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Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences

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Thyroid in pregnancy: From physiology to


Drahomira Springer, Jan Jiskra, Zdenka Limanova, Tomas Zima & Eliska

To cite this article: Drahomira Springer, Jan Jiskra, Zdenka Limanova, Tomas Zima & Eliska
Potlukova (2017): Thyroid in pregnancy: From physiology to screening, Critical Reviews in
Clinical Laboratory Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/10408363.2016.1269309

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Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci, Early Online: 1–15

! 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. DOI: 10.1080/10408363.2016.1269309


Thyroid in pregnancy: From physiology to screening

Drahomira Springer1, Jan Jiskra2, Zdenka Limanova2, Tomas Zima1, and Eliska Potlukova3
Institute of Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University and General University Hospital, Prague,
Czech Republic, 23rd Department of Medicine – Clinical Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University
and General University Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic, and 3Division of Internal Medicine, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland

Abstract Keywords
Thyroid hormones are crucial for the growth and maturation of many target tissues, especially Autoimmune thyroid disease, pregnancy,
the brain and skeleton. During critical periods in the first trimester of pregnancy, maternal screening, thyroid-stimulating hormone,
thyroxine is essential for fetal development as it supplies thyroid hormone-dependent tissues. anti-thyroperoxidase antibodies, preg-
The ontogeny of mature thyroid function involves organogenesis, and maturation of the nancy loss
hypothalamus, pituitary and the thyroid gland; and it is almost complete by the 12th–14th
gestational week. In case of maternal hypothyroidism, substitution with levothyroxine must be
started in early pregnancy. After the 14th gestational week, fetal brain development may
already be irreversibly affected by lack of thyroid hormones. The prevalence of manifest Received 10 June 2016
hypothyroidism in pregnancy is about 0.3–0.5%. The prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism Revised 4 October 2016
varies between 4 and 17%, strongly depending on the definition of the upper TSH cutoff limit. Accepted 4 December 2016
Hyperthyroidism occurs in 0.1–1% of all pregnancies. Positivity for antibodies against thyroid Published online 13 January 2017
peroxidase (TPOAb) is common in women of childbearing age with an incidence rate of
5.1–12.4%. TPOAb-positivity may be regarded as a manifestation of a general autoimmune
state which may alter the fertilization and implantation processes or cause early missed
abortions. Women positive for TPOAb are at a significant risk of developing hypothyroidism
during pregnancy and postpartum. Laboratory diagnosis of thyroid dysfunction during
pregnancy is based upon serum TSH concentration. TSH in pregnancy is physiologically lower
than the non-pregnant population. Results of multiple international studies point toward
creation of trimester-specific reference intervals for TSH in pregnancy. Screening for
hypothyroidism in pregnancy is controversial and its implementation varies from country to
country. Currently, the case-finding approach of screening high-risk women is preferred in most
countries to universal screening. However, numerous studies have shown that one-third to one-
half of women with thyroid disorders escape the case-finding approach. Moreover, the
universal screening has been shown to be more cost-effective. Screening for thyroid disorders
in pregnancy should include assessment of both TSH and TPOAb, regardless of the screening
approach. This review summarizes the current knowledge on physiology of thyroid hormones
in pregnancy, causes of maternal thyroid dysfunction and its effects on pregnancy course and
fetal development. We discuss the question of case-finding versus universal screening
strategies and we display an overview of the analytical methods and their reference intervals in
the assessment of thyroid function and thyroid autoimmunity in pregnancy. Finally, we present
our results supporting the implementation of universal screening.

Abbreviations: TBG: thyroxin binding globulin; T3: triiodothyronine; T4: thyroxine; TSH:
thyroid-stimulating hormone; hCG: human chorionic gonadotropin; Tg: thyroglobulin; rT3:
reverse T3; D1-3: selenoenzyme type 1-3 iodothyronine deiodinase; TgAb: thyroid auto-
antibodies and/or thyroglobulin; TPOAb: thyroid autoantibodies against thyroid peroxidase;
TT4: determination of total T4; LC/MS/MS: liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry;
AITD: autoimmune thyroid diseases

Reviewers: Dr. Dennis Dietzen, Dennis, Washington University School

of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA; Dr. Zhongyan Shan, The First Thyroid physiology in pregnancy
Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University, Shenyang, Liaoning
Province, PR China. Thyroid hormones have multiple fundamental physiological
Address for correspondence: D. Springer, Institute of Medical roles and are essential for childhood development and normal
Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 1st Faculty of Medicine,
adult health. Many changes in the functioning of the thyroid
Charles University and General University Hospital, U Nemocnice 2,
Prague 13000, Czech Republic. Tel: +00 420224962883. Fax: +00 gland occur during pregnancy and some diseases of the
42224962848. E-mail: thyroid gland can affect both the pregnant woman and the
2 D. Springer et al. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci, Early Online: 1–15

