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Examining an issue from different angles

Lesson Objective:
Using the lenses of different political perspectives, students will try to examine how localists and
globalists would respond to an international event .

In your own words, how would you objectively describe a localist/nationalist
Guiding questions:
What are their values? Who/what are their priorities? What characteristics do they have?
Nationalist think that their country is the best and most important. They are very defensive to
their countries and offensive to other countries that have small problems with them.

Imagine that it is Jan 2020 right now. News about the coronavirus is spreading. It has not yet
reached Thailand at this point. Most of the cases of the virus are still located in China. The thai
government is considering a travel ban, where it would not allow people from China to enter the

Task: Answer the two questions.

How would a Thai person who is a strong ​nationalist ​want their government to react to the
potential virus spreading? What would he want the Thai government to do?
He would want Thai government to close all the airlines to China, send back all the Chinese in
Thailand to China, and return all the Thai people in China quickly.

How would a Thai person who is a strong ​globalist ​want their government to react to the
potential virus spreading? What would they want the Thai government to do?
Globalists would want their government to check the temperature of all the tourists who come to
Thailand at the airport, donate money to make the vaccine, and contact other countries often to
find the best way to reduce the spread of the virus.

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