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the curve of forgetting

20/5 22/5 24/5 26/5

Test 1 2 3 4
HK1 12
CPE 24 25 26
CPE 31 32 33
CPE 34 35 36

Ghi note lại những từ vựng chưa nhớ

unadulterated pure, complete and total
a wodge of sth a large amount of sth (a large crowd)
cut above sb/sth to act as if you are of a higher position
disarming to make you feel less angry
to have good judgement about sth (used to
describe sb who think a lot)
disconcerting make sb feel embarassed
discriminating insightful
usher in to move in, to be at the begin of sth
rose-colored glasses to have a unreal vision of life
look the horse in the mouth to show lack of appreciation for a gift
wreak a change to provoke/ call for a change
illustrious to be admired and respect
scores of sth a large number of sth
caress to embrace or to hold dearly
disdain (n) the act of not respect sb
not show respect and thinks that they
dont deserve respect
the next of kin the person closest in family relation
tip sb off to give sb some info
ruminate to contemplate
take up residence to start living in a place
be reflective of a sense of going with your feeling
under the tutelage to be taught sth by sb
to mix things up and not say what you're
mince words
supposed to
prevelant to be common, popular
incurred by liable/subject to (Because of sth)
Embroil in involve in an argument
atrocity the cruelty of sth
atrociousness the level of cruel
privy to sharing the knowledge or facts that are secret
Stands to reason When sth is obvious and factual
undergo a reversal undergo a change
bear no indication gIve no signs to indicate sth
interpersonal relationship between people in society
ineligibility cant not be read/ cant not be acted upon
at the behest Being asked or ordered by someone
confer to give
in the limelight to be in the spotlight
dismal causing or showing the feeling of being sad
eradicate to delete, annihilate,..
marginalisation the act of being looked down on
affluence wealth
a psychological condition caused by being
affluenza surrounded by wealthy people
a multitude of sth a large number of sth
to reverse the situation to have a dramatic change
sb's lot in life sb's situation in life (not good)
tip out to bring sth out
clamber to climb or crawl in akwardness
placid calm and peaceful
as deaf as post completely deaf
credible reliable
credulous easy to believe sth
make amends to solve the problem of the relationship
by nature the true sefl of sb
in disorder litter everywhere
with the naked eye see sth for what it is
deterrent forbidded from sth
a sigh of relief relieve
a groan of disappointment to complain about sth
the good old times good old days
arouse arouse interested
club together to share the sum of money between friends
perilously dangerous and likely to result in sth bad soon
to copy sth that sb else does because it
take a leaf out of sb's book benefits you
rigorous careful, thorough and exact
enter sb's head to think about or consider sth
all the rage to be very popular at the times
loaf about sth to spend time somewhere and not do very much
symptomatic of show that a serious problem exists
diversify to change sth or make sth change
a situation where people compete with each
the rough-and-tumble other in a cruel way
to come together in large groups
congregate => congregate in numbers
cater for to provide sth/sb what they want
alight upon/on sth to suddenly think of or notice sth/sb
impose sth on sb to affect sb with sth
disinllusioned by/with sth disappointed because you have lost your belief
very impressive and great in ability, number or
prodigious strength
at the intervals happens often
in despair desperate
predicament dilema
protrude to stick out from somewhere
to play the part to act a part of a character
go so far as to to do or say sth extreme
fraudulent (n) a case of fraud
be convicted of to decide that sb is guilty of a crime
sound (use as a
collocation) sensible, reasonable and practical
pick up sth to pay for what has been bought
interfere in to involve urself in a situation
give over to doing sth (usually sth annoying)
to think that a problem is caused
put sth down to by a particular thing
tied up being busy or prevent from doing sth
persevere to do sth in a determined way
abolition when a law or a system is officially ended
ingrain in a firm belief that are unlikely to let go
take sth in sb's to deal with a problem or difficulty
stride calmly
stress on sth a common expression
poise (n) calm confiedence in a person's behavior
ease sb's mind to stop someone from worrying
of late recently
incessant never stopping
to start doing sth gardually or help
ease oneself into sth them to start
sth unpleasant about to happen
looming soon and causing worry
imminent likely to happen soon
badger to tell and pursue sb by telling them
=> badger into ving to do it repetedly
the bouts of sth such as sth
engross in sth to pay so much attention and emergered
lollop to move in an awkward rolling way
ghoulish ugly and unpleasant or frightening
beyond sb's grasp impossible for somebody to understand
wisp of cloud/smoke/steam a small, thin line
brood sb's young children
to express to sb your strong approval
reprimand of them
get/secure/win approval
earn's sb disapproval
having no effect or achieve nothing(fruitless)
futile Ex: it is futile trying to reason with him
exasperate make sb feel annoyed
to make sb have a particular
engender to make sth hapen
characterised by typical of sth
common and popular, seems to be
ubiquitous everywhere
implementation excution
be the case sth that is true or correct
in the sense that in the way that
on the surface. part of an land owned
on the premises by sb
take offence of
culprit a criminal
illicit illegal or disapproved by society
a usual or accepted way of doing
common practice things
run into trouble/sth begin to experience trouble
slip away pass very quickly
in the event of sth if sth should happen
to capture sb's attention to attract attention from sb
exhausted completely used up
an amount of a particular quality or feature of sth
vein of sth (A rich vein of info)
spreading in a uncontrolled way
sprawling (sprawling city/surburbs)
assemblage s collection of things, a group of people
relic sth : an object, a system,... that
relic (of/from) has survived the past
bear/give witness
to sth To provide evidence for sth
culmination the highest or climatic point of sth
culminate(in/with) to reach a climax or point of highest development
Exuberant excitement, full of energy
things that are enjoyed by only the
esoteric high class people
probe into sth A complete and thorough investigation into sth
delve into sth to try hard to find out more about sth
derivation /de:rivefn/ A Vietnamese derivation
derivative /dɪˈrɪvətɪv/ a derivative of a Vietnamese word
Stand a chance
of doing sth To be able to do sth
draw reaction from
prospect of sth the possibility that sth will happen
hem in to enlcose sth/sb and prevent them from moving
exasperation in exasperation : in frustration
drop back with sth to lie back feeling sth
gratifying give pleasure and make you feel satisfied
in vain for without success, to show lack of respect

