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// ==UserScript== // @name BOT algo // @version 1.

01 // @description
Auto claim, auto rewards, auto bonus and Algo // @author CastorpoluXX // @namespace // @match // @match // @match // @match* // @require // ==/UserScript==
var baseBetAmount = 0.00000001; var betMultiplier = 2; var
supportedLoseSequenceBetsLength 6; // need minimum 0.00640000 satoshi var
betsPatternsLengthInDecimal = [4]; var betPatternReversed = 1; //will create the
pattern reverse only when equal to 1!!!! var patternPlayPeriodInSeconds = 900;
//the period of ne pattern. var binarySequenceOpposite = 0;//if equal to 1, will
create binary opposed sequences pattern. value vary from 0 to no need to touch the
rest!!!!! //first we load all bets sequences var b]; function reverseString(s
str.split('').jo); } function isNumberBetweenInterval(number, a, b, inclusive)
{ var min = Math.min(a, b), max = Math.max(a, b); return inclusive ? number >= min
&& number <= max :number > min && number < max; } function loadBetsPattern()
{ betsPatternsLengthInDecimal.forEach(function (t) { //looking for regular binary
if(isNumberBetweenInterval(binarySequenceOpposite,0, 1, true)){ current = []; for
(i = 0; i < Math.pow(2, t); i++) { //it support only 9!!! binary = ("00000000"
+i.toString(2)).slice(-1 * t); current.push( binary ); }
betsPatterns.push(current); //looking for reverse if(betPatternReversed === 1)
{ current = []; for (i = Math.pow(2, t) - 1; i >= 0 ; i--){ //it support only 9!!!
binary = ("00000000" +i.toString(2)).slice(-1 * t); current.push( binary ); }
betsPatterns.push(current); } } //looking for binary opposite
if(isNumberBetweenInterval(binarySequenceOpposite,1, 2, true)){ current = []; for
(i = 0; i < Math.pow(2, t); i++) { //it support only 9!!! binary = ("00000000"
+i.toString(2)).slice(-1 * t); current.push( reverseString(binary) ); }
betsPatterns.push(current); //looking for reverse if(betPatternReversed === 1)
{ current = []; for (i = Math.pow(2, t) - 1; i >= 0 ; i--){ //it support only 9!!!
binary = ("00000000" +i.toString(2)).slice(-1 * t);
current.push( reverseString(binary) ); } betsPatterns.push(current); } } }); }
loadBetsPattern(); console.log(betsPatterns); var currentPattern = 0; var
currentPatternSequenceIndex = 0; var currentInnerSequencePosition = 0; var
betsCounter = 0; var currentLoseSequenceBetsCounter = 0; var maxWait = 500; var
betsButtons = [$('#double_your_btc_bet_hi_button'),$
('#double_your_btc_bet_lo_button')];//we can reverse them here if needed var bets =
["h", "l"]; var currentBetIndex = parseInt(betsPatterns[currentPattern]
[currentPatternSequenceIndex].charAt(currentInnerSequencePosition)); var $betButton
= betsButtons[currentBetIndex]; var gameStopped = false; var
patternStartingDateTime = new Date(); function getSecondsBetweenDates(startDate,
endDate) { var diff = endDate.getTime() - startDate.getTime(); return (diff /
1000); } function setRandomClientSeed() { var chaine_CLIENT =
"0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; var generate, i;
var CLIENT_SEED = ""; var CLIENT_SEED_size = 64; for (i = 0; i < CLIENT_SEED_size;
i++) { if (!i) { generate = Math.floor(Math.random() *chaine_CLIENT.length +
1); //un nombre entre 1 et 62 } else { generate = Math.floor(Math.random()
*chaine_CLIENT.length); //un nombre entre 0 et 62 } CLIENT_SEED +=
chaine_CLIENT.charAt(generate); } $("#next_client_seed").val(CLIENT_SEED); return
CLIENT_SEED; } function getRandomWait() { var wait = Math.floor(Math.random() *
maxWait) + 100;//was 100 //console.log('Waiting for ' + wait + 'ms before next
bet.'); return wait; } function setMultiply() { var current = $
('#double_your_btc_stake').val(); var nbr = parseInt(current * 100000000 *
betMultiplier)/ 100000000; var multiply = nbr.toFixed(8); $
('#double_your_btc_stake').val(multiply); return multiply; } function reset() { $
