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Face Dominator as the name suggest, its an application which will dominate the FB marketing operations, that we use to

do manually. Account creation, updating profiles, wall posting, managing friends, pages etc can be done in fraction of

Face Dominator will act as a BOT, once the profile details such as basic information, education, work, friends etc for each
user has been uploaded in the respective format, it will start the process.

Note :

Face Dominator does not encourage the spamming it’s a tool design for marketing your products more efficiently. Please
use it well and provide value to our fellow Dominators.
The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date of publication and is for informational
purposes only.

Third party services like Face Book, their web page structures and API affects the performance of Face Dominator.
Changes of their services might cause FD to not working on some of its features. We have no control over the changes
they will make in their services. Because of this we cannot make any guarantees that all of the features available now will
continue to function as it is but your license have access to our lifetime updates and you can get any changes we make to
the program for free.

System Requirement :

1) Windows Operating System(xp,win7)

2) DotNetFx4.0

Installation & Updates :

The zip file contains 2 files namely Setup.exe and Setup.msi

To install your application, just double click and install Setup.exe and follow the installation instructions.
You will be automatically notified when a new update is available.

License Manager Module

After Installation when you run first time the face dominator you will get a activation screen, You have to fill the
details there as describe below :

For Trial:–

UserName : fdfreetrial
PassWord : fdfreetrial
Transactionid: fdfreetrial
E-mail ID : ur email

For Buyers:–

UserName : As per your choice

PassWord : As per your choice
Transactionid: Txn id
E-mail ID : ur email
Modules in Face Dominator

Account Creator Module

Account Creator Module Video Link:

In order to create the Accounts, we need to upload the First Name, Last Name, and the Email ids with passwords.
Upon uploading them, it will go to web browser and will start creating the accounts; In fact we can see the progress
in Logs section. We need to supply the captcha, if its ask
Account Creator Module with Proxy
Account Creator Module with Proxy Video Link:

The only difference here is that along with FirstName, LastName and along with Email we need to upload proxies
also in the format shown below

You can Assign proxy to your email through face dominator

1) Upload your emails in menu >> my accounts >> Load accounts.

2) Enter No. of accounts per proxy i.e. If you want to assign per proxy to 3 accounts then enter : 3.
3) Export your accounts in text file with assign proxy by clicking on >> Export accounts.
Profile Manager Module
Profile Manager video link -

In order to build Profile Manager, click on second tab (Profile Manager), this will allow us to select pics folder, from
where the images need to be displayed in profile.

Next to that, we need to select profile folder which contains profile related data in text file format. These details will
be used for each facebook account.
link :

Figure 1: Selection of Pics folder in Profile Manager

Figure 2: Screenshot of Pics Folder for Profile Image

Figure 3: Relevant details need to be saved in corresponding text files

Upon uploading all the details, last but not least we need to to upload the Username and password as well. This is
uploaded from the Top Menu as shown in figure. Then click on  “Start  Profile Creation”.  The progress will be be
shown in the “General Logs” Section

Figure 4: New feature integrated in profile manager

Manage Friends :
Manage Friends Helps you to send friend request to the diff accounts either by providing accounts url or by targeting
through city. You can select no of accounts you want to use & no of request you want to send through each acc.

1) Upload your account through Menu >> my accounts.

2) Enter number of accounts you want to use.
3) Enter no of request u want send through each account.
4) Enter delay between two request.
5) Select either by location (city) or url .
Manage Pages :
In mange page you can create Fan page in your uploaded accounts. You have to upload csv file which contain name
category of page. You can also extract all the Fan page urls which are created in your accounts by Export url.

How to use features in manage groups :

FanPage Poster :
With Fan Page Poster you can like face book fan page as well post on the page. You can post simple message as well the URL
message as well.

For posting URL message: Message will be posted in this format :

Wall Poster Module
In the Wall Poster Tab, we need to provide Friend count and also need to select the file with Wall messages. Friend
Count will define the no of friends to whom these messages will be posted. Then we need to upload the account details
from the Top Menu as shown below. Then click on ”Post on Wall”.

Format for Message types :

i) Text Message: Every msg should be in one line next line is for next message. All file must be uploaded in text

Please note that message should not wrap to next line.

ii) URLs : Here you have to upload the urls of the link u want to comment . Every url must be in new line.

iii) Spinned msg file : Here you have to upload Spinned msg file to post on friends wall, Spinned msg format is
Message Sender :
Message Sender modules helps you in sending message to your friends. You can select the number of friends to send

For Sending message :

i) Upload Accounts through Menu >> my accounts >> Load Accounts.

ii) Now upload message file through which you want to send message.
iii) Message Count Friends: here enter the no of friends you want to send request.
iv) Now enter no of thread you want to run. (Best way to run thread is 25% - 50% of your uploaded accounts).
v) Now click send message to start the process.
Manage Group Module
In this module, application will join various public groups and will post the messages on the walls. It will skip all the
groups which requires authentication to join. Upon uploading the account details in Top Menu, click “Post on Wall”

Figure : Screenshot for Manage Groups

Figure :Screenshot to select GroupMessage.txt

Figure: Group Keyword and Group Message Format

Account Verification:
In Account Verification there are many features , resend Confirmation email , remove duplicates ids from your email text
file, you can check your status of email, and can email verify accounts which are not email verified through Account

 Account Verification : In this feature you can email verified your Face book accounts which has pending email

Account verification only support three emails they are :


 Check Accounts: This features help you to check the status of your face book accounts , it will create text file in
desktop folder name “FaceDominatorFbAccount” which will contain details of your all accounts in text file.