fetus. Recent decades witnessed accumulating evidence that sufficient amounts of hormones. The maternofetal transfer of
maternal thyroid dysfunction, including subclinical forms, has thyroid hormones occurs via placenta, where thyroid hormone
subtle yet clinically relevant adverse effects on the course of transporters are expressed8. Placental deiodinases regulate the
pregnancy. Moreover, lack of thyroid hormones during amount of T4 entering the fetal organism.
developmental periods influences the neurocognitive devel- Maturation of thyroid function involves organogenesis and
opment of the child and leads to number of serious adverse development of the hypothalamus, pituitary and the thyroid
effects later in life1. Adequate iodine supply is essential to gland, as well as the maturation of thyroid hormone metab-
allow for thyroid hormone production, thus iodine levels are olism, and their actions. The thyroid gland is derived from
important to observe during developmental periods1. fusion of a medial outpouching from the floor of the primitive
pharynx, the precursor of the thyroxine producing follicular
Thyroid hormones and embryo development cells and bilateral evaginations of the fourth pharyngeal pouch.
During pregnancy, demands on maternal thyroid hormone This process is largely completed by the 12th–14th gestational
production rise significantly. Total thyroxine concentrations week. At this stage, tiny follicle precursors can be seen, iodine
must increase by 20–50% in order to maintain a euthyroid binding can be identified and thyroglobulin (Tg) detected in
state2,3. This can be ensured only in a state of iodine follicular spaces. Thyroid hormones are detectable in fetal
sufficiency which may require an increase in iodine supple- serum by 11–12 weeks of gestation, with both T4 and T3 being
mentation during pregnancy and the absence of destructive measurable. However, it is likely that a fraction of the
autoimmune thyroid processes. hormones detectable at this early stage is contributed by the
During pregnancy, several changes connected with thyroid mother through transplacental transfer11.
hormone production occur. Iodine clearance increases, as well Increased total T4/TSH and FT4/TSH ratios also indicate
as serum levels of thyroxin binding globulin (TBG). an increased ability of the thyroid gland to respond to TSH
Moreover, the deiodination of the inner-ring of triiodothyr- due to an upregulation of the TSH receptor6,11. Iodide
onine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) by the placenta is upregulated. concentrating capacity can be detected in the thyroid of the
Secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) from the 10–11-week-old fetus. TSH is detectable at 3–4 mIU/L at 12
anterior pituitary is regulated by the thyroid hormones via a weeks gestation with a moderate increase over the last two
negative feedback loop. In pregnancy, however, other mech- trimesters to 6–8 mIU/L12. Maturation of the negative
anisms participate in the regulation of TSH including feedback control of thyroid hormone synthesis is seen
suppression by high human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) approximately half way through the pregnancy. In hypothy-
levels4. FT4 reflects the amount of the biologically active roid infants, higher serum TSH levels can be detected by the
hormone, which is available to the organism of both the mother 28th gestational week. Both the thyroid hormones and TBG
and the fetus. In contrast to total T4, FT4 is not affected by the continue to increase gradually during the whole pregnancy13.
concentration of serum TBG. FT4 concentration in pregnancy
is influenced by iodine saturation and duration of pregnancy.
Total T4 concentration is increased in the first trimester, due to Thyroxin binding globulin and thyroglobulin in
the increased TBG levels, and relatively decreased during the pregnancy
second and the third trimesters5.
TBG is a globulin binding thyroid hormone. Its production
Thyroid hormones are critical for early brain development,
can be modified by estrogen levels, corticosteroid levels, or
somatic growth, and bone maturation. Their actions target
liver failure. The high levels of TBG in pregnancy cause an
diverse cellular processes, such as progenitor turnover, cell
overall higher binding of the thyroid hormones. Subsequently,
survival, and differentiation, cellular homeostasis and meta-
levels of the free hormones available in the blood fall. This
bolic regulation within multiple tissue types, and organs6,7.
leads to stimulation of TSH production and an overall
They have a direct effect on tissue differentiation as well as a increase in total thyroid hormone levels. TBG is present in the
permissive effect on actions of other growth factors8. fetal serum at levels of 100 nmol/L (5 mg/L) at 12 weeks
Extensive research has focused on the crucial role of thyroid gestation and it increases up to 500 nmol/L (25 mg/L) at the
hormone on brain during neurodevelopment in the early as time of birth. Due to placental estrogen effects on fetal liver,
well as adult life periods9,10. Abnormalities of thyroid fetal serum TBG levels exceed those in adults. In addition to
function in infancy and childhood result not only in the the increase in total T4, there is also a progressive increase in
metabolic consequences of thyroid dysfunction seen in adult serum FT4 levels indicating a maturation of the hypothal-
patients, but also in unique effects on the growth and/or amic-pituitary-thyroid axis11,14.
maturation of the thyroid hormone-dependent tissues. During Tg is a thyroid storage protein and a precursor for synthesis
ontogenesis, there are critical time windows for development of T3 and T4. In iodine deficiency, an increased amount of Tg
of individual tissues depending on thyroid hormones. Thus, is released into the blood, and its levels positively correlate
specific clinical consequences of the lack of thyroid hormones with thyroid volume. Tg levels increase in early pregnancy,
depend on the gestational age of the fetus affected11. maintain stable levels throughout mid-pregnancy and increase
Two sources supply fetal tissues with thyroid hormones: further at 36 weeks of gestation. After delivery, Tg decreases
the developing fetal thyroid gland, and the maternal thyroid to non-pregnant levels15. Recent studies report assessment of
gland. Both strongly depend on adequate iodine intake. serum Tg level as a marker for iodine deficiency16.
Maternal T4 is especially important in the first half of Usefulness and effectiveness of Tg in estimation of iodine
pregnancy – the period before the fetal thyroid produces status seem to be promising, although there are several
DOI: 10.1080/10408363.2016.1269309 Thyroid in pregnancy: from physiology to screening 3

problems connected with this approach. The results are hypothyroidism is predominantly caused by thyroid auto-
method-dependent, they are influenced by age and pregnancy immunity. Iodine is essential for thyroid hormone production
and there is a high-inter-assay variability (up to 43%) due to and thus for normal in-utero neurodevelopment. During
the heterogeneity of the Tg epitopes. Overcoming these issues pregnancy, iodine intake must increase by 50% due to
should be a priority in order to gain a reliable tool for physiological increases in maternal thyroid hormone produc-
identification of iodine-deficient pregnant women17. tion, an increase in maternal renal iodine losses, and fetal
iodine needs for thyroid hormone production23.
Iodothyronine deiodinases Iodine deficiency affects 2 billion people worldwide and is
The bioavailability of thyroid hormones in the fetus is the main cause of preventable mental impairment, not only in its
controlled not only by the output of the fetal thyroid gland and severe form, but also with mild-moderate insufficiency like in
placental transfer, but also by metabolism in peripheral the UK24,25. Currently, pregnant women suffer from iodine
tissues. Iodothyronine deiodinases are crucial in maintaining deficiency in at least 21 European countries26. We have previ-
the appropriate tissue levels of thyroid hormones in the fetus. ously shown that although the Czech Republic belongs to the
By catalyzing removal of iodine from the thyroxine molecule iodine-sufficient countries, more than half of the women after
at different locations, they either produce the genomically spontaneous abortion suffer from mild iodine deficiency27.
potent thyroid hormone T3 or they generate bio-inactive According to the WHO, pregnant and lactating women
reverse T3 (rT3). There are three iodothyronine deiodinases should be provided with 250-mg iodine daily. Adequate iodine
involved in the activation and inactivation of thyroid intake during pregnancy should be preferably achieved
hormones. All three closely regulate the balance of T3 already before conception28. This may be achieved by
supply to the developing tissues and they prevent the negative administering iodine supplements containing 150–250 mg of
effects of excessive amounts of thyroid hormones. iodine in the form of potassium iodide, e.g. in the form of
Conversion of peripheral T4 to T3 accounts for 80% of all vitamin supplements. This recommendation is supported by
T3 produced in healthy individuals18. The selenoenzyme type the guidelines of the Endocrine Society, as well as the
1 iodothyronine deiodinase (D1) catalyzes the conversion of guidelines of the European Thyroid Association29,30.
T4 to T3 and inactivates the sulfated conjugates of T4. D1
Thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy
activity decreases in pregnancy and, as a consequence,
circulating T3 concentrations in the fetus are quite low, According to large epidemiological studies, thyroid disorders
whereas serum levels of the biologically inactive isomer rT3 in pregnancy are associated with serious maternal, fetal and
and T3 sulfate are increased. The physiological reason for the newborn complications: spontaneous abortions31, preterm
maintenance of reduced circulating T3 concentrations birth32, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, induction, cesar-
throughout fetal life is still unknown. ean section, ICU admission, placental abruption and breech
Unlike D1, both the type 2 deiodinase (D2, an activating presentation33.
enzyme) and the type 3 deiodinase (D3, an inactivating
enzyme) are present in low concentrations in the fetal brain as Hypothyroidism
early as the 7th gestational week19. D2 converts T4 to T3, while
D3 converts T4 to rT3. D2 and D3 are the major isoforms The most common thyroid gland dysfunction in pregnancy is
present in the fetus and play a crucial role in defining the T3 hypothyroidism with a prevalence of about 0.3–0.5% of
level in the brain and pituitary. D2 is most concentrated in the pregnant women. Manifest/overt hypothyroidism is defined as
brain, pituitary, placenta and the brown adipose tissue. a thyroid hormone deficiency reflected by TSH elevation and
D3 is present in the brain as well as in the uteroplacental concomitant hypothyroxinemia. According to the American
unit20. As an enzymatic barrier, placental D3 limits the Thyroid Association, pregnant women with TSH levels of
exposure of the fetus to maternal thyroid hormones protecting 10.0 mIU/L or above are also considered to have overt
the fetus from overexposure to maternal T4. The released hypothyroidism irrespective of their FT4 levels34. Subclinical
iodide is further used for fetal thyroid hormone synthesis11. hypothyroidism is defined as TSH elevation and normal
Thus, D3 represents a key player in the homeostasis of thyroid thyroxine levels. It varies between 4 and 17% with the high
hormones in the fetus21. percentage reflecting the use of the recommended cutoff for
Despite the low levels of circulating T3, fetal brain T3 levels TSH in the first trimester at 2.5 mIU/L34–38. The causes of
are at 60–80% of those of an adult by 20–26 weeks of both forms of hypothyroidism are most often nutritive (iodine
gestation22. Thus, whereas the physiological interrelationships deficiency) and autoimmune, followed by causes like post-
between the various deiodinases in the fetus and placenta seem operative and post-irradiational states and side effects of anti-
to be designed to maintain circulating T3 levels at a reduced thyroid medication, amiodarone or lithium.
level, specific mechanisms have evolved for maintaining In pregnancy, hypothyroidism is linked to a number of
sufficiently high brain T3 levels to ensure normal development. adverse effects both in the mother and in the offspring. In
women of childbearing age, it is associated with reduced
fertility and perinatal complications. In the offspring, numer-
Iodine intake in pregnancy
ous pathological findings defining congenital hypothyroidism
Globally, iodine deficiency is the most common cause of have been well described including growth retardation, mental
hypothyroidism. In developed countries, mild-to-moderate retardation, deafness and failure of sexual development11. Lack
iodine insufficiency is linked to isolated hypothyroxinemia. In of thyroid hormones leads to irreversible damage to the fetus:
countries with sufficient iodine supply, manifest failure of differentiation of nervous cells, inadequate central
4 D. Springer et al. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci, Early Online: 1–15

