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Original Article Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences.

Vol. 36 E (Geology), Issue (No.1) 2017: P.18-26

Print version ISSN 0970 4639
Online version ISSN 2320 3234
DOI 10.5958/2320-3234.2017.00002.6

Multivariate Statistical Analyses of Physicochemical Parameters

in Groundwater Samples of Borinala Watershed of Aurangabad
District, Maharashtra, India

Aher K.R.*, Dhumal M.L.**

*Groundwater Survey and Development Agency, 2nd floor, collector office building,
Fazalpura, Aurangabad-431001 M.S. India. **Department of Mathematics, Deogiri College,
Aurangabad-431001 M.S. India.


The present study was carried out to evaluate the current status of groundwater
samples collected from Borinala watershed of Aurangabad district. A total of 23
samples were collected and analyzed for the determination of various
physicochemical parameters. The results of the present study established that some
of the groundwater samples show slightly high pH (8%), TDS (4%), total hardness
(4%), magnesium (4%) and bicarbonate (4%). This degradation of water quality
occurred due to the agricultural practices. The order of mean levels of various
physico-chemical parameters was found to be HCO3 > Cl > Ca > Na >Mg. The
correlation study revealed the strongest correlation was observed between
conductance and sodium ( = 0.980). Multivariate analysis in terms of principle
component analysis and cluster analysis furnished information about the sources of
various parameters in groundwater samples. Therefore there is need to preserve and
protect the precious groundwater resources as well as a continuous monitoring of
groundwater resources is needed to know the quality water.


Water is essential to all forms of life and makes up 50-97% of the weight of all plants and
animals and about 70% of human body (Buchholz, 1998). Water is also a vital resource for
agriculture, manufacturing, transportation and many other human activities. Despite its
importance, water is the most poorly managed resource in the world (Fakayode, 2005)
Groundwater is the major source of drinking water in both urban and rural areas. The
importance of groundwater for the existence of human society cannot be overemphasized.
Besides, it is an important source of water for the agricultural and industrial sector. Till
recently it had been considered a dependable source of uncontaminated water. Groundwater
crisis is not the result of natural factors. It has been caused by human actions. Much of ill

Corresponding Author: Aher K.R, Groundwater Survey and Development Agency, 2nd
floor, collector office building, Fazalpura, Aurangabad-431001 M.S. India.


(Received on 07.03.2017, Accepted on 29.06.2017)

Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences / Vol. 36-E – Geology (No.1) / January-June 2017

health which affects humanity, especially in the developing countries can be traced to lack of
safe and whole some water supply. It is estimated that 80% of domestic needs in rural areas
and 50% in urban areas is met by ground water. India's total replenishable groundwater has
been estimated at 431.8 km3 by the Central Statistical Organization. The average level of
groundwater development in India is 32%, although some states have exploited their
resources to a much greater extent (94% in Punjab, 84% in Haryana, 60% in Tamil Nadu, 64%
in Lakshadweep, 51% in Rajasthan). 85% of ground water extracted is used for irrigation
purposes and 15% for Industrial and domestic purposes. Reciprocally, as much as 70 to 80%
of India's agricultural output may be groundwater dependent. The dynamic balance in the
aquatic ecosystem is upset by human activities thereby resulting in its pollution which is
manifested dramatically as fish kill, offensive odor, color, and taste, and unchecked aquatic
weeds. Fresh, clean water has thus become a scarce commodity. The quality of groundwater
depends on various chemical constituents and their concentrations, which are mostly derived
from the geological data of the particular region but industrial and municipal wastes also
contribute significantly towards it. In fact, high rate of exploration, inappropriate dumping of
solid and liquid wastes and lack of strict enforcement of law have caused the deterioration of
groundwater quality (Garg et al, 1999; Sukhdev et al, 2010; Phiri et al, 2005, Kumar m et al,
2009; Mondal et al, 2005; Kaur and Malik, 2005; Tariq, 2014). The determination of
physicochemical parameter has established role in evaluating the quality of groundwater,
which is why these parameter have also been duly focused on. The chemical composition of
water has evolved much interest during the last few decades because of several factors. The
quality of groundwater is deteriorating mainly due to anthropogenic activity, irrigation
return flow, excessive utilization of chemical fertilizers, municipal waste, unhygienic
practices, septic tank effluent and landfills leachate (Srinivasmoorthy et. al., 2011). The water
resources monitoring and assessment would be very useful for the sustainable development
and safety under extreme events (Golekar et al, 2017). Naturally, ground water contains
mineral ions. These ions slowly dissolve from soil particles, sediments, and rocks as the water
travels along mineral surfaces in the pores or fractures of the unsaturated zone and the
aquifer; they are referred to as dissolved solids. Some dissolved solids may have originated in
the precipitation water or river water that recharges the aquifer. The quality of ground water
depends on various chemical constituents and their concentration, which are mostly derived
from the geological data of the particular region (Aher, 2012; Reddy et al, 2012). On overall,
the quality of drinking water may cast hazardous effects on the health of human beings and
this quality is monitored in terms of various parameters. All these parameters must be within
safe limits; otherwise their presence at enhanced levels will be quite harmful to humans
(Shymala et al, 2008;Kara et al, 2004; Gupta et al, 2009). The objective of present study was
therefore to determine the quality of groundwater in terms of physico-chemical parameters.

