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Microfisk Banking Software is software developed for Microfinance Banking Operations.
Putting into consideration the vision of most Microfinance banks to operate from branches with
due reference to the Corporate office, through internet or Virtual Private Network, the
software is developed a web application which can run on cross platform. The software can be
deployed on any operating systems be it Microsoft Windows operating system, Mackintosh
operating system or Linux operating system.

The software runs seamlessly and perfectly in any of the following scenario.
(1) Single System: On a single computer the Software uses a web browser: - internet
explorer, mozilla firefox or opera etc to request for authorized Modules from the Server
which is ultimately provided and displayed on the web pages, whatever is entered into
the form will be committed to MySql Database upon the click of the commit button.

(2) Local Area Network: On the local area network, the software as well as the server
and database application are installed only on the server computer; the remaining
systems (clients) no matter their number will simply use a web browser to request for
the application from the server which then passes it to the system for operation. This
also ensures that information entered do not get missed in transit; referring to a
situation where data sent at time stays in the client and not on the server thereby
causing irregularities in transaction postings. This scenario simulates an intranet
situation described below.

(3) Virtual Private Network (INTRANET): This is used for connecting the branches to
the Bank’s corporate Headquarters where the server is located. By so doing, branch
access to the server and software becomes seamless and effortless and besides,
effective. Once the connection is established, the branch computers simply use web
browsers on them to request for the software remotely and operate easily.

(4) Internet (WWW): The bank under this scenario can decide to get a website that
supports Apache, My SQL Java, JavaScript and phpMyadmin. The software will simply
be uploaded to the website and with internet connection already in place. The client
systems in the bank simply browse to the website, upon which they are requested for
their login name and password which after authorization and authentication will have
access to the software on the internet.


The Bank can at any day, after establishing connection to the internet decide to migrate from
Local Area Network to a website securely hosted for them. This feat will be accomplished by
us in less than an hour. An organization can start operating on the Internet. Since the
software is a web application and the server and platform are supported by all Web hosting
Sites. The migration is seamlessly and easily carried out.

Having combed through connectivity, we shall give consideration to the software’s functionality
in the following regards.

(1) Flexibility: the software is loaded with several functionality split into modules and
access by different department which includes admin, Teller services, customer care,
treasuring control, Human Resources and payroll, Accounting, management etc.
Accesses to the modules are flexible and friendly.

(2) Usability: the software is highly user friendly, easy to use, understand and operate,
hardly crashes hence giving users’ confidence to click and operate with ease.

(3) Admin and Security: Security is highly considered, ranging from security to internet
security. Assignment of username and password is done by two different departments.
The user must first be registered as a staff of the bank and next the administrator will
use those details which will also be made available to him to assign users and
passwords. Passwords assigned are further encrypted.

(4) Accessibility: Access to modules is by department a department is completely

unaware of the module of another department for e.g. the cashier can only either lodge
or pay cash to respective accounts except the fixed deposit account is handle by the
accountant and not available in the cashier modules under teller services.

(5) Reporting: Reporting can both be done daily or within periods, and is handled from
the accountant above; CBN return can easily be generated.
Note: Before you can login to the software you must be a staff in the
organization (Bank). And also note that you login base on your department, each
Accountant, Manager or Cahier etc.

Then you have your Username and Password that will enable you to login.
Step: Launch to the software when the software display
Trace login are and click on login
Then login will prompt you to where you will enter your username and
After that you click on submit to take you to your department of operation

List of Department in the Software

Administration Department
Customer Service Department
Teller Service Department
Treasury Control Department
Accounting Department
Loan Department
Administration Department

Administration Department: This is the department that has access to all the
user in the software and it is the department that assign access to user. Example
Adding User, Viewing User, Login and Logout Detail and Backup.

User: These modules allow the Administrator to create new user with passwords
to allow access to the module of a particular department as well as to allow the
administrator edit users with the following modules.

How to Add User

Step: Click on users
Then users prompt you to Add, right click on add
Then add will display the form as show below then enter the available
How to View User
* Click on Users then it will prompt you to View then right click on View.
* Then View will display the entire user available in the software
As shown below.

