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Daily Practice Problem Sheet
Subject : Biology DPPS. NO. – 01 .

Topic : Cell

Q.1 The plasma membrane is

(A) Permeable (B) Impermeable
(C) Selectively permeable (D) Impervious

Q.2 The rod-shaped structures in a dividing cell are called:

(A) Chromatin (B) Chromonemata (C) Interferons (D) Chromosomes

Q.3 The undefined nuclear region in bacteria is:

(A) Nucleoid (B) Nucleus (C) Chromosome (D) Nucleolus

Q.4 The organisms that lack membranes are:

(A) viruses (B) bacteria (C) protozoans (D) fungi

Q.5 The organelle attached to the ER is:

(A) Ribosomes (B) Lysosomes (C) Golgi bodies (D) Proteins

Q.6 The endomembrane system of the cell includes

(A) mitochondria (B) plastids (C) nucleus (D) endoplasmic reticulum

Q.7 The membrane bound structures of the golgi apparatus are called
(A) plastids (B) vacuoles (C) cisternae (D) ribosomes

Q.8 The organelles that contain their own genetic material are:
(A) Mitochondria, Vacuoles (B) Plastids, Golgi complex
(C) Mitochondria, Plastids (D) Ribosomes, Nucleolus

Q.9 The method of staining individual nerve cell structure used by Camillo Golgi is:
(A) black reaction (B) dark reaction (C) light reaction (D) laser technique

Q.10 The interconnected network of tubules in the cytoplasm of the cell is

(A) mitochondria (B) plastids (C) nucleus (D) endoplasmic reticulum

Q.11 The fluid content of the vacuoles is called

(A) water (B) cell sap (C) cytoplasm (D) nucleoplasm

Q.12 To distinguish microscopically between cheek cell and onion cell mount, one should look for the presence or
absence of
(A) mitochondria (B) plastids (C) cell membrane (D) nucleus

CAREER POINT, 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 1
Q.13 Acid hydrolases are present in
(A) mitochondria (B) golgi bodies (C) lysosomes (D) chloroplast

Q.14 Molecules of water enter from solution A to solution B. Which of the following statement is true?
(A) Solution B is hypertonic to solution A (B) Solution A is hypertonic to solution B
(C) Solution B is hypotonic to solution A (D) Solution A is isotonic with solution B

Q.15 The semi-liquid found in nucleus is

(A) nucleoplasm (B) cytoplasm (C) cell sap (D) water

Q.16 The outermost covering of the cell that separates the contents of the cell from its external environment is called
(A) nuclear membrane (B) bio-physical membrane
(C) cell membrane (D) biological membrane.

Q.17 On a material which is to be mounted, we place the coverslip very cautiously to

(A) avoid drying of the material (B) avoid air bubbles
(C) increase visibility (D) avoid folding of the material

Q.18 Methylene blue is used to stain

(A) bacterial cell (B) fungal cell (C) plant cell (D) animal cell

Q.19 A microscope has all parts except

(A) arm (B) leg (C) body tube (D) base

Q.20 In an onion peel cell, cellulose is the major component of

(A) cell wall (B) cell membrane (C) centriole (D) plastids

CAREER POINT, 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 2
Daily Practice Problem Sheet
Subject : Biology DPPS. NO. – 02 .

Topic : Tissue

Q.1 The tissue providing a barrier between the organ it covers and the external environment is
(A) connective tissue (B) epithelial tissue (C) muscular tissue (D) nervous tissue

Q.2 The cells in the intestine, which are drawn into long process called microvilli, are
(A) cubical epithelium (B) columnar epithelium
(C) squamous epithelium (D) ciliated epithelium

Q.3 Osteocytes are the cells of

(A) muscles (B) kidneys (C) bones (D) blood

Q.4 The tissue responsible for movement in our body is

(A) connective tissue (B) nervous tissue (C) muscular tissue (D) epithelial tissue

Q.5 The hard matrix of the bone consists of

(A) calcium & sodium (B) magnesium & sodium
(C) phosphorus & magnesium (D) calcium & phosphorus

Q.6 The function of the tendon is to

(A) join bone to the muscle (B) join bone to bone
(C) conduct heat and maintain body temperature (D) help in excretion

Q.7 Neuron receives and transmits information and messages in the form of
(A) nerve beats (B) muscular impulses
(C) nerve impulses (D) nerve processes

Q.8 Plant tissues responsible for the primary growth are

(A) secondary meristems (B) apical meristems
(C) meristems (D) parenchyma

Q.9 Regions where growth takes place in plants have

(A) perisperm (B) endosperm (C) meristem (D) stele

Q.10 The girth of the stem or root increases due to

(A) apical meristem (B) intercalary meristem
(C) lateral meristem (D) pro meristems

CAREER POINT, 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 1
Q.11 The process of formation of permanent tissue in plants is called
(A) scalarification (B) differentiation (C) cell thickening (D) specialization

Q.12 The basic packing tissue is

(A) sclerenchyma (B) collenchyma (C) xylem (D) parenchyma

Q.13 The thickening of the walls of the sclerenchyma tissue is due to deposit of
(A) suberin (B) magnesium (C) lignin (D) calcium