nervous system development and psychomotor function and positivity for TPOAb is common in pregnancy and it bears
increased risk of perinatal defects. Maternal hypothyroidism a considerable risk for the development of postpartum
may also adversely affect the psychomotor development of the thyroiditis with an eventual long-term hypothyroidism in the
offspring including significant reduction in IQ scores39,40. mother. Moreover, TPOAb-positivity has been associated
Women with hypothyroxinemia have been shown to give with a number of adverse effects in pregnancy. In this section,
birth to children with decreased IQ scores and expressive we discuss the pathophysiology of thyroid autoimmunity in
language and nonverbal delays41,42. Also, women with TSH pregnancy and its adverse effects on the mother and the
above 6 mIU/L in the second trimester have been shown to offspring (Table 1) .
have a four times higher risk of fetal death than women with A modulated-maternal immune response in the form of
TSH below this threshold32. Lazarus and colleagues, a well- partial immunosuppression ensures tolerance of fetal alloanti-
discussed randomized study, treated pregnant women with gens and maintenance of pregnancy (Overview in Table 2).
hypothyroidism, including those with subclinical hypothy- Pregnancy is accompanied by an increase in regulatory
roidism, with high doses of levothyroxine starting at a median T-cells and by changes in cytokine production46. The
gestational age of 13 weeks 3 d. IQ was assessed at three years immunopathology of reproductive failure may be partially
of age and no improvement of offspring’s IQ in treated versus explained by an imbalance between Th1 and Th2 immunity,
untreated mothers was found43. However, thyroid antibodies Th17 cells and regulatory T-cells47. Lack of physiologically
were not assessed and this study had several limitations and occurring immunosuppression necessary to tolerate the fetal
received critical comments. semiallograft is regarded as one of the causes of the higher
Recently Korevaar and colleagues studied almost 4000 miscarriage rate in women with thyroid autoimmunity. The
mother–child pairs and found that children of mothers with complexity of the immunological relationship between the
hypo- and hyperthyroxinemia in pregnancy had significantly mother and the fetus still remains to be answered. However,
lower IQ scores than children of mothers with FT4 in the recent advances in molecular biology have enlightened some
normal range44. This decrease in IQ was accompanied by a of the molecular mechanisms participating in the fetomaternal
reduction in gray matter and cortex volume as assessed by crosstalk during implantation48.
MRI and it persisted after exclusion of overtly hyper- and Positivity for TPOAb and/or TgAb is common in women of
hypothyroid women. The psychological tests were done at the reproductive age in countries with good iodine supply. The
age of six years. These data seem to corroborate the prevalence of positive TPOAb among pregnant women has
hypothesis that both lack, and abundance, of thyroid hor- been reported between 5.1 49,50 and 12.4%51. Although the
mones disrupts the normal differentiation of the central possible causative genes of thyroid autoimmunity remain
nervous tissue; the lack slowing it and the abundance largely unknown, several novel genetic loci associated with
precociously accelerating it. TPOAb and thyroid diseases have been identified and may

Hyperthyroidism Table 1. Pregnancy-associated risks in euthyroid women with thyroid

Hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) is defined as the clinical
syndrome of hypermetabolism and hyperactivity that results  Thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy and postpartum (good evidence)
when the serum concentrations of FT4 and/or FT3 are high.  Miscarriage (moderate/good evidence)
At the same time, TSH is suppressed below the reference  Preterm birth (moderate evidence)
interval (healthy range). Graves’ disease is the most common  Impaired child neurological development (insufficient evidence)
cause of autoimmune hyperthyroidism in pregnancy, occur-
ring in 0.1–1% (0.4% clinical and 0.6% subclinical) of all
pregnancies34. Less common non-autoimmune causes of
Table 2. Changes leading to immune tolerance to fetus in pregnancy.
thyrotoxicosis include toxic multinodular goiter, toxic aden-
oma and factitious thyrotoxicosis due to high exogenous Mechanical barrier
supply45. The most frequent cause of transient thyrotoxicosis
in pregnancy is the syndrome of gestational hyperthyroidism Different HLA expression Trophoblast cells do not express
MHC Ia and MHC II antigens,
which is defined as transient hyperthyroidism, limited to the but express MHC Ib antigens
first half of pregnancy, characterized by normal or borderline (HLA-E, HLA-G).
elevated FT4 or adjusted TT4 and suppressed or undetectable Natural killers inhibition Due to HLA-G and HLA-E
expression by trophoblast.
serum TSH, in the absence of serum markers of thyroid
CD8+ T cells inhibition Due to HLA-G expression by
autoimmunity and normal thyroid ultrasound (US). It is trophoblast.
diagnosed in about 1–3% of pregnancies, it is caused by a Treg production Due to HLA-G expression by
TSH-like effect of the hCG and it is a self-limiting disorder, trophoblast.
Inhibition of complement activation
resolving spontaneously34. Apoptosis of activated T cells Due to FasL and TRAIL expression
by trophoblast
Thyroid autoimmunity in pregnancy Shift toward Th2 immune Due to increased estrogen and
response progesterone secretion.
Thyroid autoimmunity may be expressed as either an isolated
FasL: Fas ligand; TRAIL: TNF-alpha related apoptosis-inducing ligand;
positivity for thyroid autoantibodies against thyroid peroxid-
Treg: regulatory T cells; HLA: human leucocyte antigen; MHC: major
ase (TPOAb) and/or thyroglobulin (TgAb), or positivity of the histocompatibility complex.
antibodies connected with thyroid dysfunction. Isolated Adapted from Weetman95.
DOI: 10.1080/10408363.2016.1269309 Thyroid in pregnancy: from physiology to screening 5

