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1) In the left-hand column list at least eight interjections.

In the right-hand column, make a sentence of any of each type of sentence.

INTERJECTIONS Sentences (declarative, exclamatory, imperative, interrogative

*Use one
type of
only twice or

2) Using interjections express different type of emotions and feelings in questions and then by giving their answer.





3) Write an interjection from the word bank in the blanks below. Make sure the interjection makes sense with the sentence. Use each
interjection only once.

Yes, ugh, huh, gosh, gee, bye, oww, ah, hey, phew, hi, whoop.

1. ______________________________! You’re in my chair!

2. ______________________________, my name is Robert.

3. ______________________________, this fish is smelly.

4. ______________________________! I almost slipped.

5. That was a nice party, ______________________________?

6. ______________________________, I want to go with you.

7. ______________________________! See you later.

8. Snakes are slithery, ______________________________!

4) In the following sentences, identify the interjection and underline it.

1) Hi, I'm glad that you could make it to my party.

2) That was the best performance that I have ever seen, bravo!
3) Miners used to shout, eureka, when they struck gold.
4) Yippee, I made this picture all by myself.
5) Stop! You should always wear a helmet when riding a bike.
6) I guess that's the end of the movie, darn.

1) Hi, I'm glad that you could make it to my party.

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