Access Details
This module allow the administrator to view the entire user who login and out of
the software on each department with their name, date and time. And it can be
done daily, monthly or specify period.
Steps: Left Click on Access Details
* Access Detail will prompt you to Login and Logout menu, as show below

* Then click on any of them to view the detail.

* Then a login or out form will display for you to select the month or date, or
from a particular period. As show below
* Then Click on search to display the details, as shown below.

Backup Database:
This is one of the important menus in the software as far software is concern. So
this menu allows the Administrator to Backup the whole Data in the software for
further use.
How to use your Backup
* Left Click on the Backup Database on the administrator Menu
* Then the software Backup your data automatically.

Logout: This menu allows you to logout of the software any time.
This department takes care of the following Task in the software
Customer Account
Creating of Account:
Saving Account
Current Account
Viewing of Customer Account
Account Status:
Editing of Account
Enquiring of Account
Cheque Requisition
Search Account

Creating of Account: This module allow the customer service department to

create account for customer either saving account or current account.
How to Create an Account
* Trace and click on customer A/C on customer service menu
* Then the Customer A/C prompts you to create savings account, create
current and other item as shown below.
* Then click on any account to create.
Create Saving Account Menu: This is the menu that allows the customer
service to create an account for their customer on saving account.

Create Current Account Menu: This is the menu that allows the customer
service to create an account for their customer on current account.

How to Create Account for Customers on Saving

* Left click on Customer A/C menu on customer service menus
* Then it prompts you to create saving account and other as shown in page
* Click on create saving account.
* It prompts you to the saving account form as shown below
* Then fill the information require and click on create.
How to Create Account for Customers on Saving
* Left click on Customer A/C menu on customer service menus
* Then it prompts you to create saving account and other as shown in page
* Click on create current account.
* It prompts you to the current account form as shown below
* Then fill the information require and click on create.

View Account: This menu allow the viewing of customer account and customer
detail, example customer picture, signature and other.

How to View Account

* Left click on view A/C on the customer service menu
* Then view A/C prompts you to the list of the entire customer.
* As shown below

* To view customer detail, trace to the lift side of your screen and right click
on view icon.
* Then view icon prompts you to customer detail
* As shown below.
* To edit the customer detail just right on the edit and it will prompts you to
editable windows
* After editing click on update button to update the edit, as display below.
* To delete customer click on the icon before the view icon.

Account Status: This menu allow the customer service to edit an account to
active, inactive dormant.
And it also allows the customer service to check (inquire) for their customer
Note: when you create a new account is not active, so the account status allows
you to activate the account to active, inactive or dormant.

How to Edit Account

* Left click on A/C Status on the customer service menu
* Then it will prompt you to edit dialog box
* On the dialog box enter the account number you want to edit as shown

* Then click ok button on the dialog box.

* After you click ok button it will display a form that contain customer detail.
* Then move your mouse pointer to the right side of the form and click on
edit. As display below
* Then the edit will display a question dialog box asking you if you are sure
to edit status with ID. Display below

* Just click ok button on the dialog box.

* After that the editable form display. As shown below.
* Where you have the following in the form active, inactive and dormant

* After selecting click on update with your left mouse button.

How to Make Inquire for Customer

* Left click on A/C Status on the customer service menu
* Then it will prompt you to status inquire box
* On the dialog box enter the account number you want to make inquire as
display below

* Then click on ok, then ok will display the account type, name and balance
* As display below.

Cheque Requisition: This menu allows the customer service to trite the task of
the customers that comes requesting for cheque book.
* Right click on Cheque Requisition on the customer service menu
* Then the form display as display below.
* Enter the data require and click commit

Search A/C: This menu allow customer service to search for an account of a
customer that can not remember his or her account number
* Left click on Search on the customer service menu
* A dialog box display, First click on select drop down button at the front of
select on the dialog box. Then it will display options, as display below
* Then select = sign as shown above.
* Then enter the customer account and click on search, as show below

* The Customer Account will display as display below.

