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Effectiveness and Safety of High-Intensity

Interval Training in Patients With Type 2

Monique E. Francois and Jonathan P. Little


■ IN BRIEF Recent research has shown that high-intensity interval training
(HIIT) can promote improvements in glucose control and cardiovascular health
in individuals with type 2 diabetes. This article summarizes the evidence and
highlights the ways in which HIIT might be safely implemented as an adjunct to
more traditional exercise approaches.

hysical activity and exercise con- single bout of exercise increases insu-
fer wide-ranging health benefits lin sensitivity for up to 48 hours into
(1). Improvements in cardiovas- recovery, and this is accompanied by
cular risk profile, energy balance, psy- improved glycemic control in individ-
chological well-being, immune func- uals with type 2 diabetes (9,10). The
tion, strength, and flexibility make intensity, duration, and type of exer-
physical activity the most important cise are likely to play a key role in the
means to improve overall health and magnitude of the benefits attained.
well-being for all ages (2). Low car- At present, the most effective exercise
diorespiratory fitness is a well-known strategy for improving glucose control
risk factor for chronic diseases such and reducing cardiometabolic risk in
as cardiovascular disease, type 2 dia- type 2 diabetes has not been defined.
betes, and obesity, among others (3). In this review, we will discuss recent
In addition, low cardiorespiratory evidence that highlights the poten-
fitness is a major predictor of mor- tial for low-volume, high-intensity
tality in individuals with diabetes interval training (HIIT) to be safely
(4,5). Exercise training is the most implemented as a time-efficient exer-
effective way to increase cardiorespi- cise option for reducing blood glucose
ratory fitness, and individuals with levels in individuals with, or at risk
type 2 diabetes clearly respond to for, type 2 diabetes.
exercise training with this expected Traditional Exercise
adaptation (6). In the context of in- Approaches
sulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, Traditional exercise guidelines have
exercise provides additional benefits focused on increasing low- to mod-
for blood glucose control and is es- erate- intensity physical activity in
University of British Columbia Okanagan, tablished as an important therapy in sedentary individuals. The American
Kelowna, BC, Canada
the prevention, management, and Diabetes Association (ADA) and
Corresponding author: Jonathan P. Little,
treatment of type 2 diabetes and its American College of Sports Medicine
DOI: 10.2337/diaspect.28.1.39
associated complications (7). (ACSM) guidelines for physical ac-
The benefits of exercise for improv- tivity recommend a minimum of
©2015 by the American Diabetes Association.
Readers may use this article as long as the work
ing glucose control over a defined 150 minutes/week (or 30 minutes, 5
is properly cited, the use is educational and not period of training often reflect those days/week) of moderate to vigorous
for profit, and the work is not altered. See http://
accumulated effects from each indi- physical activity (11). This includes
for details. vidual exercise session (1,8). Indeed, a activities such as walking, jogging,