1.1 Study area

The study area lies in vaijapur taluka of Aurangabad district, covers an area of 284.98 sq km
contains 25 villages and lies between latitudes 19o45’05’’ to 20o50’01’’ N and longitudes
74o45’00’’ to 74o55’05’’ E (Fig.1) in the Survey of India topographical maps (46L/16 and
46I/13). The area is mainly drained by Bori nala viz the westernmost significant tributary of
the Shivna river and is which rises above HilaIpur village on the low water divide separating
it from the Manyad river, near Kolhi village where the Aurangabad- Vaijapur road crosses
the Bori is located the Kolhi Project, after passing by Borsar, Bhaigaon, Parsoda and
Karanjgaon it turns and flows southwards to join the Shivna river above Katepimpalgaon
below the confluence of the Dheku river. The climate of the study area is hot summer and a
general dryness throughout the year except during the south west monsoon season with
mean minimum temperature of 10.3°C in winter and mean maximum temperature of 39.8°C
in summer. The average rainfall is 634.23 mm and agriculture is the main source of
livelihood. The major part (95%) of the borinala watershed constitutes a sequence of basaltic
lava flows (Deccan Trap) while alluvium occupies a small portion. There are two distinct
hydrogeological units’ viz fissured formations (different units of basaltic lava flows) and
porous formations (isolated patches of alluvial deposits). The occurrence and movement of
ground water is controlled by variation in water bearing properties of these formations.

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Aher K.R. and Dhumal M.L. / Multivariate Statistical Analyses of Physicochemical
Parameters in Groundwater Samples of Borinala Watershed of Aurangabad District,
Maharashtra, India


The present study was designed to evaluate the contents of physico chemical in the
groundwater samples, Samples were collected from wells as shown in (Fig. 1.) Groundwater
samples were collected, preserved, and analyzed as per standard methods (APHA, 1998). A
total of 23 samples were collected were analyzed for physicochemical parameters as pH, total
dissolved solid (TDS), total hardness, alkalinity, calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulfate (SO4 ),
carbonate (CO3), bicarbonate (HCO3) and chloride (Cl), the pH and electrical conductivity
(EC) EC was analyzed immediately after sampling, among the analyzed ions, sodium (Na)
and potassium (K) were determined by using flame photometer.

Fig.1: Location map of the study area

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Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences / Vol. 36-E – Geology (No.1) / January-June 2017

Total hardness, calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate and chloride were analyzed by volumetric
methods and sulfates were estimated by using the colorimetric method. The suitability of
groundwater was evaluated by comparing the values of different water quality parameters
with those of the World Health Organization (WHO 2004) and Indian standard specification
(ISI 1993) guidelines values for drinking water.