explain why some women are prone to certain types of did not confirm the association between TPOAb-positivity in
autoimmune thyroid disease52. euthyroid women and preterm birth, finding only an associ-
TPOAb positivity is associated with several risks both to ation with premature rupture of fetal membrane60,72. In
the mother and to the fetus (Table 1). Whereas the risk contrast, another study found a 2.5-fold increased risk of
of thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy and postpartum preterm birth in isolated TPOAb-positivity which increased to
in TPOAb-positive women is based on good evidence, the a 4.8-fold risk if concomitant subclinical hypothyroidism was
association between positive TPOAb and miscarriages, pre- present73; and the meta-analysis of He and colleagues showed a
term birth, and impaired child neurological development significantly increased risk of preterm delivery in women with
remains much less understood and even controversial30. thyroid autoantibodies64. Given that the results of these
reviewed studies are very heterogeneous it is difficult to
Thyroid autoimmunity and pregnancy loss make a concrete statement concerning the link of thyroid
Many studies report a link between thyroid autoimmunity and autoimmunity and preterm birth.
miscarriages (usually defined as a pregnancy loss before 20 Our research group has previously dealt with this topic in
weeks of gestation) in euthyroid women. The miscarriage rate 2011, where we found an association between premature birth
varies between 0 and 36.3% in TPOAb-positive women53,54 and the positivity of thyroid autoantibodies connected to
and 1.3 and 20% in TPOAb-negative women55,56. In a pathological findings on thyroid US. We evaluated the
systematic review by Rasmussen and Bliddal, seven studies prognostic role of thyroid US on pregnancy outcome in
reported a significantly higher risk of miscarriage in TPOAb- TPOAb-positive women. Only 64/131 (48.9%) of TPOAb-
positive women as compared to TPOAb-negative controls; six positive pregnant women had US pattern typical for auto-
studies did not find any association57. Toulis and colleagues immune thyroiditis (US-positive). Pregnant women were
performed a meta-analysis and demonstrated that thyroid more likely to have TSH 410.0 mIU/L if they were
autoimmunity in euthyroid women does not decrease the rate TPOAb-positive/US-positive as compared to TPOAb-posi-
of implantation, but it does increase the risk of miscarriage tive/US-negative [8/64 (12.5%) versus 0/67 (0%), p ¼ 0.009].
in subfertile women undergoing IVF (RR 1.99)58. In a The prevalence of preterm births among the TPOAb-positive
meta-analysis by Thangarantinam and colleagues, TPOAb women was significantly higher in the TPOAb-positive/
and/or TgAb were shown to represent a significant risk factor US-positive women as compared to the TPOAb-positive/
for miscarriage in 28 of 31 studies with an odds ratio of 3.9 in US-negative women [(10/64 (15.6%) versus 2/67 (3.0%),
the 19 cohort studies and 1.80 in the 12 case-control studies59. p ¼ 0.028]74. Thus, we can speculate that an autoimmune
Other studies have shown similar relative risks60–62. Thus, the pattern on US linked to positivity for thyroid autoantibodies
association between miscarriages and thyroid autoantibodies may represent a more severe form of an autoimmune process
seems to be well proven. with greater clinical importance than either entity alone.

The significance of the degree of TPOAb elevation

Thyroid autoimmunity and preterm birth
It is uncertain whether only slightly elevated levels of serum
In contrast to pregnancy loss, the association between thyroid
TPOAb have a negative impact on pregnancy outcome.
autoimmunity and preterm birth is much more controversial.
Although early studies reported similar risks of miscarriages
Some studies reported a significant association56,63,64, but
with mild and markedly elevated TPOAb75,76, the clinical
others did not65–67. In an observational cohort study of almost
significance of slightly elevated TPOAb remains controversial.
1500 pregnant American women (the FASTER trial), Cleary-
Major problems that must be rectified are the insufficient
Goldman and colleagues found no association between posi-
standardization of the TPOAb tests and the varying cutoffs for
tive TPOAb in the first and second trimester and preterm
positivity. Moreover, cutoffs may be different in pregnancy
delivery rates. Preterm premature rupture of membranes was
than the general population. Serum TPOAb levels are not
the only obstetric outcome associated with maternal thyroid
stable during pregnancy: they increase in the first and decrease
autoimmunity, and this was only the case in women with both
in the second and third trimesters77. Based on these reasons and
TPOAb- and TgAb-positivity68. Korevaar and colleagues
the lack of randomized interventional studies, some authorities
reported that TPOAb positivity was associated with a 1.7-
do not recommend the universal assessment of TPOAb in
fold increased risk of premature delivery, a 2.1-fold increased
pregnancy and in women with recurrent miscarriages30,78. In
risk of spontaneous premature delivery and a 2.5-fold increased
our opinion, increased levels of TPOAb in pregnancy should
risk of very premature delivery (534 weeks of gestation).
not be regarded as clinically relevant unless they exceed more
These effects remained similar after correction for TSH and
than twice the upper cutoff of the given analytical test.
FT4 levels69. A similar association between TPOAb-positivity
in euthyroid women and very preterm deliveries was previ-
ously reported by Negro and colleagues70. In a further analysis Levothyroxine treatment in euthyroid TPOAb-positive
of the FASTER trial by Haddow and colleagues in 2010, women
women with positive TPOAb and/or TgAb in the first trimester Although crucial, it is not known whether treatment of
had a higher rate of preterm delivery before 37 weeks of euthyroid TPOAb-positive women improves pregnancy out-
gestation than the antibody-negative women (7.5% versus come (i.e. decreases a risk of miscarriage and/or preterm
6.4%). This was also the case for very preterm delivery before birth). There are only two small-randomized studies, includ-
32 weeks of gestation (1.2% versus 0.7); this effect was, ing a total of 187 women, evaluating the effect of
however, very weak71. Two recent studies published in 2015 levothyroxine treatment on pregnancy outcomes. Both the
6 D. Springer et al. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci, Early Online: 1–15

