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Homeschooling is better than going to school?

First of all, let me speak about the pros of online learning. So, it is really flexible. That is the biggest
advantages of homeschooling for me. Furthermore, you don’t have to wake up at 5 am. and you don’t
have lessons. But on the other hand, you can’t keep in touch with your friends face to face. Moreover,
I consider homeschooling is harder than to go to school, if I don’t understand the task then I have to
search on the internet. To tell the truth, since I am learning at home, I have to learn more.
Secondly, let me write against going to school. So, as I mentioned you have to wake up really early.
Furthermore, you have a lot of lessons. It causes that, you are so tired at the end of the day. Besides,
you have to write tests all the time. Moreover, you have to sit all day long. But it is a good thing, that
you can ask your teacher if anything is not clear for you. And you can socialize at school. All in all, I
am keen on going to school.
In my country, the quality of online learning is really good. In my school, we use the Google
Classroom. I consider it is really appropriate for learning. So far, every software worked very well. So,
all in all, I am pleased with online learning, but I would rather go to school.

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