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Create your Year

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Blessings, beloved Reiki friends,
We wish to celebrate you and the wonderful year we have had in
unison. Everything has been an incredible journey for humanity both
as individual souls and as a collective heart.

It is time now to welcome a brand new decade with which we

collectively have the chance to build a new world for generations to
come. Reiki is once more assisting us throughout the year to serve
the divinely blessed vision and timeline. Thanks to the work we are
daily doing so fiercely, the children of tomorrow will have a greater
opportunity to live in a land of peace and abundance for each other
so let's be deeply grateful for our presence and for every step made
into the healing light & love. With grace, determination and devotion,
our collective story is changing profoundly and more light is
awakening within every heart.

To support your energy work and make way for the new energies of
2020, we have created the Reiki Creative Workbook as a healing
creative tool. You will find it easy to follow and relaxing to engage into
its activities, everything while the inner work takes place with
gentleness and joy since every page is Reiki-infused and empowers
your heart desires and authentic inner truth.

Our New Year wish for you is to embrace the radiance and color
spectrum of your unique diamond heart. Remain focused on your
inner light and notice how the gift of the New World is ushered forth.
Breathe the New World and Breathe the New You!

From our heart of your hearts,

enjoy a 2020 with divine peace,
pure happiness, abundant blessings,
and infinite Love,

Reiki Rays Team.

This Reiki workbook belongs to
My healing journey 2019
Write your answers
inside the circles.

New healing tools

I learned and used

New inner aspects

I healed & embraced

New divine essences

I discovered within
This is why
I'm grateful
for 2019

l evo
my s

Complete all empty

spaces of the
gratitude flower.
LEt it go ...
Write a thing
you let go off
on each leaf.
Reiki will do
the rest.

word of the year
Intentions set you free to become your best

self! Create a word or a short phrase that

sums up your healing intentions for 2020.

your superpowers
for 2020
Circle below what divine essences you

wish to develop within you in 2020.

inner peace
trust unconditional
safety divine
empathy guidance
intuition radiant
healing joy abundance
hands psychic creativity
beauty abilities
wisdom freedom
divine will regeneration
forgiveness unlimited
Now for every word you circled

pure light
create self-healing affirmations & 

say them out loud. How does it feel?

E.g. I Am Inner Peace.

Ways I can make a
difference in 2020

racti ki
p Rei

Write on each feather a way to act as

the Earth Angel you are and make a

difference out into the world.

healing goals

Health & Self-care

Practicing daily Reiki for minimum 21 days in a row

Reiki infused Yoga & Meditation

Setting healthy boundaries as an act of self-love & self-care

Kenyoku Healing technique

Reiki Heart Chakra Meditation

Reiki Grid for Relationship Healing

Invite Archangels of Love into your life

Shield your family and loved ones by creating protective bubbles

around them

Daily life
Send yourself some Reiki boost early in the morning

Cleanse any spaces and transmute all negative energy into light
Charge your tea/water/juices/food/medicines with Reiki

Send Reiki to your pillow for a restful night's sleep

Reiki Creative Visualisations for whatever you wish to manifest

Reiki Crystal Manifestation Grid

Manifestation Reiki Box with gratitude notes

Reiki Manifestation Ritual with carved candles

inner growth
Intuition Building Exercises
Living the Reiki principles

Reiki healing affirmations for positive mindset

Reiki Automatic Writing technique for divine

MAke it happen!
Think of something you really desire to accomplish in 2020 and deep

down you feel it will support you greatly in your future inner growth.

What is it? Write it in the box below.

Make a plan of how you're going to

accomplish it. Write down the steps

you will take on your Reiki staircase

starting from the bottom.

Healing message to
your future self
Honor and welcome this new decade with a letter

to your future self. Let your imagination run wild,

set powerful intentions and choose who you want

to be and how you want to feel in 2020.

Inspirational quotes and

wise healing words to live

by in 2020!

"To heal from the inside

out is the key”
Your Reiki Time Capsule

Find a jar or a box. Write on it the title above, the date you want

to open it and draw a CKR. Next, fill in the jar using the ideas

mentioned below or get creative and add your own ideas. Once

all treasures are inside, seal everything and hide it! When you

open the capsule next year, you'll be amazed to see how

greatly your healing journey and Reiki practice have flourished!

Reiki Capsule Treasure Ideas:

Letter to future self

Favorite Reiki method
Manifestation wishes
Mother Earth message

Insights about yourself

2020 Healthy goals

Healing affirmations
Reiki Certificate
Healing handprints
2020 healing
Create more positive affirmations about

yourself. Complete the sentences below

& make sure to say them often in 2020.








I WElcome
Mother Earth's
message for

Your message
For mother

Use the notes above to listen to what

Mother Earth has to say to you and

what your soul has to say to Mother

Earth. Please take this opportunity to

reflect on the blessings you receive

from Mother Earth and the blessings

and assistance Mother Earth can

receive from you as an Earth Angel.

We are very much part of the Earth,

on a physical and on a subtle level,

so the health of ourselves and the

Earth are very connected. We can

make a difference!
My spiritual bucket list
15 Things you really could do for yourself in 2020!

You deserve each and every one of them!

Make things HAPPEN

with Reiki!
The power of NOW
Time to relax and color your 2020 mandala! All

you have to do is set your intention and infuse it

with color. It’s that simple and that powerful!

Extra tip: Listen to Reiki meditation music while you're coloring it.

Once you finish the mandala above, feel free to create your own as

a representation of your inner self - you don't have to be an artist

to create one; it's less about artistic ability and more about slowing

down, centering oneself, and allowing the intuitive flow to happen.

Get creative here
Whether you wish to try our previous idea and create your own

mandala as a representation of your inner self, or you simply seek to

explore other Reiki creative ideas discovered in the workbook and

take some notes about your inner work, the next few pages are yours!

Make your mark on this healing workbook!

open your heart ...
... keep spreading
your light ...
... and always remember:

true love comes from

Thank you for joining us into this inner quest for healing
and divinely aligned beginnings. Hope the Reiki creative
workbook has contributed to your wellbeing and joyous
mood for creating a better You this year!

Step forward with an open soul and mind, inviting Reiki

once more as a trusted ally along your healing journey.
Be open to experience, to learn, to growth, to change,
and to also bring your lightworker's service to those who
need and "happen" to cross your path.

Are you ready to embody the New You?


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