study performed in unselected women79 and in women seven years of age. The authors suggested that association of
scheduled to have IVF treatment80 showed relative miscar- TPOAb with IQ may reflect a portion of children with
riage rate reductions of 36% and 75%, respectively. The study unexamined TPOAb-associated sensorineural hearing loss89.
performed in unselected women also reported a 69% decrease More recently in 2014, Wilson and colleagues showed that
in relative risk of preterm delivery rate in women treated with positive TPOAb was significantly associated with smaller head
levothyroxine. In the retrospective study of Vissenberg and circumference, reduced brain weight, and lower brain-to-body
colleagues in 202 euthyroid women with recurrent miscar- ratio in children of white, non-Hispanic euthyroid TPOAb-
riage, TPOAb-positive women without levothyroxine treat- positive mothers90. In a cohort study by Ghassabian and
ment (n ¼ 10) had a lower live birth rate (29%) than TPOAb- colleagues in 2012 in the Netherlands, children of TPOAb-
positive women on levothyroxine (60%) and TPOAb-negative positive mothers were at a higher risk of attention deficit/
women (51%)81. In our retrospective study in women after hyperactivity problems91. Conversely, Pakkila and colleagues
miscarriages, we had comparable results and we proved the in 2014 in Finland did not find an association between TPOAb
cost-effectiveness of levothyroxine substitution. Of the 38 and cognitive parameters and/or attention deficit/hyperactivity
TPOAb-positive or subclinical hypothyroid women who were problems92. Similarly, Williams and colleagues did not find an
not treated with levothyroxine, 8 (21%) reported secondary association between maternal or cord levels of TPOAb or TgAb
infertility as compared to 16/147 (11%) healthy, and 3/73 with child neurodevelopment determined as McCarthy scale
(4%) TPOAb-positive or subclinical hypothyroid women scores at 5.5 years79.
treated with levothyroxine (p ¼ 0.021). Treatment with Based on these conflicting results, it is difficult to draw a
levothyroxine was associated with an increased rate of conclusion. It seems that the isolated positivity of maternal
successfully completed subsequent pregnancies (increment thyroid autoantibodies could be associated with adverse
of 6 newborns/100 women) and cost savings of E19 539/100 neurodevelopment outcomes in the offspring. However, the
women. Total costs per successfully completed pregnancy clinical impact of these findings remains unclear.
were E1189 in healthy controls, E1564 in the treated and
E2488 in the untreated women82.
Possible mechanisms of adverse effects of TPOAb
Effect of levothyroxine on the live birth rate in TPOAb-
positive euthyroid women with recurrent miscarriages is
currently being studied in the ongoing T4-LIFE study. The There are three hypotheses as to how positive TPOAb in
study is designed as a multicenter, placebo controlled, euthyroid women could contribute to a negative pregnancy
randomized trial in euthyroid women with recurrent miscar- outcome: i) subtle hypothyroxinemia with TSH still within
riages (two or more miscarriages before the 20th gestational reference range (or slightly elevated) being unnoticed in the
week) and TPOAb-positivity. The primary outcome is live first weeks of gestation; ii) failed mother’s immune tolerance
birth, defined as the birth of a living fetus beyond 24 weeks of to fetus; and iii) increasing prevalence of both thyroid
gestation. The study needs to randomize 240 women (120 per autoantibodies and miscarriages/preterm births with advan-
group) to demonstrate an improvement in live birth rate from cing age. The first theory is supported by the fact that among
55% in the placebo group to 75% in the levothyroxine initially euthyroid TPOAb- or TgAb-positive pregnant women
treatment group83. In our opinion, the current evidence is the risk of hypothyroidism varies between 16 and 19% during
sufficient enough as to recommend treatment with levothyr- the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, although the
oxine in pregnant women with positive thyroid autoantibodies levels of thyroid autoantibodies decrease70,93. Moreover, in a
and coincident mild TSH-elevation and/or FT4 decrease, or in meta-analysis in 2011 Thangaratinam and colleagues reported
cases with typical autoimmune pattern on thyroid US. that euthyroid TPOAb-positive women had serum TSH 0.5
mIU/L higher than TPOAb-negative women59. Finally, 65%
of euthyroid TPOAb-positive women with recurrent miscar-
Maternal thyroid autoimmunity and child
riages showed increased TSH stimulation (415 mIU/L) after
neurological development
TRH (thyroliberin), indicating subtle peripheral thyroid
Studies investigating the relationship between positive TPOAb dysfunction94,95.
in euthyroid pregnant women and cognitive skills of their Women with thyroid autoimmunity are considered to be at
children have had conflicting results. In the pioneer study by high risk of failure of the immune tolerance to fetus. Some
Pop and colleagues, preschool children born to TPOAb- authors believe that the association of thyroid autoimmunity
positive mothers had lower IQ as compared to TPOAb- with miscarriages and preterm birth is not causal but it is just an
negative ones84. More than ten years later, both similar85,86 and epiphenomenon underlying advanced age of pregnant women
opposite87,88 findings have been reported. Wasserman and (prevalence of both is linked with higher age). However,
colleagues reported in 2008 that 22.7% of the children born to several facts indicate that this hypothesis is rather unlikely: i)
euthyroid TPOAb-positive (62.5 IU/mL) mothers had sen- treatment with levothyroxine decreases the incidence of
sorineural hearing loss as compared to 4.3% born to TPOAb- miscarriages and preterm births79,80, ii) there is no difference
negative mothers (OR adjusted for maternal race, age and in age between TPOAb-positive and TPOAb-negative women
hypothyroidism 7.5, 95% CI 2.4–23.3). When a lower cut off of with miscarriages59, and iii) advanced age is not a significant
TPOAb (31.25 IU/mL) was used, a smaller but still signifi- predictor for TPOAb positivity in pregnant women36.
cant association remained (OR 5.7, 95% CI 2.1–15.6). Four Therefore, we believe that thyroid autoimmunity is an
years later, the same group reported a modest effect of TPOAb expression of a profound immunological dysbalance having
on the cognitive performance of a child observed at four and multiple adverse effects on pregnancy. These effects are
DOI: 10.1080/10408363.2016.1269309 Thyroid in pregnancy: from physiology to screening 7