ubiquitous common or very popular

sth that can be bought or used
on offer - the show was on offer
disinclined (adj)
disinclines to do sth reluctant to do sth
on the up increasing or improving
to take the helm to take charge of an organization,project,etc
because people tell each other and not because they
word of mouth read about it
rejigged sth to make changes to sth
revere sb as sth to admire and respect sb/sth very much
ascribe sth to sb to consider that sth is caused by sth/sb
failing failing eyesight
in tandem
in tandem with sb/sth sth work together or happen at the same time
prolong to make sth last longer
resultative expressing or relating to the result of an action
caused by sth that has just been mentioned
resultant the growing economic crisis and resultant unemployment
subsistence the state of having just enough money to live on
fInd fault with sth
irrigation Thủy lợi
fortification a act of building a fort
supercilious To be a cut above sb
Equilibrium a state of balance, especially between different forces
attend to to deal with sth/sb, to take care of sb/sth

to give up the position of being king or queen

abdicate abdicate your responsibility
Abscond to escape from a place where you are being kept
native native country, native town
fasten on/up sth to give particular attention to sth
descent The process of going down
ascent to develope, or better improve
an achievement that is extremely impressive because
coup it was difficult
loam good quality soil
disperse go away in different directions
shoot past
crown with to stop sth with sth
draw away to move away from a person or a place
make way with to escape with sth
farmstead the house belonging to a farm and the buildings around it
filter down a small amount of info
upheaval a big change that cause a lot of problem
heart-rending causing very sad feelings
daunting imtimidating
a myriad of sth extremely large in number
(only use for money or share)
flaunt sth to give to sb/sth as a share of what is available
to build the foundation for sth or
to pave the way to be the first to do sth
house (v) to provide home or to keep sth
to become much less strong or united and be gradually
disintegrate destroyed
to specify sth
stipulate sth/ that...
a long piece of writing on a particular subject
dissertaiton on sth
ratify to make an agreement offically or legally valid by voting
ratify sth for or signing it
phase out to stop using sth gradually in stages over a period of time
oriented to sth to make changes to sth to adapt a particular situation
to look hard at sb in an offensive way, usaully showing
ogle sb sexual interest
leer at sb to look or smile at sb in an unpleasant way
an act of staring at sb/sth with your mouth opened
gape because you are shocked or surprised
exact and showing good style = concise
in lapidary style
following the custom of countries in western and
continental southern Europe
to be showy, braggy / done in a very obvious way so
ostentatious that people will notice them
flaunt sth to show sth that you are proud of to other people q
encampment a group of tents
A happy and peaceful place, event or experience
idyll ( country side connected
a very large rock which has been shaped by water or
boulder the weather
superimpose sth to add some of the qualities of one system or pattern
onto/on sth to another one in order to produce sth of both
luminescence a quality in sth that produces light
glacial /glāSHəl/ very cold, like ice
in recession the economy in recession is ascending
boom and bust A situation in which a business regularly increases
disingenuous Slightly dishonest or not speaking the complele truth
to have an effect on sth, often causing problems by
Impinge on/upon limiting it in some way
adamantly To have super strong opinion and idea about sth
revitalize to make sth important, influential or popular once again
world-wide acclaim
dissimilar Distinctive, unlike, various, different

trade in
make or break to be sth that determine whether sb a success or a failure
drive sb to sth to be responsible for making sb try hard to do sth
gold rush
strike it rich to become rich suddenly and unexpectedly
pan criticize sb/sth severely
pan ( for gold ) to rinse the gravel under water to seperate out the gold
