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Homework is an essential part of every student's academic journey.

It is a task assigned by teachers

to be completed outside of the classroom. While some students may dread it, homework serves a
significant purpose in the learning process. Here are some reasons why we do homework:

1. Reinforcing Learning
Homework allows students to practice and reinforce what they have learned in class. It helps them
retain information and develop a deeper understanding of the subject. By completing homework,
students can apply the concepts they have learned in real-life situations, making the learning process
more meaningful.

2. Preparation for Tests and Exams

Homework also serves as a preparation for tests and exams. It allows students to review and revise
the material covered in class, which can improve their performance on assessments. Regular
homework completion can also help students develop better study habits and time-management
skills, which are crucial for success in exams.

3. Independent Learning
Homework promotes independent learning, as students are required to complete tasks on their own
without the guidance of a teacher. This helps them develop critical thinking and problem-solving
skills, which are essential for their academic and personal growth.

4. Responsibility and Accountability

Homework teaches students responsibility and accountability. By completing their assigned tasks,
students learn to take ownership of their learning and understand the consequences of not
completing their work. This can also help them develop a sense of discipline and time-management,
which are valuable skills for their future endeavors.

5. Preparation for the Future

Homework prepares students for the future by teaching them important skills such as time-
management, organization, and self-discipline. These skills are not only beneficial for academic
success but also for success in the workplace and life in general.

While homework may seem like a daunting task, it serves a significant purpose in the learning
process. However, we understand that sometimes completing homework can be challenging due to
various reasons such as a heavy workload, lack of understanding, or time constraints.

That's why we recommend seeking help from professional writing services such as ⇒
⇔. Their team of experienced writers can assist with any homework assignment, ensuring high-
quality work and timely delivery. This can help alleviate the stress and pressure of completing
homework, allowing students to focus on other important aspects of their lives.

