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Names : ika findi julianti ( B2020006)

activities during a pandemic

My activities are learning during the pandemic. My activities are
carried out every morning at 04.00 WIB, then help both parents in
their work, then take a shower after that carry out the dawn
prayers. After finishing, usually cleaning the house like sweeping,
mopping when it's finished at 6:00 a.m. I continue the fun ofatam
like cooking while waiting for the lecture to start Usually starting
from 07.00 WIB until 17.00 WIB usually and have carried out the
Duhur and Asr prayers on time. Every done. Learning course
notes on assignments are clearer and easier to implement if you
have started repaying the assignments - the tasks are not many
tasks because each subject has a task that must be done
properly and on time as well as responsibilities that must be
carried out as a student, when finished Notes on taking a sick
shower while waiting for the mahrib prayer at 18.10 WIB usually
do the task if it is not too tired after the time to pray immediately
do it. After the Mahrib prayer, see the schedule and tasks that
must be completed then at 19.30 the evening prayer after the
prayer is still continuing to do usually if there is a task, if you sleep
usually at 21.00 WIB, if there is a task that can stay up late until
24.00 WIB, after finishing the task then go to sleep evening,
sometimes recommend doing midnight prayers but waking up at
dawn after dawn doing the routine as usual helps both parents
work after bathing and praying at dawn. Sometimes they often
feel tired but life must go on so they must be lived sincerely, even
though sometimes they are still confused with subjects because
they learn to be brave but all have a lesson. Usually, if you go, it's
just to buy necessities and it's very rare to have time to play with
Karen's friends, there are lots of tasks that pile up, and if you go,
don't forget to obey health protocols by using a mask and
washing your hands frequently, because the corona does exist so
we shouldn't. neglecting it so must adhere to it properly. That's my
routine every day is full of. The colors that must be done even if it
feels heavy but must be strong to live it. Sometimes during a
pandemic it makes you feel lazy because everything is online but
it is all there is, and that is the best for all of us. Usually if there is.
I use empty courses to rest my eyes because I am tired of staring
at my cellphone and laptop and my body becomes uncomfortable
and easy to feel good. I am only ordinary human
who can only carry out orders that must be carried out properly
and responsibly. Where we are required to spend a little more
time because we waste time, we will regret it in the future,
sometimes we still like to lie down. Time goes on where we have
to be able to live and have to accept it, sometimes feel dizzy
because sometimes I don't mean a certain subject, but I have to
try to do all of that and have to be able to live, I have to be
grateful, and sometimes there are still many. The empty folder
because the lecturer was busy, I was confused about studying
without holding a guidebook because if I saw cellphones and
laptops that kept my eyes tired, I believed that all struggles to
achieve my goals would definitely go through a process that was
indeed a lot of tortuous. So in my opinion, during the corona
pandemic like this, it teaches us to value time more and use it well
and useful and also makes us spend more time with family.
Sometimes network limitations make it less than optimal because
the network system is often interrupted or (slow), the signal is
often an obstacle that is difficult to condition but must continue to
attend courses, in addition to the slow network about complaints
of students who have gadgets but often don't have data packages
due to lack of funds parents fill out the package. Learning like now
is not easy for new students like me because of the drastic
changes that they have experienced.
Since studying at home, my duties are more than like school, until
my blood pressure rises, my tension increases because I face my
cell phone for hours to do my tasks, everything must be done in
order to obey and be responsible for the task. Not just giving
online assignments. That's not what students and parents expect.
Teachers have to get out of the habit that assignments to
students are the same as giving questions, there are many other
creativities that actually inspire and hone students' curiosity.
Students today are indeed facing virtual classes. Starting from
elementary to high school and even college, all cannot be
separated from gadgets. Nor in cities or villages. And this is the
first time I also feel what it's like to take a virtual class. The new
school year "really new" makes them dizzy. The various kinds of
comments they have experienced so far are based on facts.
Virtual classes should have existed since the internet and
technological sophistication was created, but it seems like virtual
classes seem to be used when only emergencies and
The trouble is, sometimes learning online is very obstructed from
the signal, maybe kouta ,, there are also many people who don't
understand the material if it is explained online. "
Virtual, gadgets, signal, and quota / wifi are the main things to
pursue current subjects. There are no three, it is impossible to
take virtual classes. Even one if none of the three main things,
matter becomes blocked. Learning online like this even brings
many negative impacts that bear the positive. Maybe because
almost every year we start a new teaching at school and learn
directly with teachers, have direct contact with them, we inevitably
learn in a different way this time. At that time, the test was when
the signal was bad and after that it was finished working on it, it
was just a matter of sending a missing signal, finally it repeated
the next day. Changes in habit are clearly visible. During normal
conditions, learning uses a face-to-face system, then changes to
online learning which is run by schools and colleges during the
pandemic. The changes are felt to be carried out, so that it brings
joy and sorrow.
In fact, this incident also hit universities all over Indonesia, both
public and private universities

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