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Chapter I

The Problem

Background of the study

Leadership plays an important role in every aspect of a Students life. Students go though
many stages in life for career development where they need leadership skills. In the modern
world, students are facing many career challenges, employment problems, and conflicted
between idealism and beneficial. That’s why they need leadership skills to accept
challenges, solve problems and analyze career direction.
It’s important for student to experience leadership opportunities during their schooling
to learn the art of building relationships within teams, defining identities and achieving
tasks effectively. It also provides an opportunity to learn to identify and display effective
communication and interpersonal skills. (htttps://
Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common
goal. In a business setting, this can mean directing workers and colleagues with a strategy to
meet the company’s needs. (
We found that leadership experience increased student’s willingness to “lead by
example” and contribute first; second-ranked candidates were approximately half of them
more likely to contribute first when assigned to leadership position. Finally, we examined
the effects of leadership on social networks and popularity.

Statement of the problem

This study aims to identify the Academic Performance of Student Leaders in Bersamin
Agro-Industrial High School.S.Y-2019-2020
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions;
1. What are the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:
a.) Age:
b.) Grade Level:
c.) Student’s Position
d.) Community Participation
e.) Organizational Involvement
2. What are the reasons behind their decision in running for SSG?
3. Is there a significance of being a SSG officer in their academic performances?
4. What are the problem encountered by the student leader in school?
5. Which possible solution/intervention can you suggest to improve their academic

Significance of the study

The present study will be significance in understanding the academic performances of
student leaders of the Bersamin Agro-Industrial High School.
Specifically, it will be beneficial to the following fields or groups;
To the Students- This will help them to identify and understand that being school leader
has affects to their education, specifically in their academic performances. It is nice to know
that being leaders has effects in their life and education.
To the School Administrations- This will help them to guide their students how leading
works and sustaining their academic performances.
To the Future Researcher- This study is expected to become a guide and a resourceful
material as for other researchers who will be conducting the same for related studies.

Scope and Limitations of Study

The respondents of this study are the school student leaders of Bersamin Agro-industrial
High School. The main purpose of this study is to provide information regarding Students
leadership, and how it affects their academic performances.
The researcher limited into 13 respondents which are the SSG of Bersamin Agro-
Industrial High School. Each of them will interview by the researchers. The respondents will
be interviewed thoroughly to get perceptions.
Definition of terms

Thoroughly- Careful about something in an accurate and exact way. (Complete or absolute).
Leadership- The action of leading a group of people or an organization.
Idealism- The attitude of a person who believes that it is possible to live according to very
high standards of behavior and honesty.
Significant- Having a special or hidden meaning. (Very important).
Performances- An activity (Such as singing a song or acting in a play) that a person or groups
does to entertain an audience
Supreme Student Government- This is the highest student body organization representing
the entire studentry of public secondary schools in the Philippines as mandated by DepEd
Order No.79, s.2009 or the Revised Standard Constitution and By-Laws of the Supreme
Student government. It is primarily composed of President, Vice-President, Secretary,
treasurer, auditor, Public Information Officer, and Peace Officer.
The objectives of the Supreme Student Government were as follows: a. strengthen the
student governments and the students in all secondary schools; b. standardize this
important instrument in school student governance in all secondary schools; c. provide easy
reference in monitoring and evaluating the performance of the student governments; d.
harness the student government as partner in achieving quality education and academic
excellence in schools; and e. make available real exposure, experience and learning in
responsible and participative democracy and leadership.

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