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Alexis Meints: Cover Letter

Dear Hiring Manager,

My name is Alexis Meints and I appreciate the opportunity you have given me to

apply for this job. I truly believe that I would help contribute to the interests of this

company. I am a critical thinker. I enjoy thinking outside the box and using my creative

talents. Problem solving is another one of my strengths. I will go to whatever lengths

necessary to fix whatever issue is at hand. When it comes to problems I take it as a

personal goal of mine to solve it. Along with problem solving, my organization skills will

also be efficient. Whether it is the organizing of files or organizing a spreadsheet I

thoroughly enjoy it and try my hardest.

Some of my other experiences come at the hands of management. I have

volunteered at multiple establishments where I was involved with communicating with

other people. Both positions included problem solving and organization skills. This

means that I am capable of communications as well. No matter the age group.

I look forward to further communications. I believe that I am the right one for the

job and that my skills and experience are perfect for the position. Thank you for your

time and consideration.

Thank you,


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