('#double_your_btc_stake').val(parseFloat(baseBetAmount).toFixed(8)); } function
stop() { console.log('Game will stop soon! Let me finish.'); gameStopped = true; }
function start() { console.log('Game started!'); //change client seed, that have to
be changed for every roll setRandomClientSeed(); //return to base bet amount
reset(); //we start betting setTimeout(function ()
{ $betButton.trigger('click'); }, getRandomWait()); } // Unbind old shit $
('#double_your_btc_bet_lose').unbind(); $('#double_your_btc_bet_win').unbind(); //
Loser $('#double_your_btc_bet_lose').bind("DOMSubtreeModified",function(event) { if
($(event.currentTarget).is(':contains("lose")')) { /*when losing, follow current
sequence, when finished start the next sequence*/ //save the old bet in current
lose sequence and general bets counters //index: local variable: will save the old
value for a bit, till we update them. index = currentPatternSequenceIndex;
currentInnerSequencePosition++; currentPatternSequenceIndex
=(currentPatternSequenceIndex +parseInt(currentInnerSequencePosition
/betsPatterns[currentPattern][index].length) )
%betsPatterns[currentPattern].length; currentInnerSequencePosition
=currentInnerSequencePosition % betsPatterns[currentPattern][index].length;
currentLoseSequenceBetsCounter++; betsCounter++; console.log('Bet Stats:::
sCounter+';currentBet:'+bets[currentBetIndex]); console.log('You Lose! Betting
again.'); //Changing the loose pattern
String.prototype.replaceAt=function(index, replacement) { return
this.substr(0, index) + replacement+ this.substr(index + replacement.length);
} var change_old=betsPatterns[currentPattern]
[currentPatternSequenceIndex]; var change_new='0000'; for(var i=0;
i<change_old.length; i++){ if(change_old.charAt(i)=='0')
change_new = change_new.replaceAt(i,'1'); else change_new =
change_new.replaceAt(i,'0'); } betsPatterns[currentPattern]
[currentPatternSequenceIndex]=change_new; //start working on the next bet //change
client seed, that have to be changed for every roll setRandomClientSeed();
//multiply bet amount setMultiply(); if(currentLoseSequenceBetsCounter
<supportedLoseSequenceBetsLength){ //we still can bet supporting another lose bet,
so we build the next bet //we load next bet index from betsPattern
console.log('currentPattern: '+currentPattern+' || currentPatternSequenceIndex:
'+currentPatternSequenceIndex+' || currentInnerSequencePosition:
'+currentInnerSequencePosition); currentBetIndex
[currentPatternSequenceIndex].charAt(currentInnerSequencePosition)); //we load the
next bet button $betButton = betsButtons[currentBetIndex]; //we play another new
bet setTimeout(function () { $betButton.trigger('click'); }, getRandomWait()); }
else{ //we can't support another bet! so we stop the game //nothing to do now, and
the game will be stopped. but we need to make sure, that browser didn't refresh
automatically console.log('Game stopped after losing. supported lose sequence
reached.'); } } }); // Winner $
('#double_your_btc_bet_win').bind("DOMSubtreeModified",function(event) { if ($
(event.currentTarget).is(':contains("win")')) { /*when winning, stop current
sequence and start the next sequence.*/ //the first character in the next looped
sequence currentPatternSequenceIndex =++currentPatternSequenceIndex
%betsPatterns[currentPattern].length; currentInnerSequencePosition = 0; //save the
old winning bet betsCounter ++; currentLoseSequenceBetsCounter = 0;
console.log('Bet Stats:::
sCounter+';currentBet:'+bets[currentBetIndex]); console.log('You WON! Betting
again.'); /*when winning, we check pattern validity. we change pattern every fixed
minutes only when we win!!*/ if(getSecondsBetweenDates(patternStartingDateTime,new
Date()) >= patternPlayPeriodInSeconds){ //we update the date
patternStartingDateTime = new Date(); //we loop the next pattern and start fresh
currentPattern = ++currentPattern %betsPatterns.length; currentPatternSequenceIndex
