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1. when was the las time you cried the en of a movie

thrusday , when was the las time you cried the en of a movie

2. when was the las time you traveled by plane

was months ago when I traveled to Lima to play soccer

3. when was the las time you starteda new hobby

was days ago when I discovered that I could make origamis

4. when was the las time you walked more than 5 miles
was in January because he was training and we had to run several kilometers

5. when was the last time you booked a fligth online

was in February when I had a football game but given the problems I could not travel

6. when was the las time you downloaded a song

was yesterday download salsa music because I love to dance

7. when was the las time you played a sport

It was months ago, I play football and I miss being able to play

8. when was the las time you missed an english

It was months ago, I play football and I miss being able to play

9. when was the las time you wartched a really good movie
was yesterday called earthquake had good actors

10. when was the las time you called a firend

was on Thursday we talked about some college work

11. when was the las time you danced

It was yesterday dancing alone in my room I put music to high volume

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