Q.14 The waxy, water resistant layer in the xerophytic plants is secreted by
(A) endodermis (B) cortex (C) phloem (D) epidermis

Q.15 If 2 cm of the root tip is removed, then the root will

(A) grow in opposite direction (B) grow endlessly
(C) stop growing (D) not survive

Q.16 In human body the first line of defense is offered by

(A) epithelial tissue (B) connective tissue
(C) muscular tissue (D) nervous tissue

Q.17 The fluid matrix of the blood is

(A) platelet (B) hormones (C) plasma (D) salts

Q.18 Muscles that can beat rhythmically till the death of an animal are called
(A) cardiac muscles (B) voluntary muscles (C) skeletal muscles (D) smooth muscles

Q.19 The cells of the nervous system are called

(A) neoplasts (B) neurons (C) nephrons (D) nephridia

Q.20 Multicellular gland is formed by the folding of

(A) nervous tissue (B) epithelial tissue (C) muscular tissue (D) connective tissue

CAREER POINT, 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 2
Daily Practice Problem Sheet
Subject : Biology DPPS. NO. – 03 .

Topic : Diseases
Q.1 The main target organ of malarial parasite is
(A) intestine (B) liver (C) lungs (D) eyes
Q.2 Categories of infectious agents are factors that help in deciding the
(A) kind of exercise one should do (B) kind of treatment to use
(C) physical common characteristics (D) vector for the transmission of disease
Q.3 Microbial diseases like Syphilis and AIDS are transmitted through
(A) contaminated water (B) sneezing (C) sexual contact (D) unhygenic food
Q.4 Prevention of a disease is more desirable than its cure because
(A) some of the body functions may be damaged during the effect of the disease
(B) the person suffering from the disease will not be bedridden
(C) the disease can not be communicated to others during the course of treatment
(D) body does not look good during this condition
Q.5 Whenever the body is infected with some disease, its immune system gets activated recruits many cells to kill
the microbes. This process of recruitment results in
(A) perspiration (B) stimulation (C) coagulation (D) inflammation
Q.6 To show a disease in a body
(A) even one system with some abnormality in its functioning or appearance is sufficient
(B) minimum two systems with some abnormality in their functioning or appearance are necessary
(C) minimum 3-4 systems with some abnormality in their functioning or appearance are necessary
(D) all the systems need to show abnormality in their function or appearance
Q.7 Symptoms can be
(A) specific only for a particular disease
(B) common to more than one disease
(C) extremely variable in different patients for the same disease
(D) definite indication to start rest
Q.8 Disease that causes poor functioning of some parts of the body will affect
(A) exercise (B) running (C) sleeping (D) health
Q.9 An exception to the conditions necessary for good individual health is
(A) public cleanliness (B) good hygiene
(C) social equality and harmony (D) polluted environment
Q.10 To diagnose the kind of disease, the more appropriate way is to
(A) observe the symptoms (B) undergo specific laboratory tests
(C) take the medicines from a chemist's shop (D) take the advise of elders at home

CAREER POINT, 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 1
Q.11 Chronic diseases are the diseases that
(A) require long time for their cure (B) are cured automatically by the body
(C) require short time for their cure (D) do not depend on the time
Q.12 Non-infectious diseases do not spread in community because they
(A) are caused by external agents or infectious agents
(B) are caused by economical reasons
(C) are caused due to genetic abnormalities
(D) appear due to social reasons
Q.13 Antibiotics help in treatment of diseases caused by
(A) viruses, by rendering them ineffective
(B) protozoan, as they are able to survive in presence of antibiotics
(C) bacteria, as the biochemical pathways important for them are blocked
(D) worms, as they are present inside the body
Q.14 Spreading of disease-causing microbes through air occurs by
(A) dust particles of the atmosphere
(B) the little droplets thrown out by an infected person and inhaled by a healthy person
(C) water drops present in the air
(D) gases
Q.15 Inflammation is the process of
(A) development of embryo
(B) recruiting many cells to the affected tissue to kill the disease causing microbes
(C) activating the immune system
(D) making the specific tissue ineffective
Q.16 A disease is treated in two ways
(A) one is to isolate the person and the second is to take rest
(B) one is tissue specific and the second is environment specific
(C) one is to reduce the effects of the disease and the other is to kill the cause of the disease
(D) one is to take the patient to a quack and the second is to rush to the hospital
Q.17 Immunisation works on the principle that the immune system
(A) senses an infectious microbe, and does not respond against it
(B) responds with very less effect when it senses that the particular microbe or its close relatives has reattacked
(C) develops a memory for a particular infection by something (vaccine) that mimics the particular microbe
(D) after the attack of infectious microbe, forgets it
Q.18 The action of penicillin is to
(A) stop the cell wall formation in bacteria (B) burst the cell
(C) be toxic to the bacterial cell (D) dehydrate the bacterial cells
Q.19 The disease against which the first vaccine was developed is
(A) polio (B) chicken-pox (C) small-pox (D) tuberculosis
Q.20 Goitre is a type of
(A) infectious disease (B) contagious disease (C) deficiency disease (D) genetic disorder

CAREER POINT, 128, Shakti Nagar, Kota-324009 (Raj.), Ph: 0744-2503892 Page # 2

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