* To view the customer specimen card and other detail. Click on view on the
display form as shown above.
* Then the customer detail display as shown below.
To leave customer service department, click on logout.
Treasury Control Department
This department takes care of cash movement form the strong room (vault) to
cashiers and from cashier to the strong room. And in this department there is
want we call till in and till out.
The Till In mean when cash is coming from cashier to the strong room, while
Till Out is when cash is coming from the strong (vault) to the cashier.
* Left click on Add on treasury control menu
* The form display form you to enter the information required
* Remember to tick in when you are moving money to the strong room on
the form.
* And remember to tick out when money is coming from the strong room.
* As shown below.

* After all entries click on commit button on the form.

* Left click on View on treasury control menu
* A dialog box appears for you to select date from a particular month to
* As display below

* Then click on search to display the detail, as shown below.

Click on logout to go out of the department.
Human Resource Department
This department is mainly for employee’s record and payroll management, it
takes care of staff salary and their data. It also allows the human resource
department to add and view employee’s record and also to add record of payroll
and view them too.
We have the following in this department.
Add Employee
View Employee
Add Payroll
View Payroll

Step for Adding Employee:

* First login to Employee department.
* Human Resource Department Menu display as shown below

* On the human Resources department, click on add employee on the menu

as shown above.
* Then the form display for you to enter the required data as shown below.
Note: where you have passport filled on the form, you have to click on choose
to upload employee picture to the form, from where they are save.
Step For the picture.
* Click on choose button on the form as shown above, a dialog box that
contain pictures according to where you save the pictures appear. As
shown below.
* Then double click the picture of the employee or click on open button on
the picture dialog as shown above.
* Immediately the picture will upload to the employee form.
* After all the entries click on Register button on the form to complete the

View Employee
This menu allows the human resource to view all the list of the employee in the
organization, and allow the HRS department to view the employee picture and
other detail.
Step for Viewing Employee’s
* Left click on view employee on human resource menu
* View will display the list of the entire employee. As shown below

* move your mouse pointer and click on view on the left side of your
employee listing window as shown above.
* Then the employee picture and other detail display as display below.
* To delete an employee, move your mouse pointer and click on the red icon
on the left side of the employee listing window as shown above.
* Once you click on the icon, a massage dialog box display asking you if you
are sure of deleting an employee ID. As shown below

* Then if you are sure click ok, and you don’t want to delete you click cancel

This menu allows the human resource to prepare the staffs salary.
Step for Adding payroll
* Left click on add payroll on human resource department menu.
* Then the payroll form appear
* On the form enter the required data on the form as display below.
* After all entries click on commit to complete the task
Viewing Payroll
This menu allows the display of all payrolls for a month or periodic time, depend
on your selection.
Step for Viewing Payroll
* Leftt clicks on view payroll on the human resource menu.
* Then it will display a dialog box as shown below, where you can select date
base on the month.

* After selection click on search button

* Then the viewing payroll window appears as display below.
* And to print the payslip of employee, move your mouse point to the left
side of viewing payroll window, and click on payslip icon as show above.
* Then the payslip of employee display as shown below.

* After confirmation click on print or close page.

* Click on logout to live the department.
Teller Service Department
This menu takes care of cash lodgment and cash withdraw either saving account
or current account in this software as shown below.

* Cash Lodgment
Saving Account
Current Account
* Cash Withdraw
Saving Account
Current Account
* Account Verification
Cash Lodgment
Step of Cash Lodgment
* Left click on cash lodgment on the Teller Service
* Then the cash lodgment prompts you to saving and current
* click on either saving or current to make your lodgment as display below

* When you click on saving or current on the menu as show above,

* Then it displays the form for you to enter the necessary data. As display
Note: on saving where you have salary button, you don’t tick it, because saving
account is not a salary account. But on current you can tick when the
lodgment is salary. The button is shown on the form below.
* Then click on commit button to complete entries.

