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Part 1:
A. Listen and take note, then circle the best answer that completes each sstatement.

B. Use your note and write T (true) or F (false).

Part 2: Listen and circle the note that best records the information you hear
1.a. b.

2.a. b.

Part 3:
A. Listen and circle the answer that best completes each statement
1. Silbo is a language that uses______ to communicate.
a. Spoken words
b. Hand signs
c. Whistling
2. It was brought to the Canary Islands by ______ several hundred years ago.
a. Africans
b. Spaniards
c. Birds
3. Silbo developed because the islands has many______that cause communication problmes
a. Native languages
b. Hills and valleys
c. Weather conditions
4. The professior says that conversations in Silbo______.
a. Have to be simple
b. Are usually short
c. Are just like ordinary conversations
5. People who use Silbo process the whistling and ordinary speech in ______ of the brain.
a. The same part
b. Two different parts
c. A similar part

B. Circle the characteristics you hear. Write the numbers on the answer sheet.

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