Table 1: Basic statistics for the physico chemical parameter

Parameter Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Skewness Kurtosis

pH 7.01 9.27 7.7213 0.64624 0.916 0.035
EC 360.00 4360.00 1088.3913 828.24375 3.023 11.297
TDS 234.00 2834.00 707.5652 538.33504 3.023 11.296
TH 112.00 1164.00 346.0870 208.74994 2.888 10.869
Ca 14.00 115.00 70.3043 28.81672 -0.456 -0.553
Mg 6.00 217.00 41.2609 41.97534 3.565 15.004
Na 13.60 122.00 61.7000 31.08715 0.492 -0.642
K 0.10 138.00 6.8087 28.62789 4.780 22.893
CO3 0.00 72.00 11.4783 21.27925 1.691 1.826
HCO3 12.00 708.00 218.4348 132.05365 2.367 8.547
Cl 26.00 234.00 129.0435 58.95104 0.103 -0.798
SO4 19.00 289.00 59.9983 55.63331 3.468 13.851
(All parameter in mg/L, except pH and EC in µ/cm)

2.1 Statistical Data Treatment.

The data obtained from physico-chemical parameters, in the groundwater samples, were cast
into tables and figures and was also processed for the evaluation of various statistical
parameters, like mean, standard deviation, and so forth, that are used to measure the
distribution and central tendency of the measured data set. Box diagram furnished a clear
depiction of the data distribution. Correlation coefficient matrix was determined to know
about the interrelationship among the various measured parameters. Multivariate statistical
analysis was also carried out in terms of factor analysis and cluster analysis to trace the
sources of various parameters in the water samples.


3.1 Distribution of Physicochemical Parameters among the Groundwater Samples.

The pH value of most of the groundwater samples in the study area varies from 7.01 to 9.27,
with mean value of 7.7 which indicates that the groundwater in the study area is slightly
alkaline in nature and 8% of the samples shows slightly high pH. The EC of the groundwater
is varying from 360 and 4360 µ/cm with an average value of 1088.39 µ/cm and 17 % samples
crosses the maximum permissible limit given by ISI (1993). In the study area the TDS value
varies between a minimum of 234 mg/L and a maximum of 2834 mg/L with an average
value of 707.56 mg/L, indicating that most of the groundwater samples lie within the
maximum permissible limit. The total hardness is varying from 112 to 1164 mg/L with an
average value of 346.08 mg/L. relatively, the higher concentration of total hardness observed
is 1164 mg/L from the groundwater sample 22, except this groundwater of the entire study
area lies within the maximum permissible limit prescribed by ISI (1993). Calcium
concentrations are varying from 14 to 115 mg/L with an average value of 70.30 mg/L. The
desirable limit of calcium concentration for drinking water is specified as 75 mg/L (ISI 1993)
which shows that 52 % groundwater samples fall below desirable limit while 48 % of the
samples beyond the desirable limit but within the maximum permissible limit. The values of
magnesium from groundwater ranged between 6 to 217 mg/L, with an average value of 41.26
mg/L. The maximum permissible limit of Mg Concentration of drinking water is specified as

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Aher K.R. and Dhumal M.L. / Multivariate Statistical Analyses of Physicochemical
Parameters in Groundwater Samples of Borinala Watershed of Aurangabad District,
Maharashtra, India