VO LU M E 2 8 , N U M BER 1, W IN T ER 2 015 39

and cycling, or anything that caus-

es a sustained increase in heart rate
(~40–60% of maximal aerobic ca-
pacity or ~55–70% maximal heart
rate [HRmax]). The guidelines also
recommend that patients with type 2
diabetes undertake two to three ses-
sions of resistance training per week
and have no more than two consec-
utive days off between single bouts
of exercise.
Both aerobic and resistance
exercise have shown modest improve-
ments in glycemic control (12,13),
and although the combination may ■ FIGURE 1. Graphical representation of a typical HIIT protocol. Time is on the
be more effective than either alone horizontal axis and exercise intensity, expressed relative to maximal aerobic capacity
(14,15), there is evidence supporting (dotted line), is on the vertical axis. The “on” portion of HIIT is typically >70%
potential added benefits of more vig- of maximal aerobic capacity, and these intervals can last from just a few seconds to
orous exercise (16–19). For example, several minutes. One protocol that has been shown to be feasible, time-efficient, and
in a meta-analysis (6) examining the effective involves 10 × 1 minute at ~90% maximal aerobic capacity separated by
impact of exercise training on A1C 1-minute rest periods. This protocol is depicted in the figure.
in individuals with type 2 diabetes,
exercise intensity was the stronger and the popular press for its ability fit, healthy individual may involve
predictor of improvements in blood to robustly improve various aspects running or sprint cycling, whereas
glucose control when compared to of cardiometabolic health. HIIT in- the same relative intensity for the
exercise volume. volves alternating between periods “on” portion for an overweight indi-
It is likely that traditional exercise of vigorous exercise (which we will vidual with type 2 diabetes may
guidelines have focused on low- to define as exercising at ≥70% maxi- involve brisk or uphill walking. This
moderate-intensity exercise because mal aerobic capacity) and periods of is important to recognize because it
activities such as walking are easily rest or recovery. Numerous different means that HIIT can be individually
achieved and relatively safe. However, HIIT protocols have been employed tailored and does not have to involve
such activities are the most common in research studies, involving differ- all-out exercise.
forms because they are the basis of ent numbers, intensity levels, and
lengths of the vigorous-intensity por- Health Benefits of HIIT in
a normal, active lifestyle (20), which People With Type 2 Diabetes
does not describe the majority of tions and/or recovery periods. This
makes comparison between HIIT Numerous HIIT protocols have been
individuals with type 2 diabetes (11). tested on individuals with coronary
Such activities of daily living may studies inherently difficult. However,
it is likely that the “on-off” pattern artery disease, heart failure, chronic
not be able to provide an appropriate obstructive pulmonary disease, and
stimulus to increase cardiorespira- of exercise allows individuals to more
readily perform vigorous exercise be- metabolic syndrome and are reviewed
tory fitness (21). This is particularly elsewhere (23). Several studies have
true for patients with type 2 diabe- cause break periods are naturally built
in. HIIT may therefore represent an tested a HIIT protocol involving 4 ×
tes, for whom there is evidence that 4 minutes of uphill walking at ~90–
a self-selected walking pace during ideal strategy for implementing vig-
orous exercise in individuals who 95% of maximal aerobic capacity,
exercise may be too low to achieve separated by 3-minute low-intensity
improvements in key health markers are unfit or unaccustomed to vigor-
ous-intensity physical activity. Figure walking rests. When compared to
(22). Thus, supervised exercise train- energy expenditure–matched, mod-
ing involving more vigorous exercise 1 graphically depicts the pattern of
exercise in a typical HIIT session. erate-intensity walking at ~65% of
may be the most effective means to
It is important to note that the maximal aerobic capacity, HIIT has
improve cardiorespiratory fitness
intensity of the bursts of vigorous generally been found to offer supe-
and reduce hyperglycemia in type
exercise that characterize HIIT is rior cardiovascular benefits. A re-
2 diabetes.
not standardized, but rather is based cent meta-analysis (24) of studies
What Is HIIT? on the individual cardiorespiratory in participants with lifestyle-related
HIIT has attracted attention in the fitness of the exerciser. In this man- metabolic disease reported that the
scientific and clinical communities ner, the “on” portion of HIIT for a increase in cardiorespiratory fitness

francois and little

after HIIT is approximately double low-volume HIIT may be an attrac- (BMI >30 kg/m2), not on exogenous
the increase after moderate-intensity tive option for increasing physical insulin, and free of diabetes compli-
continuous training. activity levels. cations. Total exercise time was ~30
The clinical significance of these One low-volume HIIT protocol minutes/week within a 75-minute
findings is highlighted by the fact that has shown preliminary effective- weekly time commitment (including
that low cardiorespiratory fitness is an ness in patients with type 2 diabetes warm-up, cool-down, and rest peri-
independent predictor of mortality in involves 10 × 1-minute vigorous ods), which is markedly lower than
individuals with and without type 2 intensity efforts at ~90% of max- current guidelines.
diabetes (3–5). Other added benefits imal aerobic capacity interspersed In another study, Shaban et al.
of HIIT are improvements in endo- with 1-minute rest periods. As little (30) assessed an even lower-volume
thelial function, insulin sensitivity, as 2 weeks of training in this man- HIIT protocol involving 4 × 30 sec-
and blood pressure (24).
ner three times per week (i.e., six onds at ~100% of maximal aerobic
Studies directly comparing HIIT
total exercise sessions in 14 days) was capacity with 4-minute rest periods
to traditional, moderate-intensity
exercise in people with type 2 diabetes effective for reducing 24-hour mean in nine patients with type 2 diabe-


