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8:30am, 11:00am, 1:00pm (Espanol) and 5:00pm

Masses have resumed around the country as the quarantines have been either lifted or relaxed.
Although the pandemic is far from over and the country is still being ravaged by COVID-19, our
state and county, at this time, is relatively safe.

The following guide is for those who wish to attend Mass. There are no exceptions to these rules and
those who are not able to comply need to stay home until they can either meet the expectations or the
obligation to attend Mass is resumed.

It is with “fear and trembling” that we encounter Christ in the Eucharist. I am willing to lead you
all in prayer and into the sacraments. We are in this together.

The obligation to attend Mass has been lifted for the time being:
If you are concerned about your health or concerned that you may have been in contact with COVID-
19, then please do not feel any guilt about “missing” Mass. Your virtuous absence is noble and a way of
loving yourself and neighbor.

Children under the age of 7 years old are not to attend Mass at this time:
While this may be a hardship on some parents who want to attend Mass, children can be “at risk” of
spreading the virus and also of touching surfaces that may be carriers of the virus. We will not have
access to the Nursery, the “Cry Room” or the downstairs at this stage thus there are very few places for
children to be entertained or cared for.

No one will be admitted to Mass without a mask. Masks must be worn by everyone.

Please do not bring “Grove seats”, blankets, towels, bathmats, plastic sheeting or anything else to
sit on. The pews will be disinfected.

To help with conservation of supplies, please bring your own personal size hand sanitizer.

Do not bring “wipes” for furniture that are not recommended for wood.

The elevators and stairs are closed off. Handicapped and elderly parishioners are to make a note
of this.

Confessions will continue on Saturdays from 10:00am until 11:00am through the COVID-19
pandemic period.
Confessions will be heard on Sundays at 7:30am, 10:30am and 4:15pm.
First Come/First Serve Attendance:
We are going with a “first come-first serve” approach.

The door will be locked when Mass begins. There will be a sign on the door expressing that Mass has
begun and the capacity has been met.

No late comers will be admitted.

You will not be able to “reserve” seating for family members or friends.

I suggest that you arrive at least 15 minutes before Mass begins.

You will not be able to stand in the Narthex throughout Mass.

Everyone who arrives for Mass will be registered by the usher. This helps with contact tracing. You will
only be asked for your name and a contact number. We are trying to develop a method of contacting
people in case a congregant is COVID-19 positive.

There will be sanitizer in the Narthex for your use. However, it would be a great help if each person
brought their own sanitizer to help conserve our supply. Small “personal size” bottles or wipe-napkins
are ideal.

You will be ushered to your pew. Families are able to sit together. Those who come alone are to sit 6’
from their neighbor. The pews will have markers designating seating.

Aisle seats are of course at a premium. In a pew of 3 individuals, someone will be in the “middle”.
Please exit the pew and stand 6’ away from the individual as he or she is being seated. Do not cross
over another person in getting to your seat or exiting.

Going with the 6’ distancing, every other pew will be disabled for use. Each pew can seat only 3 people
if they are distanced at 6’ apart.

Liturgy is different:
There will be no ministers. The style of the Mass is very much like a daily Mass. I will celebrate “ad
Deum” so that the Facebook Live Stream can also be available to those who wish to watch the Mass at

There will be no worship guides. There are some online guides and you are welcome to follow along
on your devices. I recommend this free app-

If you wish to bring your Missal or prayer book, you must take it home with you. If you want a paper
missalette, we have some available but you are to take it with you and you may use it for each Mass

Cash and checks may be put in an envelope and dropped in the basket located in the Church.
You may make your contribution either as you enter or as you exit. There is no “offertory” collection at
this time.

I stress that online giving is another method of giving that is safe and secure. You may go to the website for more information.

Communion will be distributed by me.

The front rows will be for the elderly and handicapped (who are able to attend under the guidelines). If
anyone is not able to approach the altar, they are to be seated in the front. No exceptions. I will go to
the front row and offer Communion to them there. They will be seated.

The Diocese recommends that Communion be received on the hand while the communicant is masked.

Those who wish to receive by tongue are asked to either switch to “hand only” or wait until everyone
has received Communion or come forward at the end of the line. Kneeling is an easier way for those
who receive on the tongue to receive but this is not a condition for reception.

For everyone else, approaching the altar will be under the safe-distancing measures (basically 3 pew
ends apart). To facilitate the reception of Holy Communion, we will go row by row. There will be no

You are to wear your mask if you are receiving Holy Communion. Communion will be placed in your
hand and you are to step to the side, remove your mask and place the host in your mouth.

I will not go to any pews other than the front.

If you arrive late, you will not be given Communion in the Narthex, the piazza or parking lot. Only
those who attend Mass in the Church will be communicated.

The Mass is Ended:

After you have received Communion, you may sanitize your hands. If you did not bring your own,
there is a bottle of sanitizer in the Narthex.

The Liturgy requires that participants are to stay until the final blessing is given. For the current
situation, you are welcome to leave after you have received Communion. This will also help you avoid
clusters and the temptation to violate social distancing guidelines enforced by the town.

Please continue to wear your mask as you exit the Church building.

There will be no gatherings of people in the Narthex or piazza after Mass.

Any items left in the Church after Mass will be thrown away. We will not keep a “lost and found”.
Cleanup and setup:
Our janitorial service will handle the cleanup after the 8:30, 11:00 and 1:00pm Mass.

The church will be locked after the 5:00pm Mass and the janitorial service will clean up in the morning
before opening.

Daily Mass:
Daily Mass begins on June 15 with Monday daily Mass. Seats will be marked off and this will be “self-

We will stick to the suggested population for Sunday Mass (100 people max or some equal percentage
is my proposal).

You are to bring your own hand-sanitizer if possible.

Mass will be celebrated at the regular times for daily Mass.

All guidelines for Sunday Mass are applicable for daily Mass.

If you are more comfortable with leaving after Holy Communion you may do so as to make a safer exit
and to avoid clusters of people visiting after Mass.

Open Church:
The Church will be open during the day for devotion and prayer.

If you come for private devotion, do not bring any children under the age of 7 into the Church.

We are not able to disinfect all day long and keep an eye on those who use our church for the water
fountain and restrooms or who may come in to cool down after a jog or walk. You are entering at your
own risk and it is imperative you bring your own sanitizer and wipes.

Finally, I will use the “Dad Vacation to Disney World Rule”: “If y’all can’t behave, I’m turning this
car right around and we’re going home”.

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