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Nama : Alwin Yazid B

Kelas : 12 Mipa 1

Perbaikan Inggris Wajib (Karangan Saat Belajar Dirumah)

Assalammualaikum my name is alwin yazid b from grade 12 science 1, my goal in writing this
essay is to improve the value of compulsory english taught by Mrs. Dede Rismayani Subakti,
the theme of the essay that I will make is about "learning at home during covid"
In my opinion, studying at home has advantages and disadvantages, the advantages of
which are being able to do tests easily, being able to see explanations while lying down, and we
can do a lot of things or other activities while studying. but the drawback is we don't get
experience, don't get pocket money, can't chat and play with friends, have difficulty interacting
with teachers.
According to my experience, studying at home and studying directly for me is quite fun,
and I feel that I want to study directly or study at home for me, there is no difference that is too
significant. but studying at home is indeed quite boring compared to direct, so compared to
direct learning I prefer to learn directly in terms of being able to communicate with friends and
so as not to get bored while studying, but for the teaching and learning process I prefer to stay
at home, so my experience studying at home is not too much, my most experience when
studying at home is getting up early for breakfast, checking google classroom to get information
on absences and assignments, then if there is an absence, then I immediately do the
assignments that have been given, if there is subject matter that is not understood but I have
assignments, sometimes I ask my friends for assignments, I only repeat that on school days, but
on holidays I sometimes like to do sports, such as playing bicycles, push ups, sit ups, chain ups,
and skipping. and the most annoying thing is if someone gives you an assignment on a day off,
it's very annoying so I sometimes like to delay doing the tasks given during the holidays.
but in fact learning online is very costly compared to face-to-face learning, but for some
people it is not too burdened or bothered by things like that.
learning from my experience while learning online is in fact fun, it's very easy, we can
learn and pay attention to the material as we want and while doing whatever we like. different
from direct learning, we have to be disciplined, we have to be serious in learning, it's also good
for improving our personality, so in my opinion wanting to learn online or face to face both
have their advantages and disadvantages as long as we are able to control ourselves and can
stay on good things so that everything goes well.
that's all I can share and tell you about my experience while studying at home, sorry if
there are words that offend or are not good, more or less sorry, wassalammuaalikum wr.wb

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