are less common. However, Karstoft blood glucose in previously inactive tes. Participants were on average ~40
et al. (25) recently reported superior participants with type 2 diabetes years of age, the majority (8/9) were
effects of HIIT involving free-liv- (29) (Figure 2). Participants in this taking exogenous insulin, and all
ing interval walking compared to study were ~65 years of age, obese were free of diabetes complications.
moderate-intensity continuous walk-
ing in patients with type 2 diabetes
(~60 years of age, ~5 years since type
2 diabetes diagnosis, most treated
with diet only or metformin, and no
history of diabetes complications).
Both groups trained for 60 minutes/
day on 5 days/week for 16 weeks;
therefore, training volume and time
commitment were high. The interval
walking was based on previous work
conducted in older adults in Japan
and involved 3-minute intervals at
~70% of maximal aerobic capacity
separated by 3 minutes of low-in-
tensity walking (26), whereas the
continuous walking group performed
for 60 minutes at ~55% of maximal
aerobic capacity. After training, the
interval walking group had greater
improvements in body composition,
aerobic fitness, and glucose control
assessed by continuous glucose mon-
itoring (CGM) (27).
Perhaps more intriguing are
emerging data showing that
low-volume HIIT can elicit rapid
improvements in cardiovascular and
metabolic health. Low-volume HIIT
involves a substantially lower total
■ FIGURE 2. Low-volume HIIT leads to rapid improvements in glucose control in
exercise volume and time commit-
individuals with type 2 diabetes. A: Average 24-hour blood glucose asessed before
ment and has therefore been touted as
(Pre) and after (Post) six sessions of HIIT involving 10 × 1 minute at ~90% of max-
a time-efficient exercise option. Given
imal aerobic capacity over 2 weeks. B: A representative 24-hour continuous glucose
that lack of time is the number-one
monitoring curve from a participant assessed under standardized dietary conditions.
reported barrier to regular exercise Reprinted with permission from Ref. 29.
participation (28), it is possible that