sedentary to be passive and not moving
fallacy a false idea that many people believe is true
fallacious not correct
a statement in which you say or admit sth that you believe
avowal support or intend to do
up to scratch up to the required standard, satisfactory
emancipate to free sb, especially from legal or social control
unscathed not hurt, unharmed ( not criticized )
criticizing sb or sth very severly in a way that shows no
scathing respect
caustic criticize in abitter or sarcastic way
plight a difficult and sad situation
callous Not caring about other people's feelings ( cruel, unfeeling )
moral and social behavior that is considered to be correct
propriety and acceptable
decorum polite behavior that is appropriate in a social situation
contrive to do sth to mangage to do sth despite difficulties
contrive sth
approbation approval or agreement
in agony in extreme physical or mental pain
agonise (over/about to spend a long time thinking and worrying about a difficult
sth) situation
priggish being very picky about what other people do
contemptible despicable, not deserving any respect at all
encompass sth to include sth in a large number or ranges
to be able to be happy and cheerful again quickly after sth
resilient -> resilience bad happened
epithet a word to describe the most important characteristic of sth
travail a unpleasant experience without a lot of pain and hard work
impromptu without preparation or planning
reinstate to put sb back in their position or to relocate sb in the home
crusade for/ against sth
Crusade to do sth a long and determined effort to do sth
intrude on to break into somewhere
benign pleasant and kind
quixotic sth that is imaginative but not practical
unstintingly Sth doesnt stop and is always generous
unflagging Tireless, remaining strong
cricket field
umpire The judge of the tennis match
Heart of sth the core, the most important part of sth
Have a strong effect on your mind or your body
potent Very powerful
dissipate to gradually become or make sth weaker until its disappear
to associate or to be connected to the eastern world (especially
oriental chinesse or japan)
imparted to to pass information or to give sb sth
indigenuous native
sustenance The food and drinks that help people sustain
entice sb sth
entice sb into doing sth to persuade sb to do sth
tenement a group of tents
An abortive attempt not successful or failed attempt
weave the myth about sth
to create a myth
warrant sth To justify sth
ravage sth to damage sth badly
interconnected to connect with a lot of things
cyclic repeated many times and always remaining in the same order
irrespective of sth regardless of sth
adage A wise saying = a proverb
intrepid Fearless or adventurous
To cast your mind back to recall sth
to give a thought
happy-go-lucky (adj) Cheerful and uncorcerned about the future
stress and strains An expression about the stresses and worries
a riot of sth (usually pleasant)
a riot of color to have a large amount of various type of sth
Unrivalled Matchless, unequaled, incomparable
the highest of a job or a profession
Top-flight (adj) top-flight scientist is doctor Fauci
cut-throat competiting in a strong and unfair way
An uncomfortable feeling when you think you are
qualms doing sth wrong
mover and shaker sb who Is willing to make big changes to get things done
envisage To imagine or expect sth in the flute, especially sth good
antagonistic acitve opposing or showing unfriendliness toward sb
To dissect sth To talk about it in details or to probe into it
In the more recent past
it can be said that
ail (v) to fell ill or caused sb to be ill
ailment (n) Being sick, sickness
Not seeming to be based on a reaosn or plan, and sometimes
arbitrary unfair
opt-out To choose not to be in a group activity or stop being involved in it
official permission to not do sth that others
exemption (from sth) are required to
holidaymaker a person who is visting a place on holiday
unmistakable that cannot be mistaken for sb/sth else
to take sth for granted to expect sth form sb
all too - only too to emphasize on sth
firm friends close friends
catch out to surprise somebody and put them in a difficult position
catch sb out to show that somebody does not know much or is doing sth wrong