mediated by both the immunopathological pathways as well Table 3. Recommended trimester specific
reference intervals for TSH.
as by the subtle lack of thyroid hormones.
Reference intervals for thyroid markers in pregnancy
First trimester 0.1–2.5
In pregnancy, a number of factors affect the determination of Second trimester 0.2–3.0
reference intervals for thyroid parameters. The most import- Third trimester 0.3–3.0
ant is the definition of euthyroidism. Moreover, iodine According to the American Thyroid
saturation and analytical methodology play a role (differences Association 201134 and the Endocrine
in recognition of antibody epitope by different reagents). Society 201230.
Clinical heterogeneity, test assay platform, thresholds used
and quality features of the studies are likely to have
contributed to the statistical heterogeneity observed. populations101–103. It is a matter of discussion whether these
Determining the reference range suitable for the first trimester reference intervals should be used worldwide. The use of
of pregnancy is possible by using the suggestion of the uniform reference intervals may lead to an unnecessary
National Academy of Clinical Biochemistry (NACB) on initiation of treatment in women with high-normal TSH
selected samples from the population, or as 95th percentile levels104.
from a cohort of women with a sufficient iodine supply96. For For practical purposes, the reference interval for TSH in
TSH and sometimes also for FT4, high-interindividual the first trimester of pregnancy can be set as the reference
variability exists and the inclined distribution of values may interval published by the producer for the general population
be taken into account in a group of pregnant women. For the decreased by about 0.15 mIU/L in the lower and 1.5 mIU/L in
definition of reference intervals for TSH and FT4, it is the upper limit.
necessary to select a group of pregnant women in whom Very often, the TSH suppression in the first trimester of
factors stimulating or inhibiting the thyroid function are pregnancy is caused by the syndrome of transitory gestational
excluded. Preferably, this group should consist of TPOAb- hyperthyroidism. The beta subunit of hCG is specific for
negative women without personal or family history for thyroid hCG, while the alpha subunit of hCG is nearly identical to the
disorders and without other influencing factors (Table 7) as alpha subunit of TSH118. Thus, hCG is known to have a TSH-
well as without multiple pregnancies. Any such determination like effect in pregnancy leading to transitory gestational
should include test for normality of data, which is important hyperthyroidism119. This inverse relationship between hCG
in choice of parametric or non-parametric method for the and TSH levels during early pregnancy has been well
reference intervals calculation. documented1,107.
Serum concentrations of TSH, FT4 and TPOAb are usually
measured using immunoassays. Worldwide, there are sev- Free thyroxine
eral immunoanalytical systems used. Given the significant
changes in the concentrations of thyroid hormones throughout The measurement of maternal FT4 with the current immuno-
gestation30, the ATA has recommended that the reference assay techniques may not be sufficiently accurate due the
intervals be determined not only for each trimester of interference of pregnancy-modified plasma proteins. Still,
pregnancy, but also for each specific geographical region34. some authors state that the reliability of the standard
Moreover, potential variations between the analytical methods immunoassay for FT4 is satisfactory120. Others point to its
should be taken into account. unreliability and emphasize the measurement of FT4 in the
dialysate or ultrafiltrate using online solid phase extraction
liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry as gold
Thyroid-stimulating hormone
standard (LC/MS/MS)121,122. This method is ideal for deter-
The diagnosis of thyroid disease in pregnancy is based upon mination of trimester specific reference ranges for FT4.
serum TSH concentration, using trimester-specific TSH However, it is technically demanding and expensive, and at
reference intervals for pregnant women97,98. Due to the present not available in most clinical laboratories123–125. For
high-hCG values and increased production of TBG99, the most of the immunoanalytical systems used, there are
reference interval for TSH is set lower in pregnancy than in a established and published reference intervals for FT4 in
non-pregnant population. Using the classical reference range pregnancy. These reference intervals are mostly similar to
for serum TSH could lead to underdiagnosis of hypothyroid- those recommended by the manufacturers.
ism and overdiagnosis of hyperthyroidism. Therefore, the The determination of total T4 (TT4) has also been
implementation of pregnancy-specific reference intervals is proposed as an alternative method for evaluating thyroid
widely recommended29,100. The pregnancy-specific reference function during pregnancy, as TT4 measurements are per-
intervals proposed by the American Thyroid Association and formed by a more robust methodology than those used for
the European Thyroid Association are shown in Table 330,34. FT4126. The increase in TT4 due to the increase in placental
Various authors have published quite a wide range of hCG is more predictable than the increase in FT4. It appears
reference intervals for TSH. More than 90% of the published thus that the reference values established in different popu-
reference intervals for TSH in the first trimester are higher lations are better comparable and probably more reliable than
than the recommended upper limit of 2.5 mIU/L. Table 4 those obtained for FT4. Moreover, it has been proposed that
summarizes reference intervals determined in various coun- the reference values for TT4 in pregnancy may be confidently
tries, including the variations between different ethnic obtained simply by multiplying the reference values of the
8 D. Springer et al. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci, Early Online: 1–15

Table 4. Reference intervals for TSH (mIU/L) in the first trimester of pregnancy calculated according to international recommendations
for TPOAb negative women.

Method Reference n 2.5th–97.5th percentile

Advia Centaur Siemens Yan et al. (2011) , China 505 0.03–4.51
Bestwick et al. (2014)105, UK 16 334 0.06–3.50
Pearce et al. (2008)106, USA 585 0.04–3.60
Springer et al. (2009)107, Czech Rep. 4337 0.06–3.67
Architect Abbott Shen et al. (2014)108, China 1409 0.16–3.78
Bocos-Terraz et al. (2009)109, Spain 481 0.41–2.63
Gilbert et al. (2008)110, Australia 1817 0.02–2.15
La’ulu and Roberts (2011)101, USA 2172 0.02–2.69
Männisto et al. (2011)98, Finland 4333 0.08–3.54
Stricker et al. (2007)97, Switzerland 575 0.07–2.82
Immulite 2000. Siemens Xing et al. (2016)111, China 3314 0.07–3.96
Karakosta et al. (2011)112, Greece 425 0.05–2.53
Hadow et al. (2004)113, USA 1126 0.08–3.61
Lambert-Messerlian et al. (2008)114, USA 8351 0.12–3.37
Elecsys, Roche Li et al. (2014)115, China 640 0.10–4.34
Wang et al. (2011)116, China 406 0.19–3.54
Vaidya et al. (2007)36, UK 1089 0.14–3.19
Vitros ECI Ortho Medici et al. (2011)49, Netherlands 5186 0.03–4.04
AutoDELFIA Bestwick et al. (2014)105, Italy 5505 0.04–3.19
UniCel DxI 800 Beckman Coulter Zhang et al. (2015)117, China 3507 0.06–3.13

non-pregnant population by 1.5127. However, the potential a rather semiquantitative fashion (negative, borderline posi-
advantages of TT4 have been questioned due to its tive, moderately positive and highly positive).
close relationship to TBG, which serum levels are highly
variable128. Assessment of thyroid markers by different
analytical systems
Thyroid autoantibodies The treating physician should be aware of which analytical
Autoantibodies against TPOAb and thyroglobulin (TgAb) are system for assessment of the thyroid markers their laboratory
uses and what the specific reference intervals are. In 2014, we
markers of autoimmune process in the thyroid gland and their
validated the reference intervals for thyroid markers in early
determination is diagnostically and prognostically import-
pregnancy on seven different analytical systems131. Table 5
ant129. Pregnant woman screened during the first trimester of
provides an overview of reference intervals for TSH, FT4 and
pregnancy have a high prevalence of thyroid autoantibodies
TPOAb determined in a group of 216 healthy Czech pregnant
(up to 20%)49,107. In the second and third trimesters of
women in the 9th–13th gestational week without history of
pregnancy, thyroid antibodies may decrease. This is caused by thyroid dysfunction. An adequate iodine supply can be
the relative immune suppression allowing an immunotolerant expected, as iodized salt has been in regular use in the
environment for the fetus46. The fall in both the TPO-Ab and Czech Republic since the 1950s132. No participants had any
Tg-Ab in the second half of pregnancy is followed by an history of family or personal thyroid dysfunction. We
increase postpartum49,130. measured TSH, FT4 and TPOAb serum levels simultaneously
The measurement of TgAb is recommended in the case of using seven different immunoassay systems representing the
elevated TSH and negative TPOAb. In the presence of methods most often used globally. As the TSH and FT4 levels
elevated TSH and negative TPOAb and TgAb, thyroid did not follow a normal distribution, we used a power-
ultrasonography may be helpful in detecting abnormal thyroid transformation of the original data in order to gain better
texture and establishing the diagnosis of autoimmune results for normality testing. We established the 95% refer-
thyroiditis77. ence intervals (range from 2.5th to 97.5th percentiles) by
Studies dealing with specific pregnancy reference intervals employing the parametric approach and we retransfomed all
for TPOAb from USA, Europe, China and other countries parameters afterwards. Moreover, we established the positiv-
have been repeatedly published101,107,111. The differences in ity cutoff limits for TPOAb by a simple nonparametric
TPOAb manufacturers’ reference ranges are incomparable: method – as the 95th percentile of all values. We applied this
the cutoff limits vary from 0.5 to 100 kU/L. In our study from approach for each of the different analytical systems analyzed.
2009, we report a cutoff for TPOAb at 143 kU/L for the first Since, it is very difficult to standardize the determination
trimester of pregnancy (n ¼ 4337)107. For most of the tested of TPOAb; it is preferable to indicate the result as TPOAb-
systems, the established cutoff limits in pregnancy are similar positive or TPOAb-negative. Single numerical cutoff for all
to those recommended by the manufacturers. It is also methods is difficult or even impossible to establish.
possible that the manufacturer modifies the immunoassay
method over time, changing the antibody used and thus also Screening of thyroid disorders in pregnancy
changing the results achieved. Moreover, for clinical pur- Discussions on the screening for hypothyroidism in pregnancy
poses, it is often reasonable to consider the TPOAb-values in are ongoing and the opinions are different from country to
DOI: 10.1080/10408363.2016.1269309 Thyroid in pregnancy: from physiology to screening 9
Table 5. Reference intervals for thyroid function tests established simultaneously with seven different analytical systems in the same
serum pool from 216 healthy pregnant women in 9th–13th gestational weeks131.

