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Digital Downtime Contract

Abby Kusmin


During Digital Downtime, I want to stop the unnecessary usage of technology and fight
addictive habits with my cell phone. I want to create both physical and mental distance between
myself and my phone so that I do not feel compelled or obligated to be on it constantly and do
not keep reaching for it. I believe that this will help my mental health and general stress levels. It
will also give me more time to do other, more productive and more creative things.

Part 1—Technologies and activities that are expressly and completely prohibited –

- Snapchat
- TikTok
- Digital music
- Netflix/ TV

Part 2—Technologies that are permissible according to their purpose of use

- Instagram- 10 minutes per day to promote Sunrise Movement Blair Strike Circle and
respond to DMs on strike circle account
- Twitter- 5 minutes per day to to promote Sunrise Movement Blair Strike Circle and
respond to DMs on strike circle account
- Photography- 5-10 pictures per day of important events or information
- Slack- 10 minutes per day to stay updated on Sunrise Movement updates and Fridays for
Future weekly strike plans
- Texting- 20-40 minutes per day to communicate with people who I have asked to
complete tasks related to strike circle, set up conversations and communicate with new
strike circle members, communicate with hub leaders, and message parents when
- Google Documents- 1-2 hours per day to work on Lang homework
- Computer- 3 hours per day to complete work in human rights, lang, and tech, get Khan
Academy practice with Stat, and do any needed research for climate projects or events
- Gmail- 5 minutes per day to send necessary emails to strike circle contacts and follow up
with other climate contacts
- GroupMe/ WhatsApp- 5 minutes per day to communicate with Sunrise strike circle
program leaders and Sunrise Silver Spring hub
- Zoom- 2-3 hours per week to be on climate-related calls with strike circle coach, strike
circle members, and hub members
- Promethean: 3 hours per day for Lang, Stat, Tech, World, Human Rights, and Psych
Part 3—Goals for the week--

A. Quantifiable

- Read 1 book
- Go hiking at least once
- Go swimming at least once
- Write at least 2 pages of a story
- Write at least 2 poems

B. Unquantifiable

- Let go of the feeling that I need to be reachable at all times

- Focus on mental health and what makes me happy
- Reinvest in personal conversations with both friends and other activists in the area
- Relax more

Student Signature ___________________________________ Date

Parent Signature ____________________________________ Date

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