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Sprint Planning #6

Team: Sought ‘N Found Sprint Dates: November 6 - November 19th

Team Goal: Improve packaging, prototypes, and the continuation of establishing new connections.

Task List: (List ALL tasks that are needed to be Team Strengths/Resources: (List the strengths and
completed to achieve the goal above) resources that can be utilized to complete tasks)
● Thank you card for Mrs. Mckendree ● Mrs. Mckendree- Great Mentor who has
○ Get her Starbucks? connections and is knowledgeable.
● Slide on announcements ● Mrs. Smith- Connection to Chris and she is able
○ Talk to Mrs. Houchins to help us in the makerspace.
● Meeting with Mrs. Houchins ● Mrs.Houchins: Amazing teacher and keeps
○ With Brooke and Michelle pushing up to be great!
● Find new connections
○ Reach out to ODU about prototypes
● Post on Instagram twice
● Update Pitch
○ For Open House
● Research Packaging
● Emailing list
○ Contact people about this
● Where have we come since Pitch Night?
○ Know this for when Bruce comes

Sprint Work Plan

Day 1 - Nov. 6- Sprint Planning/Work Day

● Sprint Plan -Both
● Retro -Both
Day 2 - Nov. 8th - Stand Up Meeting/Work Day
● Research Packaging- Tearyn
● Find new connections -Hayden
○ Reach out to ODU
○ Email a couple of people
○ Maybe schedule a meeting
● Meeting with Mrs. Houchins
Day 3 - Nov. 13 - Stand Up Meeting/Work Day
● Post on Instagram -Tearyn
● Email Mrs. Todd about announcement slides -Tearyn
○ Make sure to tell Brooke and Michelle so they don’t get mad.
● Thank you card for mentor
Day 4 - Nov 15th - Stand Up Meeting/Work Day
● Announcement slides with Mrs. Houchins! -Tearyn
● Start Demo Slides -Both
● Look at where we have come since pitch night
Notes/Mentor Documentation: Feedback from Sprint Demo Presentation:

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