In conclusion, homework may not always be enjoyable, but it serves a crucial purpose in our
education. It helps reinforce learning, prepares us for tests and exams, promotes independent
learning, teaches responsibility and accountability, and prepares us for the future. And if you ever
find yourself struggling with homework, remember that ⇒ ⇔ is always there to
provide reliable and efficient assistance.
Thanks to this teacher, I failed to master any of it, and to this day, I struggle with math. But
everything has its pros and cons, and so we will be looking at those points in this blog. Be sure your
directions are clear and specific and that the level of the work is appropriate for the students. That's
over half the day with things that we're either too busy to enjoy it or we were unconscious. But when
it’s mandatory, the students are pressured by their teachers and parents to do it. Perhaps you can print
out the article, along with the comments, and you can show your science teacher that many adults
are in agreement with you. Homework should be an option for those students who want more
practice than they had time for in class, and not graded. In a perfect world, people would just do the
work assigned and see the value in it. I know that I should pay attantion for study, but some of
subjects are just boring to the tears, and it is better to ask th help, better than do it by my own.
Interestingly, there have been numerous debates regarding whether homework is suitable or not.
Many talked about the idea that students often don't do homework when they don't see the reason or
purpose behind it. The problem with that was, not all kids 'did' anything. This is a waste of time,
paper, and face it, a cause of frustration, extra tiredness, and sloppy penmanship. Benefits of
Homework Here are the top 14 reasons why Homework is Helpful and Why Do We Have To Do
Homework. I love the idea of not grading homework when it's assigned. Talk honestly (but politely)
to your teachers, the principal, your counselor and your parents. As you can imagine, that kind of
homework rarely happens. I was wondering if I could know who wrote the source and when it was
published. Homework, if given at all, should never be graded. I know I won't convince you - bad
experiences as a child permanently colour the attitude of a person. Students Should Know Them The
debate about homework is probably as old as the idea of teaching and learning. He and my daughter
have waged battles royale over the topic. Would you rather eat only fried chicken for the rest of your
life or suffer from homework every single day for the rest of your life. A reading assignment can be
done in class--it need not be sent home. Our experts will take care of your homework for you to have
quality time with your family and relaxation. I had my fill of school board meetings when my kids
were in school, and we parents were protesting them trying to close our kids' school. Homework may
be fine in college, when we are supposed to be learning how to find information, rather than
memorizing rote facts just to pass a test as in the K-12 years, but during those formative years, no.
Homework encourages students to see beyond the range of their class. At the very least,
understanding that there are many reasons that students don’t do homework can help teachers to
realize that it isn’t personal. If they do not complete their homework on time, they simply come to
school and copy it off others.
So, believing that they understand, see no need to ask for clarification. Without homework, a lot of
classroom time would be wasted with repetition that could more easily be done outside the
classroom. Liz Elias (author) from Oakley, CA on June 18, 2015: Thanks very much, Shauna.
Encourage them to tackle difficult tasks with curiosity and interest. This allows us to pay for the
costs of hosting this blog. Home tasks can help students develop them for the real world by training
them to meet their commitments on time. There are some fantastic resources out there such as
GCSEPod who provide podcasts related to GCSE subjects. Thanks for letting us know, and thanks
for WONDERing with us. With homework, I don't think any child should sit for more than an hour
without getting up and having a short break. Often, the brief period of time you have during class to
learn something new is simply not enough. When learning is not integrated with real everyday life, it
becomes something compartmentalized into a six hour a day 'sentence' in school, which would
naturally be detested by most free spirits. We tried to address both sides, while also stating the
positive aspects of homework. Im not saying we should not have homework, im saying that it's
important to spend as much time as possible with your family. But maybe teachers just need to
assign a different kind of homework. Since we do not list the publish date, standard MLA formatting
says that it's OK to list the date you accessed the page for information. It not only wastes time and
creates frustration and more of a learning gap between students and parents, but it also presents
multiple opportunities for mistakes to be made. Look at all the extra paperwork that would eliminate!
3. Also, if you’re looking for high-quality resources such as journals and articles, pdf files, videos,
research papers, e-books, and other secondary literature to write your assignment task, then we can
certainly help you out. But as far as using grades simply as a barometer of whether a child is taking
care of responsibilities that seems completely reasonable. It's a challenging problem to try and solve,
but we are glad you are WONDERing with us. I did not fault her at all. 8. Because It Can Hurt
Grades The reason for my grandson's lackluster performance and dismissal from 'regular' high school
was almost exclusively due to failure to turn in homework assignments. They need to learn to work
hard and take responsibility. Students often don’t do homework for reasons that aren’t even about
you, your teaching, or your subject matter. These are more difficult to control, but there are usually
positive things you can do to help with the situation. Even though the homework system is not the
best by any means, it is better than encouraging the student to do nothing in his spare time (play
video games until he falls asleep, in other words). She recommends playing outside, reading together,
eating dinner as a family, and going to bed early. In the 1970s and 1980s, we needed more homework
to keep up with the Japanese economically. A lot of homework might lead to plagiarism and
dishonesty. They may not have a quiet place to work or the tools they need in order to do homework.
Thanks for the additional comment and point of reference.
Sill, I did graduate with a 2.6, which means that homework grade was pretty
close to a 4.0 (that was back in the day where there was no grade higher than a 4.0 such as we have
now with students getting grade avg's over 4.0.(which should be impossible because 4.0 is perfect). I
do not like sitting down for too long at a time, as it hurts my legs and, in minor cases, do damage to
our spines. But then there is this thing called my sucky math class who won't shut up, resulting in this
thing called my teacher hates us and gives us a ton of homework because of it. We're sorry, but
homework is a fact of life and it's time we took a closer look at it. Homework can help you become a
better student in several different ways. First of all, homework given in advance of a particular
subject can help you make the most of your classroom discussion time. All trademarks, logos and
brand names are the property of their respective owners. Individuality and creative thinking are
actively discouraged (those darned tests, again). Even my bottom sets are eager to complete my
homework - and I work in a challenging inner city school. However, it's difficult to judge exactly
how long a piece of homework is going to take, particularly when you've got children with wildly
different abilities in your class. Homework is important, and time with family and relaxing is
important, too. Don’t hesitate to get help and support from a guidance counselor, instructional coach
or administrator. They show that kids who did the homework performed better. Liz Elias (author)
from Oakley, CA on December 18, 2010: Hi there, Happyboomernurse. When you assign more than