100 mg/L (ISI 1993) and 150 mg/L (WHO 2004). As per specification 43% samples falls under
below desirable limit, a 52% sample are above desirable limit but with the maximum
permissible limit and one sample (Sample number 22) exceeds the ISI limit as it shows a value
of 217 mg/L. The sodium (Na) content of the groundwater ranged from 13.6 to 122 mg/L
with an average value of 61.7 mg/L, the maximum permissible limit of sodium is 200 mg/L
and it reveals entire samples are within the permissible limit of WHO and ISI. Concentration
of K is observed between 0.1 and 138 mg/L from the groundwater with an average value of
6.80 mg/L. The value of CO3 is observed from 0 to 72 mg/L, while the value of HCO3 is
observed from 12 to 708 mg/L with an average value of 218.43 mg/L, The sulfate
concentration in the study area ranges between 19 and 289mg/L with an average value of
59.99 mg/L, indicating that all samples fall within the maximum permissible limit prescribed
by ISI (1993). In the study area, the concentration of chloride is between 26 and 234 mg/L
with an average value of 129.04 mg/L and all samples are within the limit prescribed by ISI
The results of the present study established that some of the groundwater samples shows
slightly high pH (8%), TDS (4%), total hardness (4%), magnesium (4%) and bicarbonate (4%).
This degradation of water quality occurred due to the agricultural practices.

Table 2: Groundwater samples of the study area exceeding the permissible limits prescribed
by WHO (2004) and ISI (1993) for drinking purpose.

Sr Water quality WHO International Indian Standard Range in

No. parameters Standards 2004 (ISI 10500, 1993) the
Most desirable Max. Highest Max. study
limit allowable desirable permissible area
1 pH 6.5 8.5 6.5-8.5 6.5-9.5 7.01-9.27
2 EC 1500 - - - 360-4360
3 TDS 500 1500 500 2000 234-2834
4 TH 100 500 300 600 112-1164
5 Ca 75 200 75 200 14-115
6 Mg 50 150 30 100 6-217
7 Na - 200 - 200 13.6
8 K - 12 - - 122
9 CO3 - - - - 0-72
10 HCO3 - - 200 600 12-708
11 Cl 200 600 250 1000 26-234
12 SO4 200 400 200 400 19-289

3.2 Basic Statistics for Physicochemical Parameters of Groundwater Samples.

The data corresponding to the basic statistics for the physico-chemical parameters of the
groundwater samples from study area was presented in Table 1, in terms of minimum,
maximum, mean and S.D. The symmetry parameters for the data, that is, skewness and
kertosis, are also enlisted in the table. The order of mean levels of various physico-chemical
parameters was found to be HCO3 > Cl > Ca > Na >Mg. The distribution of various
parameters is also depicted in terms of box plots shown in Figure 2.

3.3 Correlation Coefficient Matrix for Physicochemical Parameters of Groundwater

In order to trace the relationship among the various physico-chemical parameters, the
correlation coefficient matrix was evaluated and presented in Table 3. The values were
found to be significant at level 0.01 and 0.05 levels (2-tailed). The strongest correlation was
observed between conductance and sodium ( = 0.980) another significant correlation was
observed between sodium and calcium ( =0.947), K and Mg ( =0.638), calcium and HCO3
( =0.834), magnesium and SO4 ( =0.859) bicarbonate and chloride ( =0.836). The correlation

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coefficient matrix for the groundwater samples from study area evidenced strongest positive
correlation between sodium and chloride with values of 0.0.951. Some of the physico-
chemical parameters were also found to be significantly negatively correlated evidencing,
that with the increase in concentration of one parameter, the concentration of another
parameter simultaneously decreased; that is, K was significantly negatively correlated with
total hardness with values of −0.017, CO3 was significantly negatively correlated with total
hardness values of −0.101. pH was significantly negatively correlated with total hardness
( = -0.124), HCO3 ( = -0.26).

Fig. 2: Box plot for parameters from study area

Table 3: Correlation coefficient matrix for the groundwater samples from study area

Parameter pH EC TDS Na K Ca Mg TH CO3 HCO3 SO4 CL

pH 1
EC .224 1
TDS .223 1.000** 1
Na .283 .980** .980** 1
K .047 .617** .617** .633** 1
Ca .323 .929** .929** .947** .352 1
Mg .033 .632** .632** .561** .638** .413 1
TH -.124 .165 .166 .045 -.017 .060 .385 1
CO3 .784** .437* .437* .457* .168 .483* .253 -.101 1
HCO3 -.026 .909** .909** .884** .568** .834** .600** .270 .097 1
SO4 .114 .666** .666** .654** .755** .477* .859** .348 .238 .588** 1
CL .264 .958** .958** .951** .514* .937** .557** .043 .492* .836** .548** 1
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed), *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05
level (2-tailed).

