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Position Statement

Church of the Trinity Metropolitan Community Church (MCC)

Racism and White Supremacy in America and in the Church

God has not given us a spirit of fear, but the spirit of power, of courage and resolution, to meet
difficulties and dangers; the spirit of love which will carry us through opposition.” 2 Timothy 1:7

At Church of the Trinity Metropolitan Community Church, we were founded on the precepts of
inclusion, diversity and Christian Social Action. Today, in the face of unprecedented acts of racism and
white supremacy in our country, we find ourselves called to look inside ourselves and find a way to
stand in the place where we should be . . . with the peaceful protesters, taking a knee, listening to the
stories of African American people, crying with the mothers who have lost their sons and daughters, and
grieving with the daughters and sons who have lost their fathers and mothers.

We stand in the place where we should be . . .

Searching and learning how to face our own white privilege and racists actions.

Confessing the times that we have turned the other way or were tone deaf, just because we

Lending our voices of whiteness and privilege to move toward the dismantling of racist
systems and structures that plague this nation at every turn.

Walking with those who feel that no matter how many black lives are lost, no
one is listening.

Offering our hearts with compassion in such a way that we become

more and more aware of our need to denounce white privilege in all its

Investing time and effort in our own education about racism

and white supremacy so as not to make it incumbent on black
people to teach us.

Standing with and beside our black siblings in every

moment because we see them and appreciate their

Speaking out against anything that would cause

our black siblings to say, “I Can’t Breathe.”

We take our place in following Jesus by saying a “Holy NO” to any who might use religion or our houses
of worship to sell goods and ideas that are for their own purposes. We recommit ourselves to walking
humbly, remaining prayerful, and always seeking justice for the least of these.

“Open the gates of justice! I will enter and tell the Lord how thankful I am.” Psalm 118:19

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