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Class information
• OA05 - Leer y demostrar comprensión de textos adaptados y auténticos simples no literarios,
que contengan palabras de uso frecuente, familias de palabras, repetición de palabras y frases,
estén acompañados de abundante apoyo visual y estén relacionados con los temas y las
siguientes funciones del año: * saludar y despedirse * solicitar y entregar información personal
y de temas familiares * agradecer, disculparse y pedir permiso * seguir y dar instrucciones *
describir personas, objetos y su posición, lugares, acciones cotidianas y clima * expresar gustos,
preferencias, cantidades y posesiones
• OA06 - Leer comprensivamente textos no literarios, como notas, postales, invitaciones, tarjetas
de saludo, menús, recetas, diálogos, instrucciones o emails, identificando: * propósito del texto *
ideas generales * información explícita * palabras clave, expresiones de uso común asociadas a
las funciones del nivel (por ejemplo: I’m sorry, excuse me) y vocabulario temático
How to ask and answer questions about timetables...
Handout (guía)
a. Monday
Peter has got ______________. Tony has got ______________. Mandy has got _____________ and Carol has got
B. Tuesday
Carol has got ______________. Tony has got ______________. Mandy has got ______________ and Peter has got
C. Wednesday
Peter has got ______________. Tony has got ______________. Carol has got ______________. Mandy hasn’t got Spanish.
She has got ______________.
D. Thursday
Mandy has got ______________ and Tony has got ______________. Carol has got ______________ and Peter has got.
E. Friday
Carol has got ______________. Mandy has got ______________. Tony and Peter have got ______________.
LOOK AT THE CHART Again And Write True (t) or False (f)

_____ Tony has got Spanish class on Thursday.

_____ Mandy has got Music on Monday.
_____ Peter has got Spanish class on Friday.
_____ It’s Friday. Mandy has got P.E.
_____ Carol has got Spanish Class on Tuesday and Friday.
_____ Peter and Tony have got Science class on Friday.
Complete according to their favorite subjects

a. Tony’s favorite subject is science. What is his favorite

His favorite day is __________________.
b. Mandy loves geography. What is her favorite day?
Her favorite day is __________________.
Complete according to their favorite subjects

c. Carol hates geography but she likes history. What’s

her favorite day?
Her favorite day is __________________.
d. Peter’s favorite subject is music. What is his favorite
His favorite day is __________________.
Reading Comprehension
Questions And answer
• I) Answer these questions about the text:

• 1. What is Freddy s favorite subject?

• 2. Who is Susan?

• 3. What is she like?

• 4. Where does Laura live?

• 5. What do Julio and Freddy do together?

• 6. What time do lessons begin at his school?

• 7. Does Freddy always have lunch at the school canteen?

• 8. What nationality are Julio s parents?

Questions And answer
II) Write about your school and your friends
• What time do you start lessons?
• How do you go?
• How many students are there in your class?
• What is your best subject?
• How many good friends have you got?
• Who is your best friend?

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