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Kawasaki syndrome, also called Kawasaki disease, or mucocutaneous lymph node

syndrome, rare, acute inflammatory disease of unknown origin that is one of the leading
causes of acquired heart disease in children.
Kawasaki syndrome, which usually occurs in children of less than 5 years of age, was first
described in Japan in 1967. It is characterized by prolonged fever, congestion of the
conjunctiva of the eyes, changes in the lips and oral cavity, swelling of the cervical lymph
nodes, skin rash, reddening of the palms of the hands and soles of the feet (with some
swelling of extremities), and damage to the coronary arteries. The cause of Kawasaki
syndrome remains unknown, though in the early 1990s researchers found evidence
suggesting one or more toxin-producing species of bacteria as being responsible for it.
The inflammatory symptoms of the disease are usually treated with high doses of aspirin.
Although virtually all children who are afflicted with Kawasaki syndrome eventually
conquer the symptomatic fever and rash, about one-fifth of those afflicted have weakened
hearts because the disease triggers a massive immune-system response that damages the
blood vessels of the heart. The intravenous administration of gamma globulin within 10
days of the first onset of symptoms has proven more effective than aspirin in preventing
damage to the coronary vessels.

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