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Aher K.R. and Dhumal M.L. / Multivariate Statistical Analyses of Physicochemical
Parameters in Groundwater Samples of Borinala Watershed of Aurangabad District,
Maharashtra, India

3.4 Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Physicochemical Data.

The sources of various physicochemical parameters in various water samples were traced in
terms of multivariate analyses, that is, factor loading and cluster analysis. Varimax
normalized factor loading for twenty three samples from study area (Table 4). Factor 1 with a
% total variance of 59.82 received major contribution from conductivity, sulfate, total
hardness and magnesium. A 14.01% total variance was associated with factor 2.Among the
major contributors of this factor pH and CO3 were included. Na and chloride were present as
major contributors of factor 3 that enjoyed a cumulative % variance of 82.38.

The cluster analysis of the data for the physico-chemical parameters of groundwater samples
is presented in Figure 3. Single linkage method was used for the extraction of clusters that
were depicted as a function of linkage distance. For samples from, the most significant
primary cluster was formed by conductance and total hardness within a linkage distance of 5.
Another primary cluster was formed between TDS and sulfate, sodium and chloride, thereby
supporting the data of factor analysis where both parameters were major contributors of a
single factor. These primary clusters were linked together to form a secondary cluster within
linkage distance of 5 and 10. Potassium here exhibited an isolated role.

Fig. 3: Cluster analysis for parameters from study area

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Table 4: Varimax normalized factor loading for various parameters

Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3

pH .264 .702 .275
EC .990 .005 -.131
TDS .990 .005 -.131
TH .978 .083 -.150
Ca .638 -.244 .234
Mg .897 .225 -.313
Na .703 -.359 .443
K .163 -.310 .138
CO3 .475 .787 .362
HCO3 .883 -.280 -.288
Cl .759 -.362 .522
SO4 .937 .137 -.196
Total 7.719 1.682 1.025
% of variance 59.822 14.018 8.543

Cumulative % 59.822 73.840 82.383

Table 5: Comparison of mean levels with ISI (1993) standards

Parameter Mean ISI (1993)

pH 7.7 6.5-8.5
TDS (mg/L) 707.56 2000
TH (mg/L) 346.08 600
Ca (mg/L) 70.30 200
Mg (mg/L) 41.26 100
HCO3 (mg/L) 218.43 500
Cl (mg/L) 129.04 1000
SO4 (mg/L) 59.99 400

A comparison of mean physico-chemical parameters of the groundwater samples collected

from study area ISI (1993) standards is depicted in Table 5. The mean pH values observed
was 7.7, which were well within the limits prescribed by ISI (1993), similarly the mean TDS,
total hardness, calcium, magnesium, bicarbonate, chloride and sulfate values were well
within the limits given by ISI (1993).


The results of the present study established that some of the groundwater samples show
slightly high pH (8%), TDS (4%), total hardness (4%), magnesium (4%) and bicarbonate (4%).
This slightly degradation of water quality occurred due to the agricultural practice. Thus all
the above results confirmed that groundwater quality of the is slowly degrading and in near
future the groundwater resource will be become polluted if appropriate strategies are not
adopted so there is urgent need to preserve and protect the this valuable groundwater
resources as well as a continuous monitoring of groundwater resources is needed to know the
depth and quality of groundwater.

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Aher K.R. and Dhumal M.L. / Multivariate Statistical Analyses of Physicochemical
Parameters in Groundwater Samples of Borinala Watershed of Aurangabad District,
Maharashtra, India


Author (KRA) was gratefully acknowledged to Minister, water supply and sanitation, GoM,
Mumbai and Director, Groundwater Survey and Development agency Pune for the
continuous support and encouragement.


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