VO LU M E 2 8 , N U M BER 1, W IN T ER 2 015 41

The outcome measures in this small control (29). In patients with type this style of exercise is effective for in-
study were limited, but blood glucose 2 diabetes (aged 55–75 years and dividuals with type 2 diabetes.
was reduced immediately after each treated with metformin or combined
Is HIIT Safe?
session, although there was no differ- metformin plus sitaglipin or sulfony- Because vigorous exercise has been
ence in fasting insulin or glucose after lurea), Terada et al. (33) also found associated with increased risk of
six sessions in 2 weeks. However, the that HIIT, when compared to mod- acute cardiovascular events, there
authors noted that six of the nine erate-intensity continuous exercise,
participants did see improvements in is concern regarding the safety of
produced greater acute reductions implementing HIIT in any clinical
insulin resistance assessed by fasting in blood glucose assessed by fin-
homeostasis model assessment scores population. The ADA recommends
gerstick samples taken before and 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG)
and argued that this HIIT protocol after each session during a 12-week
may be effective for improving meta- screening for patients with type 2
training program. diabetes before engaging in any vig-
bolic control. The mechanism by which HIIT
Longer-term studies of low-volume orous exercise (11), and, although
improves glucose control may lie in its there is no direct evidence that HIIT
HIIT in type 2 diabetes are limited. ability to recruit more muscle fibers
Mitranun et al. (31) investigated 12 is equivalent to continuous vigorous
and rapidly deplete muscle glycogen exercise, this precaution is likely ap-
weeks of HIIT or continuous exercise
levels, thereby promoting a greater propriate for those individuals inter-
in 43 patients with type 2 diabetes
increase in post-exercise muscle ested in trying HIIT. A recent retro-
aged 50–70 years who were on glu-
insulin sensitivity (34). Because spective analysis of ~5,000 patients
cose-lowering medications but were
not taking exogenous insulin and the post-exercise increase in muscle over 7 years of supervised cardiac
were free of diabetes complications. insulin sensitivity lasts for ~24–48 rehabilitation exercise reported a low
HIIT involved a progression to 6 × hours after a single bout of exercise, risk of acute cardiovascular events
1-minute intervals at 85% of maxi- HIIT may be an effective strategy for with HIIT (38). Specifically, the au-
mal aerobic capacity with 4 minutes improving glucose control acutely thors reported an event rate of 1 non-
of low-intensity recovery and was and over the longer term. Performing fatal heart attack per 23,182 hours of
compared to 30 minutes of continu- HIIT over a longer period of time HIIT (38).
ous exercise (65% of maximal aerobic (e.g., 12–16 weeks) may have the More research is needed to
capacity) matched for exercise energy added bonuses of reducing abdomi- directly assess the safety of HIIT in
expenditure. Both low-volume HIIT nal adipose tissue (35) and increasing individuals with or at risk for type 2
and continuous training improved lower-body muscle mass (36). diabetes. Because of its efficacy and
body fat mass, cardiorespiratory time-efficiency, it would be important
Recent Advances: Less HIIT,
fitness, endothelial function, and to determine whether the increased
Same Effect? acute risk of cardiac events with con-
fasting blood glucose; however, these Despite the evidence that low-vol-
benefits were greater in the HIIT tinuous vigorous exercise (39) applies
ume HIIT can improve several mark- to HIIT, in which there are rest peri-
group. Moreover, A1C only improved
ers of health in individuals with or at ods naturally built in and protocols
after HIIT.
risk for type 2 diabetes, the charac- can involve only a few seconds or
As discussed above, many of the
teristics of the optimal HIIT session minutes of vigorous exercise.
benefits of exercise for individuals
with type 2 diabetes can be attributed (e.g., interval number, length, and At this stage, it is advised that
to the acute effects of the most recent intensity) are not known. There is individuals with type 2 diabetes
bout of exercise. A single session of a growing trend in HIIT research undergo an appropriate pre-exercise
HIIT involving 10 × 1 minute at to explore the minimal amount of screening, a 12-lead ECG stress
~90% of maximal aerobic power has exercise that is required to improve test, and physician clearance before
been shown to significantly reduce cardiometabolic health. In this re- engaging in HIIT, as they would
postprandial hyperglycemia assessed gard, there is evidence that as little with any vigorous exercise pro-
by CGM in type 2 diabetes patients as 1 minute of vigorous exercise per- gram. It is also recommended that a
aged ~65 years (32). More recent formed in a 10-minute training ses- qualified exercise professional (e.g.,
studies have extended these find- sion (3 × 10–20 seconds) done thrice ACSM-certified exercise specialist
ings to younger overweight or obese weekly for 6 weeks can improve glu- or Canadian Society for Exercise
individuals at risk for type 2 diabetes cose tolerance in overweight men Physiology–certified exercise physiol-
and have demonstrated that HIIT (37). It remains to be determined ogist) supervise HIIT for individuals
may be superior to energy-matched, whether all the benefits of traditional with type 2 diabetes. As with any
moderate-intensity continuous exer- aerobic exercise can be achieved with exercise, an appropriate warm-up
cise for acutely improving glucose such low-volume HIIT and whether and cool-down period is important

