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Unit 2 Reading & Listening Activities

Reading 2 Read the rest of the text. What do
these numbers refer to?
A great moment in history 1 1,000,000s
2 1961
A Today Germany is one country. However,
3 5,000
after the Second World War it was divided
into two different countries, West Germany 4 9/11/89
and East Germany. West Germany was part of 3 Choose the best title for each paragraph.
the Western bloc and East Germany belonged
A Berlin: a divided city / Germany after
to the Soviet or Communist bloc. Berlin,
the Second World War
the old capital, was in a difficult situation.
Geographically, it was in the middle of East B The reasons for the Wall / East
Germany, but politically half of the city, the Germans leave the country
west side, belonged to West Germany. C A big celebration / Tragedy and
B Millions of East Germans began to cross freedom
from East to West Berlin because they wanted
to have a better quality of life in the West. The Listening
East German government was not happy about
this situation, so in 1961 they built a wall in the 1 Look at the
middle of the city, the notorious Berlin Wall. photo. Are the
The real intention of the Wall was clear: to statements
stop people emigrating to the West. Officially, true (T) or false
however, it was called an ‘Anti-Fascist (F)? Discuss
Protection Barrier’. with a partner.
C The Wall existed for almost thirty years. 1 The photo was taken in the 1920s.
During that time, around 5,000 East Germans
tried to cross it illegally, and around 200 lost 2 The photo is real.
their lives.Then in 1989, the Soviet Union
3 The men were training to be
began to lose its influence in Eastern Europe.
On November 9, 1989, the East German
government made the historic announcement 4 The men were in Chicago.
that the Wall was open. Thousands of Berliners 2 2 Listen to the first part of a
came to the Wall to celebrate, and people conversation about the photo. Check
from all around the world saw the scenes on your answers.
television. This was one of the iconic moments
in the history of the twentieth century. 3 2Listen to the second part of the
conversation. Complete the gaps.

1 Read the first paragraph only. Are the One of the men was from 1 .
statements true (T) or false (F)? His name was Gusti Popovic – he is the
1 Germany changed a lot after the man on the 2 with a bottle in his
Second World War. hand. He sent his 3
a letter with
2 Berlin was the capital of Germany a copy of the photo. She wasn’t
before the Second World War.
with him because he was good
3 Berlin’s political and geographical at his job. He wrote: ‘Don’t 5 ,
situation was different after the my dear Mariska, as you see, I’m always
Second World War. OK with my 6 .’

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