Cash Withdraw
Step for Cash Withdraw
* Left click on cash withdraw on Teller Service Menu as show in page 26.
* Cash withdraw prompt you to saving current, then click on either saving or
* Either of them will display a form.
* On the form select account number and enter the required data as show
below. Then click commit to complete operation.
Account Verification
This menu allows the teller service to verify customer balance, picture, signature
and others details before paying the customer.
Step for Account Verification
* Left click on account verification on Teller Service
* A dialog box display for you to enter the account number
* Then enter the account number, as shown below

* After that click ok to display the customer balance and other detail as
display below

* To view customer picture and signature click on view on the left side of the
record display window as display below.

* Click close page to close the page.

Loan Department
This department takes care of customer loans. As follow loan application grant
loan and how to view customer application and those that has been granted.
Customer Loan
Grant Loan
Loan Views
Customer Loan: This menu allows the loan department to enter customer data
that are applying for loan.
* Left click on Customer Loan on Loan Department as shown below.

* Then the form display form you to enter the necessary data needed as
show below.
* After the entries of the data click on commit button to complete the
Grant Loan
This menu allows the loan department to enter data about a customer that has
been granted loan.
* Left click on Grant Loan on loan department menu as shown in page 29
* Then the form display for you to enter the require data. as show below

* Click on commit to complete operation.

Viewing of Loan
This menu allows the viewing of customer that applied for the Loan and those
that has been granted.
* Left click on View Loan on loan department menu
* Then it prompts you to Application and Loan Granted
* Click any of them to display the list of customers and their details, as
shown below.

* The procedure above is applicable to both application and loan granted.

* Click Logout to live the department.
This department handles the major task in this software and this department is
till split into the following Main Accounting Department, Account Report and
Accounting Setup e follow menus as shown below

Control Account Setup

This menu allows the account department to setup all their control account code.
Example, Banks and Cash, after that you can now set up your chart of account.
* Left click on control A/C setup on account department as shown above.
* The form display, enter the control code and the description show below

* Click on commit button to complete the operation.

Chart of Account
This allows menu the setting up of the sub control code, that fall under the
control code. Example Bank which the sub control will be the corresponding bank
like First Bank, Oceanic Bank etc
* Lift click on chart of account on account menu
* select account type form display
* make your selection and click ok button, as show below.

* Then a form display, on the enter the required data as shown below

* Click on commit button to create the chart.

Note: Selection of the account type, Item type Contract account type and serial
coding of the chart are very important.

Balance Entries
This menu allow the entries of the balance of customer, either balance brought
forward (B/F) of customer, Bank or other balance
* Left click on balance entries on account department menu
* The opening balance entries form display, enter the required data
* Then Click on commit to commit the posting, as show below.

Cash Book
This menu take care of every cash flow in the general ledger cash book, also
allow the debit and credit of two account,
* Left click on Cash Book on account department menu
* The Cash Book form display
* Enter the required data and click on commit to post the transaction
* As display below.
Cheque Task
This menu takes care of everything about cheque. Either deposit clearing
issuance and stopping/unstopping of cheque book. As shown below

Cheque Deposit
This menu all the account department to enter the data of customer that come
to deposit cheque with bank
* Left click on Cheque Tasks on account department menu as show above
* It prompts you to Deposit and other item
* Click on deposit, deposit form appears.
* Enter the required data then click commit as display below
Clearing of Cheque
This menu display the status of all cheque deposited, either clear or mature for
* Click on Cheque Tasks on account department menu
* It prompts you to clearing, click on clearing
* Then it display the deposit cheque status window as display below

* Click on clear to clear the matured cheque as shown above

* When you click on clear it will display massage dialog box, asking if you are
sure of clearing the cheque.

* Click on ok button as shown above

* Then Clearing Form display as display below
* Then enter the required data and click on commit to complete operation

Cheque Issuance
This menu take care of issuing of cheque to customer
* Click on Cheque Tasks on account department menu
* It prompts you to cheque issuance
* Then click on Cheque issuance, the cheque book issuance form display.
* Then enter the required data and click commit, as display below.

