floods the brain with dopamine, acelerates the heart, increases the risk
of heart attack and cause anxiety and paranoia

- Ecstasy and MDMA: serotonin makes us happy, confiident and sociable, but in its
absence it leads to depression and anxiety

- Hallucinogens: they distort perception, the effects are unpredictable and last up to
12 hours, they can lead to psychosis and risky behavior.

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