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Figure 1. Weight of object 1 in air. Figure 2. Weight of object 2 in air.

Figure 3. Weight of object 1 in water. Figure 4. Weight of object 2 in water.

Figure 5. Object 1 submerged in water. Figure 6. Object 2 submerged in water.

Figure 7. Volume displaced in object 1.

There were some errors that the group has encountered, first the weight of the string
has a small effect on the attached objects when the object is submerged in water and human
error in reading the measurements. Measurements read in the graduated cylinder was difficult
due to the insufficient change in volume. As the change in volume was too small to be
calculated by the 100 mL graduated cylinder. Also, as water was sticking to the sides of the
cylinder, it proved difficult to ascertain a precise reading.


Archimedes grappled with this problem but was unable to find a solution to this tricky
dilemma, however hard he tried. As legend relates, the solution came to him as he bathed; as he sat
in the bath, he noticed how the water level rose and this suddenly inspired him and the rest is
history. As evident during the experiment the weight of the object decreased as it was submerged in
water, proving the existence of buoyant force. The experiment proved Archimedes principle of the
unit weight of the fluid multiplied by the volume of the object submerged will give the buoyant force
acting on the object. In this experiment, the group was able to find the buoyant force of the objects.
The weight was measured in three ways and then the results was compared. The methods were
weighing the object by air, then in water and the difference in weight to the buoyant force. Though
the object’s mass doesn’t change, the weight will change when measured while it is in water and in
The group recommends that in executing the experiment, make sure to regulate the flow rate
of the delivery valve to avoid overflow in the container. In setting the needles it should be in the
middle of the flow to avoid errors. In getting the actual discharge, always ensure the beaker catches
all the water in the outflow.

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