to move slowly, quietly, and carefully, usually in order to avoid

creep down avoid being noticed
to provide evidence or information that supports a statement
corroborate theory
well and truly completely
birdsong the musical sounds made by birds
to stand the test of time to prove to be good, popular ,etc over a period of time
tertiary third in order, rank or importance
edifice a large impressive building
churn out to produce sth quickly and in large amounts
Used to say that as time goes by, situations change and things
Time marches on do not remain the same
manfest sth to show sth, clearly a feeling, an attitude or a quality
manifest itself in sth to appear or become easy to notice
manifestaiotn Appear, result in sth
passport to sth A ting that makes sth possible or enables you to achieve sth
turn/roll in one's grave Likely to be shocked or angry
a person who is always travelling and changing jobs ( no moss
a rolling stone (gather no moss)means no responsibilities )
superfluous unnecessary or more than you need or want
a dime a dozen very common and of no particular value
to get maximum benefit
a penny for your thoughts
/ for them to ask sb what they are thinking about
hallmark a feature or quality that is typical of sb /sth
menial disapporving, not considered important
secular Not connected or relevant to religious matters
scream and squirm
Have the sway
garish (Disapproving) very brightly colored in an unpleasant way
aspire to sth
aspire to be/to do sth
to have a strong desire to achieve or to become sth
critical in a severe or clever way
astringent astringent wirters/ comments
hearty friendly feelings
subside to become calmer, quieter or less intense
plutocrat a person who is powerful because of their wealth
shunt sb/sth off to push sb/sth away from you
in the larger scheme of things
gun-slinging Being paid to kill people (western culture)
to rub shoulders with sb to meet and spend times with sb
with contempt
in contempt
contempt for sb sth
thought that sb is without value and deserves no respect at all
beneath contempt so bad it is not even worth feeling contempt for

the way the land in an area is formed and what physical characteristic
it has
the lie/lay of the land the way a situation is now and how it is develop
sensibel shoes/clothing
a rosy situation / picture hopeful, likely to be good or successful
derelict is not used or cared for and is in bad condition
the decadent rich having or showing low standards (moral) and an interest only in
a decadent lifestyle/society pleasure and fun rather than serious things
thatch to cover the roof of a building with thatch
(buildings, business,..) in very bad condition, that has not been taken
run-down care of
flank the side of sometimes such as a building or mountain
serve sb/ an area to provide sb/area with sth
part and parcel an essential part of sth
archipelago a group of islands and the sea surrounding them
(of a land or soil) not good enough for plants to grow in
barren (before noun) not producing anything useful or succesful

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