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As a senior high student, there are a lot of struggles that I had encountered.

Especially in this
pandemic, most of us are in our homes, could not be outside participating in face to face
activities nor giving physical contact towards our classmates due to the protocol that we are
following. One of my most often struggles as a senior high school student is that, when we are
having our online class, most of the time, my internet will go very slow and it will not cooperate
on how I wanted it to be. I am currently using Globe At Home prepaid wifi. This internet
provider’s connection is not great and that is why we are planning to change our internet
provider. Having to multitask between the activities online and in real life is also one of my
struggles. For an example, I am in my online class, or doing an online activity, I might be called
by my dad to help him do something, or maybe my aunt will be shouting my name across the
other house because I have to do house chores. It is not only multi tasking in our house but also
my activities outside our home. For an instance we are invited to a birthday or one of our cousins
or relative came back to The Philippines top have a vacation, I have to find a way so that I can
still attend the activities outside our home and at the same time I am still able to be in our online
class. My solution for this problem is, I will always bring my phone with me, and I will connect
it to my earphones and I will be on my online class using cellular data so that even though I am
with my relatives or my loved ones, I am still capable of being inside my class. The third
struggle of mine is time management. We all know that time is such a precious thing, and we
should not be wasting it, that is why having to manage time is quite difficult especially during in
our time. Having to sit in your room doing activities online that your teacher had told you to do
and do several things after that, is quite a hassle and could be a difficult thing to make a schedule
to. After I finish doing my homework and activities, I would have so many things in my mind
that I could not concentrate properly because of those pending things that I might do. With this
inconvenience, my solution to this particular problem is, to sleep early and wake up early so that
in the morning, I can think much better and during those free time I would not procrastinate and
waste my time watching youtube or playing video games, etc. I would clear up my requirements
first and after everything is all settled. I would relax and then, I could entertain myself whether I
would go outside and meet with my friends, or I will just go on social media and scoll.

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