Stopping and Unstopping of

Cheque Book
This take care of when a customer
comes to the bank and lay a report of a
stolen, then the menu allow account
department to stop the cheque book
(dishonor of the cheque book) from
been use by another person (customer).
And when the customer fined it, this menu still allows you to honor the cheque
* Click on Cheque Tasks on account department menu
* It prompts you to Stopping and Unstopping.
* Click on Stopping and Unstopping, the form display
* On the form enter the required data, as display below

Note: Tick the option button to let the system know that the cheque is honor. If
the cheque book is dishonor, don’t tick the button
* After all click on commit to complete the operation.

Fixed Deposit
This menu allows the creation of customer account and settlement on fixed
deposit in account department
Step to Creation of Fixed Deposit Account
* Click on Fixed Deposit on Account Department
* It prompts you to Create Account and Settlement
* Click on Create Account, Create Account form display
* Then fill the required data and click Create button to create the account
* As display below.

Note: Tick yes if a the fixed deposit customer has any account with your Bank
Tick if the customer doesn’t have any account with the bank
Statement: This menu allows the account department to make statement with
their customer on fixed deposit.
* Click on Fixed Deposit on Account Department
* It prompts you to Create Account and Settlement
* Click on Settlement, settlement table display as display below

* Where you have Account Number click on the drop down menu to select
the customer account as display above
* The name appears automatically,
* Click on commit, and then fixed deposit settlement table display
* On the table you need to do is to select your posting principle
* After the selection of the GL accounts click on commit as display below.

Inter Bank
This menu allows the transaction between your bank and the corresponded
banks, and also allow placement with the bank.

This menu allow the transaction between your bank and your corresponded
banks, for example, if you are lodging or withdrawing money from your
corresponded bank, you debiting your corresponded bank and crediting your own
bank or vas baser.
* Click on Interbank menu on account department.
* It prompts you to Transaction and placement
* Click on Transaction
* Then Transaction form display
* On the form enter the required data as display below.

* Click on commit to complete transaction.

This menu allows you to make placement with your corresponded bank, like
fixed deposit or buying of shares with the bank.
* click on interbank menu on account department
* It prompts you to transaction and placement
* click on placement
* Then Placement form display
* On the form enter the required data, as display below.
* Click on commit to complete transition

Share Holder
This menu allows the account department to enter data about a customer that
comes to buy share with the bank.
* Click on share holder on account department menu
* Share holder form display as shown below.
* Click on Ordinary to complete operation
Add Payments/Income
This menu allows the posting of expenses and payment made
* Click on Add Payments/Income on account department menu
* The Add Payments/Income form display
* Enter the required data as display below.

* Click commit to post

Add Receipt/Income
This menu allow the posting income to the general ledger (GL)
* Click on Add Receipt/Income on the account department menu
* Then the add receipt/income form display
* On the form enter the required data
* Then click on commit to complete posting as shown below
Safe Custody
This menu takes care of customer that comes to the bank to keep or saving their
document or properties with the bank.
* Click on safe custody on account department menu
* The form display, on the form enters the information about the customer.
* Then click on commit to complete operation, as shown below
Customer Account
This menu takes care of closing, verifying and blocking/unblocking customer

This menu allows the account department to close an account, when a customer
comes to do that.
* Click on Customer A/C on account department menu
* It prompts you to close, verify and block/unblock as shown below

* Click close A/C, the form for close A/C display.

* Then enter the necessary information as display below.

* Click commit to finish

Verify Account
This takes the task of verifying customer account, that is allowing this menu
allow the display of customer balance, picture/signature and other details
* Click on Customer A/C on account department menu
* It prompts you to close, verify and block/unblock as shown below

* Click on verify, then verify form display as shown below

* On the form enter the customer account number as shown below

* Then click ok to display customer balance and other detail as display below

* To view customer picture /signature, click on view on the left side of

customer detail window as shown above.
* Then the picture/signature window display with other detail as display

Blocking/Unblocking this menu allows the account department to block and
unblock an account as the case may be.
* Click on Customer A/C on account department menu
* It prompts you to close, verify and block/unblock as shown below

* On the prompts menu click on Block/Unblocking

* Then the form display as shown below
* On the form select the account you want to block and tick block option
* Then to unblock you select the account and tick unblock.
* Then click commit to finish the operation.