Analytical system FT4 (pmol/L) TSH (mIU/L)

Producer Median Reference interval Median Reference interval Median Cutoff
Architect i2000SR, 14.41 11.76–17.7 1.37 0.22–3.27 9 11.2
UniCel DxI 800 10.43 8.13–13.2 1.33 0.20–3.23 0.7 7.6
Beckman Coulter
Immulite 2500 12.95 10.44–16.39 1.16 0.17–2.83 5 16.7
Advia Centaur 14.59 11.83–18.37 1.39 0.22–3.34 7 54
Modular E170 14.66 11.49–18.62 1.56 0.25–3.81 33 20.1
AIA 2000 13.4 9.97–17.25 1.09 0.18–2.78 5.7 7
Tosoh Bioscience
RIA/IRMA Immunotech 15.18 12.31–18.67 1.53 0.25–3.91 0.26 14
Beckman Coulter

country. Results of the population screenings for thyroid Table 6. Risk factors necessitating a screening for thyroid disorders in
pregnancy according to the guidelines of the American thyroid
disorders vary, depending on level of medical care and association34.
approach to prevention, geographical conditions, iodine
supplementation and other circumstances (including diagnos-  Women with a history of thyroid dysfunction and/or thyroid
tic criteria used)126,133,134. Evaluation of thyroid function in surgery.
pregnancy is difficult, considering the number of interfering  Women with a family history of thyroid disease.
influences in pregnancy.  Women with goiter.
However, implementation of universal screening for con-  Women with thyroid antibodies.
genital hypothyroidism and early administration of levothyr-  Women with symptoms or clinical signs suggestive of
oxine successfully prevent the worst detrimental effects of hypothyroidism.
hypothyroidism – severe mental and growth retardation of the  Women with type I diabetes.
child.  Women with a history of either miscarriage or preterm delivery.
In recent years, a fierce debate on whether at all, and if yes,  Women with other autoimmune disorders that are frequently
how to screen pregnant women for thyroid disorders has associated with autoimmune thyroid dysfunction, including viti-
emerged126. Although the clinical efficacy of treatment of ligo, adrenal insufficiency, hypoparathyroidism, atrophic gastritis,
overt hypothyroidism in pregnancy has been accepted as pernicious anemia, systemic sclerosis, systemic lupus erythemato-
sus, and Sjögren’s syndrome
adequately proven, data on effectiveness of treatment of
 Women with infertility should have screening with TSH as part of
subclinical hypothyroidism in pregnancy are regarded as
their infertility work-up.
insufficient due to lack of randomized studies135. This is the
 Women with prior therapeutic head or neck irradiation.
main argument against implementation of general screening
 Women with a body mass index 40 kg/m2
for autoimmune thyroid diseases (AITD) in pregnancy.
Therefore, the majority of endocrine societies still prefer the  Women age 30 or older. The prevalence of hypothyroidism
increases with age.
case-finding approach of screening of the high-risk women.
 Women treated with amiodarone.
The Endocrine Society Guidelines from 2012 resulted in a
 Women treated with lithium.
majority opinion advocating selective screening and a
minority opinion recommending universal screening30. The  Women with a recent (in the past 6 weeks) exposure to iodinated
radiological contrast agents.
selective screening involves evaluation of 15 risk factors in
the pregnant women and if any of them is present, a TSH
measurement should be performed (Table 6)34. The European
Thyroid Association has not recommended universal screen- voices emerge calling for universal screening from the USA,
ing in their Guidelines from 2014. However, the authors state United Kingdom, Belgium, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, the
that in the opinion of the majority of experts this screening Czech and Slovak Republics, as well as China135,139–145. In
should be implemented29. fact, thyroid disorders in pregnancy fulfill all the demands for
The arguments for implementation of universal screening implementation of a universal screening as proposed by
are compelling. Thyroid dysfunction is common in preg- Wilson and Jungner (Table 7).
nancy, is easy to detect and can be treated efficiently, safely However, there are several issues of concern. Most
and inexpensively. Moreover, statistical models have shown importantly: what value of TSH should be taken as a cutoff
its cost-effectiveness136,137. Also, about one-third to one-half for pathology and indication for treatment? General consensus
of the women with thyroid disorders will escape the case- states that every woman with manifest hypothyroidism should
finding approach38,138.Therefore, more and more specialists be treated34. According to international guidelines, TSH in
have started to favor the universal screening recently, and the first trimester of pregnancy should be below 2.5 mIU/L
10 D. Springer et al. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci, Early Online: 1–15

