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6/7/2020 Conical Frustum Calculator

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Conical Frustum Calculator

Conical Frustum Calculator Conical Frustum Shape
(of right circular cone)
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Calculate s, V, L, A | Given r1, r2, h

radius r1 = 3

radius r2 = 4

height h = 5

Let pi π = 3.1415926535898

Units m r1 = radius1
Significant Figures auto r2 = radius2
h = height
s = slant height
Clear Calculate V = volume
L = lateral surface area
Answer: T = top surface area
B = base surface area
radius r1 r1 = 3 m A = total surface area
radius r2 r2 = 4 m π = pi = 3.1415926535898
√ = square root
height h=5m
slant height s = 5.0990195135928 m Calculator Use
volume V = 193.73154697137 m3 This online calculator will calculate the various
lateral surface area L = 112.1332957109 m 2 properties of a conical frustum given the 2 radii
and any 1 other known variable. This geometric
top surface area T = 28.274333882308 m2 solid conical frustum is a type of right circular
base surface area B = 50.265482457437 m2 cone, where a right cone is a cone with its vertex
point above the center of its base. The frustum is
total surface area A = 190.67311205064 m2 a cone with the top cut off by making a slice
parallel to the base. Answers will include a link to
the calculation of the full cone.
Full Cone Calculation Note that frustum is often misspelled "frustrum."
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Units: Note that units are shown for convenience
Share this Answer Link: help but do not affect the calculations. The units are in
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Do a calculation then copy the link from here. results such as ft, ft2 or ft3. For example, if you are
starting with mm and you know r and h in mm,
your calculations will result with s in mm, V in

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6/7/2020 Conical Frustum Calculator
© CalculatorSoup mm3, L in mm2, T in mm2, B in mm2 and A in
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Below are the standard formulas for a conical
frustum. Calculations are based on algebraic
manipulation of these standard formulas.

Conical Frustum Formulas in terms of r

and h:
Slant height of a conical frustum:
s = √((r1 - r2)2 + h2)
Volume of a conical frustum:
V = (1/3) * π * h * (r12 + r22 + (r1 * r2))
Lateral surface area of a conical frustum:
S = π * (r1 + r2) * s = π * (r1 + r2) * √((r1 - r2)2 + h2)
Top surface area of a conical frustum (a circle):
T = πr12
Base surface area of a conical frustum (a circle):
B = πr22
Total surface area of a conical frustum:
A = π * (r12 + r22 + (r1 + r2) * s) = π * [ r12 + r22 + (r1 + r2) * √((r1 - r2)2 + h2) ]

Conical Frustum Calculations:

Use the following additional formulas along with the formulas above.

Given radius1, radius2 and height calculate the slant height, volume, lateral surface area
and total surface area.
Given r1, r2, h find s, V, S, A
use the formulas above
Given radius1, radius2 and slant height calculate the height, volume, lateral surface area
and total surface area.
Given r1, r2, s find h, V, S, A
h = √(s2 - (r1 - r2)2)
Given radius1, radius2 and volume calculate the height, slant height, lateral surface area
and total surface area.
Given r1, r2, V find h, s, S, A
h = (3 * V) / (π * (r12 + r22 + (r1 * r2)))
Given radius1, radius2 and lateral surface area calculate the height, slant height, volume
and total surface area.
Given r1, r2, S find h, s, V, A
s = S / (π * (r1 + r2))
h = √(s2 - (r1 - r2)2)
Given radius1, radius2 and total surface area calculate the height, slant height, volume and
lateral surface area.
Given r1, r2, A find h, s, V, S
s = [A/π - r12 - r22] / (r1 + r2)
h = √(s2 - (r1 - r2)2)

Calculate Cone Shape from the Conical Frustum

If the calculation can be done the answer will include a link to the Cone Calculator presenting the
full cone of the expanded frustum. 2/3
6/7/2020 Conical Frustum Calculator

You can calculate the full volume of the cone, and other properties, using the ASS and ASA
triangle theorems.

Weisstein, Eric W. "Conical Frustum." From MathWorld--A Wolfram Web Resource. Conical

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Furey, Edward "Conical Frustum Calculator"; CalculatorSoup, -

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