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Holidays - an unnecessary distraction

for grammar school pupil

Holidays are days when we do not have any obligation. Holidays can be fun and we can
enjoy it, but it can be also boring. It can be an distraction for grammar school pupil because
we can do nothing and forget everything that we have learned in a few months. It is not good
if we do not have any free time but we also have to sometimes read something so we don’t
forget what we have learned.
Everyone need some free time because you can’t just study all day. Grammar school is all
about studying and having a good marks. But is it good to just study all day and do nothing
except studying? I think it’s not because nobody can do that for about 17 years of school no
matter what school you are going to: primary, high school or collage.
But in the other hand holidays can also be a distract because you can forget to write or you
can forget things that you have already learned. If you are going to grammar school then you
can’t let yourself to forgot something because you will need that on matura. For grammar
school the holidays should be shorter.
I personally think that it won’t be good for anyone to do not have holidays. Everyone needs a
rest and some free time to enjoy their life. If someone abolish holidays I think that students
will rebel.
To conclude everyone needs some free time. No matter how do you spend it. With your
family, friends or anyone else. There are maybe a few people on whole Earth who can just
study all day without any free time. But there is way more people who will agree that
everyone needs free time for them.

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