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Healing the Family Tree

            Spiritual healing essentially consists in drawing our lives back to the nature
originally designed by God.  This includes the incorporation of every human family in
God’s entire spiritual family.
            “See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we may be called the
children of God.  Yet so we are.  The reason the world does not know us is that it did
not know Him.  Beloved, we are God’s children…(1 John 3:1-2)”; “…so that you too may
have fellowship with us, for our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus
Christ (1 John 1:3).  “…If we walk in the light as He is in the light, then we have
fellowship with one another, and the blood of His Son Jesus cleanses us from all sin.  If
we say, ‘we are without sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.  If we
acknowledge our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive our sins and clean us from
every wrongdoing (1 John 1:7-9).  The consequence of original sin is genetical
bondage.  Bonding with God replaces bondages.  The process of healing the family tree
brings back “love, that is, the bond of perfection (Col. 3:14).”
            Inner healing is healing of painful memories full of hatred, guilt, anxieties and
fear of the future.  This leads us to the lost of inner peace and our ability to love and
trust others and eventually God.  God wills that we live our life to the full. So, it is only in
walking back with Him in time, recognizing the many occasions that we are hurt and
forgiving our pasts that we can truly live our life to the present. 
            The Catholic Church believes that the process of healing of the wounds of the
family can only take place through prayer and the sacraments.  This happens ultimately
in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
1.  Make your family genealogy.
2.  Research your family line beginning with yourself to at least your great grandparents.
3.  Include as many generations as you can.
4.  Conduct an interview with the older members of your family and research on the
     following:  Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats that you might
discover in your family genealogy.
5.  Identify the negative situations/ events that you think that need spiritual healing.
6. Make a synthesis of Unit 1 on Christian Family making the post-synodal apostolic
exhortation by Pope Francis, “Amoris Laetitia” as your primary source.  Don’t forget to
cite the paragraph number of the said exhortation which you will use for developing your
7.  Include in it your personal insights/ difficulties encountered/ realizations acquired
from the activity, “Healing the Family Tree.” 
8. End it with a personal prayer for Inner Healing/ for Healing of Negative Memories/ for
     Wounds in the Family Genealogy.
9. Submit it in the assignment section by attaching your accomplished PETA
Things to remember:
1.  Make a creative presentation of your family genealogy. (You may use any software
      application you want that will best portray your work.)
2.  If problems arise in citing the names of family members up to the great
grandparents, kindly state the reason/s.
Note:  Please refer to the attached file for the rubrics.

Rubric for Making a Family Genealogy

Content (50 points) (35 points) (20 points) (5 points)

The student The student The student The student
has Included has Included has Included has Included
all the almost all of more than less than
requirements the half of the half of the
according to requirement requirements requirements
the given s according according to according to
instructions. to the given the given the given
  instructions. instructions. instructions.

Organization (20 points) (15 points) (10 points) (5 points)

The student The student The student The student
is is is slightly is not
exceptionally adequately coherent in coherent in
coherent in coherent in presenting presenting
presenting presenting his/her his/her
his/her his/her facts, ideas, facts, ideas,
facts, ideas, facts, ideas, personal personal
personal personal insights and insights and
insights and insights and opinions; opinions;
opinions; and opinions; and and
formulating and formulating formulating
a synthesis formulating a synthesis a synthesis
using of the a synthesis using of the using of the
assigned using of the assigned assigned
apostolic assigned apostolic apostolic
exhortation. apostolic exhortation. exhortation.
Creativity (30 points) (25 points) (15 points) (5 points)
The student The student The student The student
has has has slightly has not used
exceptionally adequately used creative
used used creative means (use
creative creative means (use of sounds,
means (use means (use of sounds, graphics,
of sounds, of sounds, graphics, pictures,
graphics, graphics, pictures, software) to
pictures, pictures, software) to make the
software) to software) to make the project more
make the make the project more fascinating.  
project more project more fascinating.  
fascinating.   fascinating.  

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