* Then Click logout to go out of the department.

Account Report
This menu allows the account department to view the report of all transaction
carried out from all department of the software. The reports are shown below.

Statement of Account
This menu allows the account department to view and print a customer
statement account.
* Click on Accounting Report on Account Department Title Bar
* Then it prompts you to the menu above
* On the menu click on statement of A/C as display above
* Then printing statement of accounts form display as show below
* On the form enter the account number and select the period you want to
view or print the report, by selecting date from a particular date to date
* Then click on search as show above

* Click print to print customer statement account and click close page to live
the page

Customer Listing
This menu allows the display the list of all customer both current and saving
* Click on customer listing on account department menu
* Then it displays the list of customers as display below.
* Then click delete icon to customer and view icon to view customer picture
and signature
Balance Summary
This menu display the summary balance of the customer
* Click on balance summary, then it display the balance summary of
customers and their account number.
* As display below.

Call Over Report

Cheque Tasks Report

This menu allows you to all report about cheque, be deposit, clearing or issuance
Cheque Deposit Report
This report allow the account department to view all the cheque that has been
deposited to the bank
* Click on cheque task from account department
* It prompts you to deposit and other report, as display below

* Click on deposit then deposit display viewing cheque deposit, for you to
select the date and month you are viewing, as show below

* After selection of date click on search to display the report as show below

* Click view to view the detail or delete to remove it from record.

Issuance Report
This report allows the viewing of all cheque that has been issued out.
* Click on cheque task from account department
* It prompts you to deposit and other report, as display below

* Click on issuance then issuance display the report as display below.

Cheque Requisition Report
This menu allows account department to view report of the entire customer that
request for cheque book
* Click on cheque task from account department
* It prompts you to deposit and other report, as display below

* Click on cheque requisition then the report display as display below.

General Ledger Report

This report display the whole report on general ledger
* Click on General Ledger, on account department
* It prompts you to By Ctrl A/C View and All as display below

* Then click on any of them to view report

* Click on By Ctrl A/C, then a form display for you to select the control
account and date you want to view. As display below
* After the selection of ctrl account and date as display above, click on
search to display the report as shown below

* You do the same to View all by selecting the date and click on search.
* The report display as shown below,

Balance Sheet
This menu displays the total balance of control accounts, like Asset Profit Equity
and other, as shown below.
Inter Bank Report
This menu allow the account department to view the report of their transaction
and placement with their corresponded banks
Step for Viewing Transaction Report
* Click on Inter bank report on the account department menu
* Then Inter bank report prompts you to Transactions and Placement
* Click on Transaction to display all the transaction report as shown below

Step for Viewing Transaction Report

* Click on Inter bank report on the account department menu
* Then Inter bank report prompts you to Transactions and Placement
* click on placement to display all the placement report

Profit and Loss Report

This menu allows the account department to view profit and loss report.
Step for Viewing Profit and Loss Report
* Click on profit and loss on accounting report department menu
* Then date form appear for you to select data
* After selecting date click on search to display the profit and loss report as
shown below.

Share Holder Report

This menu allows the account department to view the list of their share holder’s
* Click on Share Holder on accounting reports menu
* Then share holders report display as shown below.

