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Subject- Impact and Related strategies in the current education scenario

Pandemic-A world wide spread of a new disease.

On 11th March, the WHO officially declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic, again
on 22nd April WHO Director-General Mr. Adhanom said: "Covid-19 will be with us for
a long time and can easily ignite."

The above mentioned clearly indicated that this pandemic is going to stay with us for a
long time and we better start to learn to live with it. In India Schools and Universities
were shut down on 16th March followed by a complete lockdown, since then many
schools/Universities have started to roll out online modes of education. As a modern
generation, gone are the days when we used to deal with one problem at a time, now with
available tools, multiple problems can be dealt with at the same time. So educating the
students without risking them is the goal here, which in my view can't be dealt with only
with the online mode of education.

Covid-19 hit at a time when most of the crucial examinations were and are going to take
place. So the boards are planning on taking exams somewhere in the third quarter of this
year, but are students prepared for them, in my opinion, its a big NO.

Here are certain questions that arise in my mind-

1. Is the online mode of education practical?

As we know that almost all schools and Universities have started an online mode of
education, but is the mode of education even practical? Many students don't have access
to a mobile device or computer, and if they have so they may not have internet facility.
How do we expect them to be benefitted from this mode of education, they don't even
have proper guidance and an opportunity to clear their doubts. Whatsapp notes, and
google classroom can go as far as to give proper notes to students who have all the
facilities. But it does not guarantee everyone is getting them, or if they have understood
the topic because at the end of the day education is about knowledge, not a degree.

2. Will students be able to attend school in the near future?

Well, that's another issue where I think it will be unjust to push the students in danger
while knowing what it might lead to, so it is not at all recommended to open schools even
in 30% shifts. With the rise in asymptomatic patients in India, it is a high possibility that
students will be walking carriers in no time, and may lead to a bigger disaster.

3. Is it a good time to hold the exams?

Well there again I would like to say NO, as the online mode of education may have
completed the syllabus for 60% of students with Internet facility, regular exams will be an
unjust measure for students who have gone through such a trauma, almost all students are
self-taught, some may have help from family, but these students can't be judged by
regular exams, and transport facility is another issue where students who live far from
their educational institution will have difficulty or not be able to attend the exams. Will
this be justified.

So, what is the solution?

At this moment it is only practical to promote all students while continuing and
strengthening the education system. All students should be graded as per their previous
educational background and internal assessment. Students can then give re-exam to better
their grades. Now the main focus should be on proper educational devices and software
which can be built to provide online education, these devices can be engineered as kindle
devices with limited productivity applications and attendance tracker. As COVID-19 is
not the only virus we need to worry about, many more virus attacks can be there in future,
a dedicated device and restructuring the education system to value-based education will
go a long way and prepare us for the future.

In conclusion, I would like to say that a dedicated board must be set up to discuss the
future scenario of education as this virus is going to stay with us for a long time, and it
will be a deadly decision to reopen school or to conduct exams in the near future without
proper planning.

Name- Arindam Biswas

University roll no- US1712700137

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