Text File Created by Account Checker in Desktop >> “FaceDominatorFbAccount” :

 AccountNotCoinfirmed.Txt
 Correct Account
 Disabled Account
 Incorrect Emails
 Security Check
 Undefined Error

 Remove Duplicates: From this feature you can remove duplicates email from your text file.

 Resend Confirmation Email: These Features can help you in resend email confirmation of your face book account to
your email id.
New Feature integrated in Account Verification module:

 Phone Verification : To use this feature you need to upload face book accounts asking for phone verification
Now load this accounts in Email file, then upload Text file which contain number and code in Verification code
Format to upload number in text file is :

 Country code :Number:code , for example PH:54248524524:jsdahw

PH – Country code for Philippines (to find out other country codes contact us on support)
54248524524 : Phone Number
jsdahw: Code send by face book

 Remove mobile No From Setting : This feature helps you to remove number from setting

 Upload accounts from which you want to remove number : menu my accounts > load accounts
 Now click on Remove Mobile No from Setting , after process is completed it will generate text file in
desktop in Facedominatorfbaccounts , it will contain accounts and number which are removed from

 Check Facebook Accounts: Upload email in text file & click on check facebook accounts.

Photo Tagging :
With this module you can tag your friends to your photo by uploading Photo url.
 URL in address bar :
 URL used in Photo Tagging :

To Start Photo Tagging :

 Upload accounts from menu >> My accounts >> Load accounts

 Then upload Photo url in text file as describe above .

 Then Enter number of friends you want to tag .

 Now click Photo Tagging to start the process.

FB ID Extractor:
These modules help you to extract the information of the face book accounts by uploading ids of those accounts.

Ids format to upload through text file.

In Fb Id extractor you don’t have to Upload your accounts from menu >> my accounts .

Extracted data will be stored in desktop >> folder name “FaceDominatorFbAccount” >> FbIdextractdata.csv.

Fan Page Liker:
There are many features in fan page liker you can send like to fan page. You can also post on the fan page through this
module. There is a feature in fan page liker which helps you to like specific post in fan page. You can also post url link in
fan page poster.

To Like page :

 To like Fan Page Upload your accounts from menu >> my accounts.
 Then open fan page liker from Feature >> Fan Page liker.
 Upload your url in the format shown in image.
 You can set number of threads to run your accounts.
 After setting Delay between two likes click on Like Page to start liking your page.

To Like Specific post on Fan Pages :

You can also like specific post on fan pages. Select Like specific Post then you will get a screen where you has to
select the post number you want to like & then click on like comments. As shown in below image.

You can also post URL on Fanpage by uploading the url you want to post on fan page plz check below image for
more details

Extract Friend Profile link :

These modules help you to extract url link of the facebook profile url you have uploaded. It will create a csv file in
desktop >> FaceDominatorFbAccount” >> extracted urls.
Friend Suggestion:
With help of this module u can suggest friend to your friends .There is two feature in this Module

i) To suggest friends to all friends with all friends.

ii) To send target suggestion to specific url

Proxy Checker:
You can test your proxy if they are working with Facebook or not. You can also test public and private proxy here .

Format for Public & Private Proxy.

 For Public proxy : proxyaddress:proxyport

 For Private proxy: proxyaddress:proxyport:proxyusername:proxypassword
Group Manager:
Group Manager helps you to scrap group by keywords then you can send request to join this group through group joining
feature if you have already join the group then you can send post on that group.

In this image you can see the format of the data you have to up[load to scrap the data.

After filling all details click on the “scrap group urls” to scrap the group urls after groups is scraped click on “show all
groups” then bu checking specific goups you can send request to join group by clicking on “Join Group”.
After sending request to the groups or already joined group you can see their status by clicking on “show data”

After checking joined group send message by clicking on “Send message” as shown in image.

New Feature Integrated:

Keyword Dictionary & Group Request Manager:

Privacy Setting:
This feature helps you to set Privacy of your post .

 Upload your accounts from menu > My accounts > load accounts.
 Now select setting and press submit.

Website Liker:
This feature helps you to send likes to website with your face book accounts.

Message Sender Manager :

These modules help you manage message in your face book profiles.

After loading all details click on “Scrap message”.

Click on “Read message from database” to see the details of the entire Scrap message.
When you click on Read msg from database you will get message and sender name in this format

When you click on any specific user you get record of all your conversation

You can send the message to user by clicking on reply. You can also edit your message and mark them flag , flag msg
can be seen by checking on show only flag message.
Fan Page Scraper:
This Feature help you to scrap fan page by specific keyword, then you can send message to that fan page by selecting
user and by clicking on “Send message selected page”.

This image shows you to how to select specific fan page and how to send message
Fans Scraper:
Here you can scrap the ids of the Face book user who have liked posted & commented on your fan page.
It will create a csv file after clicking on “export data from data base ”
Where you can see the links and details of the user.

Event Inviter:
You can invite friends to your events with this soft by uploading url of the events in text file , you can set number of
friends you want to invite or can check send invitation to all.
After setting delay & no of friend to suggest at one time (select from 10 – 50) , click on invite friends to start the process.
Campaign Manager:
Edit Profile Name :
With this feature you can change your profile name of multiple accounts at same time.

Group Inviter:
With this feature you can invite your friends to the group. You have to upload group url in which you want to invite
your friends.
Profile Privacy Setting:
With this feature you can set privacy of your accounts information.

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