Overdraft Report
This menu gives the report of all customers that has been given overdraft.
* Click on overdraft report on accounting reports menu
* Then the overdraft report display as shown below.
Closing of Account
This menu shows the report of the customer account that has be closed
* Click on Closed Accounts on accounting report menu
* Then the repot of the account closed display as shown below

Safe Custody of Item

This menu allow the view of all the list of custody item with the bank
* Click on safe custody of item on accounting repots
* Then the report display as shown below

Loan Reports
This menu gives the report of the entire customer that applied for loan and loan
Step for Viewing Application Report
* Click on loan reports on accounting reports menu
* Then loan report prompts you to application and loan account
* Click on application, to display it report as shown below.
Step for Viewing Loan Account Report
* Click on loan reports on accounting reports menu
* Then loan report prompts you to application and loan account
* Then click on loan account to display it report as shown below

This menu allow the account department to view the report of cash and cash
Step for viewing Lodgment Report
* Click on Lodgment /Withdraw on accounting report menu
* Then prompt you to Lodgment and withdraw
* Click on lodgment to view lodgment report, then it display date form for
selection of date as shown blow

* After selection of date click search to display the report as shown below.
Step for Viewing Cash Withdraw
* Click on Lodgment /Withdraw on accounting report menu
* Then prompt you to Lodgment and withdraw
* Click on withdraw to view withdraw report, then it display date form for
selection of date as shown blow

* After selection of date click search to display the report as shown below.
Accounting Setup
This menu is still in the account department menu bar, this menu allow the setup
and viewing set. Set like Titles, Interest Bank, Setup and other, And the View on
the menu allow the views of allow setup as shown below

This display when u click on Accounting Setups menu bar on the account
department, and the prompt there display when you click on view. All are shown
Title Setup: This menu allows the accounting department to setup titles.
Example Dr. Pastor Mr. Mrs. etc
Step for Setting up titles
* Click on Title on accounting setups menu
* Then title form display for you to enter titles
* Click on Title after entries as display blow
Interest Setup: This menu allow the account department to setup interest rate
for the customers, either be it saving account or current account.
Step for Setting up Interest
* Click on Interest on Accounting Setup menu
* Then the interest form display, on the form enter the interest code and
interest rate as display below
* Click on commit button to commit

Minimum Balance: This menu allows the account department to setup a

minimum balance for the customers.
Step for Setting up Minimum Balance
* Click on Minimum Balance on Accounting Setup menu
* Then the Minimum Balance Setup form display,
* On the form enter the Amount and select the Account type (Saving or
* Then click on commit button as display below
Bank Branch Setup: This menu allows the account department to setup the
other branch of the bank.
Step for Setting up Minimum Balance
* Click on Bank Branch on Accounting Setup menu
* Then the Bank Branch Setup form display,
* On form enter the branch code and description i.e. the name of the bank
* After all click on commit as shown below.

Share Type Setup: This menu allows the account department to setup the
share type in the bank.
Step for Setting up Share Types
* Click on Share Types on Accounting Setup menu
* Then the Share Type Setup form display enter the share type
* Click on commit button to commit the entries as shown below

Investment Setup: This menu allows the accounting department to setup all
the investment in the banks.
Step for Investment Types
* Click on Investment Types Setup on Accounting Setup menu
* Then the Investment Types Setup form display, enter the investment type
* Click on commit button to commit entries as shown below.

Loan Setting: This menu allows the account department to setup some item on
loan as follow Loan code, structure, limit and lending model.

Loan Code: This menu allows the account department to setup all the loan
Step for Setting up Loan Code
* Click on loan setting on account department menu
* Then the loan setting prompts you to code, structure and other as show

* Then click on code, then the code form display on the code form enters
loan code and the description.
* After all click on commit button, as show below.
Structure: This menu allows the account department to setup the loan
* Click on loan setting on account department menu
* Then the loan setting prompts you to code, structure and other
* Click on structure, then the structure form display as shown below

* Enter the loan code and loan structure, then click commit as shown above.

Limit: This menu allow the account department to setup a limit of amount of
loan that can be giving by MD Accountant and Board.
Step for Setting up Loan Code
* Click on loan setting on account department menu
* Then the loan setting prompts you to code, structure and other
* Click on Limit and the limit form
* On the form select Accountant, MD and Board.
* Enter the Amount and click on commit button as shown below
View: This menu allow the viewing of setups as shown above.
* Click on View on the Accounting Setups menu
* Then the view menu prompt you to all the setups then click on any of the
setup to view the ones that are available.

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