Table 7. Thyroid disorders in pregnancy in the view of criteria for above 30 years of age, women with TPOAb-positivity).
universal screening.
Reliable studies in children born to women with high risk for
1. Is the condition an important health problem? Yes thyroid dysfunction are needed.
Deficiency of thyroid hormones may have serious consequences Another concern about the levothyroxine-substitution
for both the pregnant woman and the fetus1,4,5,21,31. therapy has emerged. There is full agreement that substitution
2. Is there an accepted treatment for patients with Yes in hypothyroid pregnant women is necessary, but it should
recognized disease?
be done cautiously and overdose should be avoided.
Treatment of thyroid disorders is undemanding in terms of
oral medication23,30,34. Hyperthyroxinemia might be associated with decreased
3. Are facilities for diagnosis and treatment Yes cognitive functions in the offspring44.
Diagnostics is based on available laboratory and ultrasonographic
examination. The treatment is well established and undemanding29,100. Results from the Czech Republic
4. Is there a recognizable latent or early symptomatic Yes
stage? In the Czech Republic, efforts to screen for thyroid diseases in
Investigations at very early pregnancy may reveal a hidden and pregnancy emerged in 2006. Since then, a number of studies
yet asymptomatic, but easily treatable disease49,114.
have been performed, all concluding that AITD are frequent
5. Is there a suitable test or examination? Yes
Laboratory tests are widely available and inexpensive96,97,113. among the pregnant women35,74,83,107,138,141.
6. Is the test acceptable to the population? Yes In 2009, we performed a pilot screening project in 13
The acceptability of the thyroid tests is not problematic140. Czech regions with good laboratory and endocrinological
7. Is the natural history of the condition, including Yes
development from latent to declared disease
backup. The aim of the project was to assess the prevalence of
adequately understood? thyroid dysfunction and thyroid autoimmunity in pregnant
The studies in physiology of the thyroid gland and its disorders women under optimal combination and economic feasibility
are available1,5,40. of the diagnostic tests. The timing of the venipuncture was
8. Is there an agreed policy on whom to treat as Yes
connected to the test for chromosomal abnormalities in the
Expert guidelines are available for the treatment and management
first trimester of pregnancy (9th–11th gestational week).
of pregnant women with thyroid disorders30,40. Three tests were measured in 2937 pregnant women without
9. Is the cost of case finding (including diagnosis Yes risk factors for thyroid disorders: FT4, TSH and TPOAb. The
and treatment) economically balanced in relation results have shown a surprisingly high proportion of pregnant
to possible expenditure on medical care as a
whole? women with any pathology in the screening. Overall, 18% of
asymptomatic pregnant women had a pathological value in at
Diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disorders is relatively
inexpensive. The cost-effectiveness has been confirmed by least one parameter screened. Hyperthyroidism was rather
several studies82,136,137. infrequent, and was manifest only in 0.5% of women in the
10. Case finding should be a continuing process and Yes whole group; in the remaining women TSH suppression was
not a ‘‘once and for all’’ project.
most likely due to hCG influence. Hypothyroidism mani-
More than half of the women with TPOAb positivity during
fested as an increased TSH and/or decreased FT4 was found
pregnancy undergo postpartum thyroiditis and the other half of them
will have permanent damage of the thyroid gland39,100,145. in 7.8% of women. Importantly, hypothyroxinemia was found
in 3.7% of all women. TPOAb positivity was found in 8.9% of
Adopted from Wilson and Jungner: Principles and practice of screening all women: 5.4% had isolated TPOAb-positivity thyroid
for disease146.
dysfunction and 3.4% were TPOAb-positive with concomitant
pathological finding in FT4 and/or TSH. In 2012, we
confirmed these results in a larger study including 5223
and in the second and third trimester below 3 mIU/L34. pregnant women35. Moreover, in this study, we have shown
However, should all women with a TSH above 2.5 mIU/L and that pregnant women over 30 years of age did not have a
normal FT4 be treated? As was shown previously, this could higher risk of thyroid dysfunction than younger women.
involve almost 17% of all pregnant women35,36. Addition of However, thanks to the increasing age of pregnant women, the
TPOAb-positivity to this threshold seems to be a reasonable inclusion of this criterion among the high-risk criteria for
way to select women who could benefit from treatment. This thyroid dysfunction increased the proportion of hypothyroid
approach was used by Negro and colleagues147. In his study, women identified in a case-finding screening strategy from
more than 4500 women were randomized to universal or 55.3 to 85.6%.
selective screening, and treatment was initiated in the first Based on these findings, multiple educational activities
trimester when TSH was above 2.5 mIU/L and TPOAb were for the public have been implemented; lectures and
positive. Although universal screening compared with case seminars for the professional community (most notably
finding did not result in a decrease in adverse outcomes in for general practitioners, gynecologists and internists) have
general, women identified as having AITD and treated during been organized by the Czech Endocrine Society. The pilot
pregnancy had significantly fewer adverse outcomes than project has led to the conclusion that universal screening
women with AITD who were not identified until after for thyroid disorders in pregnancy should strongly be
delivery and, therefore, not treated. Due to the current recommended. Moreover, the pilot project has proven that a
knowledge on adverse effects of thyroid dysfunction in suitable organization of the screening is possible, including
pregnancy, it is difficult to perform a randomized study with a the continuity in treatment ascertained by the network of
control group of untreated high-risk women (e.g. women endocrinologists.
DOI: 10.1080/10408363.2016.1269309 Thyroid in pregnancy: from physiology to screening 11

Conclusions pregnant women not only for TSH, but also for TPOAb,
regardless of whether the screening is targeted or universal.
Thyroid disorders in pregnancy are common and they
The risk of thyroid dysfunction in pregnancy and postpartum
constitute a major epidemiological risk concerning current
in TPOAb-positive women is based on good evidence.
and future pregnancies, as well as development of the
However, the relevance of other potential negative outcomes
offspring. Pregnant women with a diminished functional
associated with thyroid antibodies (pregnancy loss, preterm
reserve due to iodine insufficiency or thyroid autoimmunity
birth and impaired child neurological development) seems to
fail to increase the thyroid hormone production and develop
depend on other circumstances. Most notably on the serum
subclinical or overt hypothyroidism.
level of autoantibodies, duration of positivity, presence of US
In the scientific community, there is a continuous debate
thyroid texture typical of autoimmune thyroiditis and serum
on the definitions and the clinical relevance of hypothyroid-
TSH. In our opinion, measurement of both TSH and thyroid
ism, subclinical hypothyroidism, hypothyroxinemia, and the
antibodies in the systematic screening for thyroid disorders in
importance of thyroid antibodies in the course of pregnancy
pregnancy is beneficial and it can help decide whether women
and postpartum.
positive in the screening should be treated with levothyroxine
The link between overt hypothyroidism, obstetric compli-
or not. We consider the elevation of serum levels of thyroid
cations and disturbances in neuropsychological development
autoantibodies greater than double the upper cutoff limit for
of the offspring has been well established; and treatment with
the non-pregnant population for the given analytical test to be
levothyroxine has been uniformly recommended. Manifest
clinically relevant. In euthyroid pregnant women with positive
hypothyroidism affects at least 0.4% of pregnant women.
thyroid antibodies, we recommend levothyroxine treatment in
Extrapolated to a population of 10 million inhabitants with
cases with coincident mild TSH elevation and/or hypothyr-
100 000 deliveries per year, 400 neonates per year are in
oxinemia or when there is a typical pattern of autoimmune
danger of serious neuropsychological complications.
thyroiditis on thyroid US. Otherwise, frequent TSH monitor-
Screening for thyroid dysfunction should be applied in all
ing during pregnancy and postpartum is required.
high-risk women – and, according to some authorities – in all
In the Czech Republic, we have verified the practicability
women in early pregnancy. The screening is simple by
of universal screening of pregnant women with a subsequent
measuring TSH, and pregnancy-specific TSH reference
endocrinological care. The universal screening for AITD in
intervals should be used. Substitution with levothyroxine is
pregnancy has been recommended by the Czech Endocrine
inexpensive and widely available. It should be aimed at
Society and it has been implemented in several large obstetric
achieving normal TSH and according to some authors also
centers. The global future of screening for maternal thyroid
normal FT4 levels according to the trimester-specific refer-
disorders depends on the ongoing clinical trials.
ence ranges and the local laboratory. Moreover, inadequately
low or high doses should be avoided, and adequate iodine
supply should be ensured for all pregnant women. As the Acknowledgments
system of care of pregnant women differs across continents
This work was supported by a Research Project of the General
and countries, it remains yet to be defined who should be the
University Hospital Prague RVO-VFN 64165 and Research
primary provider of the screening (general practitioner,
Project of the Grant Agency of Ministry of Health of the
gynecologist and other treating physician).
Czech Republic MZ0/NT 11277.
Expert opinions differ in terms of clinical relevance of
subclinical forms of thyroid dysfunction. The problems begin
with the diagnostics. Several immunoanalytical systems for the Declaration of interest
measurement for thyroid parameters are used worldwide, with
The authors report no declarations of interest.
substantially different reference intervals recommended by the This work was supported by a Research Project of the
manufacturers. Moreover, the determination of the upper TSH General University Hospital Prague RVO-VFN 64165 and
cutoff value is crucial for the definition of thyroid dysfunction. Research Project of the Grant Agency of Ministry of Health of
According to the world’s authorities, the upper cutoff for TSH the Czech Republic MZ0/NT 11277.
in the first trimester has been set at 2.5 mIU/L. Using this
cutoff, up to 17% of all pregnant women could be classified as
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