francois and little

to help reduce the risk of cardiovascu- aerobic capacity have been shown to with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes
lar events and musculoskeletal injury. be safe and effective in clinical popu- (16,29).
The majority of the studies exam- lations. Depending on the initial fit- Most studies have used cycling or
ining HIIT in patients with type 2 ness and experience of participants, it uphill walking to achieve the desired
diabetes have been of short dura- is advised to use a progression of in- intensity. However, in practice, the
tion (<6 months) and have typically terval duration, intensity, or number. intervals can be any type of move-
involved individuals ~60 years of This could be accomplished initially ment, as long as the intensity during
age who were treated with met- by adding just a few short periods the “on” components is increased.
formin or metformin plus one other of “picking up the pace” to a ses- Potential modalites of exercise to use
glucose-lowering drug, were free of sion of continuous moderate-intensity for HIIT include walking, cycling,
coronary artery disease, and had been exercise (16). swimming, team sports such as
cleared for exercise with a 12-lead It is important to reiterate that the football/soccer, circuit training, and
ECG stress test. Thus, the applicabil- intensity of the intervals is relative to resistance exercise. In the study by
ity of HIIT for different subgroups participants’ level of fitness or tol- Francois et al. (16), an HIIT regi-


within the type 2 diabetes population erance. Thus, HIIT for a previously men involving 1-minute intervals that
(e.g., patients with concomitant heart inactive older patient with type 2 alternated between resistance band
disease, those who are insulin-treated, exercise and treadmill walking was
diabetes might involve simply pick-
and those with peripheral neurop- just as effective as treadmill walk-
ing up the pace of walking for 30–60
athy) is not known. In the only
seconds every few minutes during ing HIIT for reducing blood glucose
study to our knowledge to examine
exercise, whereas an active patient assessed during the 24 hours after
HIIT in type 2 diabetes patients
who is already regularly exercising exercise. Interestingly, heart rate was
with complications, Praet et al. (27)
might need to walk uphill at a brisk lower during the resistance band exer-
demonstrated that 10 weeks of HIIT
(4–8 × 30 seconds of cycling sprints pace to achieve the correct intensity. cises, but the RPE was higher. With
separated by 60 seconds of rest) when Exercise intensity can be pre- the assistance of a trained exercise
added to a resistance training pro- scribed using a percentage of specialist, incorporation of adapted
gram led to improvements in fitness HRmax, which is assessed during resistance band HIIT may increase
and reductions in hyperglycemia and a maximal exercise stress test or the feasibility of HIIT for decon-
exogenous insulin requirements in a estimated as 220 minus age. For ditioned patients or individuals with
group of inactive males (~60 years example, someone who is 50 years of orthopedic limitations to exercise.
of age) with insulin-treated type 2 age has a maximal heart rate of ~170 Conclusion
diabetes and diagnosed polyneurop- bpm. Therefore, interval exercise at There is mounting evidence sup-
athy. The authors of this small study 85% HRmax would be at ~145 bpm porting the potential cardiometa-
reported one overuse injury that lim- during the “on” portion. In our expe- bolic benefits of HIIT in individuals
ited progression of training intensity, rience, it takes about three to four with type 2 diabetes or prediabetes.
but it is not clear whether this was intervals (if they are 30–60 seconds It should be noted that most studies
related to the HIIT or the resistance in duration) to accurately determine examining this type of exercise have
training. Certainly, more work is whether the intensity of the interval involved a small number of partici-
needed to examine the feasibility, is correct if you are trying to elicit pants and have been relatively short
impact, and safety of HIIT among ~85% HRmax. Alternatively, the rat- in duration. More research is needed
different subgroups of the type 2 dia- ing of perceived exertion (RPE) scale to evaluate the safety and efficacy of
betic population. is effective and does not require any HIIT before widespread adoption,
Putting HIIT into Practice specialized equipment. The easiest but for individuals who are cleared
HIIT could be a smart addition to scale for most people to understand for vigorous exercise participation,
any exercise program. Whether it is is the Category Ratio-10 (CR-10) HIIT may be a valuable addition to
used in place of continuous mod- scale, which rates overall exertion on a health-enhancing exercise program.
erate exercise when time is precious a scale from 0 to 10, with 10 being
or added to traditional exercise ap- “very, very hard (maximal),” 7 being
“very hard,” and 0 being “nothing at Duality of Interest
proaches for variety, HIIT has the
all” or resting. An intensity of ~85% No potential conflicts of interest relevant to
potential to provide additional health this article were reported.
benefits. The most effective interval HRmax corresponds to ~7–8 on the
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