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Write down an essay on the following topics below. Choose one of them as your own essay.
Construct your own essay. Do not plagiarize or copy paste from the internet.

1. Many people believe that honesty is the best policy. In your opinion, is it ever okay to
lie? Explain your answer using specific reasons and examples.
2. Describe your situation while #Studyathome during your quarantine after Covid-19
outbreak in Indonesia
3. Most of us have to make many difficult choices throughout our lives. Tell a time
when you had to make a tough decision.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh. My name is Yudi Ramawan, usually
called Yudi, with the nim 19089105 in English.
Lying is saying something that isn't true to others. So we cannot be honest with
others, then we can be hypocrites. But we can do that for good,
Although at the time of transition, discussing lying is haraam, but in certain
situations, Islam provides leeway. However, it is not in a context that is too strict.
Rasulullah SAW stated, someone who agrees with the intention of wanting to
reconcile others or for the purpose of good in society, he does not agree, so the law
may, even the law must be changed in order to save someone's soul.
1. lying to be a peacemaker between two people who are fighting / fighting
2. lying a husband to his wife, because to please his wife.
for example the cooking is not good but you say delicious. That is lying for the sake
of maintaining harmony in the home n guarding the heart of the



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