these levels, the law of diminishing returns or even negative effects - stress especially - begin to
appear. Kids need to attempt problems to realize that failure is an important part of the learning
process, and how we deal with it makes us successful. I have hours upon hours of homework to do
when I get home and honestly homework just makes me resent school even more. Sometimes in life,
the important things are not always the most fun. To create this article, 205 people, some anonymous,
worked to edit and improve it over time. It's to much and as for as I'm concerned the teachers are
there to teach and that's what they should do in class. In the 1950s, people were worried about
falling behind the communists, so more homework was needed as a way to speed up our education
and technology. When students perceive an assignment as busywork, they often rebel. We
understand that there are many different opinions out there about homework. As for my grandson, he
is already 18, and pretty much a school dropout. When I go into schools to teach students about how
to study, many young people tell me about the distractions that they experience at home. Once you
finish your the homework, you should check out Wonder 1732: How Are Video Games Made. He
had zero patience and held the opinion that asking questions meant you had not paid attention. If it's
because they're not understanding it even with an answer key, maybe you give them a phone number
or an email. It also brings to mind this one shirt that was out there when I was in the fifth grade, that
said that homework caused brain damage. It allows for the efficient interaction of students with their
However, if you and your child approach it with the right attitude and try to get the most learning
from the experience possible, they will be set up for success as they become more independent in
their studies. There are both advantages and disadvantages to homework and sometimes those points
are contrary to each other. Instead of reviewing for two hours, perhaps an hour is just fine.
Especially the sort of homework that involves copying out questions already printed in the textbook.
It takes, on average, doing something right 18 times before it becomes a habit. There has been a huge
amount of research done into the effectiveness of homework. 30 minutes per night is an optimum
and what I set. Javascript is required for this site to function properly. Obviously, someone wasn't
doing their homework and it's significantly hurting them. The essay experts are here to write
everything you need. Typically, the child will arrive home, have a snack, possibly a short play break,
and then be sat down to do their homework. Im not saying we should not have homework, im saying
that it's important to spend as much time as possible with your family. I respect your right to your
opinion, and I'm pleased you actually enjoyed the article, but in the end, I'm afraid we'll remain
unable to convince each other of our respective opinions. The bank teller doesn't bring his work home
when the workday is done; the electrician doesn't bring his work home after working hours; and so
forth. I have a game where you can buy and sell things at the shop, it is a Sonic game. You are not
alone in your struggles either as a child or now as an adult. As the WONDER tells us, it is important
to not have too much homework. Students don’t join junior schools already knowing how to study. I
believe this is not the case, in fact, I resent it. And the teachers are the people who should inspire
students to do their homework out of love for the class instead of out of fear. Although many
individuals think of homework as doing more harm than good, others believe that it has great pros
for students by motivating them to think more independently outside the box. Doing your homework
guides you in working and studying individually because you discover how to use various resources,
like book chapters, texts, libraries, and even websites. I think its time for no homework don't you
think we know most of the stuff, i mean were in school for a long time and homework is like having
school be a disease and you carrying it around with you until you get sick(of it). However, recent
studies have shown that there might be another side to this arrangement that few people are aware
of. Too much homework can result in lack of sleep, headaches, exhaustion and weight loss. Instead
of assigning a large project due in three weeks, help students to break down the project into smaller
chunks and then assign smaller chunks for homework in the days leading up to the due date for a big
project. That’s a more productive way to mitigate the differences between high and low achievers.
When kids are enjoying themselves, they are relaxed, and the information sticks with them. Since
math was and still is my weakest subject, I cannot help you with this matter, but there are plenty of
homework help sites online. Many children who leave college know a bunch of stuff that they will
never use in the real world. It allows them to participate in their kids’ learning as well.
Also, since we do not list the publish date for our Wonders of the Day, you may put the date you
accessed this page for information. Haven’t we? We have copied from the internet or from our pals
to complete homework for the sake of doing it. They fail to understand that the Italian system is a
community philosophy that has worked over time. But as far as using grades simply as a barometer
of whether a child is taking care of responsibilities that seems completely reasonable. He could either
choose to finish homework and then enjoy the rest of the evening, or take a break and play outside
then schedule a few hours later in the evening to finish it all. I think this stems from schools wanting
to control the entire learning process, and not trusting that all of their students will complete the
work. Kids need to attempt problems to realize that failure is an important part of the learning
process, and how we deal with it makes us successful. Categorizing schoolwork into these three
categories really helps reduce the workload and feelings of overwhelm. I will look those up, for I was
not familiar with those persons. Well I bought and sold loads of different stuff, and worked out the
answers before viewing the leftover amount. However, I have worked in several high schools for a
short period of time and know that many students are given time in class to do their homework but
don't do it. But sometimes students have less time to complete their assignments so we are here to
provide you best assignment help service. If teachers want us to get good sleep, they should not give
us homework. In a perfect world, people would just do the work assigned and see the value in it. I
don't care if most people are in agreement with you. At what grade levels do we usually see this
effect. Whether or not the lessons have been learned can and should be fully obvious by means of
test results at mid-term and finals. Visit My Assignment Services to get premium quality assignments
without plagiarism and errors. LOL As for sitting on a school board; I don't think so. Studio 5,
Halliday’s Mill, London Road, Chalford, Gloucestershire. It certainly is hard to do homework while
at play practice. The teacher made a deal that the student could read to his baby brother, his dog, or
even a stuffed animal. The main purpose for high school seniors means ultimately learning how to
handle various tasks to fit them into their schedule. For some, reading a novel for homework is pure
joy, because they love to read. We see too many students these days struggling under heavy
backpacks full of books Flickr, Alberto G., CC 5. Because Sometimes Parents Can't Help Another
nice idea, freely tossed about, is that parents should help their children with their homework. That's
why whole entire schools (like KIPP) allow children to call before 8m if they have questions on
homework. Really well said and we appreciate you taking the time to share that with us. There are
three reasons why homework should be given. However, it's difficult to judge exactly how long a
piece of homework is going to take, particularly when you've got children with wildly different
abilities in your class. We understand that there are many different opinions out there about

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