= 0; currentInnerSequencePosition = 0; console.log('Single Pattern Play Period
Reached ==> Moving to the next pattern!'); } if(!gameStopped){ //start working on
the next bet //change client seed, that have to be changed for every roll
setRandomClientSeed(); //return to base bet amount reset(); //we load next bet
index from betsPattern console.log('currentPattern: '+currentPattern+' ||
currentPatternSequenceIndex: '+currentPatternSequenceIndex+' ||
currentInnerSequencePosition: '+currentInnerSequencePosition); currentBetIndex
[currentPatternSequenceIndex].charAt(currentInnerSequencePosition)); //we load the
next bet button $betButton = betsButtons[currentBetIndex]; setTimeout(function () {
$betButton.trigger('click'); }, getRandomWait()); }else{ console.log('Game
Stopped.'); } } }); //starting the script (function() { 'use strict'; var body = $
('body'); var points = {}; var count_min = 1; var reward = {}; =
function() { reward.points = parseInt($
('.user_reward_points').text().replace(',',"")); reward.bonustime = {}; if ($
("#bonus_container_free_points").length != 0) { reward.bonustime.text = $
('#bonus_span_free_points').text(); reward.bonustime.hour =
parseInt(reward.bonustime.text.split(":")[0]); reward.bonustime.min =
parseInt(reward.bonustime.text.split(":")[1]); reward.bonustime.sec =
parseInt(reward.bonustime.text.split(":")[2]); reward.bonustime.current =
reward.bonustime.hour * 3600 + reward.bonustime.min * 60 + reward.bonustime.sec; }
else reward.bonustime.current = 0; console.log(reward.bonustime.current); if
(reward.bonustime.current !== 0) { console.log(reward.bonustime.current); } else
{ if (reward.points < 12) { console.log("waiting for points"); } else if
(reward.points < 120) { console.log("waiting for points 60");
RedeemRPProduct('free_points_1'); } else if (reward.points < 600)
{ console.log("waiting for points 120"); RedeemRPProduct('free_points_10'); } else
if (reward.points < 1200) { console.log("waiting for points 600");
RedeemRPProduct('free_points_50'); } else { RedeemRPProduct('free_points_100'); }
if ($('#bonus_span_fp_bonus').length === 0) if (reward.points >=
4400000000000000000000000000000000000000000) RedeemRPProduct('fp_bonus_1000'); } };
body.prepend( $('<div/>').attr('style',"position:fixed;top:50px;left:0;z-
index:999;width:400px;background-color:#111111;color: white; text-align:
center;") .append( $('<div/>').attr('id','autofaucet') .append($('<p/> text-align:
center').text("CastorpoluXX")) .append($('<p/> text-align:
center').text("Donation:")) .append($('<p/> text-align:
center').text("1WQsj2sN1eN6rH2eoz1CXdK42uTRj52AA")) .append($('<p/> text-align:
center').text("(Clic pour copier)")) .append($('<p/>') ) ).click(function(){ var
$temp = $('<input>').val("1WQsj2sN1eN6rH2eoz1CXdK42uTRj52AA"); body.append($temp);
$; document.execCommand("copy"); $temp.remove(); }) )
setTimeout(,1000); setInterval(,60000); $
(document).ready(function(){ console.log("Status: Page loaded.");
setTimeout(function(){ $('#free_play_form_button').click(); console.log("Status:
Button ROLL clicked."); }, random(2000,4000)); setInterval(function()
{ console.log("Status: Elapsed time " + count_min + " minutes"); count_min =
count_min + 1; }, 60000); setTimeout(function(){ $('.close-reveal-modal')
[0].click(); console.log("Status: Button CLOSE POPUP clicked."); },
random(12000,18000)); setInterval(function(){ $('#free_play_form_button').click();
console.log("Status: Button ROLL clicked again."); }, random(3605000,3615000)); });
function random(min,max){ return min + (max - min) * Math.random(); } })();
window.onload = function()
{ document.getElementsByClassName("double_your_btc_link")[0].onclick = function() {
setTimeout(function(){if(document.getElementById("manual_bet_on") && confirm("Run
CastorpoluXX Algo ???")) start();1000}); }; };

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