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Overall Personal Reflection

Kinesiology 34: Fitness for Living was my last class for receiving my AA degree in

Kinesiology and Wellness. Therefore, my initial though about taking this class was that I was

probably going to learn one or two things here and there. Well, that was not the case at all. From

the very beginning of the class, we were learning how to time manage, which is an important

skill to have, for school, work, and daily schedules. We also started creating an ePortfolio, in

which we can show future employers. To me, creating a digital portfolio was something new,

and therefore a little intimidating to do. However, with a little guidance from the professor and

my fellow classmates, I was able to create an ePortfolio. Also, I learned what it means to be

healthy and well and the different dimensions it involves. In each of the chapters in the textbook,

each of the dimensions is analyzed and reinforced. I also learned how to develop goals that are

specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time specific, also know as the SMART

technique. I additionally discovered the different components of fitness and how to utilize all of

them to develop an exercise routine. By using the FITT model, I was able to create a workout

which specifically identified the frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercises executed. And

with the concept of progressive overload, I know now how to increases in the FITT model to

continue making progress towards a fitness goal. Moreover, I learned the concept of nutrition. I

now know the importance of both macronutrients and micronutrients, and how to assess if I am

within the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) for each. Also, I learned which carbs are better in

nutritional value, and which fats are better to consume. Additionally, I now can thoroughly read

a nutrition label and determine if the food is healthy or not. As for the later chapters in the

textbook, the topics addressed were subjects that I am familiar with already. However, what I did

learn was how to address the issues, such as stress, chronic diseases, and substance abuse and
how to incorporate nutrition and fitness to prevent and reduce the affects of each. Overall, I

learned a great deal by taking this class, and can honestly say that I am now more confident and

competent enough to use the knowledge I acquired in this class to use in my life to make

healthier decisions and thus live a better life. Also, I can now teach my family healthier habits as

well as educate my friends and clients on living healthy and well.

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