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Heart of Darkness Themes (page 25 – 35) Revised

Alienation and Loneliness

The effect of the alienation and loneliness for extended periods of time in a remote
and hostile environment on the men's minds is a central theme of the book. Prolonged
alienation, loneliness and silence are seen to have damaging effects on many
characters in the book. Kurtz who cut off from all humanizing influence, has lost the
restraints of reason and conscience. The Russian, who has been alone on the River for
two years dresses bizarrely and chatters constantly.

Moral Corruption or The moral restraint

The main moral dilemma in this novella is of the lack of a stable moral system. Once
the white colonists leave the stable society of Europe, they leave their morals behind
and the moral restraints set by a society are removed. Then, people tend to become
savages to gain power and profits.
Kurtz's moral corruption is the result not only of the isolation and loneliness in the
jungle, but also the forces that lie within all men and await the chance to emerge.

journey to the self-discovery

There are two journeys. The outer journey to Congo and the inner Journey to within
the self. It is said that everyone carries within him/her own Congo. As the outer
journey to Congo is full of fear and terror , the inner journey is full of darkness. In his
journey, Kurtz descended into the subconscious but failed to take control tin his
subconscious. That is why he can't return from it. Marlowe's journey is somewhat
different. Unlike Kurtz Marlow descended into the subconscious with full awareness
with a strict sense of self restraint. Marlow even tried to save Kurtz from his inner

Deception, or hypocrisy, is a central theme of the novel and is explored on many
levels. The Europeans came into Africa to civilize the natives, but instead they ended
up colonizing their land and corrupting them. Marlow has even obtained his job
through deception, for his aunt misrepresented him as "an exceptional and gifted
man." At the end of the book, Marlow engages in his own deception when he tells
Kurtz's fiancée the lie that Kurtz died with her name on his lips.

Colonisation (Imperialism) and its effect on the Whites and the nonwhites.
We can see the adverse effects of the colonialism on the lives of whites and the
nonwhites. Kurtz cannot restrain his moral self. In the name of civilizing and
educating the natives, Kurtz exploits the nonwhite physically, economically, and even
sexually. The nonwhites are exploited in the name of colonization; they lost their land
and their freedom.
Sanity and Insanity (or the meaninglessness of the evil).
Kurtz, after many years in the jungle, is presented as a man who has gone mad with
power and greed. No restraints were placed on him. He came to believe he was free
to do whatever he liked. The aimless firing in the forest and the
purposeless bombing of the rocks are example of the nonsense that
the whites are carrying on in the African interiors. The dying and the
starved natives are the symbols of the negligence and indifference
of whites towards the natives.

Duty and Responsibility

The theme of duty and responsibility is glimpsed on many levels. On a national level,
the British devoted to duty and efficiency which led to systematic colonization of
large parts of the globe. On an individual level, there is Marlow who is responsible
for his crew and bound to his duties as the boat's commander.

Doubt and Ambiguity

As reason loses control, doubt and ambiguity take over. As Marlow travels deeper
inland, the reality of everything becomes suspect. The perceptions, motivations, and
reliability of those he meets, as well as his own, are all open to doubt. The central
ambiguity of Heart of Darkness is Kurtz himself. Marlow has heard that Kurtz is a
great man, yet he suspects he is "hollow to the core."

Race and Racism

The African natives are referred to as "niggers," "cannibals," "criminals," and
"savages." European colonizers see them as a subordinate species and chain, starve,
rob, mutilate, and murder them without fear of punishment.

Violence and Cruelty

The natives are seen chained by iron collars around their necks, starved, beaten,
forced into meaningless labor, and finally murdered. It was suggested that violence
and cruelty result when law is absent.

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