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Lecture 3

Background/Random Processes
• Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
• Optimization Theory
• Ensemble Averages, Jointly Distributed
RVs, Joint Moments

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
• Let A be an n x n matrix and consider the following
set of homogeneous linear equations

where λ is a constant
• In order for a nonzero solution vector to exist, the
matrix (A - λI) must be singular => det(A - λI) must
be zero

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
• Charateristic polynomial of A: the nth order
polynomial p(λ) in λ
• Eigenvalues of A: the n roots, λi
• For each eigenvalue λi , matrix (A - λI) will be singular
and and ther will be at least one nonzero vector vi
that solves Eq. (2.44)

• Eigenvectors of A: the n vectors, vi

• For any constant α, α vi will also be an eigenvector

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

• If A is n x n singular matrix, then there are nonzero

solutions to the homogeneous equation

and λ = 0 is an eigenvalue of A.
• Furthermore, there will be k = n − r(A) linearly
independent solution to Eq. (2.48) => A will have
• r(A) nonzero eigenvalues
• n − r(A) zero eigenvalues
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

• Eigenvalue Decomposition: For any n x n matrix A having n

linealy independent eigenvectors,

• where matrix V contains the eigenvectors of A and Λ is a

diagonal matrix containing the corresponding eigenvalues

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors

Optimization Theory
• Minimization (or maximization) of a function of one or more
• Simplest form: Finding the minimum of a scalar function f(x)
of a single real variable x
• Assuming objective function (OF) f(x) to be differentiable, the
stationary points of f(x) i.e., local and global minima must
satisfy the following conditions

Optimization Theory
• f(x) strictly convex function: Only one solution to Eq. (2.67),
which is the global minimum of f(x)
• f(x) not convex: Each stationary point must be checked to see
if it is the global minimum or not
• When OF f(z) is a function of a complex variable z and
differentiable (analytic): stationary points of f(z) found similar
to the real case
• What if f(z) is not differentiable?
• Example:

f(z) has a unique minimum at z = 0 but its not differentiable

since it is a function of z and z*. Any function dependent on z*
is not differentiable w.r.t. z 13
Optimization Theory
• Solution 1: Express f(z) in terms of its real and imaginary parts

and minimize f(x,y) w.r.t. these two variables

• Solution 2 (more elegant): Treat z and z* as independent
variables and minimize f(z, z*) w.r.t. both z and z*

Treating f(z, z*) as a function of z with z* constant

Treating f(z, z*) as a function of z* with z constant

Optimization Theory
Setting both derivatives to zero and solving the pair of
equations, we obtain the solution z = 0

• Therefore, for

we can set either Eq. (2.69) or (2.70) to zero and solve for z.

Optimization Theory
• How to find the minimum of a function of two or more
• Scalar function of n variables

• Requires computing the gradient: vector of partial derivatives

• Gradient points in the direction of maximum rate of change of

• Gradient is zero at the stationary points of f(x)
Optimization Theory
• Necessary condition for a point x to be a stationary point of

• For this stationary point to be a minimum, the Hessian matrix

Hx must be positive definite

where Hx is the n x n matrix of 2nd-order partial derivatives

with the (i, j)th element given by

Optimization Theory
• f(x) strictly convex: Solution to Eq. (2.71) is unique and is the
global minimum of f(x)
• Function of complex vectors f(z, z*): treat z and z* as
independent variables, stationary points may be obtained
using the theorem

• From the theorem it follows that the stationary points of

f(z, z*) are solutions to the equation

Optimization Theory

Optimization Theory
• Example of a constrained minimization problem (encountered
in array processing)

min zH Rz
s.t. zH a = 1

• We need to find the vector z that minimizes the OF which is a

quadratic form subject to a linear equality as mentioned
above where a is a given complex vector

Optimization Theory

Optimization Theory
• Solution: Introduce a Lagrange multiplier λ and solve the
unconstrained objective function

To minimize the OF, we set its gradient w.r.t. z* equal to zero

Finding the value of the Lagrange multiplier λ

Optimization Theory
Substituting Eq. (2.74) into (2.75)

Finally, substituting Eq. (2.76) into (2.74)

which is the vector z that minimizes the OF

Optimization Theory
Substituting this vector z into the quadratic form (main OF),
we obtain the minimum value of the quadratic form

where the RHS term follows from Eq. (2.75)

Random Processes

Ensemble Averages
• Sample mean or expected value
• Expected value of a discrete random variable (RV) x that
assumes a value of αk with probability Pr{x = αk}

• For continuous RVs with pdf fx(α)

Ensemble Averages

Ensemble Averages
• For RV x with pdf fx(α), if y = g(x)

• Variance of RV x, Var{x}

• For complex RVs, mean square value is

• and variance is given by

Ensemble Averages
• Expectation is a linear operator

• Using linearity, variance can be expressed as

• When E{x} = 0,

Jointly Distributed RVs
• Joint distribution function for two RVs, x(1) and x(2)

Definition: the probability that x(1) is less than α1 and x(2) is

less than α2

• Joint density function for two RVs

Jointly Distributed RVs
• Statistical characterization of complex RVs: If z = x + jy is a
complex RV and α = a + jb is a complex number then the
distribution function for z is the joint distribution function

• Joint distribution function for n RVs

• Joint density function for n RVs

Joint Moments
• Correlation: 2nd-order joint moment

• Covariance

• Correlation coefficient (normalized covariance invariant to


Joint Moments
• Due to normalization, correlation coefficient is bounded by
one in magnitude


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