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Identify frameworks and principles behind Moral Disposition Frameworks

Identify and explain normative ethical theories and approaches.

Discuss theories and principles of justice.

Frameworks and Principles Behind our Moral Disposition Frameworks

1.Virtue ethics


St. Tomas Natural Law

2. Kant and the rights theorist


Different kinds of rights

3. Utilitarianism

Origins and Nature of theory

Business�s fascination with utilitarianism

4. Justice and Fairness: Promoting the common good

The nature of the theory

Distributive Justice

Discuss the challenges to ethical behavior in today�s world.

-Identify the ethical challenges of globalization.

Identify and explain the moral challenges of filinnials,

Describe and explain the role of religion in ethics.

Conclusion: Ethics through Thick and Thin, and Ethics and Religion

The challenges of pluralism and fundamentalism: The search for universal values

Globalization and pluralism: New challenges to ethics

Challenges of filinnials

The religious response: the role of religion in ethics

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