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Pros and cons of online learning

Online learning is just one type of

distance learning that takes place over the
internet. And nowadays, it's becoming more
and more popular for abundant of students
all over the world during COVID-19. There're
a lot of advantages and disadvantages of
using online learning
In the first place, let's talk about
benefits. I have 4 points of its in order to
share. Firstly, it's easy and more
comfortable because you can study
everywhere and everytime. For example, you
have a class at 05:00 pm ,but you're late or
can't make it because you have an important
of outdoor business. In this case, you can
study at a café or on a bus so you don't need
to worry about absence or missing the class
anymore. Especially, when your teacher has
given you a homework or an assignment,
but unfortunately, you need to go to
somewhere. So if you study traditional
educational system, you probably can't
submit your assignment to your teacher and
you'll lose the scores, although if you study
an online learning, you can submit it
everywhere you've been and anytime you're
free as long as assignment due dates are
met. Then imagine that you're attending the
classes for hours, sitting on uncomfortable
chair, need to sitting straight back and
suffering from pain of your back until end of
a day. If you study from home, it"ll be the
best to sit on couch or comfortable chair
which makes you don't get back pain.
Secondly, it gives you more networking
opportunities like you gain more about a
knowledge of technology. In fact, most of
students only know some phone's
applications which is used for fun as
Facebook, Instagram, Messenger and
Games so during this COVID-19 period,
they'll get know more apps that use for their
studying such as Telegram, Google meet,
Google classroom and Zoom extra. Besides
of these, it can increase your confidence to
share your ideas to your teacher and your
friends without nervousness. Thirdly, you
can save some money and time by online
learning. Normally, when you study at
school, you have to arrive school earlier
before the class starts because you don't
want to be late. Therefore, if your house
nears the school, you can walk to there
before class starts for 10-15 minutes, but if
you live far away, you have to use your own
transportation or transportation's servicee
and try to leave home before class begins
for 20-30 minutes. Moreover, if your own

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